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Midterm Exam
Form 4: Integrated Science
Name: _____________________________ Teacher: _______________
Instruction: This paper consist of three sections A, B and C answer all
question in all sections

Section Marks
A 20
B 40
C 10
Total 70

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions

1. When rocks experience extremes of temperature such as in the desert where the days are
very hot and the nights are cold, the outer layer of the rock will crumble and fall away
like the layers of an onion. This process is called
a. Abrasion
b. Exfoliation
c. Weathering
d. Soil formation

2. Physical weathering can take place by which of the following

a. Oxidation
b. Action of microorganism
c. Dissolve and change in pH of rocks
d. Temperature change

3. Physical weathering can take place by all of the following except

a. Action of water
b. Ice and abrasion
c. Oxidation
d. Temperature change

4. Chemical weathering can take place by which of the following

a. Ice and abrasion
b. Oxidation
c. Temperature change
d. Action of microorganism

5. Chemical weathering can take place by all of the following except

a. Oxidation
b. Dissolving and pH changes of rocks
c. Carbonic acid
d. Action of microorganisms

6. Biological weathering can take place by which of the following

a. Oxidation
b. Temperature change
c. Action of microorganisms
d. Ice and abrasion

7. Biological weathering can take place by all of the following except

a. Plants
b. Animals
c. Microorganisms
d. Water
8. _______________ break down dead organic material in the soil.
a. Humus
b. Decomposers
c. Litter
d. Water

9. ______________ is the collective name for organic material in the soil.

a. Litter
b. Water
c. Humus
d. Decomposers

10. Which of the following soil contains high proportion of large particles?
a. Sand
b. Clay
c. Loam
d. Silt

11. Which of the following soil contains high proportion of small particles?
a. Sand
b. Clay
c. Loam
d. Silt

12. Which of the following soil contains a mixture of large and small particles?
a. Sand
b. Clay
c. Loam
d. Silt

13. Which of the following soil contain dust like particles that gives water a brown colour
when dissolved in it?
a. Sand
b. Clay
c. Loam
d. Silt
14. The air spaces between the particles are large
a. Sand and clay
b. Sand and loam
c. Loam and clay
d. Clay only

15. The air spaces between the particles are small

a. Sand and clay
b. Sand and loam
c. Clay only
d. Loam and clay

16. In which of the following soil water passes through easily and there is free draining?
a. Sand
b. Clay
c. Loam
d. Silt

17. In which of the following soil water does not pass through and it may become
a. Sand
b. Clay
c. Loam
d. Silt

18. In which of the following soil is there good drainage of water without drying out too
quickly or becoming waterlogged?
a. Sand
b. Clay
c. Loam
d. Silt

19. Which of the following soil contains the most organic matter?
a. Sand
b. Clay
c. Loam
d. Silt

20. Which of the following soil has the best soil fertility?
a. Sand
b. Clay
c. Loam
d. Silt


Section B: Short Answer Questions

1. What is a soil?




2. What is weathering?




3. Explain the physical weathering of rocks





4. Explain the chemical weathering of rocks





5. Explain the biological weathering of rocks





6. List two components of the soil




7. What is sedimentation?




8. Explain how you could carry out an experiment to demonstrate sedimentation







9. Draw and label two diagrams in the box below to show sedimentation in a jar or bottle

before and after 24 hours. 8marks

Before After 24 hours

10. What is water retention or drainage?



11. List the three main types of soil



c______________________________ 3marks

12. State two importance of humus in the soil




13. When 60cm3 of soil and 60cm3 of water were mixed the volume of slurry formed was

75cm3. What percentage of the soil was air? Show calculation


Section C: Essay
As an aspiring scientist explain to a friend in four paragraphs why loamy soil is the best for
growing plants also including the effect of physical and chemical properties on soil fertility.









































Determination is the corner stone to success ***

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