Business Communication

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Business Communication

The process of sharing by which messages produce response called communication.

Communication has different types of expression such Writing–speaking–calling-mailing-talking-sharing-
crowing-loving-laughing-expressing-smileing-smoking and many others acts are types of communication.
All acts of life could be different way of communication. Communication is life of every organization.
Without communication there is no way to share some thing to others. When a person arrives in this
universe unless he doesn’t communicate through crying nobody confirms his arrival.


Oral Writing Body Voice Space
Components of Communication
Communication consists of following components.
 Context
 Sender
 Message
 Medium
 Receiver
 Feed back
Types Of Communication
There are two types of communication
• Verbal Communication
o Oral
o Written
Where words are used
• Non-Verbal Communication
o Body
o Voice
o Space
o Object
Number less means
Communication Importance & Benefits
Communication is very important for our personal and as well as for our professional life
Ancient heritage for communication principles “Communication is life blood of every organization”
All organizations are divided their communication in to different steps.
Internal Communication
Internal communication is further divided into different types.
 Upward
 Downward
 Horizontal
Upward communication is from bottom to top.
Down communication is from top to bottom.
Horizontal communication is between the persons having same designation. It’s sharing of information and
you just share it at parallel level. There is no reporting.
External Communication
If the communication is with someone who is not a part of organization, it may be supplier, buyer, and seller
its external communication.
Communications theories
Communications Theories are given below
Electronic theory
In 1949 a few scholars presented theory of communication, its called electronic theory. According to it
communication travels in a simple straight line. Electronic signals are transferred. It contains two elements
transmitter and receiver. It’s a linear concept basically.

Communicator Message Audience

As sender
Sender Message as receiver
There is sender and receiver, in this theory communication between sender and receiver through message.
Social Environment theory
When we work and communicate together, we all participate in social situation. we need to understand the
culture and rules of the environment in order to communicate.
In this theory cracters should same but the message function remain within certain environment.

Within certain environment

Rhetorical Theory (Symbolic)
According to this theory the sender communicate the idea into the message is encoding and receiver receive
the message and decode it and reply back. When this circle is complete, communication is complete. Its
modern communication process.


Sender Receiver


With in environment
Communication Barrier
Some types of communication barriers given below
Psychological Barrier

Emotional Perceptual Selectivity

Peoples are over affected by their emotions. the people to whom you are communicate are also subject to
emotional blocks. Don’t comment when you are angry and don’t promise when you are happy.
Perceptual means to judging an event before it happens. Different peoples have different perception about
different things. People’s perceptions are based on their experiences.
From whole communication peoples will focus on their selective points and they will retain. If we are
watching a news bulletin very casual suddenly our area of interest some cricket news will come our full
focus will convert on TV.
Semantic Barrier
Words can mean different things. Their different meanings can block communication. The study of word
choice is called semantic. So kinds of blocks that arise from word choice are called semantic blocks. Jargons
are difficult terms. They are difficult to understand for receiver. We should try to reduce jargons and use
terms which simple to understand.
Physical Barrier
Communication doesn’t consist of words alone. Another set of barrier is caused by your own physical
appearance noises may occur inside the room itself e.g. blowing ac, clattering type writer, ringing phones or
out side the room like traffic noise airplanes etc.
Objective and credibility
What do you want to accomplish?
Before you start to write or speak, you must define what you are trying to accomplish.
Your Objective
The first step towards analyzing what you want to accomplish is to set your objective. Our objectives should
be well defined. There are certain tips and tricks of communication.
Your style
Once when you have defined your communication objective, you will know the appropriate communication
style. in this context, style of course doesn’t mean fashion or personality.instead it means various style
available to you when you communicate in business. Here are four basic communications
Tell Sell Confer Join



Authoritative People Participation Delegate

Tell Style
In this style you are trying to explain or instruct. Infect the tell style is often used in upward communication.
a report to your boss on your department’s activities for the whole month is tell style and tell style is also
used in external communication. In this style your interact with others.
Sell Style
In this style you give some reasons. You are making something visible for others.
Confer Style
It’s basically inviting others to share with you and to interact with you. in this you gather information or
opinion from the audience.
Join Style
All peoples join together formally and informally to discuss on certain objectives. These styles are adopted
by managers depending upon the knowledge.
As general rules of thumb, use the tell/sell style when you having all the required information and you can
understand this information with out any help from others. Usages of confer/join styles when you need more
information and need critical evalution, opinion and ideas from peoples.
Your Tone
Your tone could be friendly, harsh, positive, negitive and diplomatic. Positive tones encourage others. Body
language also supports your tone. tone is combination of your voice plus body language.
How does your Audiences perceive you?
What is credibility?
Audience’s perception about the communicator is called creditability. There are two types of creditability.
Initial credibility
Initial creditability refers to the audience’s perception about communicator before communication itself ever
takes place initial credibility. Followings are involved in credibility.
 Rank
 Good well
 Expertise
 Image
 Morality / fairness
Acquired credibility
Audience’s perception about communicator after the communication takes place is acquired creditability
The audience (Motivation)
• First to analyze your audience
• Who they are?
• What do they know and feel?
There are two types of audience
 Primary Audience
 Secondary Audience
Press peoples are example of primary audience. They are speaking to secondary audiences. you can analyze
these primary and secondary audiences based on your personal knowledge. some people may have some
positive points towards your attitude and some people may have some negative points towards your attitude.
What do they know and feel
 Knowledge and expertise of audiences.
 Attitude of the audience
 Their response towards the idea
What kind of wording they will understand? How much detail they need? Are they in favor or against?
Motivate your audience
• Punish or reward them
• X.Y.Z. stick and carrot
Threats and punishment are one way of motivation. Use threats and punishments with cautions. rewards are
the most effective way to shape behavior. most business communicators could be more successful if they
used punishment less and rewards more often.
X type of peoples work happily. They need lesser supervision and control.
Y type of peoples is work thief and found in majority.
Z in this theory the mixture of X and Y types of peoples.
Appeal to their growth needs
 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
 Herzberg’s research


Self- Esteem

Social need Friend be loving

Safety & Security

Physiological needs

Deficiency need and growth needs and without we cont survives such as food, water, sleep and shelter.
Deficiency needs are the most basic needs. Growth needs enhance our lives such as affiliation,
esteem and advancement.
Motivators Achievement, Work itself
Responsibility growth
Advancement recognition

Hygiene Factors Job security working condition
Salary and some benefits
Perform a cost / benefit analysis
Tell them the idea costs less and gives more. the communicator (like a seller) and the audience (like a buyer)
take in to account both the cost and the benefit of the behavior.
Be sensitive to character traits
There are four types of personalities
The controller
This type of personalities preferring to work alone and carefully. They are very consistent and they like facts
and statistics.
The Crusader
The Message Structure
Thinking versus Structure
If you start thinking too much you would not be able to communicate so for effective communication first
consider the following points.
• Beware of your assumptions.
• Draw valid conclusions.
• Avoid logical defects.
• Don’t jump at conclusion too fast.
• Don’t go for false causes.
• Don’t hide questionable assumptions.
• Don’t hide ideas by focusing on less important issues.
• Don’t hide ideas behind exaggeration.
• Don’t hide ideas behind irrelevant events and attack.
• Don’t overlook the available alternatives.
• Avoid the catchall explanations you isolate one factor and treat it as the only factor.
Provide a hierarchy of your ideas
• Stress you conclusion (Top level Idea) audience memory curve.
• Divide into second level points.
• Subdivide into lower level points.
Put your idea in order to
• For explanatory ideas (explain in order to time components and importance)
• For action ideas (direct approach and start with top level ideas).
• Strongest evidence (indirect approach start with least controversial points).
• Present rejected alternative.
• Use strongest evidence at last.
The Response Feed back Listening Skills
How you look?
Your looks will determine the motivation of others.
Your Posture
(Open posture and close posture) you can adopt open and close posture. Confining your self within your self
is close posture. Open posture is welcomed all the time. Avoid aggressive posture.
Your gesture
Your facial expression is also important. Perhaps most important signals of attentive listing is your eye
contact. the distances between you and the person toughing also communicate your interest and
involvements.altogather the important thing to keep in mind about non verbal signals of listening is how
they make the speaker feel.
How you feel and thing?
 Be patient. Controlling feeling is often difficult. Listen to the person you may want to interrupt or
disagree before the person speaking is finished.
 Be positive. Improve your self-control.
 Don’t block communication.
 Listen first then speak.
 Empathize with the talker.
 Don’t get over affected by talker.look, dress, skin, colour, sex and style.
 Don’t take detail notes, give attention to wards as well.
What to say?
 Avoid saying something unnecessary.
 Stop talking to your self while listening.
 Ask general questions.
 Ask for clarification.
 Use brief phrases.
Reading Skills
Reading comprehension
Try doing active reading
By asking question
The first way to become an active reader is to ask questions as you read. before you start reading ask
yourself that what your purpose is for reading. Questioning before you start reading will increase both your
anticipation and interest.
Use recall technique
To recall anything you must structure it in someway. Annotation is second recall technique. when you
annotate as you read you make the structure visible by using the symbols. the final recall technique is
summarize. Summarize may be mentol, oral, written or a combination. this exercise is normally done by the
Reading speed (SARAS Method)
The first in saras method is survey. When you survey you need three things only
 The beginning
 The end and the structural clues.
 Surveying allows you understanding quickly.
The second step in this method is to analyze it that is base on your will be able to decide if it is
worth of your time to
 Read entire selection
 Read only certain points
 Not read it at all
Read it at appropriate speed
The first speed is called speed reading or skimming. The second speed is to call general reading or
accelerating then comes careful reading or phrase reading.
Giving feedback
Speaking Feedback
 You can ask open-ended questions to know more.
 You can read non-verbal signs of peoples when they disagree or they don’t understand.
 You can clarify the question at the spot.
 You can end it in a positive tone even a bad feedback.
Writing Feedback
 You can take more time to make it more proper.
 You can be more detailed.
 You can give permanent record/evidence.
 You can get help from sometime to take a look on your comments.
 Examine your own motivation. You must set your self for help not for creating problems.
 Gain trust by using positive sense and words.
 Include positive and negative points.
 Create sense of understanding, give attention to your comments and their concept that would be
Receiving Feedback
 Avoid defensiveness.
 Don’t become defensive while receiving.
 Exchange ideas and concepts.
 Don’t take criticism of your ideas as criticism of your own/yourself.
 Remember rejection of your ideas is not rejection of your self.
 People share their insecurity and uncertainty with you and behave a like.
 If someone disagree with you don’t immediate defend yourself.
Encourage Response
 You must encourage response encourage participants to give respons.don’t interrupt the questions of
 Don’t adopt discovering verbal and non-verbal behavior.
 Give time for feedback.
 Reward and appreciate feedback.
Message contain on below method
• Introduction
• Detail
• Summary/assurance
• Conclusion


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