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Noah Exquis

Route de l’Abbaye 19
CH-1168 Villars-sous-Yens
+ 41 78 697 57 00
Student Affairs
CH – 1015 Lausanne
Villars-sous-Yens, the 31th 31st of October 2021

Application for the Master of Science in Sustainable Management & Technology

Dear Madam or Sir, If possible, find the name of the person in charge (eventually “Dear hiring members”)

I am contacting you to express my motivation in undertaking the Master of Science program in Sustainable
Management & Technology and submit my application for the entrance of Fall 2022. Following my Bachelor
studies, I am currently doing a year of internships to combine my academic knowledge with industry insights
in a professional environment.

I am a resourceful, passionate, and solution-oriented student who has been finding the balance between
studying soft skills and hard skills. During a German bilingual program in High School as well as during my
exchange semester in South Korea during Covid-19, I was able to demonstrate my capability for foreign
languages and my ability to adapt myself to new environments. During my studies at HEC Lausanne, I
enjoyed classes such as Mathematics, Macroeconomics, Statistics, Econometrics, Finance, and Management.
My academic accomplishments were mostly in quantitative courses. However, I enjoy the combination of
hard and soft skills such as experienced in team projects in the class (Sven pas compris, do you mean such as
experience in team projects?) of Econometrics I, for which my team got the maximum grade.

During my extracurricular experiences, I had the chance to participate in several Hackathons including the
one on Smart Cities organised organized by Open Geneva. Our topic was explores how a smart city could
help its inhabitants participating to participate in the ecological transition. During the workshop, my team
came to the conclusion concluded that we had to address the problematic with from a different point of
view: Living in a Smart City would not turn its inhabitants into ecologically responsible citizens as most of the
Smart Cities in the world today are not imagined through their sustainable qualities but their technological
ones. That is why we had to find a solution that would motivate people to act by themselves. Based on this
premise, we developed the concept of a participatory platform encouraging citizens to take action act for
their city, and to facilitate the dialogue between society’s actors by using typical sensors of a Smart City.
Despite its complexity, this project has earned us positive feedback from experts in the field.

Real estate is one of the most tangible, and longest lasting assets (in Switzerland, buildings are built for
about 90 years). Therefore, the way a building is constructed has a significant impact on the urban
landscape, society, and the environment. I am currently doing an internship at Losinger-Marazzi, a leading
real estate company in Switzerland specialized in intelligent and sustainable construction, which takes these
factors thoroughly into account. In the framework of my internship, I can experience how managers and
engineers use their skills to build sustainable neighbourhoods and develop projects in a responsible and
participative way. In this frame of mind, I worked in the design of a project that will perhaps see the light of
day on the Unil UNIL campus in collaboration with the EPFL. Similarly, the master’s program in Sustainable
Management & Technology welcomes both engineers and managers(Pas sûr si c’est le bon mot managers,
dans le sens ou ya des manager engineer et des economics pas managers, mais c’est pas très important  ).
It is in this dynamic environment of exchange and collaboration that I would love to further my academic
knowledge and personal development.
During my professional experiences, I have contributed several times in to the IT transition of the company I
worked for. When I was an auxiliary at the State of Vaud, I helped my colleagues to change their OS and
screen interface. In the scope of my current position, one of my tasks is to contribute to the improvement of
the IT work process to facilitate the creation of projects. Moreover, I am helping in the elaboration of a
website prototype for commercial offers.

I am applying for this master’s program for the following reasons. Technology deeply impacts our world, in
every possible way, and has an impact on how society works. Moreover, this programme is a unique
combination of hard skills, and soft skills subjects with sustainability as leitmotiv which I think is the best way
to have impactful results for the future. I would like to point out that have a lively interest for in technology
as long as if it takes society and the environment into account. To return to my example on the subject of
about Smart Cities: there is no such thing as "Smart" with technology alone.

A 2017 study by the Institute for the Future and Dell Technologies estimates that 85% of jobs in 2030 do not
yet exist. The economy is engaged in a process of creative destruction: old jobs are being destroyed to be
replaced by new ones at an unprecedented rate. In the future, I would like to bring forward solutions to the
challenges imposed by climate change. I would like to join your program because not only do I think your
intentions are right, but I would also like to be an active player in of tomorrow’s entrepreneurial world
contributing to the ecological transition.

Your Master's programme is relatively new. Thus, I did not take all recommended courses for this
programme due to a lack of knowledge. I could therefore offer to take extra credits if there were any gaps in
my application. I can guarantee you that I will be highly engaged and that I will push myself to exceed your
expectations. -> demander à Sven
Je n’aime pas trop cette fin dans le sens où ça weaken ta position en disant que tu n’es pas le candidat
parfait. La première phrase met le lecteur dans une position défensive car c’est perçu comme «  le
programme est trop récent donc on n’a pas le bon background » (attention a la manière de dire les choses).
Ton closing doit highlight pourquoi tu es fort pour ce programme. Pas dire je promets ou garanti de faire ci-
ça, juste dit que tu vas faire ci-ça. C’est beaucoup plus strong.
Fait simplement un résumé en trois points sur pourquoi tu es motivés et ce que tu vas apporter aux autres
étudiants du programme.
Avec plaisir que je lirais la nouvelle version 

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application, and I look forward to hearing from you in the near
future soon.

Noah Exquis

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