Xavier Anderson - Reoprt

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One method that was used to sustain tourism is by funding a community Tented camp.

In Ruhija, there
were not that much tourists coming in other than bird watchers coming in to view the environment, but
once they knew that gorillas are inhabited in that area and tourists started to come in, there would
nothing but a land rush. Therefore, the community came to a concept of funding a community tented
camp. This can be used to help fund other initiatives within the community as they wanted to provide
housing and hospitality for the tourists coming in. When the camp has first opened in 2008, being a
short in December, they had twenty-four visitors; I 2009 they had eighty-six visitors and in 2010 they
had three hundred and fourteen visitors. As a result, Uganda has generated enough income for people
living in the rural community.

Another method that was used to sustain tourism is through crafting. In Uganda, employment is very
limited, especially for women, so the community in Kibali has organized the women in the community
into a craft development group as they have over two hundred and fifty members producing crafts for
sale in zoos across North America. However, they do not organized this just for income generation, as
they also do this for fighting for women`s rights as well as supporting for children`s education.

The final method that was used to sustain tourism is through the tree plantation. There is a second
group in Kibali, where they have initiated an apiary as well as tree plantation for native trees for
medicinal needs. The honey that they gotten from the apiary, they planned to sell it to the community,
take it to Fort Portal as well as export it to other countries but only if they have it in big quantity. Also,
this is one of the friendliest projects that they have concept as they do not need to damage the
environment. Furthermore, they have planted trees for medicinal purposes. One of the tree being the
Warburgia Ugandesis as when a person has a cough, he or she can eat the leaves of the tree to cure it,
and another tree being the Prunus Africana as when a person has either Malaria or fever, they can cut
the bark off of it and cook it, it will also cure it. Therefore, they are trying to produce as many species of
trees as possible as it can be beneficial to the community as well as to promote the conversation

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