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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 2: Marketing Planning and Processes

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Nguyen Thi My Chau Student ID GBD201762

Class GBD1002 Assessor name Nguyen Thi Kieu Trang

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 M1 M2 D1
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Table of Contents
I In troduction to the concept of marketing.....................................................................................................4

1 Definitition of Markerting .......................................................................................................................... 4

2 Five concepts of Marketing ........................................................................................................................ 4
II. . Five stages in Marketing Process: ................................................................................................................ 5
III. An analysis of the role and responsibilities of marketing function in the context of PNJ. ................................ 8
1 . Introduction about PNJ............................................................................................................................. 8
2. The Role of Marketing ............................................................................................................................... 9
IV. An analysis of how marketing influences and interrelates with other functional departments in PNJ. .......... 10
VI. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................ 13
V References....................................................................................................................................................14

Table of Figures:

Figure 1. Five concepts of Marketing..............................................................................................................4

Figure 2. Marketing Process...........................................................................................................................5

Figure 3. Interrelationship between Marketing function and other function units..........................................9


1 Definitition of Markerting
Marketing is the process of planning and executing in conception, pricing, promotion

and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchange and satisfy individuals

organisational objectives (Brassington & stephen pettitt, 2004).

2 Five concepts of Marketing

Figure 1. Five concepts of Marketing

+ Production concept: Consumers will often prefer products that are available and
reasonably priced. Management needs to focus on improving production and distribution
efficiency (Maximilian Claessens , 2015).

-For example, KFC, jollibee and fast food chains in general also aim to increase their

+Product Concept: The product concept proposes that customers will favor high quality,
formal, and outstanding items over a conventional item (Maximilian Claessens , 2015).
-Example: In general, in Vietnam, Trung Nguyen legend is one of the brands that is
basically the main product concept that creates the company's success; coffee is actually
considered secondary. No other coffee brand can build such a brand.

+Selling Concept: Define sales concept as “the idea that a company should sell products it
already produces rather than create and sell new products that customers might want”
(Maximilian Claessens , 2015).

-For example: Companies that use the concept of sales are usually life insurance

+Marketing Concept: The marketing concept holds that a company's success depends on
its marketing efforts and in providing a better value proposition than its competitors in its
own target market company (Maximilian Claessens , 2015).

- For example: Samsung not only tailors its products to customer preferences, and it also
adds many incentives to its sstrateg.

+ Social marketing concept: Social marketing concept that a company must be great make
choices by considering consumer needs, company prerequisites, and long-term benefits
of society ( Hitesh Bhasin, 2019).

-For example: Some companies like Trung Nguyen lengend, Nestléwith the mission of
improving farmers' lives and making agriculture better. So they will have resources to
create better quality.

II. Five stages in Marketing Process:

The marketing process is how companies create value for customers and build strong
customer relationships in return for value from customers. A 5-step process of a
marketing framework in which value is created for the customer and the marketer derives
value from the customer. Includes sections such as: market and customer needs and
desires: Design a customer-focused marketing strategy; build an integrated marketing
plan that delivers superior value; build beneficial relationships; capture value from
customers (Anon., 2021).
Figure 2 Marketing Process

Step 1: Understand the marketplace and customer needs and wants

It is important for the marketing process to define who the consumer is and what they
need and care about. Before any other meaningful activities and campaigns, Enterprises
should fully understand the industry. To achieve this, they need to research the market
firmly, as well as where the wants and expectations of their customers are. At the same
time, market information and customer data, i.e. marketing information, must be
managed (Anon., 2021).

For example: PNJ's mission statement is"PNJ is constantly innovating to bring exquisite
products with real value to honor the beauty of people and life" (PNJ, 2020).It also needs
research market, customer needs and wants, and manage marketing information and
customer data.

Step 2: Designing a customer-driven marketing strategy:

Areas of focus for marketing strategy design:

- The first is selecting customers for servicers - determining target markets: the company
decides who it will serve in the near future and divides customer segments. They target
customers based on the extent, timing and nature of their needs (Anon., 2021).
- The second is to decide how to best serve the customer - choose the value proposition:
They decide how it will serve their customers. That is how it will differentiate itself and its
place in the vibrant market. A brand's value proposition is the set of values and benefits
that the brand promises to bring to its customers. Companies need to design powerful
value proposition themes to give them the most bang for their buck in their title market
(Anon., 2021).

For example: PNJ has segmentation and targeting of their customers, which helps them to
design in accordance with the customer segments they are target.

Step 3: Construct marketing program that delivers superior value:

The company's marketing strategy outlines the customers the company will serve and
how it will create value. The company then focused on creating an integrated marketing
campaign, known as the marketing mix that could be executed as the marketing plan had
been planned. The goal of a marketing campaign is to turn the marketing plan into a
tangible profit for the consumer. The marketing campaign will then deliver the intended
value to the target customer. Marketing software is also known as the 4 P's product,
price, promotion, and place including the four marketing mixes the components.A
marketing program builds customer relationships by turning marketing strategy into
action. To achieve this, it needs to combine all of these marketing tools into a
comprehensive, integrated marketing program that communicates and delivers the value
customers expect (Anon., 2021).

For example: At this stage, PNJ needs to analyze the 4P’s carefully to create a good and
suitable marketing plan for the company.

Step 4: Building profitable relationships and create customer delight:

The next stage of the marketing process, trying to create value for consumers, establishes
beneficial consumer relationships with target customers. The factors that contribute to
success in this area go far beyond satisfying consumers. Instead, orientation and ways to
create consumer satisfaction, ensure that the company's products meet the needs of
consumers. The customer will then replicate the act of buying and remain loyal to the
Company. This is also possibly the most important step in the first phase of marketing
process. Mechanisms leading to customer acquisition and retention relationship is CRM,
Customer Relationship Management. However, businesses.However the bussines cannot
do all of this alone. Creating value for customers and maintaining customer relationships
also requires strong collaboration and cooperation (Anon., 2021).

For example: PNJ's CRM builds strong relationships with its own customers and PRM is
building strong relationships with marketing partners.

Step 5: Capture value from customers:

Capturing value from consumers ensures that businesses are able to profitable
production and fair consumption. This focuses on happiness, contentment and loyalty
consumers reproduce the act of buying and thus come back to buy more and than. As a
result, the company will reap long-term benefits, that is Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
(Anon., 2021).

For example: PNJ has created a certain customer satisfaction for the company's products
and services, and the customer's enjoyment for a long time helps the company capture
the long-term value of the company. customers and increase customer share and market

III. An analysis of the role and responsibilities of marketing function in the context of

1 . Introduction about PNJ

Today's market is very competitive and many different companies are trying their best to
satisfy their customers. Therefore, in order not to be eliminated from the market,
companies must always innovate themselves to follow customer's need. Companies must
have clear and effective tactics to develop and attract brands client. PNJ is one of the
most famous brands in the jewelry industry. PNJ was established in 1988 , after 33 years
of presence in the Vietnamese market, PNJ has built a strong brand and position.
Attracting a large source of customers and being present all over the country. Currently,
PNJ has more than 56 branches and 339 stores across the country.

Company profile
Company name Phu Nhuan Jewelry Joint Stock
Trading name PNJ

The head office 170E Phan Dang Luu Street,

Ward 3, Phu Nhuan District, Ho
Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Website address

Switchboard (028) 3995 1703

Fax (028) 3995 1702

2. The Role of Marketing

Structure of marketing departments:

a. Sales Department:

It's important in the sales department to have a good sales force and a growing number
of organizations. The sales department is responsible for selling, retaining customers and
expanding the market. And it is important for the sales department to maintain and
develop customer relationships that help grow the company and it's also a way of
retaining customers, not to mention improving profits (Levinson, 2018).

b. Distribution Department:
The distribution department is responsible for receiving items from pre-ordered suppliers
and forwarding those items to the appropriate department in the company (Tatum, n.d.).

c. Promotion department:

Promotion refers to all activities of conveying information about products, brands and
services to customers encourage and persuade them to buy good, ideal products instead
of other surrounding things.

d. R&D Department:

The research and development (R&D) department is responsible for innovations in

design, product and style. This division is responsible for creating innovative new products
to keep companies one step ahead of the competition. Many companies also rely on R&D
departments to improve existing consumer products and explore new ways of
production. By engaging in R&D, an organization is investing in technologies and future
skills, translating them into innovative systems, goods and services. The inflow of
information that R&D provides may be highly useful in improving product lines or in
improving processes. At the fundamental level, R&D is a tool, but it has the ability to be
incredibly successful (W, n.d.).

IV. An analysis of how marketing influences and interrelates with other

functional departments in PNJ.

Figure 3. Interrelationship between Marketing function and other function units

1 Marketing and Finance:
a. The Finance department helps the business to spend its expenses more
rationally. And so, the relationship between finance and marketing is a
development based on finance and marketing. Finance their main task is to take
care of financial matters, such as profitability, costs, project feasibility, business
growth, year-end financial results, etc. while the marketing department is
concerned with sales goals, sales pricing, competitor sales, promotion and
advertising, data mining, etc. Sales of business product would not grow without
advertising and promotion so all departments have their own certain duties. The
core function of finance is to find ways to collect money, and the entire financial
system becomes redundant when there is no profit. Similarly, one must have a
good financial base for successful marketing and it is the financial source for the
company to carry out its marketing priorities such as growth goals, purchase
price of goods, salary for employees. sales, planning and making sure that
everything goes according to plan or not.
b. Conflict in finance and marketing departments: Finance needs evidence to
weigh expenses properly, often requiring a specific price to cover costs and
contribute to profits. On the other hand, marketing seems to need flexibility to
operate intuitively due to constantly changing needs. In a narrower perspective
than Marketing, we will see more clearly the reality of pricing, which should be
readily apparent short-term financial risk to expand the brand or to improve its
economic goals (readyratios, 2016).
2 Marketing and R&D:
a. The relationship between R&D and the marketing department is the change in
consumer demand. According to empirical studies, consumer demand is
increasing and has a strong impact on new goods. In addition, higher consumer
expectations drive better business processes and thus increase the need for
integration between R&D and marketing (Petruska, 2004). Even the transfer of
technology. It is agreed that the speed of technology development, the shorter
the technology life cycle, the higher the technical difficulty of the project. In this
way, higher R&D and marketing integration are required.
b. Conflicts within the R&D and marketing departments: Although advertisers are
primarily concerned with identifying market needs and satisfying customer
wants and avoiding risky pricing, the R&D department works on aspects of
publicity. technology and quality practice. Furthermore, their diverse views will
also contribute to competing agendas and power struggles
3 Marketing and Manufacturing:
a. The relationship between the production department and the marketing
department is essential because the production department has a production role
that focuses on the creation of new products, the number of products, but also
product quality must be ensured. However, marketing focuses on satisfying the
consumer and meeting specifications. Therefore, the organization must cooperate
between sales and production locations to minimize the conflict that exists
between them to increase sales, meet the needs of the market.
b. Conflicts between the manufacturing and marketing departments:
It is in the industry's interest to operate large-scale, long-term production with as
few variations on basic commodities as possible, and that transitions to
commodities are rarely possible, at least in the case of products. mass export. This
suggests that manufacturing will tend to comply with conventional orders rather
than through custom orders. If new rows are required, the longer lead times they
are provided to get the output up to speed and running reliably, the better.
However, there is a stronger sense of urgency in promotions and the constant
demand is greater. Marketing will aim to accelerate the development of a wide
variety of merchandise to meet the multitude of brand requirements, and
merchandise updates may be intermittent to keep the market vibrant.
4 Marketing and HRM:
Regarding human resources, HRM will support the marketing department. HRM
will guarantee
All employees are fully trained in the necessary knowledge and qualified to build
an ambitious and competent marketing department (Misa Amis, 2021).
5 Marketing and Purchasing:
The marketing department will use many different forms, many different ways to
reach customers, many different ways to sell and get goods and that helps the
store's services get closer to consumers. From there, the amount users of products
and services and coming to PNJ will increase (Techrepublic, 2021).

VI. Conclusion
This article defines and describes specifically the meaning, functions, roles and
responsibilities of marketing. In addition, the study also shows the interaction relationship
between the company and the business, customers and especially, the relationship
between the advertising department and other parts of the industry and the company.
The above shows that the marketing department is one of the equally important parts of
the company's system. The marketing department plays a significant part in helping
businesses in general and PNJ in particular help the public know more about the
company's products and services, bringing in great revenue. With PNJ, the company is
reaping success thanks to the experienced Marketing department in penetrating and
establishing in new markets, which also helps PNJ promote brand development, increase
revenue and build brand for PNJ enterprise and the Marketing Department is helping PNJ
create applicable tactics to delight consumers and follow new theories to succeed in a
dynamic market. Create more engaging campaigns
VII. References

Hitesh Bhasin, 2019. [Online]

Available at:

Anon., 2021. [Online]

Available at:

Brassington & stephen pettitt, 2004. essentials of marketing frances. s.l.:s.n.

Levinson, C., 2018. bizfluent. [Online]

Available at:

Maximilian Claessens , 2015. [Online]

Available at:

Misa Amis, 2021. Misa Amis. [Online]

Available at:

PNJ, 2020. PNJ annual. [Online]

Available at:

readyratios, 2016. [Online]

Available at:

Tatum, M., n.d. smartcapitalmind. [Online]

Available at:

Techrepublic, 2021. techrepublic. [Online]

Available at:

W, A., n.d. smartcapitalmind. [Online]

Available at:

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