Building Your Linkedin Lead Generation Machine

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Building Your Lead Generation Machine

• Outbound strategies can be done using a free account

• We’re going to break it down to a science so you know exactly what to do and
what to say

• It’s going to take work, but once you understand it, you will get results
Goal = Generate Meetings using LinkedIn
LinkedIn Machine Methodology

Connection Message Message Prospect Schedule

Request Sent “Seen” Responds Meeting

Connection Request
LinkedIn Machine Hit List Excel
Keep in mind how people will be viewing your message.
When to Send LinkedIn Messages

• Monday through Friday

• 6 AM to 7 AM (In Your Time Zone)

• Or 6 AM to 7 AM PST (If U.S. Market)

• Sometimes Sunday 8 PM (In Your Time Zone)

Your goal is to get a meeting either in person or over the phone.
So far, you’ve optimized your profile.
Learned how to create an Ideal Customer Profile.
Should have an idea of what kind of companies you want
to add to your Hit List.
Next, go on LinkedIn and “connect” with specific prospects
that fit your target demographic.
Remember to focus on Director Level or above.
Once they connect with you, you will send them a message asking if they
would be interested in talking with you.
Pain Formula

• Make the prospects latent pain into a realized pain

• Make it hurt as much as possible

• At the end, position yourself as the “Doctor” who can make the pain go away.
Pain Formula

Hey [prospect],

I noticed that you’re website currently isn’t running [solution] which typically increases
monthly revenue by 34%.

Implementing [solution] to increase sales is something we help [industry] companies with all
the time. Some of our clients include [X,Y,Z].

So if it makes sense to talk, let me know what your calendar looks like.

But if not, who do you recommend I talk to?


[Your Name]
Pain Formula

Hey [prospect],

I noticed that you’re website currently isn’t running [solution] which typically increases
monthly revenue by 34%.

Implementing [solution] to increase sales is something we help [industry] companies with all
the time. Some of our clients include [X,Y,Z].

So if it makes sense to talk, let me know what your calendar looks like.

But if not, who do you recommend I talk to?


[Your Name]
Pain Formula

Hey [prospect],

I noticed that you’re website currently isn’t running [solution] which typically increases monthly
revenue by 34%.

Implementing [solution] to increase sales is something we help [industry] companies

with all the time. Some of our clients include [X,Y,Z].

So if it makes sense to talk, let me know what your calendar looks like.

But if not, who do you recommend I talk to?


[Your Name]
Pain Formula

Hey [prospect],

I noticed that you’re website currently isn’t running [solution] which typically increases monthly
revenue by 34%.

Implementing [solution] to increase sales is something we help [industry] companies with all
the time. Some of our clients include [X,Y,Z].

So if it makes sense to talk, let me know what your calendar looks like.

But if not, who do you recommend I talk to?


[Your Name]
Pain Formula: Recruiting Software Example

Hey Candice,

Great connecting with you here.

Now I noticed that even though you’re such a large hospital, you’re still processing all your recruiting
applications manually. And I’m sure you’re getting hundreds of applications per month.

I actually help hospitals like yours automate the entire recruiting process with technology so you and your team
can focus on finding the best candidates rather than administrative work. In fact, some of our clients include

So if it makes sense to talk, let me know what your calendar looks like.

But if not, who do you recommend I talk to?


[Your Name]
Pain Formula: Instagram Example

Hey John,

Great connecting with you here.

Now I noticed that you’re restaurant currently isn’t running an Instagram account which typically can
increase local foot traffic by 65% for restaurants in the Los Angeles area.

Starting, running, and creating content for Instagram is something that we actually help LA
based restaurants like yours with all the time. In fact, some of our clients include [X,Y,Z].

So if it makes sense to talk, let me know what your calendar looks

like. But if not, who do you recommend I talk to?


[Your Name]
Appropriate Person
Appropriate Person

Hey [prospect],

I’m writing in hopes of finding the appropriate person who handles [department]. So if it makes sense to
talk, let me know how your calendar looks.

[Insert Pitch = Pain + Solution] (same format as the Pain Formula)

Some of our clients include Company X, Company Y, & Company Z.

If you are the appropriate person to speak with, what does your calendar look like?

If not, who do you recommend I talk to?


[Your name]
Does each message have to be customized for each individual?
Solve for a common pain your ICP have in common, and you can use the
same message for almost everyone who fits that specific ICP.
At a minimum narrow it down to [industry + pain].
2nd Degree Connections Introductions
Asking for an Introduction
Asking for an Introduction

2nd Degree Connection

want to talk to this person
Asking for an Introduction

1st Degree Connection 2nd Degree Connection

ask for intro makes intro
Asking for an Introduction Template

• Don’t appear to be a spammer

• Position yourself as someone who offers value to the 1st Degree Connection and
the 2nd Degree Connection

• First Degree connection should feel good about making the intro
Asking for an Introduction Template

• Hey [1st Degree Connection]

• [Insert statement about context of how you met or what you’re asking for]

• [Make a reference to who you would like to be introduced to and explain why
you’re asking]

• [Ask your question and make it as easy as possible for them to say Yes]

• Thanks, [Your Name]

Asking for an Introduction Template

Hey John,

It was great connecting with you again at InfluenceCon last weekend. Happy to hear your team just
raised another $5M!

And like we talked about, you mentioned that it might make sense for me to connect with Sarah over
at Kingdom Ventures to see if I may be able to help her out with her influencer marketing campaigns.

I’m sure you have a lot on your plate right now so I went ahead and attached a quick message
below to make the introduction as easy for you as possible.

With that said, would be able to make the introduction for me here? But if not, that’s totally

fine. Thanks,

[Your Name]
2nd Degree Connections Name Dropping
Using leverage from a 1st Degree Connection without asking for an intro.
Name Dropping Template

Hey John,

I saw we were both connected to Julie Chu and thought it might make sense for
us to talk.

[Insert Pain Formula Pitch]

So if it makes sense to talk, let me know what your calendar looks like.

But if not, who do you recommend I talk to?


[Your Name]
Same Group Template

Hey John,

I saw we were both members of [insert group] and thought it might make sense for us
to talk.

[Insert Pain Formula Pitch]

So if it makes sense to talk, let me know what your calendar looks like.

But if not, who do you recommend I talk to?


[Your Name]
Newsfeed Template

• Hey [1st Degree Connection]

• [Insert statement reference context from LinkedIn News Feed]

• [Insert Pain Formula Pitch] (Pain + Solution)

• So if it makes sense to talk, let me know what your calendar looks like.

• But if not, who do you recommend I talk to?

• Thanks, [Your Name]

Newsfeed Template Example

Hey Vicky,

Thanks for sharing the article about how influencer marketing has the potential to
disrupt the travel industry.

[Insert Pain Formula Pitch] (Pain + Solution)

So if it makes sense to talk, let me know what your calendar looks like.


[Your Name]
Event Based Template

Hey Tommy,

Congratulations on being featured in XXX.

[Insert Pain Formula Pitch] (Pain +


So if it makes sense to talk, let me know what your calendar looks like.


[Your Name]
Some prospects will not respond, but don’t take it personally.
Why Prospects Don’t Respond

• It got lost in their inbox

• They intended to but forgot

• They had other priorities

• They didn’t read you message fully and didn’t realize the value you have to offer

• Your message was not relevant or valuable to them

Follow Up Schedule

• Follow up between 3 and 7 days

• Only follow up a maximum of 3 times per prospect

Follow Up Template #1

Hey John,

I haven’t heard back from you last week.

If it makes sense to talk, let me know how your calendar looks.

If not, who is the appropriate person to talk to?


Follow Up Template #2

Hey John,

I wanted to follow up about helping you increase [unique value].

If it still makes sense to talk, let me know what your calendar looks like.


When Prospect Responds Positively

Hey John,

Great hearing from you. I just sent over a calendar invite for this Thursday at
11:30AM with my conference line attached to it.

If you have any questions in the meantime or if there are any changes in
scheduling, feel free to send me a note.

Talk soon,

When Prospect Responds Positively

Hey Sally,

Great hearing from you. What’s the best email address and number to reach you at
for our call?

Once you send that over, I’ll go ahead and send you a calendar invite.

Looking forward to chatting with you soon.


When Prospect Responds Positively Without a Specific Time

Hey Tim,

Great hearing from you. Here are a couple of times that work for me this week:
• Wednesday (Oct 24) at 10:30AM PST
• Thursday (Oct 25) at 2:00PM PST
• Thursday (Oct 25) at 4:00PM PST

Go ahead and pick a time that works best for you as well as the best number to reach you at and I’ll give you a call

But if none of these times work for you, let me know what does and I’ll work around your schedule.


Setting a Meeting with Calandly

Hey John,

Great hearing from you. Now here’s a link to my calendar [insert Calandly link].

Go ahead and pick the time that works for you best and we’ll talk then.

But if none of the time slots work for you, let me know what does and I’ll do
my best to make it work on my end.



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