Science of The Total Environment: Yiling Li, Wen-Xiong Wang

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Science of the Total Environment 782 (2021) 146933

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Silver nanowires kinetics and real-time imaging of in situ Ag ion

dissolution in Daphnia magna
Yiling Li, Wen-Xiong Wang ⁎
School of Energy and Environment and Hong Kong Branch of the Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou), State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution, City
University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
Research Centre for the Oceans and Human Health, City University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen 518057, China


• AgNWs were efficiently removed by

D. magna and difficult to be depurated.
• Diameter did not affect the toxicity,
uptake, depuration, and dissolution of
• An aggregation-induced emission based
luminogen visualized the Ag+ in
D. magna.
• Ag+ release contributed less to AgNWs'
toxicity compared to AgNPs.
• Dissolved Ag+ in daphnid gut showed
the trends of anterior gut > midgut >

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Silver nanowires (AgNWs) as high-aspect-ratio nanomaterials are extensively employed in industrial products,
Received 27 December 2020 and may pose potential risks of exposure to humans and other living organisms. Nevertheless, little is known
Received in revised form 2 March 2021 about their potential environmental fates and toxicological characteristic. Herein, the uptake and depuration ki-
Accepted 30 March 2021
netics of AgNWs in Daphnia magna at various exposure concentrations were comprehensively evaluated for the
Available online 6 April 2021
first time. Further, the distribution pattern of released Ag+ in the gut of D. magna as well as the total amount of
Editor: Daniel Wunderlin Ag+ were qualitatively and quantitatively investigated. Rapid accumulation of AgNWs in D. magna was observed,
and the steady-state concentration was obtained within 24-h. Depuration of AgNWs was limited, with 30–40% of
accumulated AgNWs being eliminated within 24-h. The released Ag+ from AgNWs in D. magna was monitored
Keywords: by real-time in situ imaging with the application of aggregation-induced emission luminogen. At equilibrium
Silver nanowires state of depuration, the released Ag+ reached 26.9 μg/g, equivalent to 5.4% of the total accumulated AgNWs in
D. magna D. magna exposed to 500 μg/L AgNWs for 12-h. Such in vivo dissolution of AgNWs was significantly higher
Ionic silver release than that in D. magna culture medium in vitro (2.6%). Compared with other Ag nanoparticles, Ag+ release from
In situ imaging
AgNWs in D. magna contributed much less to the observed AgNWs toxicity, and was able to transport to inner
Aggregation-induced emission
sides of daphnids, including gills and hemolymph. The slow depurations of both AgNWs and Ag+ in D. magna
may thus contribute to their joined chronic toxic effects.
© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
⁎ Corresponding author at: School of Energy and Environment and Hong Kong Branch
of the Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou),
State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong
The quantity and diversity of engineered nanomaterials (NMs) are
Kong, China. increasing rapidly in recent years. The high-aspect-ratio nanowires
E-mail address: (W.-X. Wang). (NWs), especially those composing of metals, represent a promising
0048-9697/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Li and W.-X. Wang Science of the Total Environment 782 (2021) 146933

and active field of nanoscience (Choi et al., 2016). Among these various laser scanning microscope (CLSM), was utilized to in situ image the dis-
metal nanowires, silver nanowires (AgNWs) are currently garnering solved Ag+ in D. magna. The findings of this work provided insight on
great commercialization attention in conducting electrodes and me- the biological behavior of AgNWs in D. magna for the first time.
chanical equipment because of their comparable transparency and
high thermal conductivity (Langley et al., 2012; Sannicolo et al., 2016). 2. Materials and methods
As a nanoscale platform, they also have various biological and medical
applications such as drug delivery, biomarker detection, and biosensors 2.1. Ag nanowires characterization
(Lee et al., 2018; Mandal et al., 2017). During their manufacture, utiliza-
tion, and disposal processes, AgNWs may finally end up in aquatic eco- Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-coated AgNWs were purchased from
systems and pose potential risks to aquatic organisms (Baalousha et al., Suzhou Lengshi Ltd (Suzhou, China). The morphology of AgNWs was in-
2016; Dobias and Bernier-Latmani, 2013; Lazareva and Keller, 2014; vestigated using optical microscope, scanning electron microscope
Maynard et al., 2006). Therefore, there are considerable needs to study (SEM, Carl Zeiss EVO MA10, USA), and transmission electron micro-
their environmental fates and toxicities in aquatic environments. scope (TEM, JEM, 2010). As shown in Fig. S1 and Table S1, the diameters
Works focusing on the environmental transformation of AgNWs and of the two AgNWs (named AgNWs-S and AgNWs-L) were 63.49
their ecological or biological toxicity are limited. Sohn et al. (2015) in- (46.89–75.23 nm) and 80.52 (54.14–111.12 nm), respectively. There
vestigated the ecotoxicological impacts of AgNWs on the freshwater en- was a statistically significant difference between the diameters of
vironments, and classified AgNWs as “category acute 1” for D. magna, these two AgNWs (p < 0.05). These two AgNWs showed similar lengths,
“category acute 2” for fish, and “category acute 2” for algae. They sug- which were 7.75 ± 3.43 μm and 7.40 ± 3.14 μm for AgNWs-S and
gested that more attention should be paid to the toxicity of AgNWs-L, respectively (Fig. S1 and Table S1). The surface areas for
nanomaterials on freshwater aquatic environments. There is now a gen- AgNWs-S and AgNWs-L were determined by simplified geometric cal-
eral consensus that the released Ag+ is the source of toxic effects of me- culations, assuming the AgNWs as perfect cylinder with a circular
tallic silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) (Li et al., 2015; Poynton et al., 2012; base. The calculated surface area of AgNWs-S and AgNWs-L was 6.68
Zhang and Wang, 2018), but this remains not well studied for AgNWs. and 5.03 m2/g, respectively. The average hydrodynamic diameter and
The increasing applications of AgNWs are not sufficiently accompanied zeta potential of AgNWs were characterized in D. magna culture me-
by the study of their potential impacts on living organisms, whereas dium at the concentration of 500 μg/L using an dynamic light scattering
studies on spherical AgNPs are profuse (Toybou et al., 2019; Yang (DLS) on a Malvern Zetasizer Nano-ZSat (UK). The average hydrody-
et al., 2019). The contributions of AgNWs dissolution to their environ- namic diameter of AgNWs-S and AgNWs-L in SM7 medium was
mental fate and biological effects have been rarely investigated and 1330 nm and 3831 nm, respectively (Table S1). The zeta potentials of
remained uncertain (Zhang et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2020). A few lim- AgNWs-S and AgNWs-L in D. magna culture medium were −22.54 ±
ited studies suggested that AgNWs toxicity could be linked to ionic 1.11 and −22.28 ± 1.90 mV (Table S1). Total Ag concentration of
Ag+ release, while others indicated that the toxicity of AgNWs derived each stock solution was measured by ICP-MS (NexION 300X, Perkin-
from the combined contributions of both Ag+ release and particle ef- Elmer, USA) in triplicate after acid digestion by concentrated nitric
fects of AgNWs. Visnapuu et al. (2013) found that the toxicity and bio- acid (HNO3).
availability of AgNWs to E. coli depended on the released Ag+ with no
shape-related impacts. Artal et al. (2013) investigated the toxicity of 2.2. D. magna culture and toxicity test
Ag vanadate nanowire decorated with AgNPs to Daphnia similis, con-
cluding that the release of Ag+ to the test medium along with the re- Details of D. magna culture are given in our previous study (Tan et al.,
leased Ag+ from nanomaterial trapped in the gut were both 2012). The modified simplified M7 (SM7) medium (containing
responsible for the toxicity. George et al. (2012) tested the toxic effects 0.04 mM NaHCO3, 0.35 mM CaSO4, 0.50 mM MgSO4, and 0.05 mM
of several AgNMs on fish epithelial cells and embryos, and found that KNO3) at pH 7.5 ± 0.3 was used as the test solution throughout the cur-
the effects may partially be due to the Ag+ release. Although the toxicity rent work. Neonates (<24-h old) were used in the present toxicity test.
of AgNWs was inconclusive, Ag+ release was at least partly responsible D. magna were acclimated in clean SM7 medium without food for 2-h
for the toxicity of AgNWs. To further understand the AgNWs-related before the toxicity test. For the toxicity test, ten individuals per treat-
hazardous impacts on living organisms, it is therefore critical to monitor ment were exposed in 100 mL of SM7 medium containing different con-
the dynamic processes of Ag+ released from AgNWs. centrations of Ag+ (0.01, 0.05, 0.2, 0.5, 1, and 2 μg/L), AgNWs-S (0.1, 1, 2,
Localization and visualization of Ag+ released from AgNMs in bio- 5, 8, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 μg/L), or AgNWs-L (0.1, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40,
logical organisms in situ remain a major challenge. Compared with and 50 μg/L). All the treatments were performed in triplicate. No food
other Ag speciation techniques in biological systems, such as nanoscale was provided throughout the experiments. After 24-h, the concentra-
secondary ion mass spectrometry and synchrotron-based techniques, tions of Ag+, AgNWs-S, and AgNWs-L causing 50% immobility (EC50)
fluorescence imaging appears to be more promising due to its conve- were calculated. Animals that were unable to swim within 15-s after
nience, low cost, and easy operation (Li et al., 2017; Sekine et al., gentle agitation were considered to be immobile. To verify the back-
2017; Stegemeier et al., 2015; Wegner et al., 2010). The metallic fluores- ground toxicity of AgNWs solution, AgNWs were filtrated via mem-
cent luminogen based on an aggregation-induced emission (AIE) pro- brane filters (pore size: 0.45 μm). The 24-h toxicity of the filtrate was
cess showed excellent sensitivity and selectivity in metal detection conducted using the same method for AgNWs-S and AgNWs-L. Results
in vivo and in situ (Xie et al., 2018; Zhang and Wang, 2018). Such AIE- showed that the filtrate did not present any toxic effects on D. magna.
based Ag+ probe can provide a vital approach to address the issues of
the dissolution of AgNWs in vivo in organisms, which may provide im- 2.3. Ionic Ag release into D. magna culture medium
portant insight into the toxicological mechanisms and ultimate risks of
AgNWs in aquatic environment. AgNWs were diluted in D. magna culture medium (SM7 medium) to
In the present study, the qualitative as well as the quantitative Ag+ a final concentration of 500 μg/L. Ag+ release from AgNWs-S and
release from AgNWs at various exposure levels and time intervals in AgNWs-L were quantified. After 24 h incubation, the dissolved Ag+
Daphnia magna were systematically investigated. Daphnids were ex- was separated from AgNWs by ultracentrifugation through 3 kD mem-
posed to polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-coated AgNWs, and the uptake branes (Millipore) at 6000 rpm for 30-min. Then 0.5 mL of each super-
and depuration of AgNWs at different exposure levels (5 μg/L, 50 μg/L, natant was subjected to HNO3 acid digestion followed by ICP-MS
and 500 μg/L) were assayed using inductively coupled plasma mass determination. The percentages of dissolved Ag+ were calculated as
spectrometry (ICP-MS). An AIE based Ag+ sensor, followed by confocal the released Ag+ in the SM7 medium divided by the total AgNWs dosed.

Y. Li and W.-X. Wang Science of the Total Environment 782 (2021) 146933

2.4. Uptake and depuration of AgNWs in D. magna Student's unpaired t-test and p < 0.05 was considered as statistically
significant. All the statistical analyses were performed using Graph
For the uptake and depuration tests, the exposure conditions were Pad Prism version 8.4.
the same as those used for the toxicity test. Ten adult D. magna per treat-
ment were exposed to AgNWs in 100 mL SM7 medium. For all the treat- 3. Results and discussion
ments, 1 μM cysteine was added to minimize the uptake caused by Ag+
dissolution from AgNWs in the exposure medium (Zhao and Wang, 3.1. Acute toxicity
2012). Before AgNWs exposure, D. magna were isolated and accommo-
dated in SM7 medium for 2 h to evacuate their gut contents. Then, The acute 24-h EC50 values of Ag+ (AgNO3), AgNWs-S, and AgNWs-L
D. magna were exposed to AgNWs in the following three scenarios: 2- for D. magna in SM7 medium are shown in Fig. S2A. The toxicities of
h uptake period followed by 24-h depuration at the exposure levels of both AgNWs-S (24-h EC50 = 7.27 μg/L) and AgNWs-L (24-h EC50 =
mass concentration of 50 and 500 μg/L; 12-h uptake period followed 6.22 μg/L) were much lower than that of Ag+ (24-h EC50 = 0.53 μg/L)
by 24-h depuration at the exposure levels of mass concentration of 50 in the current tested conditions. The 24-h EC50 values indicated that
and 500 μg/L; 2-d uptake period followed by 12-h depuration at the ex- AgNWs were less toxic than Ag+ for D. magna, in accordance with pre-
posure levels of mass concentration of 5 and 50 μg/L. For the last sce- vious works (Cui et al., 2017a; Scanlan et al., 2013). No major difference
nario, the exposure medium were refreshed after 24-h of AgNWs was found in the EC50 values between AgNWs-S and AgNWs-L, suggest-
exposure. No food was added to the exposure medium during the ex- ing that diameters did not primarily affect the toxic effects of AgNWs to
periments. At depuration times of 0, 6, 12, and 24-h, D. magna were col- D. magna under 24-h exposure conditions. The amounts of dissolved
lected and washed with pure water and fresh SM7 medium for three ionic Ag+ in D. magna culture medium at EC50 concentrations of
times. They were then dried, weighted, and digested in 1 mL of 65% AgNWs-S and AgNWs-L were investigated by ultracentrifugation and
HNO3 and 200 μL of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) at 80 °C for 4 h. The con- ICP-MS measurements (Fig. S2B). At the 24-h EC50 (7 μg/L) values, the
centrations of total Ag accumulated in D. magna were quantified by ICP- released Ag+ was around 0.025 μg/L (equivalent to 0.36% of the expo-
MS. sure concentration) for AgNWs-S and 0.024 μg/L (equivalent to 0.34%
of the exposure concentration) for AgNWs-L, respectively. No signifi-
2.5. In vivo quantitatively monitoring the dissolution of AgNWs in D. magna cant difference was found in the amount of dissolved Ag+ between
AgNWs-S and AgNWs-L, again suggesting that for 24-h exposure parti-
An AIE fluorogen, tetrazole-functionalized tetraphenylethylene de- cle diameters did not significantly affect dissolution of AgNWs. Dissolu-
rivative 1 (TEZ-TPE-1), was used to image the Ag+ released from tion of Ag+ was dependent on the surface area of Ag-based
AgNWs in D. magna (Xie et al., 2018). Fluorescence spectra of TEZ- nanomaterials (Sohn et al., 2015). In our study, comparable Ag+ release
TPE-1 (10 μM) in SM7 medium upon addition of various Ag+ amounts ratios might due to the comparable surface area of AgNWs-S (6.68 m2/
were analyzed using a fluorescence spectrophotometer (RF5301 PC, g) and AgNWs-L (5.03 m2/g). These Ag+-based EC50 values
Shimadzu). In the case of real-time in vivo imaging of Ag+ release (0.024–0.025 μg/L) were only a fraction of the EC50 for Ag+ (0.53
from AgNWs in D. magna, the exposure conditions were the same as μg/L), indicating that AgNWs themselves could also contribute to the
those mentioned above. In short, D. magna were exposed to AgNWs toxic effects to D. magna. These observations elucidated some previ-
for different concentrations in SM7 medium. Cysteine was added to ously uncharacterized aspects of the toxicity of AgNWs to D. magna,
minimize the contribution of medium-released Ag+ to the accumula- which were at variance with those observed with AgNPs in previous
tion of Ag+ in D. magna's gut. After 12-h exposure, D. magna from studies (Yan et al., 2018a; Zhao and Wang, 2012). For example, Zhao
each treatment group were transferred to fresh SM7 medium for and Wang (2012) suggested that the potential toxicity of AgNPs to
depuration. At 6-h intervals, D. magna were collected, washed with D. magna may be due to the release of Ag+. In their study, Zhao and
SM7 medium twice and exposed in SM7 medium containing 30 μM Wang (2012) examined the toxicity of three different surface coating
TEZ-TPE-1 for 40 min. After rinsing D. magna, imaging was acquired of AgNPs (lactate, sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate, and PVP) to
using a CLSM (LSM710, German). The instrumental conditions were as D. magna. The quantified LC50 (48-h) was 28.7, 1.1, and 2.0 μg/L, for
follows: excitation wavelength: 405 nm and emission filters: 460–560 AgNPs coated with lactate, sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate, and
nm. The fluorescence intensities and Ag+ concentrations were then PVP, respectively. The calibrated LC50s based on the released Ag+ for
corrected. The in vivo percentages of AgNWs dissolution in the gut of the treatments of AgNPs coated with lactate (1.1 μg/L) and PVP (0.57
D. magna were calculated as the total mass of Ag+ in the gut at the μg/L) were however similar to that of Ag+ (as AgNO3, 0.88 μg/L), indi-
end of depuration divided by the total accumulated AgNWs at the be- cating that the main toxicity of AgNPs to D. magna was caused by its re-
ginning of depuration. leased soluble Ag in the medium. Sohn et al. (2015) found that AgNPs
To establish the correlation of fluorescence intensity and Ag+ con- were more toxic (EC50 of AgNPs was 11.5-fold lower) than AgNWs to
centration in the gut of D. magna, daphnids were exposed in SM7 me- D. magna, presumably due to the varying degrees of Ag+ dissolution.
dium containing different concentrations of AgNO3. At the end of The surface area of AgNPs was 2-fold higher than that of AgNWs,
treatment, D. magna were collected and washed in pure water twice. which resulted in higher amount of Ag+ release (Sohn et al., 2015).
Their guts were removed from the bodies and collected with forceps. Based on our findings, the tested AgNWs presented toxicity to
Then, the guts were digested in 1 mL of 65% HNO3 and 200 μL H2O2 at D. magna through jointed mechanisms by Ag+ release to the medium
80 °C for 4-h and then submitted to ICP-MS for total Ag content determi- and interactions between AgNWs and D. magna following
nation. At the same time, the remaining D. magna were collected, internalization.
washed in pure water twice, and exposed in SM7 medium containing
30 μM TEZ-TPE-1 for 40-min. The fluorescence intensity of Ag+ in the 3.2. Uptake and depuration of AgNWs in D. magna
gut of D. magna was determined by CLSM as described above. Finally,
a linear correlation between fluorescence intensities from CLSM images The bioaccumulation and depuration of different sized AgNWs
and Ag+ concentrations from ICP-MS was acquired. (AgNWs-S and AgNWs-L) in D. magna were investigated for the first
time. As shown in Fig. 1A, an increase of body burden of Ag was ob-
2.6. Statistical analysis served during the first 24-h exposure period followed by a slightly
levelling-off from 24-h to 48-h for both AgNWs-S and AgNWs-L at the
All the data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (n = exposure concentration of 500 μg/L. This indicated that AgNWs accumu-
3) unless stated otherwise. Statistical analysis was carried out using lation in D. magna reached a steady-state within 24 h. The slight

Y. Li and W.-X. Wang Science of the Total Environment 782 (2021) 146933

uptake of other nanomaterials by D. magna, such as carbon nanotubes

and gold nanoparticles (Lovern et al., 2008; Petersen et al., 2009). Ag
concentrations in the control D. magna without AgNWs exposure
were below 0.01 μg/g, which were significantly lower than those of
AgNWs exposed D. magna. There was no statistically significant differ-
ence in AgNWs uptake between D. magna exposed to AgNWs-S and
AgNWs-L (p > 0.05), indicating that the diameter of AgNWs did not sig-
nificantly affect the uptake. Exposure to 500 μg/L for 24-h yielded Ag
body burdens of 47.1 ± 1.0 μg/mg and 44.8 ± 1.6 μg/mg of dry tissue
for AgNWs-S and AgNWs-L, respectively. These uptake results were
nearly identical to those reported in previous works with fullerenes
(56 ± 15 μg/mg) and carbon nanotubes (63 ± 15 μg/mg) at compara-
tive exposure levels (Petersen et al., 2009; Tervonen et al., 2010). As re-
vealed previously, exposure to 60 nm AgNPs at an exposure level of 500
μg/L for 48-h resulted in 9.41 μg/mg dry weight in D. magna (Yan et al.,
2018a), which was 5-times lower than AgNWs measured in our study.
As shown in Fig. 1B, about 18.9 ± 0.4% and 17.9 ± 0.7% of the total
mass of AgNWs-S and AgNWs-L added (500 μg/L) to the SM7 medium
were taken up by D. magna after 24-h exposure, respectively. For
AgNWs-L exposed at 50 μg/L, similar fraction of the total exposed
AgNWs (18.4 ± 0.7%) was accumulated in D. magna (Fig. 1B). The find-
ings indicated that the uptake ratio (%) of AgNWs was not dependent on
the size of AgNWs or their exposure concentrations. Yan and Wang
(2018a) found that the accumulated AgNPs in D. magna exposed to
20 nm AgNPs (15.4 μg/mg) was higher than that in 60 nm AgNPs
(9.41 μg/mg) group at the same treatment concentration. Similarly,
the bioaccumulation of citrate and tannic acid coated AgNPs in
D. magna decreased significantly with increasing nominal size (20 nm
> 50 nm > 100 nm, Zhao and Wang, 2012). Such contrary results indi-
cated that D. magna exhibited distinct uptake behavior for AgNWs and
AgNPs due to their different aspect-ratios. For D. magna exposed to
AgNWs-L at 50 μg/L, a body burden of 5.2 ± 0.2 μg/mg of dry tissue
was achieved (Fig. 1C). Under such condition, AgNWs accumulation in
D. magna reached the steady-state within 2-h, which was much faster
than that at 500 μg/L (Fig. 1C).
AgNWs-S was selected to investigate the depuration behavior of
AgNWs in D. magna after exposure to AgNWs-S for various times at var-
ious concentrations. To investigate the AgNWs depuration, D. magna
were exposed to AgNWs-S at different concentrations (5, 50, and 500
μg/L) for various times (2-h, 24-h, and 48-h) and then transferred to
clean SM7 medium. In the case of 2-h exposure to 500 μg/L of AgNWs-
S, the body burden of AgNWs in D. magna dropped from 18.5 μg/mg to
10.0 μg/mg, a decrease of 45.6% over 24-h depuration period (Fig. 2A).
A very similar depuration was observed for the case of 2-h exposure
to 50 μg/L dose, with a decrease of 44.8% (from 4.6 μg/mg to 2.5 μg/
mg) over 24-h (Fig. 2A). In the case of 12-h exposure, more decrease
was observed over 24-h depuration for both 50 μg/L (66%, from 5.0 to
1.7 μg/mg) and 500 μg/L (69%, from 42.3 to 13.3 μg/mg) AgNWs-S ex-
posed D. magna (Fig. 2B). For the long-term exposure experiment (48-
h, Fig. 2C), 65.1% (from 673.6 to 235.0 μg/g) and 59.8% (from 5199 and
2090 μg/g) of the accumulated AgNWs-S were depurated within 12-h
for the treatments of 5 and 50 μg/L AgNWs-S exposed D. magna, respec-
tively. These depuration behaviors of AgNWs were largely in accordance
with those observed for other high aspect ratio nanomaterials such as
nanotubes, whereas differed from those for AgNPs (Petersen et al.,
2009; Zhao and Wang, 2010). For AgNPs, around 80% of AgNPs was
lost after a depuration period of 24-h in D. magna exposed to 5 and
Fig. 1. (A) Uptake of AgNWs-S and AgNWs-L by D. magna over 48-h at the exposure 500 μg/L of AgNPs for 48-h (Zhao and Wang, 2010). On the contrary,
concentration of 500 μg/L. (B) Uptake ratio of AgNWs with different sizes in D. magna at
D. magna were nearly unable to purge carbon nanotubes from their bod-
different tested concentrations. (C) Ag accumulation in D. magna after 48-h exposure to
AgNWs-L at the exposure concentrations of 50 and 500 μg/L. Data are mean ± SD (n = 3). ies during 24-h depuration (Petersen et al., 2009). Thus, it appeared that
the shape instead of compositions of nanomaterials would affect their
depuration behavior.
In all the above cases, the body burdens of D. magna decreased faster
decrease in Ag body burden of D. magna (24-h to 48-h) may be due to within the first 6-h (42.9–74.5%) and then a much smaller (<20%) frac-
the settling of AgNWs in the containers and the depuration of AgNWs tion of AgNWs-S was removed in the following 6–24 h depuration. The
from D. magna. The similar decreasing trend was observed for the body burdens of Ag in D. magna remained nearly unchanged after 12-h

Y. Li and W.-X. Wang Science of the Total Environment 782 (2021) 146933

Fig. 2. Retention of AgNWs-S in D. magna during 48-h depuration after being treated with different concentrations of AgNWs-S for different times. (A) Retention of AgNWs-S in D. magna
after being exposed to AgNWs-S for 2-h at the concentrations of 50 and 500 μg/L. (B) Retention of AgNWs-S in D. magna after being exposed to AgNWs-S for 12-h at the concentrations of
50 and 500 μg/L. (C) Retention of AgNWs-S in D. magna after being exposed to AgNWs-S for 2-d at the concentrations of 5 and 50 μg/L. Data are mean ± SD (n = 3). (D) Retained AgNWs-S
(% relative to those at the beginning of depuration) in 5, 50, and 500 μg/L AgNWs-S exposed D. magna at the end of depuration.

depuration. Roughly constant body burdens (1.7–2.5 μg/mg for 50 μg/L AgNPs, gold nanoparticles, and fullerenols were also reported to show
AgNWs exposed D. magna and 10.0–13.3 μg/mg for 500 μg/L groups) dietary transfer potentials (Ferry et al., 2009; Holbrook et al., 2008;
were obtained after 24-h depuration regardless of exposure time. The Ribeiro et al., 2017). For example, Wang et al. (2018) found that 13C-
depuration results indicated that final body burdens of AgNWs in skeleton-labeled fullerenols underwent aquatic transfer from primary
D. magna were determined by the exposure concentrations and had producers to secondary consumers through dietary intake. Zhu et al.
no relationship with the exposure time during the uptake (Fig. 2D). It (2010) documented a higher body burden of nanoscale TiO2 in the die-
was not surprising that Ag retention in high (500 μg/L) AgNWs-S ex- tary D. magna exposed zebrafish than that in the aqueous exposed
posed D. magna was significantly higher than that of low (50 μg/L) zebrafish, suggesting that dietary intake constituted a major route of
AgNWs-S treated individuals. The body burdens of D. magna remained nanomaterial exposure for a higher trophic level of aquatic organisms.
nearly unchanged after 12-h depuration. By comparison with AgNPs
(approximately 90% excretion) (Tervonen et al., 2010), AgNWs were 3.3. Imaging and quantitative analysis of time-dependent Ag+ release in
retained more efficiently during 24-h depuration. It could be speculated D. magna
that D. magna were unable to purge AgNWs completely from their bod-
ies. While AgNWs exposure did not cause acute toxic effects to In this study, an Ag+ fluorescent probe was applied to visualize the
D. magna, the difficulty in depuration inevitably bring the concerns on Ag released from AgNWs in D. magna. This AIE-based probe showed
the chronic toxic effects of AgNWs and their potential long-term health high selectivity and sensitivity to Ag+ in previous studies (Tervonen
risks to aquatic organisms. et al., 2010; Xie et al., 2018; Zhang and Wang, 2018; Yan et al.,
Considering that D. magna could not depurate AgNWs completely, 2018b). Here, a good linear calibration curve was obtained over the con-
AgNWs may possibly be transferred along the aquatic food chains and centration range of 2–200 μg/L with the detection limit of 1.96 μg/L
pose risks to higher trophic levels of aquatic organisms. Indeed, Chae (Fig. S3). The in vivo Ag+ dissolution mapping in D. magna treated
and An (2016) reported the transfer of PVP-coated AgNWs in a with AgNWs were then assessed using the AIE-based fluogenic Ag+
laboratory-constructed aquatic food chain containing the alga probe and CLSM. As shown in Fig. 3, a large amount of dark materials
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, D. magna, and the zebrafish (Chae and An, could be seen in the gut of AgNWs-S exposed D. magna, which were
2016). They found that AgNWs could be transferred through the inges- confirmed to be AgNWs by reflectance signals. D. magna exposed to
tion of AgNWs-exposed algae by D. magna and subsequent ingestion of both AgNWs-S and AgNWs-L displayed obvious fluorescence while no
D. magna by zebrafish. Besides AgNWs, other nanoparticles such as obvious fluorescence was detected in the control D. magna without

Y. Li and W.-X. Wang Science of the Total Environment 782 (2021) 146933

AgNWs exposure (Fig. 4). Merged images of fluorescence and bright-

field images indicated that Ag+ fluorescence signals were mainly accu-
mulated in the gut. This finding indicated that gut was the major site for
AgNWs deposition and the Ag+ was subsequently released, consistent
with previous studies on other nanomaterials (Tervonen et al., 2010;
Zhao and Wang, 2010; Zhao and Wang, 2012). As D. magna's gut was
the major site for AgNWs accumulation, only the gut was retained for
better comparison among different exposure conditions. Fluorescent
images of guts were then transformed into pseudocolor heat maps.
The above AIE probe and CLSM method could provide qualitative infor-
mation on Ag+ dissolution behavior of AgNWs in D. magna. To obtain
the quantitative information on AgNWs dissolution information, the
total fluorescence intensity of Ag+ detected by CLSM and the total
amount of Ag+ quantified by ICP-MS were correlated as described in
Methods (Fig. S4). A good linear relationship was obtained (y =
0.5215x − 7.366, R2 = 0.98, Fig. S4). Hence, it was possible to both qual-
itatively and quantitatively monitor the profile of dissolved Ag+ in
D. magna by the intensity of CLSM.
The in vivo Ag+ dissolution of AgNWs in D. magna gut during the
depuration processes was monitored and quantified using the AIE-
based fluogenic Ag+ probe and CLSM. D. magna were exposed to
AgNWs for various times at different concentrations and then allowed
to depurate as described above. AgNWs-S was selected for the real-
time imaging of Ag+ dissolution in D. magna during AgNWs depuration
Fig. 3. Representative CLSM images of AgNWs in D. magna, including the scattering process. Representative time-course images of Ag+ fluorescent signals
imaging and bright-field images of control D. magna and D. magna exposed to AgNWs-S in D. magna's gut are shown in Fig. 5. After 2-h exposure at the concen-
for 2-h at a concentration of 500 μg/L. trations of 50 and 500 μg/L, the total dissolved Ag+ was 19.9 μg/g and

Fig. 4. Confocal microscope images of control D. magna (exposed to fluorogenic Ag+ probe, TEZ-TPE-1 only) and D. magna treated with AgNWs-S (500 μg/L) or AgNWs-L (500 μg/L) for 6-h.

Y. Li and W.-X. Wang Science of the Total Environment 782 (2021) 146933

Fig. 5. Heatmap images showing the distribution of dissolved Ag+ in the gut of D. magna during depuration after being exposed to AgNWs-S at the concentrations of 50 μg/L (A) and 5 μg/L
(B) for 2-d. White arrows represent the anterior gut of D. magna. (C) Quantitative analysis of dissolved Ag+ in the gut of D. magna.

17.5 μg/g, respectively (Fig. S5). The dissolved Ag+ in D. magna's gut nanomaterials varies vastly depending on the experimental conditions,
were then reduced to around 10 μg/g after 6-h depuration for both the e.g., ionic strength, pH, and salinity (Zhang et al., 2011). The microenvi-
50 and 500 μg/L AgNWs treatments and remained unchanged as ronment in D. magna's gut was more complex than SM7 medium and
depuration time further increased to 24-h depuration. These results the complex biological matrices could possibly facilitate AgNWs disso-
suggested that, after short time AgNWs exposure, the accumulated lution. Yan et al. (2018a) reported an 8.3–9.7% dissolution of AgNPs to
Ag+ in the gut of D. magna was continuously reduced over time. The Ag+ in the gut of D. magna exposed to 500 μg/L of AgNPs. Our present
net amount of Ag+ in the gut was the balance between the dissolution study suggested that the dissolved Ag+ from AgNWs in the gut of
of accumulated AgNWs in the gut and the excretion of Ag+ to the me- D. magna was slightly lower than that of AgNPs. Thus, Ag+ release
dium. The decrease in the amount of released Ag+ with increasing would contribute less to AgNWs' toxicity to D. magna than AgNPs did.
depuration time could be caused by the reduction of AgNW concentra- As revealed by the microscopic picture, the anterior gut and midgut
tion in the gut as well as the excretion of Ag+. On the contrary, following showed slightly stronger Ag+ signal than the hindgut initially after
12-h of AgNWs exposure, the fluorescence intensity of Ag+ derived depuration (Fig. 5A and B). However, the majority of Ag+ was accumu-
from AgNWs dissolution increased continuously over the depuration lated in the tail of the gut at the end of depuration (Fig. 5A and B). The
period and reached a maximum value at 12 h (Fig. S6). After 12-h, the heterogeneous distribution of Ag+ in the gut was partly derived from
mass of dissolved Ag+ remained relatively steady during the rest of ex- the heterogeneous distribution of AgNWs. Indeed, the dissolved Ag+
perimental time. At the end of the experiment, the dissolved Ag+ in the was highly concentrated in specific part of the gut where incompact
50 and 500 μg/L AgNWs exposed D. magna's gut was 28.1 and 26.9 μg/g, AgNWs were accumulated (Fig. S7). At the beginning of depuration,
respectively. Time sequential mapping of Ag+ in D. magna exposed to 5 the whole gut was filled with compact and large aggregate of AgNWs.
and 50 μg/L AgNWs for 2-d indicated that Ag+ amount in the gut in- AgNWs as well as their dissolved Ag+ gradually diffused from the ante-
creased over the test depuration period of 12 h (Fig. 5). The dissolved rior gut to the hindgut. Thus, when the fluorescence imaging was con-
Ag+ was 1.8 and 1.7 μg/g in the 5 and 50 μg/L AgNWs exposed ducted (40 min after depuration), the anterior gut and midgut
D. magna initially after depuration and increased to 2.5 and 7.2 μg/g showed incompact AgNWs stacks that could have full contact with the
after 12-h depuration (Fig. 5C). The amount of Ag+ derived from gut microenvironment. Additionally, the pH of the gut could influence
AgNWs dissolution in D. magna at 500 μg/L exposure level was nearly the dissolution of AgNWs significantly. Yan et al. (2018a) investigated
equivalent to those exposed to 50 μg/L AgNWs initially after depuration. the relative pH of the digestive tract of D. magna using a fluorescence
The dissolution may vary with the surrounding environment and the dye, with a pH trend of hindgut > midgut > anterior gut (Yan et al.,
related dispersed chemicals to which AgNWs react with. At the high ex- 2018a). The AgNPs dissolution was consistent with the distribution of
posure dose, AgNWs in D. magna gut formed more compact and larger pH condition, and AgNPs at a lower pH possessed a higher dissolution
aggregates compared to the low exposure level, which were more diffi- than that at a higher pH. In the present study, the dissolution of
cult to dissolve and owned lower dissolution rate. The dissolved Ag+ in AgNWs in the gut of D. magna displayed a similar trend as AgNPs. The
D. magna's gut showed a constant value after 12-h of depuration, which lower pH of the anterior gut possibly accelerated the dissolution of
indicated that a rough state of equilibrium of Ag+ dissolution was ob- AgNWs as compared with other part of gut with higher pH (Loza
tained at the end of the depuration. It can be concluded that both the et al., 2014).
AgNWs in the gut of D. magna and their dissolved Ag+ reached roughly The confocal images suggested that the dissolved Ag+ was
constant body burdens after 24-h depuration. The final released Ag+ in transported to the inner side of D. magna between the gut region and
the gut was dependent on the initially accumulated AgNWs in D. magna. the gills (Fig. 6). These detected Ag+ fluorescence dots were partly in ac-
The in vivo percentage of dissolved Ag+ in the gut of D. magna (5.4%) cordance with the lipid storage droplets which were scattered along
was much higher than that occurred in vitro in SM7 medium (2.6%). The D. magna's gut (Fig. 6). No evidence existed to suggest the translocation
dissolution of AgNWs-S in SM7 medium at the concentration of 500 μg/L of AgNWs from gut to lipid droplets in our study. Nevertheless, upon in-
was also investigated. At 24 h, 12.2 μg/L (2.6%) of Ag+ was released from gestion by D. magna, various nanoparticles such as polystyrene nano-
AgNWs-S. The in vitro dissolution of AgNWs in SM7 medium was much particle and TiO2 nanoparticles were found to be translocated from
lower than that of AgNPs (10.5%) as reported previously (Yan et al., gut into lipid droplets in previous studies (Brun et al., 2017; Cui et al.,
2018b). Such lower dissolution ratio of Ag+ from AgNWs than AgNPs 2017b; Rosenkranz et al., 2009; Tan et al., 2016). It was likely that the
was at least partly due to the lower surface area of AgNWs than that accumulation of nanoparticles in the lipid droplets was due to their lipo-
of AgNPs (Sohn et al., 2015). In the case of in vivo dissolution, after 24- philic properties (Moore, 2006). Thus, whether Ag+ accumulation in
h depuration, a total amount of 26.9 μg/g (5.4%) of Ag+ was detected lipid droplets was attributed to the translocation of Ag+ from gut to
in D. magna exposed to 500 μg/L AgNWs-S. The dissolution of lipid droplets or the dissolution of AgNWs in the lipid droplets needs

Y. Li and W.-X. Wang Science of the Total Environment 782 (2021) 146933

Fig. 6. Transportation of released Ag+ in D. magna at depuration time 0-h (A) and 12-h after exposure to AgNWs-L for 12-h at 50 μg/L. White arrows pointed to Ag+ between the interspace
of gut and gills of D. magna.

to be further studied. These lipid droplets are the sites for the synthesis Acknowledgement
of egg-yolk precursor vitellogenin (Brun et al., 2017). This is subse-
quently transported via the hemolymph to the ovaries to form yolk We thank the reviewers for their comments and the AIEgen Biotech
granules. Indeed, AgNWs was detected in the hemolymph of D. magna Co. This study was supported by grants from the Hong Kong Research
in a previous study (Scanlan et al., 2013), and such pathway may possi- Grants Council (CityU 16102918, 16103120, T21-604/19-R) and the
bly serve as a potential route for maternal transfer of nanoparticles. Natural Science Foundation of China (22076159).

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