Equivariant: What Is Cohomology?

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arXiv:1305.4293v1 [math.AT] 18 May 2013

Figure 1. A circle action on a sphere.

I NTRODUCTION Recall that the familiar theory of singular cohomol-

ogy gives a functor from the category of topological
Many invariants in geometry and topology can be spaces and continuous maps to the category of graded
computed as integrals. For example, in classical dif- rings and their homomorphisms. When the topologi-
ferential geometry the Gauss–Bonnet theorem states cal space has a group action, one would like a functor
that if M is a compact, oriented surface in Euclidean that reflects both the topology of the space and the ac-
3-space with Gaussian curvature K and volume form tion of the group. Equivariant cohomology is one such
vol, then its Euler characteristic is functor.
The origin of equivariant cohomology is somewhat
χ (M) = K vol. convoluted. In 1959 Borel defined equivariant singu-
2π M lar cohomology in the topological category using a
On the other hand, if there is a continuous vector field construction now called the Borel construction. Nine
X with isolated zeros on a compact, oriented manifold, years earlier, in 1950, in two influential articles on the
the Hopf index theorem in topology computes the Eu- cohomology of a manifold M acted on by a compact,
ler characteristic of the manifold as the sum of the in- connected Lie group G, Cartan constructed a differen-
dices at the zeros of the vector field X . Putting the two tial complex (Ω∗G (M), dG ) out of the differential forms
theorems together, one obtains on M and the Lie algebra of G. Although the term
“equivariant cohomology” never occurs in Cartan’s
papers, Cartan’s complex turns out to compute the real
2π M
K vol = ∑ iX (p), equivariant singular cohomology of a G-manifold (a
manifold with an action of a Lie group G), in much
the same way that the de Rham complex of smooth
where iX (p) is the index of the vector field X at the
differential forms computes the real singular cohomol-
zero p. This is an example of a localization formula,
ogy of a manifold. Without explicitly stating it, Car-
for it computes a global integral in terms of local in-
tan provided the key step in a proof of the equivariant
formation at a finite set of points. More generally, one
de Rham theorem, before equivariant cohomology was
might ask what kind of integrals can be computed as
even defined! In fact, a special case of the Borel con-
finite sums. A natural context for studying this prob-
struction was already present in Cartan’s earlier article
lem is the situation when there is a group acting on the
(Colloque de Topologie, C.B.R.M., Bruxelles, 1950,
manifold with isolated fixed points. In this case, one
p. 62). Elements of Cartan’s complex are called equi-
can try to relate an integral over the manifold to a sum
variant differential forms or equivariant forms. Let
over the fixed point set.
S(g∗ ) be the polynomial algebra on the Lie algebra g
Rotating the unit sphere S2 in R3 about the z-axis is
of G; it is the algebra of all polynomials in linear forms
an example of an action of the circle S1 on the sphere.
on g. An equivariant form on a G-manifold M is a dif-
It has two fixed points, the north pole and the south
ferential form ω on M with values in the polynomial
pole. This circle action generates a continuous vector
algebra S(g∗ ) satisfying the equivariance condition:
field on the sphere, and the zeros of the vector field are
precisely the fixed points of the action (see Figure 1). ℓ∗g ω = (Ad g−1 ) ◦ ω for all g ∈ G,
Loring W. Tu is Professor of Mathematics at Tufts Uni-
versity in Medford, Massachusetts. His email address is

where ℓ∗g is the pullback by left multiplication by g and a pullback. More precisely, if P → M is any principal
Ad is the adjoint representation. An equivariant form G-bundle, then there is a map f : M → BG, unique up
ω is said to be closed if it satisfies dG ω = 0. to homotopy and called a classifying map of P → M,
What makes equivariant cohomology particularly such that the bundle P is isomorphic to the pullback
useful in the computation of integrals is the equi- bundle f ∗ (EG). The base space BG of a universal bun-
variant integration formula of Atiyah–Bott (1984) and dle, uniquely defined up to homotopy equivalence, is
Berline–Vergne (1982). In case a torus acts on a com- called the classifying space of the group G. The clas-
pact, oriented manifold with isolated fixed points, this sifying space BG plays a key role in equivariant coho-
formula computes the integral of a closed equivariant mology, because it is the homotopy quotient of a point:
form as a finite sum over the fixed point set. Although
stated in terms of equivariant cohomology, the equi- ptG = (EG × pt)/G = EG/G = BG,
variant integration formula, also called the equivariant
localization formula in the literature, can often be used so that the equivariant cohomology HG∗ (pt) of a point
to compute the integrals of ordinary differential forms. is the ordinary cohomology H ∗ (BG) of the classifying
It opens up the possibility of machine computation of space BG.
integrals on a manifold. It is instructive to see a universal bundle for the cir-
cle group. Let S2n+1 be the unit sphere in Cn+1 . The
E QUIVARIANT C OHOMOLOGY circle S1 acts on Cn+1 by scalar multiplication. This
Suppose a topological group G acts continuously on action induces a free action of S1 on S2n+1 , and the
a topological space M. A first candidate for equivari- quotient space is by definition the S complex projective
ant cohomology might be the singular cohomology of space CPn . Let S∞S be the union ∞ n=0 S
2n+1 , and let
∞ ∞ n
the orbit space M/G. The example above of a circle CP be the union n=0 CP . Since the actions of the
G = S1 acting on M = S2 by rotation shows that this circle on the spheres are compatible with the inclusion
is not a good candidate, since the orbit space M/G is of one sphere inside the next, there is an induced ac-
a closed interval, a contractible space, so that its coho- tion of S1 on S∞ . This action is free with quotient space
mology is trivial. In this example, we lose all informa- CP∞. It is easy to see that all homotopy groups of S∞
tion about the group action by passing to the quotient vanish, for if a sphere Sk maps into the infinite sphere
M/G. S∞ , then by compactness its image lies in a finite-
A more serious deficiency of this example is that it dimensional sphere S2n+1 . If n is large enough, any
is the quotient of a nonfree action. In general, a group map from Sk to S2n+1 will be null-homotopic. Since
action is said to be free if the stabilizer of every point S∞ is a CW complex, the vanishing of all homotopy
is the trivial subgroup. It is well known that the or- groups implies that it is contractible. Thus, the pro-
bit space of a nonfree action is often “not nice”—not jection S∞ → CP∞ is a universal S1 -bundle and, up to
smooth or not Hausdorff. However, the topologist has homotopy equivalence, CP∞ is the classifying space
a way of turning every action into a free action without BS1 of the circle.
changing the homotopy type of the space. The idea is If H ∗ ( ) is a cohomology functor, the constant map
to find a contractible space EG on which the group G M → pt from any space M to a point induces a ring ho-
acts freely. Then EG × M will have the same homo- momorphism H ∗ (pt) → H ∗ (M), which gives H ∗ (M)
topy type as M, and no matter how G acts on M, the the structure of a module over the ring H ∗ (pt). Thus,
diagonal action of G on EG × M will always be free. the cohomology of a point serves as the coefficient ring
The homotopy quotient MG of M by G, also called in any cohomology theory. For the equivariant real
the Borel construction, is defined to be the quotient singular cohomology of a circle action, the coefficient
of EG × M by the diagonal action of G, and the equi- ring is
variant cohomology HG∗ (M) of M is defined to be the
cohomology H ∗ (MG ) of the homotopy quotient MG . HS∗1 (pt; R) = H ∗ (ptS1 ; R) = H ∗ (BS1 ; R)
Here H ∗ ( ) denotes singular cohomology with any co- = H ∗ (CP∞ ; R) ≃ R[u],
efficient ring.
A contractible space on which a topological group the polynomial ring generated by an element u of de-
G acts freely is familiar from homotopy theory as gree 2. For the action of a torus T = S1 × · · · ×
the total space of a universal principal G-bundle S1 = (S1 )ℓ , the coefficient ring is the polynomial ring
π : EG → BG, of which every principal G-bundle is HT∗ (pt; R) = R[u1 , . . . , uℓ ], where each ui has degree 2.

E QUIVARIANT I NTEGRATION at an isolated fixed point p, the tangent space Tp M de-

composes into a direct sum Lm1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Lmn , where L
Let G be a compact, connected Lie group. Over a
is the standard representation of the circle on the com-
compact, oriented G-manifold, equivariant forms can
plex plane C and m1 , . . . , mn are nonzero integers. The
be integrated, but the values are in the coefficient ring
integers m1 , . . . , mn are called the exponents of the cir-
HG∗ (pt; R), which is generally a ring of polynomials.
cle action at the fixed point p. They are defined only
According to Cartan, in the case of a circle action on
up to sign, but if M is oriented, the sign of the product
a compact, oriented manifold, an equivariant form of
m1 · · · mn is well defined by the orientation of M.
degree 2n is a sum
When a torus T = (S1 )ℓ acts on a compact, oriented
(2) ω = ω2n + ω2n−2 u + ω2n−4 u2 manifold M with isolated fixed point set F, for any
closed T -equivariant form ω on M, the equivariant in-
+ · · · + ω0 un ,
tegration formula states that
where ω2 j ∈ Ω2 j (M)S is an S1 -invariant 2 j-form on

i∗p ω
M. If ω is closed under the Cartan differential, then
(3) ω= ∑ T ,
it is called an equivariantly closed extension of the or- M p∈F e (ν p )
dinary differential form ω2n . The equivariant integral
ω obtained by integrating each Rω2 j over M. If where i∗p ω is the restriction of the equivariantly closed
M is
M has dimension 2n, then the integral M ω2 j vanishes form ω to a fixed point p and eT (ν p ) is the equivari-
except when j = n, and one has ant Euler class of the normal bundle ν p to p in M. Of
Z Z Z  course, the normal bundle to a point p in a manifold
ω = ω2n + ω2n−2 u M is simply the tangent space Tp M, but formula (3) is
Z  stated in a way to allow for easy generalization: when
+ ··· + ω0 un F has positive-dimensional components, the sum over
M the fixed points is replaced by an integral over the com-
ponents C of the fixed point set and ν p is replaced by
= ω2n + 0 + · · · + 0 = ω2n .
M M νC , the normal bundle to the component C. In for-
One peculiarity of equivariant integration is the pos- mula (3), the degree of the form ω is not assumed to
sibility of obtaining a nonzero answer while integrat- be equal to the dimension of the manifold M, and so
ing a form over a manifold whose dimension is not the left-hand side is a polynomial in u1 , . . . , uℓ , while
equal to the degree of the form. For example, if M has the right-hand side is a sum of rational expressions in
dimension 2n − 2 instead of 2n, then the integral over u1 , . . . , uℓ , and it is part of the theorem that the equi-
M of the equivariant 2n-form ω above is variant Euler classes eT (ν p ) are nonzero and that there
Z Z  will be cancellation on the right-hand side so that the
ω= ω2n−2 u, sum becomes a polynomial.
M M Return now to a circle action with isolated fixed
since for dimensional reasons all other terms are zero. points on a compact, oriented manifold M of dimen-
From this, one sees that an equivariant integral for a sion 2n. Let ω be a closed equivariant form of degree
circle action is in general not a real number, but a poly- 2n on M. Since the restriction of a form of positive de-
nomial in u. gree to a point is zero, on the right-hand side of (3) all
terms in ω except ω0 un restrict to zero at a fixed point

What kind of information can be mined from the n

fixed points of an action? If a Lie group G acts i∗p ω = ∑ (i∗p ω2n−2 j ) u j

smoothly on a manifold, then for each g ∈ G, the ac-
tion induces a diffeomorphism ℓg : M → M. At a fixed = (i∗p ω0 ) un = ω0 (p) un .
point p ∈ M, the differential ℓg∗ : Tp M → Tp M is a lin-
The equivariant Euler class eS (ν p ) turns out to be
ear automorphism of the tangent space, giving rise to
a representation of the group G on the tangent space m1 · · · mn un , where m1 , . . . , mn are the exponents of the
Tp M. Invariants of the representation are then invari- circle action at the fixed point p. Therefore, the equi-
ants of the action at the fixed point. For a circle action, variant integration formula for a circle action assumes

the form approximation formula is exact for a symplectic ac-

tion (Atiyah–Bott 1984), to calculate the number of ra-

ω2n =
ω= ∑ m1 · · · mn (p). tional curves in a quintic threefold (Kontsevich 1995,
p∈F Ellingsrud–Strømme 1996), to calculate the character-
istic numbers of a compact homogeneous space (Tu
In this formula, ω2n is an ordinary differential form of
2010), and to derive the Gysin formula for a fiber bun-
degree 2n on M, ω is an equivariantly closed extension
dle with homogenous space fibers (Tu preprint 2011).
of ω2n , and ω0 is the coefficient of the un term in ω as
In the special case where the vector field X is gener-
in (2).
ated by a circle action, the Gauss–Bonnet–Hopf for-
mula (1) is a consequence of the equivariant integra-
tion formula. Equivariant cohomology has also helped
A PPLICATIONS to elucidate the work of Witten on supersymmetry,
In general, an integral of an ordinary differential Morse theory, and Hamiltonian actions (Atiyah–Bott
form on a compact, oriented manifold can be com- 1984, Jeffrey–Kirwan 1995).
puted as a finite sum using the equivariant integration The formalism of equivariant cohomology carries
formula if the manifold has a torus action with iso- over from singular cohomology to other cohomology
lated fixed points and the form has an equivariantly theories such as K-theory, Chow rings, and quantum
closed extension. These conditions are not as restric- cohomology. There are similar localization formulas
tive as they seem, since many problems come naturally that compare the equivariant functor of a G-space to
with the action of a compact Lie group, and one can al- that of the fixed point set of G or of some subgroup of
ways restrict the action to that of a maximal torus. It G (for example, Segal 1968 and Atiyah–Segal 1968).
makes sense to restrict to a maximal torus, instead of In the fifty years since its inception, equivariant co-
any torus in the group, because the larger the torus, homology has found applications in topology, differ-
the smaller the fixed point set, and hence the easier the ential geometry, symplectic geometry, algebraic ge-
computation. ometry, K-theory, representation theory, and combina-
As for the question of whether a form has an equiv- torics, among other fields, and is currently a vibrant
ariantly closed extension, in fact a large collection of area of research.
forms automatically do. These include characteristic
classes of vector bundles on a manifold. If a vector
bundle has a group action compatible with the group This article is based on a talk given at the National
action on the manifold, then the equivariant character- Center for Theoretical Sciences, National Tsing Hua
istic classes of the vector bundle will be equivariantly University, Taiwan. The author gratefully acknowl-
closed extensions of its ordinary characteristic classes. edges helpful discussions with Alberto Arabia, Aaron
A manifold on which every closed form has an W. Brown, Jeffrey D. Carlson, George Leger, and Win-
equivariantly closed extension is said to be equivari- nie Li during the preparation of this article, as well as
antly formal. Equivariantly formal manifolds include the support of the Tufts Faculty Research Award Com-
all manifolds whose cohomology vanishes in odd de- mittee in 2007–2008.
grees. In particular, a homogeneous space G/H, where
G is a compact Lie group and H is a closed subgroup F OR F URTHER R EADING
of maximal rank, is equivariantly formal. [1] R. Bott, An introduction to equivariant cohomology, in
The equivariant integration formula is a powerful Quantum Field Theory: Perspective and Prospective,
tool for computing integrals on a manifold. If a geo- edited by C. DeWitt-Morette and J.-B. Zuber, Kluwer Aca-
demic Publishers, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 35–57.
metric problem with an underlying torus action can
[2] M. Vergne, Applications of equivariant cohomology, in the
be formulated in terms of integrals, then there is a Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathemati-
good chance that the formula applies. For example, cians (Madrid, August 2006), Vol. I, European Math. Soc.,
it has been applied to show that the stationary phase Zürich, 2007, pp. 635–664.

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