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Name : Aji Saifu Aslam S

NIM. : 362121302057
Class. : 1 TMK B
About the Difference between LCD and LED TV
“The difference between the two items is screen thickness, electricity consumption,
backlighting technology or backlighting, contrast level, DNA durability, workability”
TV quality develops as technology advances and the times. In the past, maybe you were
familiar with tube TVs, then changed to LCD TVs with sharper images and lighter weights,
now there are LED TVs which apparently have more sophisticated technology. At first
glance, LCD TVs and LED TVs look the same, but apparently there are 5 differences that
you need to know.
If you pay attention, LCD TVs and LED TVs are both thin. However, if examined further, the
screen on an LED TV is actually thinner than an LCD TV. This is caused by the LED
material in the TV. Compared to LCD, LED material is thinner because the main basic
material for the liquid in it takes up a lot of space. In the end, this is what makes the liquid
reservoir different. Therefore, LED TVs are thinner and tend to be lighter
When compared to tube TVs, LCD TVs and LED TVs are actually more efficient in terms of
electricity consumption. This is because the use of a tube screen on a TV requires a large
amount of electricity. Meanwhile, LCD TVs basically use liquid crystal display materials and
LED TVs use light emitting diodes. Please note, both materials only require a little electrical
power. However, if you compare LCD TVs and LED TVs, it seems that LED TVs are still
more efficient. The electricity consumed by LED TV is approximately 20-30 percent less.
For example, for example, an LCD TV has 100 watts of power, then an LED TV only uses
30-50 watts of power.
Back lighting technology or radiation from behind is the main difference between LCD TVs
and LED TVs. Illumination on LCD TVs is carried out by Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamps
(CCFL) while on LED TVs using Light Emitting Diodes (LED). As previously said, this is
what makes LEDs low in electricity.
CCFL technology on LCD TVs is useful for selecting millions of colors from the backlight.
Then the LED technology on LED TVs has a dimming backlighting system that is useful for
strengthening contrast, thus affecting the sharpness of the image.
Contrast level. Try aligning the screen on the LCD TV and LED TV. It can be said that LED
TVs are yet again superior. In terms of contrast levels, LED TVs have higher contrast levels
because they are supported by LED technology itself. The light on the LED TV also has a
variety of complex colors and the image on the screen looks cleaner and clearer.
Durability is also one of the differences between these two TVs. It can be concluded that
LED TVs have the ability to work longer when compared to LCD TVs. Again, the Back
Lightning Technology owned by LED TVs, which does not require large electricity
consumption, is an advantage. With a small amount of electricity, LED TVs also tend to be
more durable and “cold”. Unfortunately, if the LED TV is damaged, it will be difficult to
repair because the spare parts are quite expensive.
Well, if you are interested in buying a TV, maybe an LED TV could be the right choice.

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