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1. Species: group of organisms that have the same characteristic, they can breed together
and make young (fertile).
2. Concept of species: if the young/new individu is infertile, so the parents are different
species. Ex: horse and donkey, lion and tiger.
3. Vertebrates:
-fish: ovipar/lay eggs, moist scale skin
-birds: lay eggs, feathers, webbed feet (sometimes).
-reptile: lay eggs, scaly skin.
-amphibians: lay eggs, smooth skin without scales.
-mamals: lay eggs, covered by hair/fur.
4. Characteristic of vertebrates group:
-fish: they have fins, breathe using gills. (Ex: sardine)
-amphibians: the adults live on land and breathe using lungs, have four limbs. (Ex: frogs,
toads, newts, salamanders)
-reptiles: most of them have four legs, although snakes have lost their legs, livw on land
but some live in water. (Ex: crocodile, snake)
-birds: they have wings, feathers, and beak.
-mammals: the group that humans belong to, vertebrates with hair, ggave birth and fed on
milk from the mother.
5. Characteristics of invertebrates: using logically occurring examples to answer this
6. Group of animal based on what they eat:
-herbivore: plants.
-carnivore: meat.
-omnivore: consumes a variety of material.
-decomposer: dead plant, dead insects, dead animals.
7-9. Types of rocks:
-igneous rocks: igneous rocks are formed from magma, when the magma cools
slowly rocks containing large crystals are formed, when he magma cools quickly
rocks with small cryslats or no crystals are formed. Ex: granite, basalt.
-sedimentary roks: are made from little grains of sediment that are stuck together,
sedimentary rocks are made up of layers, and sometimes contain fossils, sedimentary
rocks are also porous. Ex: limestone (formed from little fragments of shells from
animals such as corals).
-metamorphic rocks: are formed when heat and pressure change other rocks,
metamorphic rocks are usually harder than the rocks from which they were formed.
Ex: marble (marble is a metamorphic rock formed from limestone, it is hard with no
pores), quartzite (quartzite is a metamorphic rock formed from sandstone).
10-12. Classify the rock using scratching method
3 ways to test the hardnessof rocks:
-scratch using nails.
-beaker and water (density).
-magnifying glass.

13. Understand the type of rocks (same as 7-9):

-sedimentary: deposit after that cemented.
-metamorphic: high heat and pressure.
-igneous: lava cools down.
14. Age of earth: how to examine the age of each layer we can see from the fossil that we
15-17. Structure of the earth:
-crust (paling luar).
-outer core.
-inner core (paling dalem).
18-19. Classify different types of rocks: same as number 13.
20. Discoveries of scientist
-Copernicus: dia hadir di teori berkembang tentang bumi sebagai pusat tata surya, dia
hadir dengan teori baru yaitu Heliocentric Model dia bilang bahwa bukan bumi yang
menjadi pusat tata surya, yang benar itu matahari yang menjadi pusat tata surya, dia
aneh karena tidak memiliki bukti.
-Galileo: dia muncul lalu dia support teori Copernicus, Galileo juga menemukan
bahwa Jupiter memiliki 4 bulan yang mengorbitkannya.
21-22. Movement of earth
-Movement of earth that cause day and night: rotation of earth (the earth moves on
its axis).
-Movement of earth that cause different season: revolution (the earth orbits sun).
23-24. Relative position of the planets:
My Very Educated Mother Just Send Us Noodle (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune).
25. Movement of the planets on past observation: dulu tuh orang mikir kalo earth itu
pusat tata surya terus muncul Copernicus sama Galileo yang nemu teori baru yang sampai
sekarang dipercaya.
26- 27. Relative position of planet with its moon: bisa pake logika.
28. Galileo ideas discoveries impact: Galileo saat itu hanya bisa liat 4 satelit Jupiter, di
jamannya Galileo sudah ada telescope tapi hanya bisa melihat 4 karena telescopenya
belum canggih.
29. Understanding about energy:
Principle of Conservation of Energy
-energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.
-in any change, there is the same amount of enrgy after the change as there was before the
30. Energy transfer:
-chemical energy: energy of a chemical substance.
-elastic energy: energy of a stretched or squashed object.
-electrical energy: energy carried by electricity.
-gravitational potential energy: energy of an object that has been lifted.
-heat energy: energy spreading out from a hot object.
-kinetic energy: energy of a moving object.
-light energy: energy spreading out from a bright object.
-thermal energy: energy of a hot object.
-sound energy: energy coming from a vibratin source.

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