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Under the chapter 2, review of related literature about the topic THE IMPACT OF


NIÑO ACADEMY. In this chapter, the conceptual framework of the study will be shown as

Now let us start with the definition of the Quarantine. According to CDC, 2017, Quarantine is
the separation and restriction of movement of people who have potentially been exposed to a
contagious disease to ascertain if they become unwell, for reducing the risk of them infecting
others in the community. Next Futhermore, According to WHO (2020), they had a study about
the psychological impact of quarantine to affect the mental and psychological wellbeing and the
factors that will mitigate or contribute to these effects. Next According to Geneva, (2020),
Quarantine time is recommended to be filled with physical, cognitive, relaxation exercises,
reading and entertainment. Lastly, According to Springer, (2019), Quarantine or social isolation
disrupts people's jobs and lives immensely, and hence it may have important implications for
their health and well-being.

Next, Social Health, In numerous modern studies, social health of students is considered as an
integrative category, reflecting the level of adaptation of a young personality in the social
environment, the degree of his social activity and involvement in society, the harmony of
relationships with other social groups, behavior regulation, According to (Liga and Tsikalyuk,
2014: 48);. Next Kurashkina (2011) defines the category of social health of young people as a
condition characterized by desire to make the best use of their personal potential, ensuring
effective inclusion in social (academic and labor) life. These definitions emphasize the social
mechanism of formation of the social health of young people. Next Lastly, Analysis of scientific
sociological literature allows us to define the social health of students as such a condition
determined by external and internal factors, which is formed in the interactions of the youth
community with the social environment and reflects the level of youth activity in the course of
these interactions. Social health of students, as emphasized by Shevlyakova (2018: 34), is
developing under the influence of the social environment and it reflects social ties as resources.

Let us now go to the Level of adaptability to the changes in the surroundings. According to

Martin et al. (2015), The individuals with whom adolescents interact across the contexts of their
lives exert a powerful developmental influence. Adaptability helps individuals work through

adversity. A longitudinal study shows that high school students who demonstrate adaptability

have a decreased likelihood of failure compared to students who lack adaptability. Next

Furthermore, Adaptability makes a difference in the quality of an individual’s personal and

professional life. A recent study according to Konstam, Celen-Demirtas, Tomek, and Sweeney

(2015) shows that the well-being of unemployed, emerging adults (aged 21 to 29) is significantly

impacted by their ability to adapt. Specifically, the ability to adapt was expressed by making

their own decisions, being confident in performing tasks efficiently, thinking about the future,

and exploring surroundings by (Konstam et al., 2015). Next The ability to adapt is central to

coping and problem solving with adaptability being related to—but distinguishable from—

resilience According to (see Martin, 2017). Programmatic research by Martin and colleagues has

focused on adaptability to new and uncertain circumstances. Next Accordingly to (e.g., Burns,

Martin, & Collie, 2018; the current research examined individual differences in adaptability

among students who were undergoing and required to cope with the COVID-19 global health


Next is the Level of activity and involvement in the society

There are studies that support the idea that participating in social activities increases the

quality of life by (Bennett KM, 2011). Close relationships with friends and family and

participation in leisure activities are also positively associated with high quality of life by

(Duvdevany I, 2010). Next, According to (Segal R, 2015), The level of participation has been

extensively used in the health and social care literature. Next Within the research organizations,

such interactions will often occur informally at the individual researchers group level, but they
may also follow formalized agreements or well-established traditions for collaboration by ( D’

Este et al. 2018). Next, Involvement expands the ability of groups to participate in, negotiate

with influence, control and hold accountable the institutions that affect their lives by (Burkey,

2010). Next lastly, According to ( Hoyt, 2014), This empowerment is achieved when

community members work together and learn that they can rely on themselves and on their

ability to act collectively to improve their personal circumstances and the well-being of their


Next the Ability to create harmonious relationship with the people

According to Kwan et al (2015), an ideal state of a disciplined human is its interaction with

nature, society and one’s fellow human beings. Next, Conflicts among group members may

impair group performance by foregrounding maintenance concerns at the expense of task

accomplishment by (Levine & Moreland, 2013). Meanwhile, Relationship harmony may

therefore be a necessary or at least facilitating condition for successful group performance

According to (Asendorpf and Wilpers, 2012). Next  The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically

changed the nature of our social interactions by (Calbi et al, 2021). The quality of people’s

social relationships and social interactions during the pandemic were also found to be risk factors

for worse well-being and mental health during COVID-19, by (Miyamoto and Lyubomirsky,

2021). Next According to (Grech, 2020), Whilst academics like us are still busy with our usual

research activities, we are learning to adjust to a new reality and way of work (and life, though

the boundary is diminished during lockdown) with online meetings with colleagues, research

students, and of course quite ‘hauntingly’ online teaching.

Next the Ability to regulate certain behavior

In accordance with which social health is expressed in the behavior of young people, their social

activity, their active attitude to the world, ensuring the mutual adaptation of the personality of the

young person and society According to (Chikaeva et al., 2018). Next, A significant increase in

feelings of functional impairment, boredom, stigma, worry, phobia, frustration and anger has

been observed by (Ahmadi and Ramezani, 2020). Several groups are more vulnerable to greater

emotional, behavioral and psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Next, According to

(Gao et al., 2020), Digital social networks are extremely based in the virtual construction of a

self-image and visibility, which, especially for the youngest, might mediate self-esteem through

the pursuit of social approval. People can be adversely influenced by what they see in social

networks, which may alter risk perceptions, encourage unhealthy behaviors and reassure the non-

compliance with preventative measures. Next, It has also been demonstrated that children who

are out of school (like weekend and summer holidays) tend to have longer screen times, irregular

sleep patterns and less favorable diets by (Wang G. et al., 2020), which can be exceptionally

harmful in longer periods of time such as the yet unknown duration of this pandemic.

Next, Lastly, we have Conceptual Framework

In the input of this study, it shows the profile respondents describe their social health before and

after the pandemic in terms of his/her level of adaptability to the changes in the surroundings,

level of activity and involvement in the society, ability to create harmonious relationship with the

people and ability to regulate certain behavior. The input also includes the effect of quarantine to
the students’ social health in terms of his/her level of adaptability to the changes in the

surroundings, level of activity and involvement in the society, ability to create harmonious

relationships with the people and ability to regulate certain behavior. The process shows the

procedures that the researchers will conduct in this study which is by the use of the questionnaire

and the respondents’ will be chosen through the simple random sampling method. The

researchers have prepared questionnaires for the respondents to answer and consist of different

questions regarding the study. The output will be the interpretation and result of the information

gathered from the respondents upon answering the given questionnaire.

And now lastly, we have the Recommendation

After the gathering and analyzation of the data gathered from the participants of the research, the

researchers would like to recommend to the: Next


It can help every student and adolescents to identify the effects of quarantine on their

social health and capabilities. It can serve as a guide on how they can observe and take care of

their social skills. The ways of overcoming the negative effects can help them establish better

social health and interpersonal skills. The researchers suggest that they should always look at the

changes and things that have a negative effect on themselves. They should be aware and not

ignore those changes and effects as it may lead to much more negative effects not just to their

social health but in other aspects. They must be aware of how they can handle those changes.


Everyone is affected by the pandemic, we are advised to stay inside our houses and

isolate and it can lead to changes in our health, specifically our social health. The researchers

wanted to make the society become more aware of the effects of quarantine not just to our

physical and mental health but as well as to our social health and skills. Everyone should have

enough knowledge on its possible effects. Next


Parents and guardians should be aware of the effects of quarantine on their children as

they are one of the most affected by the quarantine and their social life. They should have ideas

and be able to identify its effects and ways to help them overcome it. They are the one who can

help their children in terms of its effects.


Teachers should also have enough ideas and knowledge on what are the effects of

quarantine to their students, as it may affect their academic performance and the way they

communicate and socialize at school. The researchers suggest that they should also observe their

own social health and skills. They can also help their students overcome the effects of

quarantine. Next

Lastly, the Future Researchers

This research study can help the future researchers have a credible and reliable related

literature for their future studies. This study can help them identify the possible effects of

quarantine to the students and adolescents’ social health and interpersonal skills. The research
suggests that they should also have a study and enough knowledge on the effects of quarantine to

the different aspects of a person’s health.

1.What is your research all about?
➢ The research is all about the impact of quarantine to the social health of the Grade 10
students of sto. Nino Academy. It elaborates the different situations and the level of
adaptability that individuals experience when quarantine was implemented by the
government. This study is also all about the effects of quarantine and how they can
overcome the negative effects of it.

2.Participants (bat sila)

➢ At this point of the pandemic many of students at age 15-17 yrs old are experiencing
social health problems. Since we also believe that they would give the accurate data that
our research needed.

3.Locale (bakit)
➢ This research is conducted in Sto. nino Academy. because of the availability of the
students and it will be easier for the researchers to gather reliable data.

4. Problem trying to address (health problem)

➢ Impact of the quarantine to health specifically to the social heath of the students

The research delimits itself to the impact of quarantine on the social health of the students and
will not attempt to discuss its effect on their physical health. Additionally, this study will not
tackle the effects among adults and other professionals and mainly focus on the students’ views.
Moreover, one of the problems that this study may encounter is when the respondents are not
able to answer the survey questionnaire due to connectivity of their internet.

6. Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of quarantine to the social health of the

7. Scope
This study is only limited to 100 selected Grade 10 Students from Sto. Nino Academy for the
first and second quarter of S.Y. 2021-2022. Each respondent must answer the given online
survey questionnaire to determine the effects of quarantine to their social health.

8. What motivate u to conduct this study

➢ We, the researchers, decided to conduct a study about the impact of quarantine to the
social health of the students because most of the studies conducted are about the mental
and physical health of people during quarantine and we wanted to also talk about its
effects specifically to their social health.
1. Cite 2 citations regarding ur problem
Social impact can be defined as any influence on feelings, motives, behavior, or thoughts of
individuals from receiving real, implied, or imagined presence or actions of others (Latene B,

Kurashkina (2011) defines the category of social health of young people as a condition
characterized by desire to make the best use of their personal potential, ensuring effective
inclusion in social (academic and labor) life.

➢ Students - This study will be most beneficial to the students because they are one of the
most affected by quarantine in terms of their social life.
➢ Society- Numerous articles and websites that each individual visits through their social
media accounts, due to some untrusted and fake news we are motivated to produce a
study which can help the society to get a well detailed information.
➢ Parents - This study can help the parents understand the different things happening to
their children due to quarantine.
➢ Teachers - This study can be beneficial to the teachers as they can understand the
possible effects of quarantine on their students' social health and skills.

➢ Future Researchers - This study will be beneficial for the future researchers who will also
have a study about the impact of quarantine to the social health of the students.

3. Research gaps

4. Instrument
The instrument used for this study was a researcher-made survey questionnaire. The draft
of the questionnaire was written based on the researcher’s readings, previous studies,
professional literature, published and unpublished thesis relevant to the study.

5. Anong type ng conceptual framework

➢ IPO - Input, Process and Output
6. Beneficiaries
➢ Students - This study will be most beneficial to the students because they are one of the
most affected by quarantine in terms of their social life.
➢ Society- Numerous articles and websites that each individual visits through their social
media accounts, due to some untrusted and fake news we are motivated to produce a
study which can help the society to get a well detailed information.

➢ Parents - This study can help the parents understand the different things happening to
their children due to quarantine.
➢ Teachers - This study can be beneficial to the teachers as they can understand the
possible effects of quarantine on their students' social health and skills.

➢ Future Researchers - This study will be beneficial for the future researchers who
7. Variables (wala) (predictor vs criterion)
➢ No variable po since we are not conducting an experimental research, instead po we have
predictor variable and criterion variable. The predictor variable is Quarantine while the
criterion variable is Social Health.

8. Who are your participants

The participants came from the Grade 10 students of Sto. nino Academy. Using the stratified
random sampling we are able to determine who would be our participants for our research study.
Citation method (APA kasi for academic field while MLA is for literature)

1.Statistical equip
➢ A Likert scale is a unidimensional scale that researchers use to collect respondents’
attitudes and opinions. Likert scale is used because it is simple to understand and use for
survey administrators and respondents alike.  
2.How will it contribute to body of knowledge
➢ It will contribute more information to people on the effects of quarantine on a person's
social health and skill.
3.What are your findings
➢ The researchers found out that quarantine does affect our social health, and its effects are
mainly negative or it changes a person's social capabilities.

➢ Students - It can help every student and adolescents to identify the effects of
quarantine on their social health and capabilities.

➢ Society - Everyone is affected by the pandemic, we are advised to stay inside our
houses and isolate and it can lead to changes in our health, specifically our social health.

➢ Parents - Parents and guardians should be aware of the effects of quarantine on their
children as they are one of the most affected by the quarantine and their social life.
➢ Teachers- Teachers should also have enough ideas and knowledge on what are the
effects of quarantine to their students, as it may affect their academic performance and
the way they communicate and socialize at school.

➢ Future Researchers- This research study can help the future researchers have a credible
and reliable related literature for their future studies.

5. Sampling method
➢ Sampling method is stratified random sampling, to get almost equal number of
respondents randomly in 4 sections of Grade 10
6.Validity and credibility (ilang percent)
➢ Our study is valid and credible because it is supported by the rrl

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