Healthcare Stats - Assignment #2

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Health Information Management

312 Healthcare Statistics

Assignment #2
Total: 85 Marks
Value: 15%


Complete all exercises below. You must show all your work/formulas where applicable to get full

Please ensure all answers are clear.

1. In 2020 (a leap year) Community Hospital had 150 licensed beds for adults and children from
January 1st through June 30th. From July 1st through December 31st, licensed beds
increased to 175. During the first half of the year there were 23,114 inpatient service days.
During the second half of the year there were 25,576 inpatient service days. Please show
your work and formulas.
IP SD’s 3,500 3,699 3,742 3,870 4,189 4,114 4,151 4,287 4,482 4,297 4,380 3,979
Days in 31 29 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
a. What is the average daily inpatient census for the entire year (1 mark)?
b. What is the average daily inpatient census for October? Round to the nearest whole
number (1 mark).
c. What is the average daily inpatient census for the first quarter (Apr, May, Jun)? Round to
the nearest whole number (1 mark). Community Hospital fiscal year begins April 1st.
d. Patients who are admitted and discharged on the same day are calculated as part of the
(2 marks):
a. Inpatient Census
b. Daily Inpatient Census
c. Inpatient Service Days
*HINT: there may be more than one correct answer.

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2. The following is information related to Hopewell Hospital. Review the information and
answer the questions below.

HOPEWELL HOSPITAL: Beds = 100 Bassinets = 10 DATE: April 30

Bed Starting Transfers Discharges

Count Census Admissions In Out (live) Deaths

Brooks, B.
Cooper, C. Cramer, C.
37 Medical 34 Inman, J. 2 1 Morris, M. Dawson, D.
Dawson, D. Kingston, K.
Kingston, K.
Draper, D.
Roberts, R.
22 Surgical 16 Grant, G. 3 2 Good, G.
Riley, R.
Jones, J.
Sanders, S.
Dunlap, D.
13 Ortho 7 0 1 Smith, S. Hooks, H.
Hancock, H.
Tabor, T.
Graber, G.
10 Ped 5 Elwood, E. 0 0
Jacobs, J.
Jasper, J.
10 OB 8 Lane, K. 0 0
Turner, B.
Thomas, T.
Lane, L.
10 NB 6 0 0 Turner, T.
Norris, N.
Gruber, E.
Foster, F.
8 ICU 5 Pickett, P. 0 1 Watson, W.
Miller, M.

Determine the following data for May 1:

a. Inpatient A&C census (1 mark)

b. Medical unit census (1 mark)
c. Daily inpatient census for medical unit (1 mark)
d. Surgical unit census (1 mark)
e. NB census (1 mark)
f. IP service day total for A&C (1 mark)
g. IP service day total for NB (1 mark)
h. Total deaths (1 mark)
i. Daily IP census for A&C (1 mark)

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The inpatient service days for 50-bed hospital in June are as follows:


June 1 47 June 16 52
June 2 42 June 17 35
June 3 35 June 18 47
June 4 25 June 19 43
June 5 45 June 20 41
June 6 48 June 21 44
June 7 36 June 22 48
June 8 30 June 23 40
June 9 43 June 24 36
June 10 38 June 25 38
June 11 35 June 26 42
June 12 48 June 27 44
June 13 47 June 28 40
June 14 41 June 29 50
June 15 49 June 30 41

Determine the following based on the table above (round rates to two decimal places):

a. Inpatient service days for June 20 (1 mark)

b. Inpatient service days for June 7- June 15 (1 mark)
c. Total IPSDs for June (1 mark)
d. Percentage of occupancy for June (1 mark)
e. Average daily IP census for June 1 – June 6 (1 mark)
f. Average IPSDs for June (1 mark)
g. Percentage of occupancy for June 16 (1 mark)
h. Percentage of occupancy if the bed count had increased to 55 beds on June 16 and
remained at that level for the duration of the month (1 mark)

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Fill in the length of stay for the hospital discharges for May 5 and then answer the
questions below: (19 marks)

Name Adm Dis Service LOS

Adams, A. 5-01 5-5 Med
Brooks, B. 4-27 5-5 Ped
Collier, C. 4-30 5-5 Med
Davis, D. 5-04 5-5 OB
Edwards, E. 4-29 5-5 Med
Foster, F. 5-03 5-5 OB
Grant, G. 4-28 5-5 Surg
Hicks, H. 5-01 5-5 Med
Ingalls, I. 5-05 5-5 Med
Jacobs, J. 4-02 5-5 Ped
Kingston, K. 4-15 5-5 Surg
Lawler, L. 5-02 5-5 Med
Mitchell, M. 5-04 5-5 Ped
Norris, N. 4-26 5-5 Surg
Olson, O. 4-29 5-5 Surg
Price, P. 5-03 5-5 Med
Quincy, Q. 5-02 5-5 Ped
Raber, R. 5-05 5-5 OB
Smith, S. 5-01 5-5 Surg

Using the data above, determine the following, rounded to one decimal place, and please
show your formulas and calculations:
a. Average length of stay (2 marks)
b. Average length of stay for each service:
i. Med (2 marks)
ii. Surg (2 marks)
iii. Ped (2 marks)
iv. OB (2 marks)

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5. Using the following data in the table below, calculate the Net Mortality Rate at
Community Hospital. Express as a percent and round to two decimal places (2 marks).

• Total adult and children discharges 600

• Total adult and children deaths 003
o Number of deaths < 48 hours of admission 001
o Number of deaths > 48 hours of admission 002
• Total newborn discharges 090
• Total newborn deaths 001
o Number of deaths < 48 hours of admission 000
o Number of deaths > 48 hours of admission 001

Determine the gross mortality rate, rounded to two decimal places (2 marks)

6. At University Hospital, a mother died immediately after delivery. The hospital’s annual
obstetrics/gynecology discharges are classified as: delivered, 4,199; aborted, 57; not
delivered (prepartum), 126; and postpartum, 66. What is the maternal mortality rate
at University Hospital? Round to two decimal places (2 marks).

7. Community Hospital had 275 discharges in July. There were six inpatient deaths. The
hospital pathologist performed three of the autopsies. Also during this time, four
outpatients died, and two home health patients died and were brought to the hospital
for autopsy.

What is the adjusted hospital autopsy rate? Express as a percent (2 marks).

8. OBS data in Newness Hospital is as follows during a one-week period:

• 3 females deliver live twins

• 1 female delivers live triplets (one baby dies shortly after birth)
• 56 females deliver live single babies, two of which die prior to discharge
• 1 female delivers a stillborn
• 6 females abort (12, 13, 16, 23, 27 and 32 weeks gestation)

Calculate the following, showing your work: (NB = Newborn)

a. Number of NB admissions (2 marks)

b. Number of NB deaths (2 marks)
c. Number of deliveries (2 marks)
d. Number of fetal deaths (2 marks)
e. Fetal mortality rate, to one decimal place (2 marks)

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9. Indicate if the following cases should be in either the net autopsy and/or hospital autopsy
rate: (Highlight or select Yes or No) (16 marks)

Net Autopsy Hospital

Rate Autopsy Rate

a. Patient died in the Emergency Room and is autopsied by the

medical examiner. Yes No Yes No
b. A former hospital patient died at home two months following
discharge and the body is brought to the hospital for autopsy. Yes No Yes No

c. The hospital pathologist is authorized by the medical examiner

to perform an autopsy on a gunshot victim who died in the
Emergency Room. Yes No Yes No
d. The hospital designates Dr. Smith to cover for him while he is out
of town. Dr. Smith performs an autopsy on a hospital inpatient. Yes No Yes No

e. A hospital patient delivers a late fetal death. This stillborn infant

is autopsied by the hospital pathologist. Yes No Yes No

f. A patient has been undergoing chemotherapy for metastatic

cancer on an outpatient basis and died at home. The body is
brought to the hospital for autopsy. Yes No Yes No

g. The medical examiner claims the body of a hospital inpatient as a

possible murder victim and does the autopsy himself. Yes No Yes No

h. An elderly patient, who has not seen her physician in the

past year, died within an hour of admission to the hospital.
An autopsy is performed by the hospital pathologist. Yes No Yes No

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