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Name: Macias Loor Carlos

Par 17

The importance of having a professional degree
Many people have very skills than others, but is good skills enough to excel in the world
of work and career? If the skills of each person were enough to sustain the world, there
would be no institutions that train professionals over the years. Although there are
skilled people, they do not necessarily have to be more important than professionals,
and there are several reasons for this, in this case, professionals have several years of
study, on the other hand, they have a university degree, and finally, the confidence of
the people who hire them is higher than a person with only skills that supports him.
Many people spend years studying to be able to train professionally and all that study
must pay off. Professionals acquire more knowledge, for example, during all the time
you are studying, you acquire not only knowledge, but also skills that allow you to
develop better, thus also allowing you to teach others and achieve a better work
environment. Have to clearest theory which allows them to apply it in practice, for
example, in the labor field, not only theoretical knowledge is needed, but also practical
knowledge, however, the clearer the theory is, the better a performance will be seen in
the practical field, improving work efficiency. They have a variety of fields of
knowledge and not have to be governed by one. For example, A professional, having
extensive knowledge, has the possibility of choosing various fields of work that are
related to his profession, which allows him in one way or another to have a solvency in
terms of employment possibilities, unlike a person that you only have skills in a single
branch of work in question. Once these parts are mentioned, it can be inferred that the
knowledge acquired in all that time of study has its consequences for the good, and it
could only be appreciated in the above.
Having a college degree opens many doors and opportunities around the world. The
importance of the university degree in a curriculum. For example, almost all companies
at the time of hiring a person, look at the university degree of that person, because that
gives them the certainty that they are hiring someone trained and with studies. Better
financial opportunities. When a professional has their degree, companies try to consider
the effort of these professionals through the salary they are given, therefore, it is logical
that a professional has a better salary than a person who does not have it. Therefore, the
university degree of a professional, at the time of being able to provide a better job
position to people, allows them to improve their economy because their salary is the
reward of their degree and efforts.
Trust between people is a key starting point for personal and work relationships. When
a person is a professional, they have many things to support them, such as their title and
knowledge, however, one of the most important things is their relationship with people
in work environments. This will allow professionals to have recognition among people,
allowing more job opportunities. For example, at the time of a project where the
services of the professional are requested, the clients will mostly choose a person who
has several factors that support their work. On the other hand, clients would recommend
the services of this professional, since most trust a professional more than a person who
is not, which is a professional advantage for the professional. So, gaining the trust of
people through a good job done, and through good references is a reflection that you are
working with a good professional.
To conclude, starting from each of the parts exposed above, we can emphasize that the
amount of knowledge of a professional, the title that supports it, and the relationships it
establishes with clients and others, are a fundamental part for its development, thus
contributing to the improvement of things. With this, it is implied that a skillful person
is not more important than a professional, not because of the work they do but because
of the things that support each one and the effort they put in every day. This is a very
clear point of view with respect to what has already been discussed, so it is up to each
person to decide whether take into account each of these considerations for his future
and his professional life.

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