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Field Experience B: Principal Interview

Kirk Summers

Grand Canyon University

EAD-505-0500: Education Law

Scot Beckerman

July 14, 2021,

Field Experience B: Principal Interview

Kirk Summers

Talking with three different administrators was a confirming experience. To listen to each
individual, express how they became administrators and how they conduct themselves, was truly
exciting to me. I will honestly say that I have three family members that are administrators of
different levels, and I was excited to learn from them. This activity gave me a huge insight to
how each become who they are and what influenced them. I was surprised to see that all three
interviewed, aligned almost identically with each other’s experiences.

All three had, in a roundabout way, stated that they had wanted to take the next step in
the field to better help students succeed. I found it very uplifting to know that all three had
become administrators to do what was best for students. As an educator, this solidified my own
reasons for becoming a principal. This led into the steps that they took to become administrators
in the schools that they are now in. All had to complete a masters’ level of education in
administration, whether it be on a University campus or online learning.

They all had to do a mentor program during their courses and also had to do many
observations with their mentor principal. The State of Idaho has instituted a IPMP (Idaho
Principal Mentoring Project), to support new principals as they work to being effective in their
schools. Idaho also has in place the IPN (Idaho Principals Network), to also maintain instructions
in all areas that Idaho principals need in their duties. I was excited to hear that all three have and
are taking advantage of these programs to better themselves as principals and administrators.
Along those networks, principals receive updates about the federal and state laws or policies.

I was also informed that they receive many emails daily with updates and training on
these updates. These emails, they have told me, come from the state and the federal level. The
district level changes should be received through the board meeting and policies. These changes
are made and then posted on the schools’ website in the board policies. All three administrators
stated that they were in this position to better assist students and to do that, they must be able to
communicate to staff, parents, and community regularly and effectively.

As the interviews progressed, I began to notice that the three always built on the
foundation of placing what was best for the students in the forefront. As I reviewed and reflected
upon the interviews, PSEL Standard 2 stood out to me in that it states: “Place children at the
center of education and accept responsibility for each student’s academic success and well-
being”. This is the one reason that I have decided to move from the classroom into the principal
role. I feel that I will be able to more effectively assist a greater number of students in this
capacity. The three administrators are major examples of how I want to be as a principal.

They have such a personal connection with staff and students, that they are able to
achieve remarkable heights in their schools. I hope to one day be as great as they are and be able
to stand next to them as a peer. They have influenced me in so many ways that I am unable to put
into words.

Professional Standards for Educational Leader. (2015). (PSEL). Standard 2. Ethics and

Professional Norms

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