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Geotechnical Properties of Mine Tailings

Liming Hu, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE 1; Hui Wu 2; Lin Zhang 3; Pengwei Zhang 4; and Qingbo Wen 5

Abstract: The engineering properties of tailings are important for the safety evaluation and engineering design of tailing dams. In the present
study, laboratory experiments were performed to investigate the geotechnical properties of four different tailings, including two iron tailings
(coarse and fine) and two copper tailings (coarse and fine). Compared to the copper tailings, the iron tailings showed higher compressibility,
lower permeability, lower strength, and lower cyclic resistance. With the decrease in void ratio, the coefficient of consolidation almost kept
constant for the fine iron tailings, whereas for the fine copper tailings, the coefficient of consolidation gradually increased. Under cyclic
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loading, the accumulation of pore water pressure was faster in the fine tailings than that in the coarse tailings. The cyclic resistance ratios
(CRR) of the four tailings were found to be comparable with previous report data on other metal tailings, and the consolidation stress showed
little impact on CRR. The laboratory tests provided useful information to understand the geotechnical behaviors of mine tailings including
seepage, deformation, strength, as well as seismic responses. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001736. This work is made available
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license,
Author keywords: Tailings; Geotechnical properties; Pore water pressure; Cyclic resistance; Cyclic triaxial test.

Introduction impoundment and thereafter consolidation under their own weight

and compaction to form a tailing dam. The size and number of tail-
The exploitation and use of mineral resources produce large ing dams increased rapidly with the increase in mining activity to
amount of mine tailings that are commonly in slurry form with high address the high global demand for metals and minerals. There are
water content and compressibility. Over the last few decades, the over 18,400 tailing dams worldwide (Azam and Li 2010). For ex-
volume of tailings being generated increased dramatically with the ample, the Caren tailing impoundment in central Chile was retained
increase in the demand for minerals and metals, and the mining of by an earth-fill dam with a maximum height of 108 m (James et al.
many low-grade ores. The tailings always contain heavy metals, 2011), the Bahuerachi tailing dam in Mexico was designed with a
toxic substances, and chemicals added during mineral processing, maximum height of 100 m with the capacity of 200 million m3 tail-
which may disperse into the environment and threaten public ings, and the Yuhezhai iron tailing dam in Yunnan, China, was de-
health. In addition, because of the small grain size and high water signed to a maximum height of 182 m to retain 17 million m3
content, the mechanical stability of the tailings mass is poor. There- tailings. The height and storage capacity of tailing dams have in-
fore, the disposal and storage of tailings becomes a significant con- creased continuously during the past decades to meet the growing
cern for the overall mining and milling operation associated with mine exploitation demand, which inevitably leads to the increase
the mining industry. in the risk of tailing dam failure (Klohn 1997; Davis 2002;
In order to maintain the normal mining operations, several meth- Psarropoulos and Tsompanakis 2008; Rico et al. 2008; Azam and
ods are proposed for tailing disposal, including disposal of dry or Li 2010; Ferdosi et al. 2015). In fact, the main concern with such
thickened tailings in impoundments or free-standing piles, backfill- tailing dams is the stability during the mining operation and after
ing underground mine workings, subaqueous disposal, and the tailing reservoir closure. Azam and Li (2010) reported a total of 198
most common method, the disposal of tailings slurry in impound- tailing dam failure events before the year 2000 and 20 failure events
ments that involves the transport of tailing mass in slurry pipes to an from 2000 to 2010. Eleven other failure events were reported from
2010 to 2015 [WISE Uranium Project (WISE 2015)]. According to
Associate Professor, State Key Laboratory of Hydro-Science and these statistical results, the rate of failure of tailing dams was esti-
Engineering, Dept. of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing mated to be 1.2%, which was more than two orders of magnitude
100084, P.R. China (corresponding author). E-mail:
2 higher than the failure rate of conventional water retention dams,
Research Assistant, State Key Laboratory of Hydro-Science and
Engineering, Dept. of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing
which was reported to be about 0.01% (ICOLD 2001; Azam and
100084, P.R. China. E-mail: Li 2010).
Ph.D. Candidate, State Key Laboratory of Hydro-Science and The high failure rate of tailing dams has led to an increasing
Engineering, Dept. of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing awareness of the need for enhanced safety in the design and oper-
100084, P.R. China. E-mail: ation of tailing dams, which is highly dependent on the static and
Ph.D. Candidate, State Key Laboratory of Hydro-Science and cyclic characteristics of the tailings used for the construction of tail-
Engineering, Dept. of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing ing dams, as well as the geological and hydrogeological conditions
100084, P.R. China. E-mail: of the disposal site. Many studies have been conducted to inves-
Associate Professor, State Key Laboratory of Hydro-Science and tigate the mechanical characteristics of mine tailings, and their con-
Engineering, Dept. of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing
clusions varied when different kinds of tailings were tested (Vick
100084, P.R. China. E-mail:
Note. This manuscript was submitted on January 22, 2016; approved 1983; Qiu and Sego 2001; Wijewickreme et al. 2005, 2010; Wong
on June 28, 2016; published online on September 14, 2016. Discussion et al. 2008; James et al. 2011; Geremew and Yanful 2012, 2013;
period open until February 14, 2017; separate discussions must be sub- Bonin et al. 2014). For instance, the results from laterite tailings
mitted for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Materi- indicated that the cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) increased with
als in Civil Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0899-1561. an increase in the initial effective consolidation stress, whereas

© ASCE 04016220-1 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

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the CRR of copper-gold-zinc tailings and gold tailings was insen- poured into the sample mold to form the specimen for the permeabil-
sitive to the initial consolidation stress (Wijewickreme et al. 2005; ity test. The fine tailings were first oven dried, then mixed with water
James et al. 2011). Geremew and Yanful (2013) illustrated that tail- at a predetermined water content of 10% and compacted into the
ings containing montmorillonite showed higher resistance to cyclic sample mold in five layers with a dry density of 1.60 and 1.46 g=cm3
loading than those containing kaolinite. In fact, tailings character- for the iron and copper tailings, respectively, and finally saturated
istics vary greatly and are highly dependent on the ore type, clay under a vacuum. The specimens for the permeability tests were
mineralogy, and the physical and chemical processes used to ex- 10 cm in diameter and 10 cm in height. Except for the specimen
tract the economic product. Therefore, a comprehensive under- preparation, tests were completely conformed to ASTM standard
standing of the mechanical properties of mine tailings is critical D5084-10 (ASTM 2010). The consolidation test was performed in
for the design of a tailing dam. In addition, numerical simulation a one-dimensional oedometer 8 cm in diameter according to ASTM
has proved to be a useful tool for the analysis of the seepage, de- standard D2435M-11 (ASTM 2011d). The coarse and fine tailings
formation, seismic response, as well as the assessment of stability were naturally deposited in the apparatus and the stepwise vertical
of tailing dams. The required input parameters for such numerical stresses were 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1,600 kPa.
simulation are generally obtained from laboratory tests. The unsaturated triaxial testing system (VJTech, Reading,
An iron mine in Yuhezhai, Yunnan, China, and a copper mine in Berkshire, U.K.) was used to conduct the consolidated undrained
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Bahuerachi, Mexico, are going to be constructed, and the plan is to (CU) and consolidated drained (CD) triaxial compression tests on
dispose of produced tailings in tailing reservoirs. Engineering de- the tailings according to ASTM standard D4767-11 and D7181-11,
sign for the two tailing dams is necessary before the mines can be respectively (ASTM 2011c, b). The consolidation stresses were
exploited. In this study, a series of laboratory experiments were 200, 400, and 800 kPa. The specimens for the triaxial tests were
conducted to investigate the static and cyclic mechanical properties 3.91 cm in diameter and 8 cm in height, and the preparation of
of four tailings, including the coarse iron tailing and fine iron tailing specimens was the same as that in the permeability tests. The initial
from the Yuhezhai iron mine, and the coarse copper tailing and fine void ratios of the samples were 0.94 and 0.93 for the coarse and fine
copper tailing from the Bahuerachi copper mine. The main objec- iron tailing samples, and 0.78 and 0.89 for the coarse and fine
tive of this laboratory study was to ascertain the basic geotechnical copper tailing samples, respectively.
properties of the four tailings and to measure their characteristics of A stress-controlled cyclic triaxial system (DDS-70, Beijing New
permeability, compression, strength, and cyclic response, which Technology Research Institute, Beijing, China) was used to study the
were essential for the numerical analysis and scientific design of cyclic properties of the tailings. Both the cyclic strength and cyclic
the two tailing dams. Moreover, the measured engineering proper- modulus tests were carried out according to ASTM standards
ties of the four tailings were compared with each other and also D5311M-11 and D3999-91 (ASTM 2003, 2013). The size and prepa-
compared with results from previous studies on other types of tail- ration of the specimens were the same as that in the triaxial tests. The
ings to understand the variety of tailing properties from different frequency of the applied cyclic load was 1 Hz with sinusoidal wave.
ore mines.

Mechanical Properties of the Tailings

Materials and Methods
Characterization of the Tailings
The basic geotechnical properties of the four tailings are summa-
The produced tailings were transported into a hydrocyclone sepa- rized in Table 1, and Fig. 1 displays the grain size distributions. The
ration facility, and two kinds of tailings were generated, i.e., coarse specific gravity of the coarse and fine iron tailings are 3.23 and
tailings from the bottom and fine tailings from the overflow of the 3.08, respectively, which are consistent with those of metal tailings
hydrocyclone separation facility. The concentrations of the pro- but much higher than those of natural soils. The specific gravity of
duced coarse iron and fine iron tailings from the Yuhezhai iron the coarse and fine copper tailings are 2.77 and 2.76, respectively,
mine were about 65–70 and 70 wt%, respectively, and the concen- which are smaller than those of the iron tailings but slightly larger
trations of the coarse copper and fine copper tailings from the than those of natural soils. Fig. 1 indicates that the mass percentage
Bahuerachi copper mine were about 72 and 60 wt%. of grain size less than 0.075 mm is 14.9% for the coarse iron

Test Methods
A series of conventional laboratory experiments were carried out to Table 1. Geotechnical Properties of Coarse and Fine Tailings
investigate the mechanical properties of the tailings, including spe- Yuhezhai Bahuerachi
cific gravity, grain size distribution, Atterberg limits, and hydraulic iron tailings copper tailings
conductivity. Consolidation tests, triaxial tests, and cyclic triaxial Coarse Fine Coarse Fine
tests were conducted to investigate the compression characteristics Properties tailings tailings tailings tailings
and strength of the tailings.
Specific gravity, Gs 3.23 3.08 2.77 2.76
The pycnometer method was chosen to measure the specific Natural water content, w (%) 43–54 43 39 67
gravity. The sieving method and laser particle size analysis were Liquid limit, wL (%) — 28 — 28
combined for the determination of grain size distribution. The Plastic limit, wp (%) — 19 — 13
Atterberg limits were measured with the fall cone test. The per- Plasticity index, I p (%) — 9 — 15
meability of the two coarse tailings was measured with a permea- D10 (mm) 0.051 0.005 0.065 0.005
meter by applying a constant water head gradient to the bottom D30 (mm) 0.093 0.012 0.090 0.028
and top of the sample, and the permeability of the two fine tailings D50 (mm) 0.120 0.030 0.120 0.060
was studied with a flexible wall permeameter under different D60 (mm) 0.160 0.045 0.140 0.074
consolidation stresses (50, 100, 200, 400, and 600 kPa). The as- Coefficient of uniformity 3.11 8.82 2.15 14.8
Coefficient of curvature 1.05 0.59 0.89 2.12
received coarse tailings were first saturated under a vacuum and then

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Table 2. Fitting Results of Relationships between Void Ratio and Vertical
Tailing Void Compression
Tailing material type ratio, e0 index, Cc
Yuhezhai iron tailings Coarse 0.74 0.046
Fine 1.41 0.260
Bahuerachi copper tailings Coarse 0.84 0.025
Fine 1.03 0.085

in which p0 ¼ 1 kPa; e0 = initial void ratio corresponding to p0 ;

and Cc = compression index. The fitting results of the four tailings
are summarized in Table 2. The compression index (Cc ) is 0.046
and 0.260 for the coarse and fine iron tailings, and 0.025 and 0.085
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for the coarse and fine copper tailings. Both the coarse and fine iron
tailings display a higher compressibility than the coarse and fine
Fig. 1. Grain size distribution of the coarse and fine tailings copper tailings. According to the values of Cc , the coarse iron tail-
ings are characterized as a moderate compressible soil, and the fine
iron tailings are high compressible soil. However, for the copper
tailings, 78.4% for the fine iron tailings, 14.24% for the coarse cop- tailings, the coarse and fine tailings are characterized as low and
per tailings, and 61.12% for the fine copper tailings. It is worth- moderate compressible soil, respectively. The Cc values of the four
while noting that the grain size distributions of the two coarse tailings are in agreement with those reported by Qiu and Sego
tailings are almost the same, and both present an average particle (2001) and Wong et al. (2008), as displayed in Fig. 2. The copper
size D50 of 0.12 mm. The D50 of the fine iron tailings (0.03 mm) is and gold tailings from Qiu and Sego (2001) and the coarse oil sand
smaller than that of the fine copper tailings (0.06 mm). According tailings from Wong et al. (2008) show a Cc of 0.094, 0.152, and
to the coefficient of uniformity and coefficient of curvature results, 0.036, respectively, indicating that all of them belong to moderate
the coarse iron tailings, fine iron tailings, and coarse copper tailings compressible soil. The values of Cc of the coal wash tailings and
are poorly graded soils, whereas the fine copper tailings present a the fine oil sand tailings are 0.368 and 0.447, which both belong
well-graded grain size distribution. Based on the testing results of to high compressible soil. The comparison of Cc for different
Atterberg limits and grain size distribution, the two coarse tailings tailings indicates that the oil sand tailings and coal wash tailings
are classified as silty sand (SM), and the two fine tailings are clas- have a higher compressibility than the other metal tailings, and
sified as sandy lean clay (CL) according to the Unified Soil Clas- for the same type of tailings, the fine tailings always present higher
sification System (ASTM 2011a). compressibility than the coarse tailings. For different types of
tailings, the compressibility is not only related to the grain size
and mine type, but also depends on the grade of mine, mining
Consolidation Test technology, mill process, deposition method, mineralogical
The void ratio (e) versus logarithm of the vertical stress (p) for the composition, etc.
coarse and fine tailings is plotted in Fig. 2. A logarithmic function According to the results of the consolidation tests, the coeffi-
can be used to fit the compression curves of the coarse and fine cient of compressibility (mv ) under different void ratios were cal-
tailings (Wong et al. 2008) culated, and the relationships between e and mv were fitted with a
logarithmic function as shown in Fig. 3. With a decrease in the
e ¼ e0 − Cc × logðp=p0 Þ ð1Þ vertical stress, the coefficient of compressibility decreases. Com-
pared to the two coarse tailings, the two fine tailings present a larger
mv , and moreover, both the coarse and fine iron tailings show a
larger mv than the coarse and fine copper tailings. According to
the fitting results in Fig. 3, the relationship between mv and e
can be described with the following equation:

e ¼ e0 − R × logðmv0 =mv Þ ð2Þ

in which mv0 ðMPa−1 Þ = coefficient of compressibility correspond-

ing to p0 and initial void ratio e0 ; and R = factor describing the
change rate of mv with the change in void ratio. The fitting of
the two fine tailings is better than that of the two coarse tailings
because the correlation coefficients are higher than 0.97 for the
two fine tailings. The fitting results of the two fine tailings can
be expressed as

Fine iron tailings∶ e ¼ 1.41 − 0.308 × logð18.91 MPa−1 =mv Þ

Fine copper tailings∶ e ¼ 1.03 − 0.101 × logð5.92 MPa−1 =mv Þ
Fig. 2. Void ratio versus logarithm of vertical stress ð3Þ

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The change in hydraulic conductivity with void ratio can be further
fitted with a logarithmic function as
e ¼ e0 þ M × logðk=k0 Þ ð4Þ

where k0 = initial hydraulic conductivity under initial void ratio

(cm=s). The fitting results of the two fine tailings can be ex-
pressed as

Fine iron tailings∶ e ¼ 1.41 þ 0.299 × log½k=ð6.2 × 10−5 cm=sÞ

Fine copper tailings∶ e ¼ 1.03 þ 0.382 × log½k=ð2.6 × 10−5 cm=sÞ

The coefficient of consolidation can be derived from Eqs. (2)

and (4) as
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Cv ¼ ¼ Cv0 · 10ð1=R−1=MÞ·ðe0 −eÞ ð6Þ
γ w · mv

where γ w = unit weight of water; and Cv0 = initial coefficient of

consolidation, which can be expressed as k0 =ðmv0 · γ w Þ. When
Fig. 3. Relationship between the coefficient of compressibility and R ¼ M, the decrease in mv with decrease in void ratio exactly
void ratio of the tailings balances the decrease in k, and therefore Cv is constant during
the consolidation process. The initial coefficient of consolidation
Cv0 is 3.3 × 10−6 m2 =s and 4.4 × 10−6 m2 =s for the fine iron
tailings and fine copper tailings, respectively. When R > M, Cv
Hydraulic Conductivity decreases with the decrease in void ratio during consolidation,
whereas when R < M, Cv increases with the decrease in void ratio.
According to the results of the permeability tests, the average hy- According to the fitting results in Figs. 3 and 4, for the fine iron
draulic conductivities (k) of the coarse iron tailings and the coarse tailings, the values of R and M are almost the same (0.308 and
copper tailings are 1.0 × 10−4 and 2.1 × 10−3 cm=s, respectively. 0.299); therefore, Cv keeps constant during the test. However,
Fig. 4 further shows the relationship between void ratio and hy- for the fine copper tailings, the value of R is smaller than that
draulic conductivity of the two fine tailings as well as other kinds of M, which means Cv increases during the test.
of tailings. The hydraulic conductivities of the two fine tailings in- The consolidation theory by Terzaghi (1943) assumed a con-
crease with the increase in void ratio, and the fine copper tailings stant coefficient of consolidation. Lekha et al. (2003) derived a sol-
present a higher hydraulic conductivity than the fine iron tailings. ution for a one-dimensional consolidation problem considering
In addition, the hydraulic conductivities of the two tested fine tail- more realistic assumptions about soil behavior, including the non-
ings are smaller than those of the copper and gold tailings from Qiu linear variation of compressibility and hydraulic conductivity as
and Sego (2001), and larger than that of the fine oil sand tailings described in Eqs. (2) and (4). According to the theory of Lekha
from Wong et al. (2008). Compared to the organic tailings, the et al. (2003), the actual consolidation process takes place faster than
metal tailings generally present a larger hydraulic conductivity. expected by Terzaghi’s theory when R < M. During and after the
construction of the tailing dams, both the coarse and fine tailings
gradually consolidate under their own weight, and the consolida-
tion process is important for the safety evaluation and management
of the tailing dams. Moreover, because the consolidation of fine
tailings is normally slower than the coarse tailings, the analysis
of the consolidation of fine tailings is actually even more important
for a tailing dam. Based on the above analysis of mv and k for the
two fine tailings, the traditional consolidation theory by Terzaghi
(1943) can be used to analyze the consolidation of the fine iron
tailings, whereas for the fine copper tailings, the theory proposed
by Lekha et al. (2003) is recommended.

Triaxial Test
Both the CU and CD tests were conducted on the Yuhezhai iron
tailings, and CU tests were conducted on the Bahuerachi copper
tailings. The friction angle and cohesion of the four tailings were
calculated from the results of the triaxial tests as listed in Table 3,
where ϕcu and ccu denote the strength indices in terms of total stress
calculated from CU tests, ϕ 0 and c 0 denote the strength indices in
terms of effective stress calculated from CU tests, and ϕcd and ccd
denote the strength indices in terms of effective stress calculated
Fig. 4. Relationship between the hydraulic conductivity and void ratio
from CD tests. For the two iron tailings, the effective friction angle
of the fine tailings
(ϕ 0 ) calculated from the CU tests is in accordance with that

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Table 3. Friction Angle and Cohesion of Coarse and Fine Tailings
CU tests CD tests
Tailing material Tailing type ϕcu (degrees) ccu (kPa) ϕ 0 (degrees) c 0 (kPa) ϕcd (degrees) ccd (kPa)
Yuhezhai iron tailings Coarse 25.0 194.0 41.0 8.8 40.0 30.1
Fine 16.0 13.8 32.0 7.4 35.0 28.5
Bahuerachi copper tailings Coarse 38.0 71.0 40.0 32.0 — —
Fine 31.0 0.0 38.0 0.0 — —

obtained from the CD tests (ϕcd ), whereas the effective cohesion exhibits higher plasticity than the fine iron tailings. According to
(c 0 ) from CU tests is smaller than that from the CD tests (ccd ). the Atterberg limits and the natural water content, the liquefaction
The effective friction angle and cohesion of the coarse tailings susceptibility of the two fine tailings can be assessed with three
are larger than those of the fine tailings, both for the iron and copper empirical criteria proposed by Wang (1979) and Marcuson et al.
tailings. In addition, the comparison also indicates that the strength (1990) (the Chinese criteria), Seed et al. (2003), and Bray et al.
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indices (ϕ 0 and c 0 ) of the coarse iron tailings are similar to those of (2004), as shown in Fig. 5. The Chinese criteria suggest that clay
the coarse copper tailings, whereas the strength indices of the fine soil may be liquefied as a result of cyclic loading if the percent of
iron tailings are smaller than those of the fine copper tailings. particles finer than 0.005 mm < 15%, the liquid limit < 35%, and
the water content >0.9 × wL . For the fine iron tailings and fine cop-
per tailings, the percent of particles finer than 0.005 mm is about
Cyclic Characteristics of the Tailings 10.5 and 10.4%, respectively. Therefore, both of the two fine tail-
ings are not safe under cyclic loading [Fig. 5(a)], and further tests
are needed such as cyclic triaxial (CTX) or cyclic direct simple
Liquefaction Susceptibility
shear (CDSS) tests. According to the criteria proposed by Seed et al.
As shown in Table 1, the liquid limit of the two fine tailings is (2003) and Bray et al. (2004) [Figs. 5(b and c)], the fine iron tail-
the same, and the plastic limit of the fine iron tailings is higher than ings have potential to liquefaction, whereas the fine copper tailings
that of the fine copper tailings; therefore, the fine copper tailings need further tests.

Fig. 5. Assessment of the liquefaction susceptibility of the two fine tailings: (a) Chinese criterion; (b) criterion proposed by Seed et al. (2003);
(c) criterion proposed by Bray et al. (2004)

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Fig. 6. CSR versus number of cycles required for 5% double amplitude axial strain or 100% pore water pressure: (a) coarse iron tailings; (b) fine iron
tailings; (c) coarse copper tailings; (d) fine copper tailings

Cyclic Resistance Ratio For coarse iron tailings∶ CRR ¼ 0.507N −0.186
The failure criteria adopted in the cyclic strength tests is 5% double For fine iron tailings∶ CRR ¼ 0.505N f−0.184
amplitude axial strain (ε) or 100% pore water pressure (u), which
means a stage for which the developed pore water pressure during For coarse copper tailings∶ CRR ¼ 0.545N f−0.059
cyclic loading reached the applied consolidation stress. In this For fine copper tailings∶ CRR ¼ 0.403N f−0.05 ð8Þ
study, the 5% double amplitude axial strain is adopted to identify
the failure of the tailings specimens. The cyclic strength tests are
conducted under the isotropic consolidation condition (K c ¼ 1.0). As indicated by Eq. (8), the cyclic resistances of the two coarse
Fig. 6 plots the dimensionless cyclic stress ratio (CSR), defined as tailings are larger than those of the two fine tailings, respectively.
the ratio between the applied cyclic shear stress and twice the con- Furthermore, compared to the iron tailings, the copper tailings
solidation stress, against the number of cycles to failure (N f ). With possess a higher cyclic resistance.
an increase in CSR, the number of failure cycles decreases. Similar Some of the previously published data on the cyclic resistance
to the results of copper-gold-zinc tailings and gold tailings reported ratio of other kinds of tailings are compared with the results pre-
by Wijewickreme et al. (2005) and James et al. (2011), the CRR of sented in this paper in Fig. 7. The CRRs of the iron and copper
the four tailings are all insensitive to the initial consolidation stress. tailings in this study are similar to other kinds of tailings such
Furthermore, the relationship between CRR and the number of as copper tailings and copper-zinc tailings. As mentioned above,
failure cycles is generally expressed by the following equation the cyclic resistance of soil can also be studied with the CDSS test,
(Boulanger and Idriss 2004; James et al. 2011): and some of the reported data of CDSS tests are also illustrated in
Fig. 7. The comparison between the CTX and CDSS tests indicates
CRR ¼ aN −b
f ð7Þ that the CRR values obtained from CTR tests are larger than those
obtained from CDSS tests.
The curves in Fig. 6 are fitted with the above function and the The CDSS test is more suitable than the CTX test to study the
results are as following: cyclic strength of soil because the CDSS test can simulate the cyclic

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Fig. 7. Comparison of the CRR of different tailings Fig. 8. Comparison of pore water pressure between test results and
model predictions proposed by Seed et al. (1975) and Zhang et al.
rotation of principal stress that takes place during earthquake load-
ing. Idriss and Boulanger (2008) recommended an empirical equa-
tion for the correction of the CTX results to account for the stress consolidation condition, in which the relationship between u=σ3
path effects and N=N f could be expressed as follows:
1 þ 2 · ðK 0 ÞCDSS 2
¼ arcsin
3 σ3 π Nf
where CRRCDSS = cyclic resistance obtained from CDSS test;
where θ = empirical constant determined from laboratory testing.
CRRCTR = cyclic resistance obtained from CTR test; and
Zhang et al. (2006) proposed a similar model to predict cyclic
ðK 0 ÞCDSS = coefficient of earth pressure at rest in a CDSS device.
pore pressure for mine tailings based on Seed’s model expressed as
For normally consolidated soils, the value of ðK 0 ÞCDSS can be taken
between 0.45 and 0.50, and the empirical equation can be expressed u 4 N
as (Geremew and Yanful 2013) ¼ arctan ð12Þ
σ3 π Nf
0.63 CRRCTR ≤ CRRCDSS ≤ 0.67 CRRCTR ð10Þ
To verify the effectiveness of the two models, the pore water
pressure responding curves for the four tailings under 200 kPa were
chosen to compare with the model predictions as shown in Fig. 8.
Pore Water Pressure
The model prediction varies dramatically with the change in θ, and
Pore water pressure increased during cyclic loading, and liquefac- therefore different θ values were examined to identify the optimal
tion occurred when the pore water pressure reaches the initial model predictions. The development of pore water pressure under
consolidation stress, i.e., the effective stress decreased to 0. The 200 kPa during CTX tests was almost the same for the two coarse
development of pore water pressure in the tailings specimens dur- tailings, and the model prediction from Seed et al. (1975) with θ of
ing the cyclic strength tests was monitored, and the results are dis- 0.9 matched well with the test results of the two coarse tailings.
played in Fig. 8. The pore water pressure responding curves of the However, for the two fine tailings, the development of pore water
two coarse tailings are similar to those of tailings reported by James pressure was different, and the model prediction from Zhang et al.
et al. (2011) and sands reported by Seed et al. (1975). In addition, (2006) showed better consistency with the test results than that
under different consolidation stresses and CSR, the pore water pres- from Seed et al. (1975). To predict the development of pore water
sure responding curves exhibited similar tendencies; thus, the pore pressure in the fine iron tailings and fine copper tailings, the opti-
water pressure increased at a relative constant and small rate in the mal value of θ in the model of Zhang et al. (2006) should be 2.4 and
initial stage (except the rapid accumulation at the beginning), and 1.0, respectively.
then increased rapidly afterward. The normalized pore water pres-
sure (u=σ3 ) increased from 0 to about 0.50–0.60 at normalized
Shear Modulus and Damping Ratio
number of cycles (N=N f ) of 0.6, and then 0.65–0.85 at N=N f
of 0.8, and finally 0.96–1.00 at N=N f of 1.0. Unlike the coarse The shear modulus (G) and damping ratio (λd ) of the coarse
tailings, the pore water pressure responding curves for the two fine and fine tailings were investigated with the cyclic modulus test.
tailings show a rapid increase stage from the beginning of the cyclic The relationship between the normalized shear modulus (G=σ3 )
loading. The pore water pressure of the fine tailings developed and the shear strain (γ d ) is plotted in Fig. 9. The normalized
more quickly than that of the coarse tailings, indicating that lique- shear modulus decreased with an increase in the axial strain or
faction may occur much easier for fine tailings. shear strain because of the increase in pore water pressure during
Seed et al. (1975) developed a model to predict the cyclic cyclic loading. The shear strength increased with an increase in
pore water pressure development for saturated sand at isotropic consolidation pressure, whereas the normalized shear modulus

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Fig. 9. Relationship between normalized shear modulus and shear strain under different cell pressures: (a) coarse iron tailings; (b) fine iron tailings;
(c) coarse copper tailings; (d) fine copper tailings

was independent of the consolidation pressure. Compared to the

iron tailings, the shear strength of the copper tailings was relatively
Fig. 10 shows that the damping ratios of the coarse and fine
tailings are almost the same, both for the iron and copper tailings.
The damping ratio increased with an increase in shear strain during
the cyclic modulus test, and the copper tailings exhibited a larger
damping ratio than the iron tailings. Comparison with the test re-
sults from Geremew and Yanful (2013) indicates that the damping
ratios of the four tailings in this study are larger than that of copper-
zinc tailings.


A series of laboratory experiments were conducted to examine

the static and cyclic characteristics of coarse and fine iron tailings
from the Yuhezhai iron mine in China, and coarse and fine copper
tailings from the Bahuerachi copper mine in Mexico. The basic
geotechnical properties including specific gravity, grain size distri-
Fig. 10. Relationship between damping ratio and shear strain of the
bution, plasticity, permeability, and compressibility were investi-
coarse and fine tailings
gated, and triaxial compression tests as well as cyclic triaxial

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