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INT TRANS soar iain HF 15 BLUE DRESS SET Shown on Front Cover. MATERIALS Bedspread Weight Colton Thread (size 10} Blue - 240 ards (219.5 meters) White ~ 65 vores (69.5 meters) Pink - 15 yards (13.5 meters) Embroidery Floss: Dk Blue ~ 1 skein Steel crochet hook, size 11 (1.1 mm) or size needed for gouge Sewing needle and thread Tapestry nevdle GAUGE: 22 s and 24 se rows = 2" (5 cm) 22 deand 10 de rows = 2" cm) 2° (5 crn) square Row 1: De in fourth ch hom hook (3 skipped chs count as first dc) and in each ch across 22 de Rows 2-10: Ch 2 (counts as first de), tin; de in next de and in each de across. Finish off STITCH GUIDE TREBLE CROCHET (abbreviated tr) YO twice. insert hook in st indicated, YO and pull up a loop (4 loops on hook!, {YO and draw through 2 loops on hook) 3 times CLUSTER GROUP +Ch 3, (YO, insert hook in third ch from hook, YO and pull up a loop. YO and draw through 2 loops on hook} twice, YO and draw through all 3 loops on hook +, skip next 2 se, working in front of next sc. (YO, insert hook in skipped sc on Row 8, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook) twice, YO and draw through all 3 loops on hook, repeat irom # to + SC DECREASE Pull up a loop in each of next 2 sts, YO onl draw through all 3 loops on hook DC DECREASE |jises nex! 2 de) YO. insert hook in next de, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook: repeat from * once more, YO and draw through all 3 leops on hook (counts as one dc). DRESS BODICE With Blue, ch 31 Row 1 (Right side): 5: in second! ch from hook and in each ch aeross: 30 se Note: Loop a short piece of thread around any stitch to mark Row | as right side Row 2: Ch 3 (counts as first de, now and throughout), turn; de in same st, 2 de in next s: and in each sc across: 60 de. Row 3: Ch 1. turn; sein first 5 de, 2 se in next de. (sc in next 5 de, 2 sc in next de) across: 70 se. Rows 4 and 52 Ch |. turn; se in each se across, Row 6: Ch 1, tum; se in first 11 se, ch 10, skip next 14sec, se in next 20 sc, ch 10, skip next 14 sc, se in last 11 se: 42 se and 20 chs. Row 7: Ch 1. turn; x in each se and in each chy across: 62 se Row 8: Cli 1, tur: se in each se across, Ch 1, turn: sc in first 24 se, ch 1, skip next ext B sc, ch 1, skip next se} twice, se in nd in each se across: 59 se and 3 ch-1 sps Rew 10: Ch 1, turn; sc in each se and in each ch across: 62 s¢ Row 11: Ch 1, turn; se in first 22 sc, work Cluster Group, * skip next 5'sc on Rw 10 behind Chister Group, s¢ in next se, work Cluster Group: repeat from # once more, skip next 5 sc on Row 10 behind Cluster Group. se in next se and in each se across: 3 Chister Groups and 47 sc Row 12: Ch 1, tur; se in first 23 se, de in next 5 skipped sc on Row 10 (in front of next Cluster Group), (se in next sc on Row 11, de in next 5 skipped sc on Row 10) twice, se in next se on Row TI and in each se across; do not finish off 62 sts. next se 17 SKIRT Rad 1: Ch 3, turn; working in Back Loops Only (Fig. 3, page 2). de in same st, 2 de in next se and in each st across; join with slip st to first de: 124 de. Rad 2: Ch 3, do not turn; de in both loops of next de and cach de around; join with slip st to first de, Rnds 3-17: Ch 3, de in next de and in each de around; join with slip st to first de. Rnd 18: Ch 1, sc in same st, eh 1, (e in next de, ch 1) around; join with slip st to first sc, finish off, ‘SLEEVE Rand 1: With right side facing and holding Skirt toward you, join Blue with se (see Joining With Sc, page 2) in free loop of first ch at underarm (Fig. 4b, page 2): sc in next 9 chs, hde in end of next row, (dc in next se, 2 de in next sc) 7 times, hc in end of next row; join with slip st to first se: 33 sis, Rnds 2 and 3: Ch 1, sin same st and in next 9 se, hde in next hde, de in next 21 de, hdc in last hde; join with slip st to first se. Rnds 4-10: Ch 3, de in next st and in each st around; join with slip st to first de. Rad 11: Ch 1, s¢ in same st, se decrease around join with slip st to first sc, finish off; 17 sts. (CUFF Rnd 1: With right side facing, join White with se in same st as joining; sc in next st and in each st around; join with slip st to first sc: 17 se. Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in same st and in each se around, join with slip st to first se. Rnd 3: Ch 1, turn: working in Back Loops Only 2 scin same st, 5 de in next se, (sc in next 2 sc, 5 dc in next se) around; join with slip st to first sc finish off, Repeat for second Sleeve. NECK TIES With Blue, ch 30; with right side facing and working in free loops of beginning ch on Bodice, so in first ch and in next 29 chs; ch 30; finish off. 30 sc and 2 ties. COLLAR Row 1: With wrong side facing, skip first tie and join White with sc in next sc; sc in next sc and in each sc across, leave remaining tie unworked: 30 sc. Row 2: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in first se, sc in next se and in each se across to last sc, 2 sc in last se: 32 sc Row 3: Ch 1, turn; sc in first 2 sc, * 3 de in next se. 3 tr in next sc, 3-de in next sc, sc in next 2 sc; repeal from % across; finish off, WAIST TIES With Blue, ch 30; with right side facing and holding Skirt toward you, slip st in st at base of first de on’ Skirt; working in end of Rnd 1, 3 sc on each side of slip st in st at base of same de; ch 30: finish of FINISHING Use photo as a guide, front cover, for all finishing. Turn scallops of Collar down and Cuffs back. Using sewing needle and matching thread, sew in place. Using tapesiry needle and Dk Blue floss, add 3-petal lazy daisy flowers (Fig. 9, page 3) to right side of Skirt CAP Rad 1 (Right side: With Blue, ch 4. 11 de in fourth ch from hook (3 skipped chs count as first dc): join with slip st to first de- 12 de. Rad 2: Ch 3 (counts as first de, now and throughout), 2 de in same st and in next de, (3 de in next de, 2 de in next de} around; join with slip st to first de: 30 de Rnd 3: Chi 3, dc in same st and in next de, (2 de in next de, de in next de} around; join with slip st to first de: 45 de. Rnd 4: Ch 3, de in same st and in next 2 de, (2 de in next de, de in next 2 de) around: join with ship st to first de: 60 de Rad 5: Ch 3. dein same st and in next 3 de, (2 de in next de, de in next 3 de) around: join with sip st to first de: 75 de Rad 6: Ch 3, dein same st and in next 4 de, (2 de in next de, de in next 4 de) around; join with slip st to first de: 90 de Rnd 7: Ch 3. de in same si and in next 8 de, ( in next de, de in next 8 de) around: join with slip st to first de: 100 de Continued on page 19. 18 Rnd 8: Ch 3, de in same st and in next 9 de, (2 de in next de, de in next 9 de) around; join with slip st to first de 110 de. Rnd 9: Ch 3, de in same st and in next 10 de, (2 de in next de, de in next 10 de} around; join with slip st to first de: 120 de, Rnd 10: Ch 3, de in same st and in nex! 11 de, (2 de in next de, de in next 11 de) around: join with slip st to first de 130 de. Rnd 11: Ch 3, de in same st and in next 12 de, (2 de in next de, de in next 12 dc) around; join with slip st to first de: 140 dc Rnd 12: Ch 3, de in same st and in next 13 de, ( in next de, de in next 13 de} around; join with slip st to first de: 150 de. Rnd 13: Ch 3, de in same st and in next 14 de, (2 de in next de, de in next 14 de} around; join with slip st to first de: 160 de. Rnd 14: Ch 3, de in next de and in each de around: join with slip st to first de. Rnd 15: Ch 1, sc decrease around: join with slip st to first sc: 80 sts Rnd 16: Ch 1. sc in same st and in next se, sc decrease, (sc in next 2 sc, sc decrease) around join with slip st to first se: 60 se Rnd 17: Ch 1, sc in Front Loop Only of same st and each st around (Fig. 3, page 2); join with slip st to both loops of first sc Rnd 18: Ch 3, 4 dec in same st, de in next 3 sc, G de in next se, de in next 3 se) around: join with, slip st to first de: 120 de. Rnd 19: Ch 3, de in next de, 3 de in next de, (de in next 7 dc, 3 dc in next de} around to last 5 de, de in last 5 de: join with slip st to first de: 150 de. Rnd 20: Ch 1, sc in same st, ch 1, (sc in next de, ch 1) around; join with slip st to first sc, finish off FINISHING Use photo as a guide, front cover, for all finishing, Using tapestry needle and Dk Bive floss, add 3-petal lazy dalsy lowers (Fig. 9, page 3) to right side of Cap. PANTALOONS BODY With White, ch 45 Foundation Row: Sc in second ch {rom hook and in each ch across: 44 sc Begin working in rounds, © Rand 1 (Right side}: Ch 3 (counts as first de, now and throughout), turn; de in next 2 se, 2 de in next sc, (de in next 3 sc, 2 de in next sc} across: join with slip st to first de: 55 de, Note: Loop a short piece of thread around any stitch to mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rad 2: Ch 3, do not turn; de in next de end in each de around; join with slip st to first de. Rnds 3-9: Ch 3, de in next de and in each de around, join with slip st to first de. Do not finish off FIRST LEG Rnd 1: Ch 5 (joining ch), skip next 27 de, slip st in next de, ch 3, de in next 26 de and in same st as joining slp st, de in each ch of joining ch-5; join with slip st to first de, leave remaining 27 de unworked on Body: 33 de Rads 2-7: Ch 3, dc in next de and in each de around; join with slip st to first de. Rnd 8: Ch 4, (de in next de, ch 1) around; join with slip st to third ch of beginning ch-4. Rnd 9: Ch 1, sc in same st, ch 2, (sc in next de, ch 2) around; join with slip st to fest sc, finish off SECOND LEG Rnd 1: With right side facing, join White with slip st in same dc as joining slip st on Rnd 9 of Body as First Leg: ch 3, de in next 27 de, de in free loop of each ch of joining ch-5 on First Leg (Fig. 4b, page 2); join with slip st to first de: 33 de. Rnds 2-9: Work same as First Leg, TIES With White, ch 30; with wrong side facing and working in free loops of beginning ch on Body, slip st in first ch, se in next 42 chs, slip st in next chs ch 30; finish off 19 SHOE (Make 2) With Blue, ch 12 Rnd 1 (Right sidels 2 De in fourth ch from hook: (3 skipped chs count as first de). dc in next 7 chs, 4 de in last ch; working in free loops of beginning ch (Fig. 4b, page 2), de in next 7 chs, 2 de in next ch; join with slip st to first de: 23 de Rnd 2: Ch 3 (counts as first de, now and throughout), 2 de in each of next 2 cic, de in next 7 de, 2 de in each of next 4 de, de in next 7 de. 2 dein each of last 2 de; join with slip st to first de: 31de Rnd 3: Ch 3, 2 de in each of next 3 de, de in next 9 de, 2 de in each of next 6 de, dc in next 9 de 2 dein each of last 3 de; join with slip st to Front Loop Only of first de (Fig. 3, page 2). 43 de Rnd 4: Ch 1, sc in same st and in Front Loop Only of each de around, join with slip st to both, loops of first se. Rad 5: Ch 1, working behind sc on Rnd 4 and in free loops of de on Rnd 3 (Fig. 4a, page 2), slip st in first de, ch 3, 2 de in each of next 3 dc, de in next 15 de, 2 de in each of next 6 de, de in next 15 de, 2 de in each of last 3 de; join with slip st to first de 55 de Rnd 6: Ch 3, de in next de and in each de around; join with slip st to first de. Rnd 7: Ch 3, de in next 15 de, de decrease 12 times, de in last 15 de; join with slip st to first de: 43 de, Rnds 8 and 9: Ch 3. de in next de and in each de around: join with slip st to first de. Rnd 10: Ch 1, sc in same st and in next 4 de, se decrease, (sc in next 4 de, se decrease} around: join with slip st to first sc: 36 sc. Rnd 11: Ch 1, working from left to right, work reverse sc in each st around (Figs, 5a-d, page 2): join with slip st to first st, finish off Beginning at center front, weave 2 12° (30.5 cm) length of Blue through de on Rnd 9 and tie in a bow. trim ends, 20 STRING OF HEARTS HEART (Moke 6) With Pink, ch 8; 2 tr in fourth ch from hook, 3 tr in next ch, 2 de in next ch, 2 hde in next ch, 3'se in last ch: working in free loops of heginning ch (Fig. 4b, page 2), 2 hdc in next ch, 2 de in next ch, 3 tr in next ch, (2 tr, ch 3, slip si) in next ch: finish off Dress Doll STRING Using photo as a guide, front cover, with Dk Blue floss and leaving a 12" (30.5 em) end, ch 7; se in first Heart, ch 7, (5c in next Heart, ch 7) across: finish off leaving a 12" (30,5 em) end, Using photo as a guide, wrap each Hand with long end and secure: trim ends. COLLAR Row 1: Werking in free loops of beginning ch on Body (Fig. 4b, page 2). (slip st, ch 1, sc) in first ch, sc in next 29 chs: 30 se Row 2: Ch 1. turn: sc in each se across. Row 3: Ch 4 (counts as first tr). turn; 4 tr in same st. (tr in next 4 se, 3 tr in next so) twice, tr in next 3 sc, 2 tr in each of next 2 se, tr in next 3 sc, (GB trin next se, trin next 4 se) twice, 4 tr in last sc. Row 4: Ch 1, turn; sc in each tr across, Row 5: Turn; slip st loosely in each sc across; do. not finish off LEFT FRONT EDGING Ch 1, do not turn; working in end of rows, se in next row, ch 4, skip next row, slip st in next 2 rows, skip beginning ch, (slip st, ch 3. de) in next row, 2 de in next row, (de in next row, 2 de in next row) 8 times, 3 de in next row. skip next row, join with slip st to first slip st.on Row 21, finish off, SLEEVE Rad 1: With right side facing and holding bettom edge of Body toward you, join Lt Blue with sc (see Joining With Sc, page 1) in tree loop of first ch at underarm; sc in next 9 chs, hde in end of next row, se in next 14 de, hdc in end of next row; join with slip st to first se: 26 sts Rnd 2: Ch 1, turn; sc in same st, hde in next hde, {de in next se, 2 de in next sc} 7 times, hdc in next hide, sc in last 9 se; join with slip st to first se: 33 sts. Rad 3: Ch 1, turn; sc in same st and in each st around: join with slip st to first se Rnd 4: Ch 1, turn; sc in same st, hde in next se, de in next 21 se, hde in next se, se in last 9 sc; join with slip st to first se, Rnds 5-7: Repeat Rnds 3 and 4 once, then repeat Rnd 3 once more. Rnd 8: Ch 3, turn; de in next sc and in each se around; join with slip st to first de. Rad 9: Ch 1, turn; se in same st and in each de around; join with slip st to first se Rnds 10-13: Repeat Rnds 8 and 9 twice. Rnd 14: Ch 3, turn; de decrease around: join with slip st to first de: 17 de, Rnd 15: Ch 1, turn; sc in same st and in each de 1 with slip st to first sc Cuff: Ch 3, do not turn; 4 de in same st, de in next se and in each se around to last sc, (4 de, ch 3, slip st) in last se: do mot join, finish off. Repeat for second Sleeve. Using sewing needle and matching thread, sew 5 buttons evenly spaced across Lelt Front Edging and one button to each Sleeve Cuff. Dress doll and sew opening closed, or sew on snaps PANTS BODY With Blue, ch 47, Waistband: 4 De in fourth ch from hook, de in next ch and in each ch across to last ch, (4'de, ch 3, slip st) in last ch Rnd 1 (Right side): Ch 3 (counts as first de, now and throughout), working in free loops of beginning ch (Fig. 4b, page 2). de in next 2 chs. 2-de in next ch, (dc in’next 3 chs, 2 de in next ch) 10 times; join with slip st to first de: 55 de. Note: Loop a short piece of thread around any stitch to mark Rnd 1 as right side. Rads 2-8: Ch 3, de in next de and in each de around: join with slip st to first de Do not finish of. FIRST LEG Rad 1: Ch 5 (joining ch), ship nest 27 de, slip st in next de, ch 3, de in next 26 de and in same st as joining slip st, de in each ch of jeining ch-5:; join with slip st to first de, leave remaining 27 de unworked on Body: 33 de. Rods 2-6: Ch 3, de in next de and in each de around: join with slip st to first de. Rod 7: Ch 3, de in next de and in each de around to last 5 de, 2 de in next de, dein next 3 de, 2 de in last de; join with slip st to first de: 35 de. Rnd 8: Ch 3, dc in next de and in each de around to last 7 de, 2 de in next de, de in next 5 de, 2 de in last de; join with slip st to first de: 37 de Rad 9: Ch 3, de in next de and in each de around to last 9 de, 2 de in next de, de in next 7 de, 2 de in last de; join with slip st to first de: 39 de Rnd 10: Ch 3, de in next de and in each de around to last 11 de, 2 de in next de, de in next 9 de, 2 de in last de; join with slip st to first de: 1 de Continued on page 23, 22 Rad 11: Ch 3, de in next de and in each de around to last 13 de, 2 de in next de, de in next Ll de, 2 de in last de; join with slip st to first de 43 de Rad 12: Ch 3, de in next de and in each de around to last 15 de, 2 de in next de, de in next 13 de, 2 de in last de; join with slip st to first de, finish off. SECOND LEG Rnd 1: With right side facing, join Blue with slip st Jn same de as joining slip st on Rnd 8 of Body as First Leg; ch 3, de in next 27 de, de in free loop of each ch of joining ch-5 on First Leg; join with slip st to first de: 33 de. Rads 2-12: Work same as First Leg Using sewing needle and matching thread, sew button to Waistband, SHOE (Make 2) With Tan, ch 12. Rad 1 (Right side): 2 De in fourth ch from hook: (3 skipped chs count as first de). cc in next 7 chs, 4:de in last ch, working in free loops of beginning ch (Fig. 4b, page 2), de in next 7 chs, 2 de in next ch; join with slip st to first de: 23 de. Rnd 2: Ch 3 (counts as first de, now and throughout), 2 de in each of next 2 de. de in next 7 de, 2de in each of next 4 de, de in next 7 de, 2 dein each of last 2 de; join with slip st to first de: 31 de Rnd 3: Ch 3, 2 de in each of next 3 de, de in next 9 de, 2 de in each of next 6 de, de in next 9 de: 2 dein each of last 3 de: join with slip st to Front Loop Only of first de (Fig. 3, page 2): 43 de. Rnd 4: Ch 1, sc in same st and in Front Loop ‘Only of each de around: join with slip st to both loops of first se Rnd 5: Ch 1, working behind sc on Rnd 4 and in. free loops of de on Rnd 3 (Fig. 4a, page 2). slip st in first de, ch 3, 2 de in each of next 3 de, de in next 15 dc, 2 de in each of next 6 de, dein next 15 de, 2 de in each of last 3 de; join with slip st to first de: 55 de Rnd 6: Ch 3, de in next de and in each de around; join with slip st to first de. Rnd 7: Ch 3, de in next 15 de, de decrease 12 times, de in last 15 de; join with slip st to first de 43 de Rnds 8 and 9: Ch 3, de in next de and in each de around; join with sip st to first de Rnd 10: Ch 1, se in same st and in next 4 de, se decrease, (6c in next 4 de, sc decrease) around: join with slip st to first se: 36 se Rnd 11: Ch 1, working from left to right, work reverse sc in each st around (Figs. Sad, page 2), join with slip st to first st, finish off Beginning at center front, weave a 12" (30.5 cm) length of Tan through de on Rnd 9 and tie in a bow: trim ends, KITE HORIZONTAL BAR With Lt Lavender, ch 32: sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across to last ch, (sc, ch 1, se} in last ch; working in free loops of beginning ch (Fig. 4b, page 2), sc in next 30 chs, ch 1; fokl Bar along beginning ch; matching sc on each side and working through both loops of each sc on both sides, se in first 15 sc, ch 1, skip next sc, sc in last 15 sc. do not finish off: 30 sc and one ch-1 sp. BOTTOM Row 1 (Right side}s Ch 1, turn; work beginning se decrease, sc in next 13 sc, ch 1, skip next ch-I sp, sc in next 13 sc, se decrease: 28 sc and fone ch-l sp. Note: Loop a short piece of thread around any stitch to mark Row 1 as right side. Row 2: Ch 1, turn; se in each sc across to next ch-1 sp, ch 1, Skip next ch-l sp, se in each se Row 3: Ch 1, turn; work beginning sc decrease, se in each sc across to next ch-I sp, ch 1, skip next ch-1 sp, sc in each se across to last 2 sc, sc decrease; 26 sc and one ch-l sp Row 4: Ch 1, tum; sc in each se across to next ch-1 sp, ch 1, skip next chel sp, s¢ in each se across. Rows 5-26: Repeat Rows 3 and 4, 11 times: 4 sc and one ¢h-I sp. Row 27: Chi 1, turn; work beginning sc decrease, ch 1, skip next ch-1 sp, se decrease: 2 sc and one ch-1 sp, Row 28: Ch 1, turn; sc in first se, ch 1, skip next ch-l sp, sc in last se Row 29: Ch 1, turn; insert hook in first se, YO and pull up a loop, skip next ch-1 sp, insert hook in last sc, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through all $ loops on hook (point made); ‘nish off 23 TOP Row 1: With right side facing, point of Bottom toward you, and working around beginning ch and through center of both se at fold of Horizontal Bar, join Lt Lavender with sc through first se; se through center of next 14 sc, ch 1, skip next sc, sc through center of last 15 sc: 30 se and one ch-t sp. Row 2: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across to next ch-l sp, ch 1, skip next ch-1 sp, se in each se Row 3: Ch 1, turn; work beginning sc decrease, se decrease, sc in each sc across 10 next chr-l sp. ch 1, skip next ch-1 sp, se in each sc across to last 4 sc, sc decrease twice: 26 sc aml one eh-l sp, Row 4: Ch 1, turn; sc in each se across to next hl sp, ch 1, skip next ch-1 sp, sc in each se across. Rows 5-14: Repeat Rows 3 and 4. 5 times: 6 sc and one ch-l sp Row 15: Ch 1, turn; work beginning se decrease, insert hook in next se. YO and pull up a loop, skip noxt ch-1 sp, insert hook in next se, YO and pull up 2 loop, YO and draw through all 3 loops on hook, se decrease: 3 sts. Row 16: Ch 1, turn; insert hook in first se, YO and pull up a loop, skip next st, insert hook in last sc, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through all 3 loops on hook (point made): do not finish off EDGING Ch 1, turn; se in last st made, skip first row, se in end of next 15 rows, 3 se in end of Horizontal Bar. sc in end of next 28 rows, skip last row, (sc, ch 1, sc) in point, sc in end of next 28 rows, 3 sc in end of Horizontal Bar, sc in end of next 15 rows. skip last row, sc in same st as first sc, se in first se to form last ch-1 sp; do not finish off: 96 se and 2 ch-l sps 24 VERTICAL BAR Ch 1, turn; with wrong side facing and working across rows {rom top to bottom, * sc around conesponding skipped ch on nex! row; repeat from # across to bottom point, sc in ch-1 at point: finish off, TAIL With right side facing, join Pink with stip st in last sc made; ch 25, working in back ridge of chs (Fig. 1, page 2). se in second ch from hook and in next 2 chs, ch 1, skip next ch, sc in next 3 chs, ch 1, skip next ch; repeat from + across; join with slip st to last se in point, do not finish off FIRST BOW ‘Turn; Glip st, ch 3, 2 de) in first ch-1 sp, ch 3, working on opposite side of sp, slip st around skipped ch, ch 3, {2 de, ch 3, slip st} in same sp; finish off. SECOND BOW With right side facing, join Pink with slip st in next ch-] sp; ch 3, 2 de in same sp, ch 3: working on opposite side of sp, slip st around skipped ch, ch 3, (2 de, ch 3, slip st) in same sp; finish off Repeat for remaining Bows. Using photo as a guide, front cover, and a double strand of Green, add backstitch Stars to Kite (Figs. 8a & b, page 3). Dress Doll Tack sides of Kite to palm of each Hand PINK & YELLOW DRESS SET Shown on Back Cover, MATERIALS Bedspread Weight Cotton Thread (size 10): Yellow - 175 yards (160 meters) White - 110 yards (100.5 meters) Pink - 60 yards (55 meters) Tan - 45 yards (41 meters) Blue - 3 yards (2.5 meters) Lt Lavender - 3 yards (2.5 meters) Green - 3 yards (2.5 meters) Rose - sinall amount Steel crochet hook, size 11 (1.1 mm) or size needed for gauge Polvester fiberfill if desired - smell amount Sewing needle and thread Tapestry needle GAUGE: 22 sis and 14 (se, de) rows 22 de and 10 de rows = Gauge Swatch: 2" (5 cm) square Ch 24, Row 1: Dc in fourth ch from hook (3 skipped chs count as first de) and in each ch across 22 de. Rows 2-10: Ch 3 (counts as first de), turn; de in next de and in each de across, Finish off. (6 cm} (5 em) STITCH GUIDE TREBLE CROCHET (abbreviated tr) YO twice, insert hook in sp indicated, YO and pull up a loop (4 loops on hook), (YO and draw through 2 loops on hook) 3 times, BEGINNING SC DECREASE Pull up a loop in each of first 2 sc, YO and draw through all 3 loops on hook (counts as ‘one sc). SC DECREASE Pull up a loop in each of next 2 sts, YO and Graw through all 3 loops on heok (counts as. one s¢). DC DECREASE (uses nex! 2 sis) % YO, insert hook in mext st, YO and pull up a loop, ¥O and draw through 2 loops on hook: repeat rom * once more. YO and draw through all 3 loops on hook (counts as ‘one de) DRESS BODICE With Yellow, eh 31 Row 1 (Right sidels Sc in second ch from hook and in each ch actoss: 30 sc Note: Loop a short piecé of thread around any stitch to mark Row I as right side Row 2: Ch 3 (counts as first de, now and throughout). torn; de in same st, 2 de in next se and in each se across: 60 de. Row 3: Ch 1, turn; sc in first 5 de, 2 sc in next de, (6c in next 5 de, 2 sc in next de) across: 70 se. Rows 4 and 5: Ch 1. turn; se in each se across, Row 6: Ch 1, turn; sc in first 11 se, ch 10, skip next 14 sc, sc in next 20 sc, ch 10, skip next 14 se se in last 11 sc. place markers in first and last sc for st placement: 42 sc and 20 chs Row 7: Ch 1, turn; sc in first 10 se, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 10 chs, sc in next 20 se, sc in next 10 chs, 2 se in next se, se in last 10 se: 64 sc Rows 8-16: Ch 1, tum; sc in each sc across, Do not finish of ‘SKIRT Rad 1: Ch 3, turn; de in same st, 2 de in each of next 2 sc, de in next sc, {2 de in each of next 3 sc de in next sc) around; join with slip st to first de: 112 de Rad 2: Ch 3, do not turn; de in next de and in each de around; join with slip st to first de Rnds 3-17: Ch 3, de in next de and in each de around; join with slip st to first de Rnd 18: Ch 1, sc in same st, ch 1, (sc in next de, ch 1) around: join with slip st to first sc, finish off, SLEEVE Rnd 1: With right side facing and holding Skirt toward you, join Pink with sc (see Joining With Sc, page 2) in free loop of first ch at underarm (Fig. 4b, page 2). sc in next 9 chs, hde in end of next row, (de in next sc, 2 de in next sc) 7 times, he in end of next row: join with slip st to first se 33 sts. Rods 2 and 3: Ch 1, sc ini same st and in next 9 se, hde in next hde, de in next 21 de, hde in last he; join with slip st to first se 25 Rnds 4-12: Ch 3, de in next st and in each st around; join with slip st to first de Rad 13: Ch 3, de decrease 7 times, de in next 2 de, de decrease 8 times; join with slip st to lirst de. finish off: 18 de, CUFF Rnd 1: With right side facing, join White with se in same st as joining; se in next st and in each st around: join with slip st to first se. Rad 2: Skip next se, 5 de in next sc, x slip st in next sc, skip next sc, 5 de in next sc; repeat from ¥ around: join with slip st to joining slip st, finish off Repeat for second Sleeve NECK TIES With Yellow, ch 30; with right side facing and working in free loops of beginning ch at neck, se in first ch and in each ch across: ch 30; finish off 30 sc and 2 ties, NECK TRIM With wrong side facing and working in Back Loops Only (Fig. 3, page 2), skip first tie and first se, join White with slip st in next sc; % skip next se, 5 de in next sc, skip next sc, slip st in next sc; repeat from + across: finish off. Tum Neck Trim down, Using sewing needle and ‘matching thread, sew in place. CENTER TIES With Yellow, ch 30; with right side facing and holding Skirt toward you, slip st in end of one marked se on Row 6 of Bodice; finish off. Repeat for second tie, joining in end of marked se on opposite side. WAIST TIES With Yellow, ch 30; with right side facing and holding Skirt toward you, slip st in st at base of first de on Skirts working in end of Rnd 1. 3 sc on each side of opening, slip st in st at base of same de; ch 30; finish 26 APRON BODY With White. ch 33, place marker in third ch from hook for st placement. Row 1 (Right side|: De in fourth ch from hook (3 skipped chs count as first de). 2 de in each ch across: 600 de. Note: Loop a short piece of thread around any stitch to mark Row 1 as right side Row 2: Ch 1, tum; se in each de across Row 3: Ch 3 (counts as first de), turn; de in next s¢ and in each sc across. Rows 4-22: Repeat Rows 2 and 3, 9 times: then repeat Row 2 once more. Row 23: Ch 2, turn; skip first sc, de in next se and in each se across to last 2 se, de decrease; finish aff: 58 de. RUFFLE Row 1: With wrong side facing, join White with se (see Joining With Sc, page 2) in {ree leop of last ch of beginning ch on Body (Fig. 4b, page 2). working in end of rows, 2 sc in first row, sc in next row, (2 sc in next row, se in next row) across to last row, 3 sc in last row; sc in each de across Row 23) working in end of rows, 3 sc in first row, (se in next row, 2 sc in next row) across to marked ch, sc in marked ch, leave remaining 29 chs unworked: 32 sc Row 2 (Right side): Ch 4 (counts as first de plus ch 1, now and throughout), ‘urn; working in Back Loops Only (Fig. 3, page 2), dc in next sc, (ch 1, de in next sc} across. Row 3: Ch 1, turn; working in both loops, sc in ist de, [ch 2, Sc in next de) across; finish oif TIES With White, ch 75; sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across, with right side of Body facing, sc in end of sc on Row 1 of Rule, sc in free loop of each ch across beginning ch and in end of next sc on Row 1 of Ruffle; ch 75, turn; se in second ch from hook and in each ch across: slip st in next sc: do not finish off Continued on page 27. BAND Row 1: Ch 1, sc in next se, ch 22, skip next 4 sc sc in next 19 sc, ch 22, skip next 4 sc, sc in next sc, leave remaining se on Tie unworked Row 2: Ch 1, turn; se in first sc and in each ch and each se across 65 sc Row 3: Ch 4, turn; (de in Back Loop Only of next sc, ch 1) 22 times, sc in both loops of next 19 se (cli 1, de in Back Loop Only of next se) across, Row 4: Ch 1, turn; working in both loops, se in) first de, ch 2, Gc in next de, ch 2) 22 times, se in next 19 sc, (ch 2, sc in next de} across; finish of, PATCH With Pink, ch 6. Row 1 (Right side]: Sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across: 5 se. Note: Mark Row | as right side Rows 2-6: Ch 1, turn; se in each se across. Finish off, leaving 0 12" (30.5 cm} length for sewing Using photo as a guide, back cover, and long thread end on Pink Patch, sew Patch to right side of Apron. Using tapestry needle, add 10 Blue straight stitches around edge of Patch (Fig. 6, page 3). PANTALOONS BODY With White, ch 45, Foundation Row: Sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across: 44 se. Begin working in rounds” Rnd 1 (Right side): Ch 3 (counts as first de, now and throughout), turn; de in next 2 se, 2 de in next se, (de in next 3 sc, 2 de in next sc) across; join with slip st to first de: 55 de. Note: Loop a short piece of thread around any stitch to mark Rnd Las right side Rod 2: Ch 3, do not turn: de in next de and in each de around; join with ship st to first de. Rnds 3-9: Ch 3, de in next de and in each de around; join with slip st to first de. Do not finish off FIRST LEG Rnd 1: Ch 5 (ining ch), ship next 27 de, slip st in next de, ch 3, de in next 26 de and in same st as joining slip st, de in each ch of joining ch-5:; join with slip st to first de, leave remaining 27 de uunworked on Body: 33 de Rods 2-10: Ch 3, de in next de and in each de around; join with slip st to first de. Rad 11: Ch 4, (de in next de, ch 1) around; join With slip st to third ch of beginning ch-4. Rad 12: Slip st in first ch-1 sp, skip next de, 5 de in next de. skip next ch-1 sp, * slip st in next ch-l sp, skip next dc, 5 de in next de, skip next cheI sp; repeat from * around; join with slip st to first sip st, finish off SECOND LEG Rnd 1: With right side facing, join White with slip st in same de as joining sip st on Rnd 9 of Body as First Leg; ch 3, de in next 27 de, de in free loop of each ch of joining ch-5 on First Leg (Fig. 4b, page 2); join with slip st to first de: 33 de. Rnds 2-12: Work same as First Leg. TIES With White, ch 30; with wrong side facing and working in free loops of beginning ch on Body, slip st in first ch, sc in next 42 chs, slip st in next chy ch 30; finish off. 27 SHOE (Make 2) With Tan, ch 12. Rad 1 (Right side): 2 De in fourth ch from hook (3 skipped chs count as first de). de in next 7 chs, 4 dc in last ch; working in free loops of beginning ch (Fig. 4b, page 2), dc in next 7 chs 2 dc in next ch; join with sip st to first de: 23 de. Rnd 2: Ch 3 (counts as first de, now and throughout), 2 de in each of next 2 de, de in next 7 de, 2 de in each of next 4 de, de in next 7 de, 2.dc in each of last 2 de: join with slip st to first de: B31 de Rad 3: Ch 3, 2 de in each of next 3 de, de in next de, 2-de in each of next 6 de, de in next 9 de, 2 de in each of last 3 de; join with slip st to Front Loop Only of first de (Fig. 3, page 2): 43 de. Rnd 4: Ch 1, sc in same st and in Front Loop Only of each ce around; join with slip st to both, loops of first se. Rnd 5: Ch 1, working behind se on Rnd 4 and in free loops of de on Rad 3 (Fig. 4a, page 2), sip st in fist de, ch 3, 2 de in each of next 3 de, de in next 15 de, 2 de in each of next 6 de, de in next 15 de, 2 de in each of last 3 de: join with slip st to first de: 55 de. Rnd 6: Ch 3, de in next deand in each de around join with slip st to first de Rnd 7: Ch 3, de in next 15 de, de decrease 12 times, de in last 15 de; join with slip st to first de 43 de Rnds 8 and 9: Ch 3, de in next de and in each de around; join with slip st to first de. Rnd 10: Ch 1, se in same st and in next 4 de, se decrease, (se in next 4 de, sc decrease} around; join with slip st to first se: 36 se. Rnd 11: Ch 1, working from left to right, work reverse sc in each st around (Figs. 5a-d, page 2): join with slip st to first st, finish off Beginning at center front, weave a 12” (30.5 cm) length of Tan through de‘on Rnd 9 and tie in a bows trim ends HAIR BOUQUET 3-PETAL FLOWER (Make one Blue and one Lt Lavender) Ch 4; join with slip st to form a ring Rnd 1 (Right side): (Ch 4, 2 ty, ch 4, slip st) 3 times in ring; do not join, finish off. Using tapestry needle and Yellow, add French knot to center of Flower (Fig, 7, page 3). 5-PETAL FLOWER With Pink, ch 5: join with slip st to form a ring Rnd 1 (Right side}: (Ch 4, 2 ty, ch 4, ship st) 5 times in ring; do not join, finish off leaving a long end for Using tapestry needle and Yellow, add French knot to center of Flower. LEAF (Make 3) With Green, ch 8; slip st in second ch fram hook, se in next ch, hde in next ch, dc in next 3 chs, ch 2 slip st in last ch, ch 2, working in free loops of beginning ch (Fig. 4b, page 2), dc in next 3 chs, hide in next ch, sc in next ch, slip tin next ch; do not join, finish off leaving a long end for sewing, Using photo as a guide for placement, sew flowers together with long end of Pink; sew leaves together, then attach to Flowers, Attach group to heir. Continued on page 29. 28 PILLOW HEART (Make 2) Row 1 (Right side): With Pink, ch 2, 3 se in second ch from hook: 3 se Note: Loop a short piece of thread around any stitch to mark Row 1 as right side. Row 2: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in first se, sc in next se 2 se in last sc: § sc Rows 3-7: Ch |, turn; 2 sc in first sc, sc in each, se across to last sc, 2 sc in last se: 15 se. Rows 8-12: Ch I, turn; sc in each se actoss, FIRST SIDE Row 1: Ch 1, turn; work beginning se decrease, se in next 5 sc, leave remaining 8 se unworked: 6 se. Row 2: Ch 1. turn, work beginning se decrease, sc in next 2 se, s¢ decrease: finish off: 4 se SECOND SIDE Row 1: With right side facing, skip next unworked sc on Row 12 and join Pink with sc in next sc (see Joining With Sc, page 2): sc in next 4 sc, sc decrease: 6 sc. Row 2: Ch 1, turn; work beginning se decrease, se in next 2 sc, s¢ decrease; do mot finish off: 4 sc. TRIM Ch 1, turn; se in first 4 sc, work 14 se evenly spaced across end of rows, 3 sc in free loop of beainning ch lat point) (Fig. 4b, page 2), work 14 sc evenly spaced across end of rows, sc in next 4 sc on Row 2 of First Side, se in end of Row 1. slip st in skipped se on Row 12, sc in end of Row 1 of Second Side; join with sip st to first se, finish off 42 sis, 29 EMBROIDERY Using photo, back cover, and Chart as a guide, and using tapestry needle, add Rose letters on right side of one Hear! anly using straight stitch (Fig. 6, page 3). CHART SCALLOP Wrap Pink around three fingers 10 times and ut for stuffing: set aside Hold wrong side of Hearts together with embroidered side facing you. Matching sts and working through both pieces, join White with se in center se at point; ch 2, 2 dein same st, skip next sc, slip st in next se, + (5c. ch 2, 2 de) in next sc, slip st in next se 4; repeat from’ to # 8 times more, add stuffing; skip next slip st, sip st in next sc, repeat from + lo + around to last sc, skip last sc: join with slip st to first se, finish off Dress Doll. Using photo, back cover, asa guide and Pink, sew Pillow to Hand. THREAD INFORMATION Each project in this leaflet was made using Bedspread Weight Cotton Thread size 10, Any brand of thread may be used. Remember, to arrive at the finished size, it is not the brand of thread that matters, but the GAUGE/TENSION that is important, For your convenience, listed below are the specific threads used to create our photography models, BASIC DOLL Aunt Lydia's® Classic Crochet Peach - #424 Lt Peach Yellow - #423 Maize Rose - #493 French Rose ANGEL SET Aunt Lydia’s® Classic Crochet White - #1 White Yellow - #423 Maize. Pink - #401 Orchid Pink Green - #428 Mint Green Dk Blue - #487 Dk Royal Southmaid® Crochet Thread Tan - #433 Camel Blue - #480 Delft Dk Yellow - #421 Goldenrod J. & P. Coats® Metallic Knit-Cro-Sheen” Malallic Gold - #90G Gold BLUE DRESS SET Aunt Lydia’s® Classic Crochet White - #1 White Pink - #401 Orchid Pink J. & P. Coats® Knit-Cro-Sheen™ Blue - # ystal Blue SWEATER & PANTS SET Aunt Lydia’s” Classic Crochet Pink - #401 Orchid Pink Lt Lavender - #495 Wood Violet South Maid” Crochet Thread Blue - #480 Delft Tan - #433 Camel Green - #440 Leaf Green J. & P. Coats" Knit-Cro-Sheen® Lt Blue - #25 Crystal Blue PINK & YELLOW DRESS SET Aunt Lydia's” Classic Crochet Yellow - #423 Maize White - #1 White Pink - #401 Orchid Pink Lt Lavender - #495 Wood Violet Green - #428 Mint Green Rose - #493 French Rose Southmaid” Crochet Thread Blue - #480 Delft Tan - #433 Camel We hove made every effort to ensure thal these instructions are aceurate and complete, We cannet, however, be responsible for human error typographical mistakes, or variations in inctividual work Production Team Instrvetional Edtor - Sue Gale Technical citar - Cathy Hardy: Eaitorial Weiter ~ Kimber Ross, Arist Karen F Allright; Senior Artist - Diana Sanders; and) Photographier - Russ Ganser. Instructions tested and photo models made by Belinda Baxter, Kay Meadors, Dale Patter, Donna Soeliner, Clare Swinger, and Mary Van, 30 '©.2002 PRECIOUS MOMENTS, Ino. PRECIOUS MOMENTS Is reislered ademark of PMI Liransee, Lelsure Ars, ne, Al ghis Reservecs Werlevid, Viet our Web site ot —tawar ten fms teste _ 8/2 DOLLS WW THREAD BROGHET

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