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What is Power BI?

Microsoft Power BI is a free, self-service business intelligence cloud service that

provides non-technical business users
with tools for aggregating, analyzing, visualizing and sharing data. Power BI's
user interface is fairly intuitive for those
users familiar with Excel and its deep integration with other Microsoft products
makes it a very versatile tool that requires
very little upfront training.

What is SSBI and what are the parts?

Self-service business intelligence is approach to do data analytics that enables to

filter the data to segment the data and
to analyze the data without in depth of knowledge.
Two parts EXCEL BI tool kit and POWEER BI

What is the difference between Power BI Desktop and Power BI?

Power BI Desktop is free copy and desktop verson.

Power BI is cloud based platforms.

What are key components (Building Blocks) of power BI?

1. Visulization- data representation i.e bar chart, line chart, geo map.
2. Data sets- collection of data. (excel sheet , sql tables etc)
3. Reports- collection visulization that appear together one or more page(sales by
country, sales by cities etc. )
4. Dashboard- Sigle layer representation contains multiple visuliation i.e pichart,
bar chart in single layer
5. Tiles- single visualtation in a report (pichart, barchart)

What is DAX?

Data Analysis Expressions -is a query that we run on top of ssas tabular model
those are called as DAX
DAX is a formula language used to compute calculated column and calculaed fileds.
we can created calculated column and measures with the help of DAX but can not
create rows.

What is SUMMARIZE function?

Returns a summary table for the requested totals over a set of groups.
Mainly used as Group By function in SSAS
SUMMARIZE(<table>, <groupBy_columnName>[, <groupBy_columnName>]�[, <name>,

What is Excel Add- in?

What is power Query?

Power Query is ETL tool using to shape, clean and transform the data using
interface without any coding it help to import the data from
wide range of soures.
it helps to added and load data from different sources.
What is power Map and what is your comfortable level in power Map?

Power Map is a 3D data visualization tool for Excel that provides an immersive
experience for making discoveries in data that
might never be seen in traditional 2D tables and charts. Power Map lets you plot
geographic and temporal data visually,
analyze that data in 3D, and create cinematic tours to share with others.

Can you define power view?


[PowerQuery]="Clean Data/M language" and [PowerPivot]="Calculations/DAX language"

and [PowerView]="Data visualization"


[PowerBI]=concatenate ("PowerQuery","-","PowerPivot","-","PowerView")

else "Excel"


The FILTER function is used to return a subset of a table or expression, as
shown below.


2. ALL
The ALL function is used to return all of the rows in a table, or values in a
column, ignoring any filters
that may have been applied.

ALL(<table> or <column>)

The RELATED function returns a related value from another table (example
shown below).


we have the RELATED function, which we can use to retrieve values from one
table to another through an
established relationship. Given that there is a many-to-one relationship
between the Sales table and the SalesGeography table,
respectively, we can use the following expression that incorporates the
RELATED function to return a count of sales orders for
only the United States:

Count of sales orders in the US = COUNTROWS(FILTER(ALL('Sales'),

RELATED('SalesGeography'[Countries]) = "United States"))


Time intelligence functions in DAX enable you to manipulate data using time
periods, including days, months, quarters,
and years, and then build and compare calculations over those periods.


Continuing from the examples above, let�s say that you would like to see the
total sales to date for this year.
The following expression that incorporates the TOTALYTD function can enable
you to easily do this:

Total sales this year = TOTALYTD(SUM('Sales'[Sales]), 'Dates'[Dates])

The CALCULATE function evaluates an expression in a context that is modified
by specific filters.

CALCULATE(<expression>, <filter1>,<filter2>�)

DAX has a number of aggregation functions, including the following commonly used

SUMX (row by row calculationmlike 5 apples for 10 days will give 50 total so sumx
will be 5+5=10,10+5=15,15+5=20 and son until 50 total.
and other X functions)
These functions work only on numeric columns, and generally can aggregate only one
column at a time.

However, special aggregation functions that end in X, such as SUMX, can work on
multiple columns.
These functions iterate through the table, and evaluate the expression for each row

FACT and Dimensions

The fact table contains business facts (or measures), and foreign keys which refer
to candidate keys
(normally primary keys) in the dimension tables. Contrary to fact tables, dimension
tables contain descriptive
attributes (or fields) that are typically textual fields (or discrete numbers that
behave like text).

1. Fact has all the primary key of the dimensions and associated measures(Like
Price, Commission)

2. A fact table stores quantitative information for analysis and is often

A fact table works with dimension tables and it holds the data to be analyzed
and a dimension table stores data
about the ways in which the data can be analyzed.


1. Dimesnsions are the true driving tables as they provide decriptive info for
all the measeurements recorder in the fact.

2. Dimensions have to be loaded first bcz you can't sell a product that dosen't

dimension-----------fact table------------Dimension
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