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CHILLARIGE Amrutha Venkata Sai Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

Propaganda Poster
By: Malavika, Amrutha and Devanshi
The Visual
CHILLARIGE Amrutha Venkata Sai Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40
In the centre of the poster is an image of Britannia waving her sword and spurring a
huge crowd of men on to fight, whilst Scarborough burns in the background, was
used by the War Office on recruitment posters; it inspired thousands to enroll into
the military.

Britannia is a personification of England - a national symbol.

It can also be seen in the poster how Britannia is wearing white, in contrast to her
background and the poster. This emphasises the importance of Birtannia among
other things, thus emphasising the importance of nationalism - hence using her as a
symbol of nationalism for enlistment.

All the text in this poster is in block caps, and it is in a light pink colour on a black
background - again drawing attention to it. This colour is not a major part of the
picture of Britannia, but it is still present in a small amount - near her feet. This
helps the text stand out from the rest of the poster, but also attempts to connect both
the picture of Birtannia and the message of the poster.
CHILLARIGE Amrutha Venkata Sai Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40
Verbal aspects
Exclamatory sentence and imperative - Remember Scarborough! This instructs
the British people to remember the tragedy of Scarborough.

This sentence may have been followed by a question mark asking the audience to
remember Scarborough, but it has an exclamation mark - instructing them to
remember Scarborough.

The next line is an imperative as well, telling people to enlist instead of asking
CHILLARIGE Amrutha Venkata Sai Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40
This poster tries to depict the invasion of Scarborough by the Germans. Britannia,
the national symbol of Britain, leads her people away from the fire and destruction,
and looks over protectively at them with her sword drawn to protect them.
CHILLARIGE Amrutha Venkata Sai Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40
Global issue and connection to Maus and Wilfred Owen’s
The global issue that is most prominent in this poster is beliefs, values and education. This is a
propaganda poster, and is meant to make people believe that fighting for their nation is a great
honour. It operates on the fact that the people viewing the poster have prior knowledge about
Scarborough, or will at least feel hatred against Germans.

In the patriotism aspect, this poster can be linked to Maus, since the Nazi’s were very patriotic -
although to a degree where non Germans were being persecuted.

This poster’s main purpose was to glorify war and make people sign up for it, while Wilfred Owen’s
poems to exactly the opposite - they convey that war being glorious is a facade, and it negatively
impacts many physically and mentally.
GUPTA Atharva Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40


Aryan and Atharva

Visual Aspect
GUPTA Atharva Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

➔ German soldiers of war are depicted as a ferocious ape-like creature

wearing a pickelhaube
➔ The creature is portrayed as a violent and brutal beast with a terrifying
physical appearance (sharp pointed teeth, claws, pointed ears) trying to
grasp onto the Earth.
➔ The germans portrayed as a threat to the world.
◆ Creature shown with blood stained hands.
◆ Blood dripping on europe to indicate the imminent german threat
◆ The creature is shown to be considerably bigger than the earth
itself, thereby showing its dominance (proportion)
➔ Blank, uncluttered background, making the image and the punctuation
mark the main aspects of the poster.
➔ The question mark is used to directly ask the viewer whether they’re okay
with german dominance
➔ The blood is shown to be dripping down to other parts of the globe which
further emphasizes the urgency of dealing with german forces
➔ Light and shadows symbolise hope and fear. A light still shines on
australia, indicating that it’s not too late to fight

Verbal aspects and context
GUPTA Atharva Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

➔ The poster was used by the australian government to recruit soldiers during WW1
➔ The LACK of much imperative language is a way of instilling patriotic values
➔ The viewer isn’t instructed, rather led to come to an obvious conclusion
➔ The question mark is the only instance of imperative language, questioning the viewer’s acceptance with the current state
of affairs

Link To Maus
GUPTA Atharva Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

➔ The germans are compared to predatory animals

➔ Germany’s invasion into other parts of europe
➔ German-perpetuated war casualties, compared to the holocaust

JOSHI Mandar Sidharth Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

Analysis of Recruitment
By Mandar
JOSHI Mandar Sidharth Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

In early May 1915, several New York newspapers

published a warning by the German embassy in
Washington that Americans traveling on British or
Allied ships in war zones did so at their own risk.But
the Lusitania continued and was then attacked by a
torpedo without any warning leading to multiple
JOSHI Mandar Sidharth Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

Visual aspects

We can see a dominant image of the ship which can be presumed as the
Lusitania, we see it sinking and see a large number of people swimming
across. This is a representation of all the civilians who were killed in this
sinking and is ironic since no warning was actually given to these civilians .
The exaggerated red colour in the image represents blood and therefore
death and danger which is another subtle message sent to fuel the anger
in the irishmen.
JOSHI Mandar Sidharth Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

Verbal aspects

We can see techniques like direct address and 2 examples of imperative.

The title directly addresses to “Irishmen” and imperative is seen in the
verbs “join” and avenge which is strong language which again is effective
in motivating people into joining the army to support their country.
JOSHI Mandar Sidharth Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

Global issue


Both the texts of wilfred owen and this poster subtly show how
technology has indirectly led to so much bloodshed
KUMAR Manya Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

India WW1
By: Manya and Khushi

The Posters
KUMAR Manya Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40
Translation KUMAR Manya Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

This soldier is ensuring India’s

safety. He is ensuring his family

Enlisting into the army is the be
way to ensure your family’s safet

KUMAR Manya Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

Elements of the Poster

The Uniform + Turban Map of India

01 Patriotism + Making the
poster more official to
attract the common man

03 Patriotism Saving your

02 04
Guilt Tripping
“This man is ensuring Red: passionate about
safety…”. It is as if it is asking saving their country!

you, “What are you doing to

KUMAR Manya Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

Posters like this were found all over

India, they were written in different
languages (i.e Urdu and Hindi) so that
it was understood by the population

Beliefs, Values and Education
KUMAR Manya Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

Why this Global Issue Why this Global Issue

Belief that war is not always
Sharing the belief that the country
“sweet”. And educating the
needs saving. And educating the
population on the negative aspects
population about how they can help. 

Wilfred Owen Poems

of war

Propaganda poster

Similarities Similarities
People are educated that
People are educated that war is
war is an essential survival
an essential survival skill which
skill which everybody should
everybody should participate in. 

participate in. 

Difference Difference
The belief that protecting Owen shows that war is not
your country through war is glorious and lives are ruined due
glorious is implied. 
 to it. Thus, falsifying the beliefs
and values of that time. 

KUMAR Manya Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

Big numbers catch your audience’s attention

LAHIRI Prithish Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

WW1 Propaganda poster

By: Yash and Prithish
Recruitment poster from the USA during
LAHIRI Prithish Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

World war 1
➢ This is a recruitment poster made in Texas, created between 1914-1918 in order
to influence a young generation of young men to get involved into war and
become a soldier
➢ This poster consists a dog wearing a harness with a red cross, and in the
background is a burning town
➢ The poster has writings in bold characters saying ‘Even a Dog enlists, why not
you?, the creator of this poster has used this writing in order to humiliate the
reader to some extent and to make them feel guilty about not enlisting by stating
that even a dog is enlisting and fighting for it's motherland.
➢ This makes the reader more self conscious about their actions and influence
young men to join the army and fight in the war.
➢ This poster uses imagery by placing the dog in front of a burning town, it gives
the reader the message that even a dog bound by it's loyal nature serves it's
nation regardless of the situations it is in. By doing so, readers feel more
motivated about joining the army and being recruited onto the battlefield
➢ This poster also contains quite a bit of white space in the background so that the
readers attention is shifted towards the dog and the main message
➢ The address of the recruitment station is given in a bright crimson red colour to
indicate the urgency of the situation and to urge young men to enlist themselves
into the army as fast as possible
LAHIRI Prithish Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

- This poster was created during WWI in order to encourage more people
to enlist
- Though the actual date isn’t known, it’s likely present during the end of
the war, where the fighting was getting more violent and the US had just
joined the war.
Global context and link to Wilfred Owen’s poems:
LAHIRI Prithish Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

- The global context most appropriate to this poster is politics, power and
justice, as this poster portrays how the government plays a significant
role in manipulating and persuading people to follow orders. In the case
of this poster the government uses humiliation in order to force a
generation of young men to enlist and fight for their country.
- This relates to many of Owen’s poems which discuss many aspects of
propaganda and advertisements to enlist. While Owen may show a very
disturbing reality, this shows a more idealised view of war.
LAHIRI Prithish Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

the en
MISHRA Mihika Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

WW1 Poster Analysis

By Mihika and Ashwath
Visual Techniques
MISHRA Mihika Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

1. Dominant Image/Salient Point

a. The woman takes up all the attention, and her thoughtful, somewhat cheeky expression
shows how she is implying that all men of age should join the navy, perhaps even in order
to become more attractive to other women!
2. Colour Psychology
a. The use of blue and red (like in the word gee) could be a reference to the America flag,
perhaps in an attempt to stir up some patriotism.
3. Typography, Use of Block caps
a. The word Man is underlined
b. I’d underlined
c. UNITED STATES NAVY in all caps
d. JOIN in all caps but different colour to stand out and emphasize
Verbal Techniques
MISHRA Mihika Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

- Colloquialism and Verbal Contractions

- “Gee” and “I’d” instead of I would
- Establishes a personal connection with the reader, making the poster seem like it’s
addressing them more directly, makes it more relatable to the audience
- Imperative verbs
- “BE a man and DO it”
- Puts more emphasis on the purpose of the poster and suggests a sense of urgency to try
and get the reader to listen the author
- Pathos
- “Be a man and do it” and “I wish I were a man, I’d join the navy”
- Insults the men’s masculinity, emotionally manipulating them into thinking they would be
less of a man if they didn’t
MISHRA Mihika Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

During WW1 to recruit men for the US army, posters were designed
to galvanise the population into joining the US military
At the time, the Military was a purely voluntary, and conscription
had not been introduced, as a result, a poster depicting a woman
attempting to join the Navy as a man could possibly have been
utilised as a means to shame men, as it suggested that even women
were willing to put their lives on the line, and that men had to man
up and stand steadfast for their nation.

Very much attempting to shame them into a sense of patriotism.

Global Issue and Maus Connection
MISHRA Mihika Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

Beliefs, values and education

- Patriarchal Society; suggesting that men are perceived as stronger than women
- Explores how pre-existing beliefs and values are reflected onto their actions
- The importance of staying true to the values enforced upon by society; display of masculinity by joiningt the
- Reinstills patriotism, propaganda can be seen as a form of education.

Connection with Maus

- Discussed similarly in Maus, the values held by the Nazi’s resulted in jews being discriminated against
SEN Devaditya Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

World War 1 Recruitment

By Dev
SEN Devaditya Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

The Poster
SEN Devaditya Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

Visual Elements
The main focal point if the image is the person staring at the reader, this creates an effect on
the reader since it seems like he is pointing solely at a specific person from a group of many
people. It makes the reader feel like he is the chosen one and increases the chance of the
reader actually joining the army as it is very convincing.

The white space in the poster guides the reader to look at the main subject of the poster or the
text since there is not much other to look at.
SEN Devaditya Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

Textual Elements
The changing of text colour on the important words such as “YOU”, creates a specific
emphasis as it wants specifically the reader as its a campaign poster to persuade as
many people to join the war. It also uses direct address including the reader and
engages the reader.
SEN Devaditya Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

Global Issue and Link with Maus

Politics, Power and Justice.

Link with Maus, Political unrest and recruitment for war can be seen throughout both
Maus and in the poster
SHEIKH Arsh Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

World War I Propaganda

poster analysis
By: Rhea M. and Arsh
SHEIKH Arsh Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40
Context SHEIKH Arsh Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

The poster was made by Robert Baden Powell who founded the Scouting movement in
1907, The movement was voluntary with the purpose to educate young boys about
camping, woodcraft, boating, lifesaving, patriotism etc. He also wrote a manual about
morals and good deeds.

Since Britain only had a small professionally army at the time it declared the war, they
desperately needed men to join up and fight, since most people didn’t own radios and
TV’s, the easiest way for the government to communicate with the people was through
SHEIKH Arsh Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

● The image shows different members of society and their respective jobs in the war
● The soldiers are fighting for the country, the women are seen to be nursing and making
bullets as well a blacksmith
● The purpose is to show ‘unity’ and that each and every man can support their country
in their own way in the war.
● On the sidelines, there is a man with both his hands in his pockets, and smoking a
cigarette, not yet involved.
● The significance of this is it relates to the question “Are YOU in this?” because it is
targeted towards people like him who are not contributing or doing their part to
support their country and make them rethink.
● It could also be inferred from his suit that he thinks he is privileged and too important
to do any of the work that is represented.
● The salient image in this poster is of the soldiers that are standing next to canyon,
based on their position relative to other characters, since they are placed at a higher
angle it seems as if they are a much significant part of this war, reinforcing the purpose
of persuading men to join the army.
Text SHEIKH Arsh Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

This is to provide emphasis on the word ‘You’ so the target audience to

reevaluate or rethink their role in the war.

Strongly targeted at “men” since the use of direct address makes them feel
unmanly and cowardly for staying at home.

Global issue
Politics, power and justice - how the governments are controlling people’s roles
in society, which could be seen in Maus.
SHEIKH Arsh Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

Thank you for listening:) !!!

SMEE Grace Renate Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

WW1 Propaganda
By: Grace and Siya
THE POSTER SMEE Grace Renate Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40
SMEE Grace Renate Grade 11
A historical personification of the United States, derived from
IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40
Christopher Columbus's name. A goddess with Britain’s Britannia,
Frame’s Marianne or Italy’s Italia Turrita .

At the start of the WW1 the image of Columbia standing over a

kneeling soldier was issued to those killed or wounded in the war

She started as a common symbol in WW1 but was quickly replaced by

Lady Liberty

Created by James Montgomery Flagg (Uncle Sam Himself)

Released on April 6 1917, 13 days after the United States entered the war

The woman was Mary Arthur, an actress who starred in a silent film called The Artist’s
Model a year later, written by Flagg.
Visual Techniques
SMEE Grace Renate Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

- Explosions in the background indicating war

- Dark clouds foreshadow approaching doom
- Smoke covering the sky
- The dark red colour justraposes the blue sky


- Rattan chair (found in a garden, for relaxation on a holiday)

- She’s sleeping on a sandbag (used to protect and fortify buildings)
- Her chain is in front of a fluted column, referencing western antiquity

The Woman:

- She is Columbia, the female personification of the United States

- Her clothing of blue,white and red represent the flag
- She wears a Phrygian hat, a symbol of freedom from Roman times
- She’s attractive, meant to represent the ideal American everywoman:
pretty, fairly ageless, brown hair and white - She was an actress: Mary
- She represents purity, innocence and goodness
- Wearing the flag implies patriotism, she represents the whole country
Written Techniques
SMEE Grace Renate Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

Wake Up America = Imperative & Metaphor

- Sleeping implies idleness and ignorance, laziness

- Almost mocks those who just stand by
- Commands the reader to take action, seems forceful, urgent & harsh


- Block Caps, large and bold

- Inverse text- white text against a dark background
- Both these techniques are used to emphasise the imperative and directly bring the viewers attention
to the action that is required to be taken, assert the salience of the phrase
- “Civilisation calls every man woman and child” = personification & hyperbole
- People don’t just need them, their country does, humanity does
- They seem important and noble, how could they ignore the call?
- Implies that they could be saviours, not just soldiers
- Every implies that noone is useless, all are imperative and can change the tide of the war
- They won’t win without everyone
- Lists the people so every group feels seen
Global Issue : Gender Politics SMEE Grace Renate Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40

The text uses the symbolism of a woman to represent the weaker, lazy general public.
The image of a woman is used to represent America in goddess-like form, women are seen as more
guardian-like and gentle. The medals that were given to the men had Colombia as she was like a
queen/mother figure. We also see the theme of the abolishment of gender boundaries during war,
they need everyone, not just men.

In Maus, we see the gender politics in positions of leadership and the characters’ interactions.
All the high-up leaders are men, all the women are treated as weak, scared damsels in distress.
Vladek always sees Anja as his to protect and he is the leader, he has a job and always sees himself
as knowing everything and in charge of Anja and later Mala.
SMEE Grace Renate Grade 11 IBS1 English A Language and Literature 04 Due Date: 14Dec21 10:40


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