Euthenics Essay

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Ebreo, Steven John R.

HRS 1.1B

Euthenics helps me so much to develop and change me into into a better person. I
can say that I change a lot because this subject taught me how to be responsible when
it comes to myself, to my surroundings and to my community.
This subject helps me to become responsible not only for my community but also to my
studies. It taught me how to manage my time and not to waste it for useless things. For
example, in doing our requirements and ELMS. It improves my willingness to do it timely
because of the fact that we don’t have an exam on this subject and our grades is only
coming from our task performance and ELMS. So, if I am not going to take it seriously,
there is a possibility that I cannot pass this subject this semester.

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