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Talk show interview script

Hello everybody! It´s my pleasure to welcome you all to another show of “Celebrities of the

Today it’s my honour to announce we have a very special guest for you: Not only a painter,
sculptor, architect, inventor, scientist and military engineer but also a man of music gifted
with a curious mind and a brilliant intellect. Please welcome Leonardo Da Vinci!

Interviewer n° 1
Hello Leonardo! Welcome to our show. I know this is your first interview ever since you
time travelled, but there are so many things we would like to know about you.

Question 1: First of all, how would you have felt if you had lived in this era?
Leonardo’s answer: Well, If I had lived in this era, it would have been very exciting. In fact,
technology has advanced so much I could make use of many of your present-day devices
to finish my own inventions! (Leonardo didn’t finish the majority of his inventions)

Question 2: Do you think people would have accepted you as a genius scientist if you had
told them about your diagnosis of ADHD ( Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)?
Leonardo’s answer: I think they would have accepted me if they hadn’t had so much
prejudice against people like me. But nowadays people are so open-minded that chances
are given to someone like me.

Question 3: Would you have felt proud of yourself if you had known how much your
inventions changed history?
Leonardo’s answer: Yes, I would definitely have. Somehow I knew my inventions would
change people’s lives, but I never expected this much.

Interviewer n° 2
Question 1: Thinking about the past, if you had improved one of your inventions, which
one would have been?
Leonardo’s answer: I would definitely have improved mechanical machines.

Question 2: What invention would have had great success if you had had today’s advanced
Leonardo’s answer: The helicopter would have been a great success at that time and a
useful transport to cut long distances if I had had today´s technology.

Question 3: Would you have believed that your knowledge and research in anatomy were
going to be the most important discoveries in the scientific fields if someone had told you
Leonardo’s answer: No, wouldn’t have. But I’m really glad they did.

Interview closure
Well, It’s been a real honour to have you here Leonardo. I hope you visit us anytime soon.
Thank you and see you all in the next episode of “Celebrities of the past”!
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