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Ebreo, Steven John R.

STI Batangas

Feeding Program

People say when you give sacrifice your time for others, you are also sacrificing a part of your life for
them. With that, I agree because that was how I felt joining in the feeding program. It is more than just
feeding people, but it is feeding a whole community willing to go this far to praise and thank the Lord. It
was a heart-touching experience to become a part of something simple yet significant. Seeing them
passing by to get food is more than just charity for me, but it is giving without having to expect anything
in return. I would wonder if I were in their shoes, I would wonder the exact same thing as they finally get
their fill for the day. The feeling of not only having to feed yourself, but also feeding your children is a
real struggle even the rich people experience because you are feeding more than just one mouth. The
good Lord spoke to me through these people because it was right there and then that He was teaching
us that we could only know the value of life once we have nothing.

Our brothers in our fraternity, including the Barangay officials and other barangay organizations showed
the image of what Christ would do when we run to him for help. Whenever we are hungry, lost, even
sinned to the very last moment, this teaches us that no food can ever satisfy our hunger because those
are only temporary material things. Eventually, they will reach a certain expiry date and is disposed from
its healthy purpose, though it is also a harsh reality that some people had no choice but to eat them
because of having to live in poverty. With the frat members, barangay officials and other barangay
organizations , we got to experience and have a glimpse of what life really is outside of the city alone. It
is indeed true that life begins when we get out of our comfort zones because even those people who
join the feeding program have never even experienced being in one for a very long time.

It is said in one of the corporal works of mercy to “feed the hungry”, and with that weekly feeding
program, I only needed to sacrifice one half day in a week to participate in something worthwhile and
significantly fulfilling. Seeing people smile by giving what you have is the best feeling anyone could ever
have. As for me, that is where I also learned how to appreciate life even more because I have the drive
to help people more even to those that surround the city. In the end, God will never judge for what we
have or what status we obtain, but what He will be looking at is what and how much we give to others
who need it more than we do. This feeding program needs to spread out in different organizations and
institutions all around so that we, as instruments of God’s mercy, can not only bless more people but we
will feel all the more blessed as well.

Indeed, true love is defined here. It is not only a two-way communication that both the giver and the
given are satisfied and fulfilled, but it is when Jesus died on the cross for the sins he never committed.
True love is giving without taking, without having to receive anything in return. This experience is
something I will definitely go back to over and over again. Being a servant is more than just having to
bring the Word of God, but it is also having to be Jesus to others through our deeds and actions.

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