Kisi Kisi BING Kls XII Minat

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Kisi – kisi Bahasa Inggris Lintas Minat Kelas XII

Relative Pronoun
1. The bag which was bought by my mother two years ago has broken.

2. Ruby, whom extremely dilligent, named his new baby Tommy.

3. The worker whom you are looking won’t be back to the office today.
4. Marie Curie,whose husband worked as a laboratory instructor, was a pioneer in the field of radiology.
5. The software … maker was unknown was used by many retailers.

Cause effect (so…that and such …that)

Combine these sentences into a good sentence
1. Cause : That was an amazing car
Effect : That amazes everybody
2. Cause : It is a delicious cake
Effect : I want to buy more
3. Cause : It is a nice day
Effect : I want to play kite
4. Cause : It was too windy.
Effect : We couldn't go sailing
5. Cause : My sister is very shy.
Effect : She hides behind my mother when there
are strangers around

Past Perfect tense

1. Mr. Abdul had built a house before he left to Italy.
2. When i arrived at the party, Rachel had already gone home
3. I wasn’t hungry. I had just had lunch
4. You had studied Bahasa Indonesia before you moved to Jakarta
5. Brian came here after i had called him

Study following Discussion text

Text 1
Nowadays, everyone is a member of one or more social media platforms whether it is Instagram, Facebook,
WhatsApp, Line or any other platforms. In this modern era, social media tends to form an integral part of our lives. As a
new invention, social media must have its advantages and disadvantages in the way it affects people lives. Let us take a
look at some of these effects comprehensively.
Here are some positive effects of social media on the people lives. First, they become more informed about current
affairs. With social media, we can easily find out about what is going on in our neighborhood, state, country and even the
entire world. It is an important way to equip ourselves with adequate knowledge of current affairs. Besides, it helps us to
study many things. Social media platforms can be a great study tool for us. We can use them to ask each other difficult
questions that we could not solve by ourselves. It also makes it easier to form a group discussions and study groups even
when we are far from each other. Furthermore, it helps people with disabilities interact at the same level with others. In
many occasions, people with disabilities do not get an equal chance to interact with others. However, social media offers
an equal opportunity for them. They can do all of the activities that other people do on social media. This makes them
realize that they are not different to others.
However, social media can also cause some negative effects on our lives. First, we are exposed to cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying is one of the most negative influences in social media especially for teenagers. It gives a free platform for
cyberbullies to bully others. The huge level of networking offered by social media makes cyberbullying move from bad to
worse. In addition, it may decrease our productivity levels. Social media is very engaging to the people spending a lot of
time on them. They may neglect their work, friends, and family so that they can play a game or chat about various things
not related to the work. This clearly reduces their productivity levels. Furthermore, it can lead to disclosing of too much
information. Social media has its own way of making people disclose a lot of information that they would not show in real
life. By giving out too much information, for example about where one lives or what is happening to someone recently, the
people could inadvertently make it easier for those who want to do them harm.
Thus, having social media can be said to be necessary. But, use it as needed and its appropriate portions. Then, access
social media at certain times as needed. It’s ok for us to use social media for the purpose of a little entertainment as long as
it neither cause dependency nor disturb social interaction. Again, use social media according to its portion and benefits.

Text 2
The Covid-19 pandemic affects many aspects of our lives, including school. Schools are held online at students’
respective home. However, there is a discourse that schools will be reopened in July 2020 or January 2021.
Many parents are worried their children will have to return to school in the near future. It is because some local
governments have included plans for reopening schools in the new normal policy. For example, Central Java Education and
Culture Office will enforce the implementation of the new normal in its region starting July 2020.
Some options emerge such as imposing a shifting system, limiting the number of students, and implementing existing
health protocols.
On the other hand, epidemiologist dr. Dicky Budiman advises not to open the school until the situation gets better. He
says that schools reopening is risky, and it probably rises to the second wave of the coronavirus. The students can go back to
schools only if the preparation is done and screening process is fulfilled. Furthermore, if the screening process is not fulfilled,
schools reopening is not recommended for it is dangerous.
In the end, Offline School can only be done if the situation in our country gets better, or zero case. Since the case is still
rising these days, online school is the best option to avoid the new cluster.

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