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Journal of

ELSEVIER Journal of Materials Processing T e c h n o l o g y 48 (1995) 299--305

Effects of Flushing on Electro-Discharge Machined Surfaces

Y.S. Wong a, L.C. Lim a, and L.C. Lee b

aDept, of Mechanical and Production Engineering,

National University of Singapore

bGINTIC Insitute of Manufacturing Technology (GIMT),


Although the influence of flushing on the efficiency and stability of machining conditions in EDM has been
extensively investigated, including the effects of the flushing configuration on the wear of the tool and the profile
of the workpiece, little has been reported concerning the effects of flushing on the integrity of the electro-
discharge machined (EDMed) surfaces. This paper presents the effects of flushing rates on the types and
distribution of recast layers in commercially pure iron, 0.5% C steel and AISI 01 tool steel after EDM. There
exists an optimal dielectric flushing rate where cracks and average thickness of the recast layer are at a minimum
for all three materials. The trends for the crack density and recast thickness are similar, being higher at flushing
rates below and above a basically similar optimum rate. The distributions of the crack density at the sides,
bottoms and corners of the machined cavities under different flushing conditions are presented. Based on the
results obtained, the effects of the quenching property and debris removal ability of the dielectric flow conditions
on the recast layers of the three types of EDMed specimens are discussed.
maintain the dielectric temperature well below its
1. I N T R O D U C T I O N flash point. Flushing methods can be broadly
divided into four main categories: normal flow,
In EDM, material removal is achieved by reverse flow, jet flushing and immersion flushing [7].
preferential erosion of the workpiece electrode as In normal flow, the dielectric fluid is fed through the
controlled discrete discharges are passed between the tool or workpiece and exits through the gap; and as
tool and the workpiece in a dielectric medium. Basic the name implies, in the case of reverse flow, the
characteristics required of a dielectric used in EDM flow is reversed by drawing the dielectric away from
are high dielectric strength and quick recovery after the gap instead. Flow conditions must be properly
breakdown, effective quenching and flushing ability. regulated in these two methods of flushing; otherwise
Besides these basic requirements, practical criteria to machining conditions may be unstable with reduced
be considered in the selection of a dielectric include removal rate and uneven tool wear. The flow
health and safety, maintenance, and cost [1]. Tool velocity can be monitored by measuring the
wear and workpiece removal rates are affected by the differential pressure or of volume throughput [2]. Jet
type of dielectric fluid used [2]. Most dielectric flushing, in which a continuous jet of dielectric is
media are hydrocarbon compounds and water. The directed at the gap, is used in wire-EDM or
hydrocarbon compounds are in the form of refined machining of narrow slots and cavities. For jet
oil; better known among these is kerosene. Water is flushing of an array of shallow cavities, important
used for wire-EDM and high-definition die-sinking considerations are distribution of the nozzles, flow
EDM where its low-viscosity and carbon-free rates, angles at which the nozzles are directed at the
characteristics are an advantage. There has also been gap, and layout of the cavities [8]. For shallow cuts
much research on water or water-based solution as a or perforation of thin sections, simple immersion of
dielectric in EDM [3-6]. tool and workpiece in a tank of circulating dielectric
may be adequate.
In EDM flushing, the dielectric fluid is
distributed through the spark gap to remove gaseous Other means of improving flushing conditions
and solid debris generated during EDM and to involve some form of relative motion between tool

Elsevier Science S.A.

SSDI 0924-0136(94)01662-K
300 Y.S. Wong et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 48 (1995) 299-305

and workpiece. A control feature that is available on its influence on the surface integrity of the electro-
many machines to facilitate chip removal is vibration discharge machined (EDMed) components.
or cyclic reciprocation of the servo-controlled tool-
electrode to create a hydraulic pumping action, 2. RECAST LAYERS IN EDM
perhaps with synchronized pulse flushing during the
Due to the thermal nature of the process, the
lifting of the electrode. Orbiting of the tool or
EDMed surface consists of a recast or re-solidified
workpiece has also been found to assist flushing and
layer. Three types of recast layers can be identified:
improve machining conditions. Orbiting EDM
type 1 - featureless single-layer of less than 10gm
permits machining to proceed from roughing to
thickness; type 2 - etchable single-layer with
finishing using only a single electrode, with suitable
control of the orbit and machining conditions. Other thickness of between 10 to 20~m and type 3 - multi-
merits and the different means of imparting and layer having thickness of 20gm or more and
employing the orbital tool movement have been consisting of overlapping re-solidified layers [21].
widely reported [9-12]. There are usually more cracks in the multi-layer
recast than the single-layer. Less cracks can be
Improper flushing can result in uneven and found in the type 1 than the type 2 single-layer
significant tool wear [14-17] affecting accuracy and recast. Cracks in the recast are undesirable as they
surface finish; it can also reduce removal rates [14- reduce the fatigue strength of the machined
19] due to unstable machining conditions and arcing component. From detailed examination of the
around regions with high concentration of debris microstructures of single-layer recasts, it is found
[20]. Whilst there is much literature on the influence that generally, materials with high thermal
of flushing on machining rate, tool wear and conductivity tend to have less cracks in the recast
accuracy of profiles produced, little is known about [22,23]. The recast layer is also thinner for these
materials. Later studies found that the propensity to

Table 1: Nominal Compositions of Materials (Wt %)

C Mn Si P S Cr Mo V W

01 Tool Steel 0.9 1.2 0.3 0.5 0.1 0.5

0.5% C Steel 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.02 0.02

Table 2: EDM Conditions

Pulse Current 25A

Pulse-on Time 800gs
Pulse-off Time 100gs
Gap Voltage 30V
Dielectric Paraffin
Electrode Electrolytic Copper
(Positive Polarity)
Flushing Rates 5-20ml/s
(O4mm Flushing Hole)
Y.S. Wong et a L / Journal o f Materials Processing Technology 48 (1995) 299-305 301

cracking for EDMed components can be reduced if investigations to determine suitable etching solutions
heat can be drawn quickly enough from the work to best reveal the microstructures [21], nital solution
surface through the parent metal by cooling the and chromic acid were used to etch the specimens.
underside of the component [24-26]. Preliminary After etching, the specimens were examined both
tests on the effects of flushing on the EDMed under the optical and scanning electron microscopes.
surfaces of AIS101 tool steel were also carried out in
these studies. The results indicated that there is an 4. RESULTS
optimal rate at which the crack density is minimum.
4.1 Crack Density
This paper presents the results of further studies on
the effects of flushing rates on the types and
Crack density is measured in number of cracks
distribution of recast layers in EDMed surfaces.
per millimeter of the recast. For all three materials,
Experimental tests were carried out on commercially
the crack density initially decreases with an increase
pure iron, 0.5% C steel and AISI 01 tool steel after
in the flushing rate and reaches a minimum at a
EDM. The distributions of the crack density and
flushing rate of 13 mils, as shown in Fig. 2. At low
recast layer at the sides and bottoms of the machined
flushing rates, the concentration of debris is high and
cavities under different flushing conditions are
this may give rise to preferential discharges or arcing
presented. The effects of the quenching property and
in regions with accumulation of the debris. The
debris removal ability of the dielectric flow
higher discharge rates in these regions, coupled with
conditions on the recast layers of the three types of
heat concentration due to slow flow of the dielectric,
EDMed specimens are discussed.
induce higher incidents of surface cracking. At high
flushing rates, the quenching effect by the dielectric
3. E X P E R I M E N T A L P R O C E D U R E
at the EDMed surface is higher. As mentioned in the
- - --20- preceding section, previous studies indicated that
higher heat conduction into the parent metal has the
effect of reducing surface cracks. The higher
quenching rate associated with the higher flow
reduces the relative rate of heat conduction into the

Crack Density ( cracks / mm )


%. \

Figure 1 Dimensions of Machined Specimen (mm) %. \%. _ +

The compositions of the materials used for the q5~o"

experiments are given in Table 1. The test pieces I "-'1~ 01 tool steel "~'- 0.5% C Steel - O ' - Pu~ Iron I
were machined on a Eurospark 740 electro-discharge r , i i i
machine using the machining conditions listed in
Flushing Rate ( ml / s )
Table 2. As shown in Fig. 1, a 10ram blind hole is
machined into the test piece to a depth of lmm.
After EDM, the machined specimens were Figure 2 Change in Crack Density with Flushing
appropriately sectioned, resin-mounted and polished Rate for AISI 01 Tool Steel, 0.5% C Steel and Pure
for metallographic examination. Based on previous Iron
302 Y.S. Wong et al. /Journal of Materials Processing Technology 48 (1995) 299-305

Crack Density ( cracks / mm )



FL°Wi /
4! ~.. -, \
0"-- "~ -0 \ • ~0

0 F r
6 8 10 12 ~ 16 l ~ C
Figure 3 Three Regions Defined for Study of
Distribution of Cracks Flushing Rate ( ml / s )

parent metal, resulting in more cracks at the surface. Figure 4(b) Change in Crack Distribution with
Flushing Rate for 0.5% C Steel
The intensity of the crack density is highest for
AISI O1 tool steel and least for pure iron. The
thermal conductivities of the three materials are 32.0, workpiece between the inlet of the dielectric and the
54.8 and 80.2 kW/m.K, respectively. This outlet is divided into three main regions: side (wall),
observation agrees with previous studies that corner and base, as shown in Fig. 3. As shown in the
materials with a higher conductivity have less graph in Fig. 4, the crack density obtained for each
propensity to cracking. of these three regions for the three materials is also
minimum around the flushing rate of 13 mils. There
4.2 Craek Distribution is a higher density of cracks at the corners and along
the sides of the machined cavity. Flushing rates have
To examine the effect of flushing on the
the greatest influence on the occurence of cracks at
distribution of cracks, the cross section of the
12 Crack Density ( cracks / mm ) Crack Density ( cracks / m m )

]0 ! \ I-o-- Side -4- C~Ener ~ BaseI

r--s ....
. . .
c. . . . . .
. / -

8I \
fa----- ~ . /o._ .-o----o---o 0
6 8 10 12 14 16 1'8 20 5 7 9 II 13 15 17 19
Flushing Rate ( ml / s ) Flushing Rate ( ml / s )

Figure 4(a): Change in Crack Distribution with Figure 4(c) Change in Crack Distribution with
Flushing Rate for Pure Iron Flushing Rate for AISI 0t Tool Steel
Y.S. Wong et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 48 (1995) 299-305 303


19 The variations in the thickness of the recast with

the flushing rate for the three materials are similar to
17 the variations obtained for the crack density, having
a minimum also at around 13 ml/s (Fig. 5).
15 Likewise, the recast thickness is highest for AISI 01
\ \ o~'/ - -- - --o tool steel and least for pure iron. This is not
i3 unexpected as the crack density is linearly related to
o / the recast thickness, as shown in Fig. 6 for AISI 01
ll ~-~ tool steel t. The percentage of type 3 recast is also
minimum at around the optimal flushing rate of 13
9 11 13 15 17 ml/s (Fig. 7 for tool steelt). As mentioned earlier,
Flushing Rate ( ml ! s ) type 3 recast layers have higher crack density than
the single-layer (types 1 and 2) recast, it is logical
Figure 5 Change in Thickness of Recast Layer for
AISI 01 Tool Steel, 0.5% C Steel and Pure Iron % Recast Layer Type
the corners. Stagnant regions at corners trap debris. 80
With further machining, a part of the corner region
forms the side wall. The higher concentration of 60
debris gathered at the corners subsequently causes TYPE 2
preferential erosion around the corner regions as the 40 -I- ,t.
tool machines deeper into the workpiece, resulting in
more cracking at the sides that are formed. The 20
higher quenching effect of fresh dielectric at the inlet TYPE 1

side wall (see Fig. 3) and higher debris concentration 0 7 ~ i i i i i i

9 I1 13 15 17 19
at the outlet side wall also contribute to the higher Flushing Rate ( ml / s )
crack density at the sides.
Figure 7 Change in Proportions of the Three Types
of Recast Layer with Flushing Rate for AISI 01 Tool
Crack Density ( cracks / mm ) Steel

that type 3 recast is also lowest at the flushing rate

when crack density and recast thickness are
~-Similar results are obtained tbr the other two materials [28].

The effects of flushing rate on the types and
distribution of recast layers in 98% pure iron, 0.5%
oI / ~ * , C steel and AISI 01 tool steel after EDM have been
12 13 14 15 16 17 l~8 19 20
Recast layer thickness (microns) presented. There is an optimal dielectric flushing
Figure 6 Linear Relationship between Crack Density rate of about 13ml/s where the crack density and
and Thickness of Recast Layer average thickness of the recast layer are at a
minimum for all three materials. The trends for the
304 Y.S. Wong et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 48 (1995) 299-305

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