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Mid-Term Examinations – October 2021

Programme : B.Tech Semester : Fall 2021-22

Course : Electric circuits and systems Code : EEE1001
Faculty : Dr.Sivasankaran V Slot/ Class No. : F11+F12+F13/
Time : 1 ½ hours Max. Marks : 50

Answer all the Questions

Q.No. Question Description Marks

1 In an Electric circuit input is connected to terminal A and output is connected to

terminal B. to make a further analysis equivalent resistant across A and B is required.
Calculate it by applying suitable conversion technique


2 (a) A electric Circuit consists of R, L and C components in series. It receives the

sinusoidal signal as input. If reactance of C is greater than reactance L. in output 5
voltage is leading or lagging justify your answer with proper diagram

(b) RMS value is effective value of time varying voltage or current. find this value for
sinusoidal signal I= ImSinƟ by proper analytical method 5

3 A Power supply manufacturing company wants to generate constant voltage at the

output. for this suggest a suitable semiconductor device with proper sketch. 10

4 A microphone in a public addressing system generates very low audio output. This
may not be sufficient to drive the output speaker. The microphone output needs to be
enhanced before it connects with output device. For this situation how the BJT will 10
suitably solve the issue, justify your answer with proper diagram and neat sketch

5 Consider a Boolean variable A,B and C, by using this Design a three bit adder circuit
with necessary equation also verify it with truth table 10

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