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Mid-Term Examinations – October 2021

Programme : B.Tech.(BCE) Semester : Fall 2021-22
Course : Computer Architecture and Organization Code : CSE2003
Faculty : Dr. Ashok Kumar Patel Slot/ Class No. : F11+F12+F13/0397
Time : 1 ½ hours Max. Marks : 50

Answer all the Questions

Q.No. Question Description Marks

1 Use assembly language programming to generate a series of

1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255, 511, 1021.
Also Push these value into stack to use later.
Finally perform addition of the series and store the result in AX.
2 (a) An instruction is stored at location 700h. The operand address is at location 701h. The
value in the memory location 300h is 400h. Then find the effective address for
operand in instruction
i) MOV AX, 300h
ii) MOV [300h], 20h
iii) MOV [300h]+16h, 21h
(b) Analyse the different steps required for the execution of given instruction
ADD BX, [300h]
3 Seema is a good girl and want to distribute apple in the class on her birthday. Her class
strength is 30. She purchased one box of 150 apple and found that 4 are rotten. So help
her to distribute among all students equally. There may be some extra apple which she 10
gave to his teacher. Find the number of apple each student received and teacher
received using binary division using restoration method.
4 Harsh is very much fond of binary number. So in his shop he is using binary floating
point arithmetic addition to find the total values of items. If someone purchase items
of cost of 80.125 and 40.50 Rs. Help Harsh to calculate the bill using binary floating
point arithmetic addition.
5 A main memory with capacity 512kb of block size 16 word is used to map with cache
memory. The system is having word size of 1 byte. Find the number of blocks in main
memory. If the cache memory capacity is 16kb then find the number of blocks
possible in cache memory. If cache memory is using Direct mapping to map with the 10
main memory then analyse the bit required for representing word, block and tag. If
processor is searching for the word using 16 bit address given as 1010 1001 0100
1001 then find the index of block in cache memory.

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