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Two or Three? Approaches to Staging of the
Paramedian Forehead Flap for Nasal Reconstruction
Nicholas C. Oleck, MD*

J. Andres Hernandez, MD* Summary: The paramedian forehead flap is a historic cornerstone of plastic sur-
Roger W. Cason, MD* gery and a mainstay of complex nasal reconstruction. Although initially described
Adam D. Glener, MD* as a 2-stage procedure, several procedural advancements and modifications have
Ronnie L. Shammas, MD* been proposed, with the most notable being the addition of a third, intermediate
Yash J. Avashia, MD† stage. Proponents of this 3-stage approach argue that the addition of an intermedi-
Jeffrey R. Marcus, MD* ate stage improves flap perfusion, expands lining and structural support options,
and provides superior aesthetic outcomes. Although this technique has grown in
Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC1y0abggQZXdtwnfKZBYtws= on 09/15/2021

popularity, studies comparing the 2- versus 3-stage approach are relatively scarce in
the literature. Existing comparative studies seem to suggest that the 3-stage para-
median forehead flap may have advantages in large, complex nasal defects and
patients at high risk for vascular compromise. Additionally, comparative analyses
with respect to aesthetic outcome were found to be largely equivocal, suggesting
that surgeon comfort and preference should guide flap selection. (Plast Reconstr
Surg Glob Open 2021;9:e3591; doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000003591; Published online
13 May 2021.)

INTRODUCTION unclear.2–7 In this article, the authors provide an overview

The forehead flap is a staple of nasal reconstruction of the history, relevant anatomy, and technical details of
and a historical cornerstone of plastic and reconstructive the paramedian forehead flap, as well as a review of the
surgery. In his seminal work, “Plastic Surgery of the Face,” current literature comparing the indications and out-
Sir Harold Gillies discussed nasal reconstruction stating, comes of the 2- and 3-stage approaches.
“The tint of the forehead skin so exactly matches that of
the face and the nose that it must be first choice.”1 Indeed, History
to this day the paramedian forehead flap remains a pop- The history of the forehead flap and its utility in nasal
ular option for reconstruction of large, multi-subunit reconstruction dates back to 600 BC. Mutilation of the
defects. Owing to this popularity, several permutations of nose and other prominent facial structures was a com-
the forehead flap have been described. Although initially mon form of corporal punishment in ancient India, lead-
described as a 2-stage reconstruction, in 1974, Millard ing to significant facial deformities.8 The ancient Indian
proposed the addition of a third, intermediate stage.2 text Shushruta Samhita describes several primitive tech-
This 3-stage technique was expanded upon by Burget and niques for reconstructing these defects, including the first
Menick, who suggested a 3-stage approach would improve description of the pedicled forehead flap as well as its
perfusion of the flap, expand options for nasal lining subsequent division at a second stage.9,10 Although indeed
and graft support, and provide superior aesthetic and revolutionary for its time, this technique did not permeate
functional outcomes.3 Although both the 2- and 3-staged European medical literature for many centuries. In 1814,
approaches are well described in the current literature, Joseph Carpue described 2 cases of nasal reconstruction
the comparative indications and outcomes of each remain utilizing the forehead flap in two British soldiers, lead-
ing to widespread adoption of this technique throughout
Europe.9,11 In the aftermath of World War I, Sir Harold
From the *Division of Plastic, Maxillofacial, and Oral Surgery, Gillies made tremendous strides in nasal reconstruction
Department of Surgery, Duke University Health System, Durham, due to the caseload provided by trench warfare and the
N.C.; and †Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute, Dallas, Tex. establishment of specialized hospitals dedicated to the
Received for publication December 11, 2020; accepted February 14, treatment of facial injuries.1,9,12 Gillies stressed the impor-
2021. tance of reconstructing all 3 elements of the nose—skin,
Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, support structure, and epithelial lining—popularizing the
Inc. on behalf of The American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This use of chondrocutaneous grafts for structural support and
is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative lining.1 In 1946, Kazanjan provided a deeper understand-
Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 ing of the vascular anatomy of the flap and advocated for
(CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the
work provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in Disclosure: All the authors have no financial interest in
any way or used commercially without permission from the journal. relation to the content of this article.
DOI: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000003591 1
PRS Global Open • 2021

primary closure of the forehead donor site.9,13 Additional minimizing any clinically significant pedicle torsion.2,5
advancements by Millard and Menick led to a more nar- Menick suggests that regardless of whether a contralateral
row pedicle based solely on the supratrochlear artery, or ipsilateral flap is designed, rotational torsion is best
allowing the exclusion of the glabellar skin. In 1985 avoided by incising the flap lower on its medial edge than
Burget and Menick published Aesthetic Reconstruction of the its lateral edge.3
Nose, which is still considered the gold standard in nasal After the flap is designed and marked, local anesthetic
reconstruction.5,14 is infiltrated for plane hydrodissection, the distal portion
The forehead flap was traditionally described as a of the flap is incised, and elevation commences in a distal
2-staged procedure. The first stage consisted of flap eleva- to proximal fashion.15 The distal portion of the flap may
tion, thinning, and inset, with division of the pedicle dur- be harvested in a plane superficial to the frontalis muscle,
ing a second stage approximately 3 weeks later.2 In 1992, or alternatively, the frontalis may be included initially and
Burget and Menick described the addition of an interme- thinned before inset.2,5 As elevation progresses toward
diate stage between flap transfer and division during which the supraorbital rim, the dissection plane deepens as the
the flap is re-elevated from the recipient site, thinned, and pedicle descends from its subcutaneous plane to course
contoured as needed. Menick proposed that this inter- between the orbicularis oculi and corrugator.2,16 The supra-
mediate stage maximized blood supply to all nasal layers, trochlear artery is identified as it passes over the corruga-
expanded options for nasal lining, and enhanced overall tor muscle. Elevation continues until sufficient flap length
aesthetic outcome.3 for defect coverage without undue tension is achieved.
In our experience, transitioning to a sub-periosteal plane
Anatomy approximately 1 cm superior to the orbital rim is helpful
The blood supply of the paramedian forehead flap is to ensure the pedicle is protected. If a 2-stage procedure
primarily based unilaterally off the supratrochlear artery is planned, flap thinning typically occurs during the initial
and segmental perforators of the supraorbital artery stage, with thinning of the subcutaneous tissue and fronta-
proximally. Distally, the flap is often described to derive lis underlying the distal 1–2 cm of the flap. Although con-
its blood supply in a random pattern fashion. Key to the sidered safe, the disruption of the myocutaneous blood
dissection of this flap is the origin and course of the supra- supply may pose a risk in vascularly compromised patients,
trochlear artery. The supratrochlear artery is a terminal such as current smokers, diabetics, or elderly patients.4,17
branch of the ophthalmic artery, itself a branch of the Support grafts are then placed and contoured as neces-
internal carotid artery, which travels anteriorly over the sary. Unlike the 3-stage approach, the flap is not re-ele-
periosteum as it emerges from the superomedial aspect of vated for additional contouring or shaping.
the orbit. After exiting the orbit, the supratrochlear artery
courses medial to the supraorbital artery and pierces the Three-stage Approach
corrugator muscles as it travels superiorly, where it then In contrast to the 2-stage approach, dissection dur-
passes through the frontalis muscle approximately 2 cm ing the initial stage of the 3-stage forehead flap begins by
superior to the orbital rim. Once passing through the elevating a full-thickness flap, including the skin, subcuta-
frontalis, the vessel then continues to superficialize and neous tissue, and the underlying frontalis muscle. Menick
invests within the subcutaneous fat, where it is considered advocates for this technique, cautioning that removal of
to almost be contiguous with the skin of the scalp. The the underlying myocutaneous tissue at this stage may par-
supratrochlear nerve has a similar course as its paired tially devitalize the distal tip of the flap and expose raw
artery but is often disrupted during dissection. For pre- dermal tissue that is prone to fibrosis.3 Cartilage support
operative identification and initial flap design, the supra- grafts may be placed at this stage or during the following
trochlear artery can be traced running vertically 2 cm from intermediate stage. After 3–4 weeks, the skin of the flap
the midline and 1 cm superior to the brow.2,3,15,16 is re-elevated from its distal inset with the now-healed
underlying frontalis and subcutaneous tissue remaining
Comparison of Surgical Techniques adherent to the wound bed. This flap skin has now been
Two-stage Approach effectively surgically delayed. The underlying tissue and
The initial surgical approach (including flap design cartilage grafts can either be contoured or the addition
and elevation) is similar between the 2- and 3-stage fore- of delayed grafts may be employed. The supratrochlear
head flaps. After examining the nasal defect, a template pedicle remains intact during this intermediate stage
is constructed based on the corresponding nasal subunit operation.3
of the contralateral side.5 The supratrochlear artery is The 3-stage forehead flap also expands options for
identified via Doppler as it exits the superomedial orbit, nasal lining reconstruction. In a 2-stage approach, this his-
approximately 2 cm lateral to the midline, coursing under torically consisted of skin grafts, local flaps, mucosal flaps,
the medial brow.2,15 The paramedian forehead flap may be and intranasal lining flaps based on axial vessels.18 The
based off either the ipsilateral or contralateral supratroch- 3-stage “folded” forehead flap offers a unique approach
lear artery. The ipsilateral approach requires a shorter flap to nasal lining deficiencies. A full thickness extension is
length to reach a lateral nasal defect; however, the pedicle designed at the distal border of the flap, matching the lin-
may be subject to torsion during flap rotation. Precise ing defect. During inset, this distal segment is then folded
identification of the pedicle allows the surgeon to taper back on itself and secured to the remaining native lining.
the flap and achieve a narrow pedicle width (1.0–1.7 cm) In 3-4 weeks during the intermediate stage, the folded

Oleck et al. • Comparing 2- and 3-stage Forehead Flaps

portion is no longer dependent on the perfusion of the One of the proposed advantages of the 3-stage fore-
proximal flap and may be divided, allowing access for con- head flap is risk mitigation in patients with a predisposi-
touring and delayed graft placement if desired.3,18 tion for surgical complications due to comorbid medical
In the experience of the senior author, indocyanine conditions. The elevation and inset of a full-thickness flap
green (ICG) angiography has proved a useful adjunct in maximizes distal perfusion, which may be beneficial in
the assessment of flap perfusion, particularly during inset. this patient population. In a 2019 retrospective review, Lo
This technology allows the surgeon to assess perfusion Torto et al compared the outcomes of 2- and 3-stage fore-
during preliminarily inset, identify potential pedicle kink- head flaps in patients whom they considered to be “high
ing, and modify the inset as necessary. ICG angiography vascular risk,” including patients with 1 of the following
may also aid the decision-making process when selecting a characteristics: smokers, elderly patients (>65 years old),
2- versus 3-stage forehead flap. diabetes, ASA class < 3, and defects > 1.5 cm. Flap necrosis
In both the 2- and 3-stage approaches, the donor site was documented in 13% of patients in the 2-stage group,
is widely undermined in the subgaleal plane and closed and zero patients in the 3-stage group. Although these
primarily if the defect is <3.5 cm in diameter. Due to the findings were not found to be statistically significant, the
forgiving nature of the forehead as a donor site (sec- authors suggest that the 3-stage approach may reduce the
ondary to the area’s high vascularity), large defects may risk of flap complications in smokers, elderly, and diabetic
be partially closed and left to heal by secondary intent. patients.17
The final stage is pedicle division, occurring at approxi- In addition to comorbid medical conditions, defect
mately 3–4 and 8 weeks in the 2- and 3-stage approach, size and complexity are often cited as potential indica-
respectively.2 tions for a 3-stage paramedian forehead flap. In the larg-
est comparative study to date, Stahl et al hypothesized
Comparing the 2- and 3-stage Approaches that in large, complex defects, the 3-stage forehead
Head-to-head analyses of the 2- and 3-stage approaches flap would be associated with lower rates of flap necro-
to the paramedian forehead flap are relatively scarce in sis and overall complications.6 The authors retrospec-
the current literature; however, few comparative studies tively reviewed 187 cases of nasal reconstruction with
do exist (Table  1).6,7,17–19 These studies help shed light the paramedian forehead flap in 2 (n = 87) and 3 (n
on the indications and outcomes of each approach. In = 100) stages. Of note, specific indications for a 3-stage
describing the 3-stage forehead flap, Burget and Menick approach were cited as “preexisting systemic risk fac-
offer 9 specific benefits of this approach.3 More recently, tors, medium to large defects, and the need for carti-
several authors have attempted to further clarify the pre- lage framework for inner lining.” The authors propose
cise indications for the 3-stage forehead flap, commonly a severity index incorporating defect depth, tissue layers
citing defect size, complexity, and patients at high risk for involved, number of nasal subunits, and need for inter-
vascular compromise. nal lining or cartilage grafts. Overall defect complexity—
as well as the number of full thickness defects, need for

Table 1. Summary of Key Findings of Studies Directly Comparing 2- versus 3-stage Forehead Flaps
Study Patients Primary Outcome Findings Notes
Santos Stahl Two stage Complication rate – Significantly higher defect complexity scores Regression analysis controlling for
et al6 (n = 87) in patients undergoing 3- versus 2-stage defect complexity found no
Three stage paramedian forehead flap. significant difference in flap
(n = 100) – No significant difference in rates of flap necrosis rates.
necrosis, epidermolysis, infection between
2- and 3-stage group.
Ribuffo Two stage Aesthetic outcome – Aesthetic satisfaction significantly greater in Visual analog scale (1–10) used to
et al19 (n = 20) 3-stage group when assessed by both patient assess aesthetic satisfaction.
Three stage and surgeon at 1 and 6 months.
(n = 11)
Lo Torto Two stage Complication rate, – No significant difference in rates of wound High vascular risk patients included
et al17 (n = 30) aesthetic outcome dehiscence, partial or complete flap necrosis those with defects larger than
Three stage in 2 versus 3-stage group in high vascular risk 1.5 cm, ASA < 3, smoking habit
(n=16) patients. (>20 cigarettes a day), diabetes,
– Aesthetic satisfaction significant greater in 3-stage elderly patients (>65 years).
group when assessed by both patient and surgeon
at 1 and 6 months postoperatively.
Noel et al18 Two stage Aesthetic outcome – Aesthetic satisfaction with total flap thickness
(n = 16) significantly greater in 3-stage group. No sig-
Three stage nificant difference in aesthetic satisfaction with
(n = 15) respect to total nasal appearance, or individual
subunit appearance.
Stahl et al7 Two stage Aesthetic outcome – No significant difference in overall satisfaction Aesthetic satisfaction assessed via
(n = 25) with aesthetic outcome between groups. 35-question self-assessment ques-
Three stage – Significantly higher satisfaction with tionnaire developed by a multi-
(n = 35) reconstructed nasal ala in 2-stage group. disciplinary team, including both
surgeons and psychiatrists.

PRS Global Open • 2021

lining or cartilage grafts, and prior nasal operations— procedure, further exposing patients to the inherent
were significantly greater in the 3-stage cohort. Despite risks of anesthesia and surgery, including surgical site
differential complexity scores, complication rates were infection. Additionally, one must consider the additional
not statistically different between the cohorts. Although recovery time and absence from work/school associ-
not statistically significant, additional subgroup analyses ated with an additional procedure. In terms of differ-
controlling for defect complexity identified lower rates ences in aesthetic outcomes, the available comparative
of flap necrosis in the 3-stage cohort.6 studies are relatively limited due to their retrospective
An additional proposed advantage of the 3-stage para- nature and small sample size. Although objective metrics
median forehead flap is enhanced aesthetic outcome.3 such as flap thickness were assessed, reported outcomes
The skin of the forehead is significantly thicker than that were largely subjective, making them difficult to quantify
of the nose, requiring some degree of flap “thinning” when and compare across studies.7,18,19 Additional large-scale
utilized for nasal reconstruction. In the 2-stage approach, investigations—preferably in a prospective manner, with
this flap thinning occurs during the index operation, validated patient questionnaires—are necessary to deter-
as the distal end of the flap will not be re-elevated once mine if there is a true differential in aesthetic outcome
inset. By comparison, during the initial stage of the 3-stage or patient satisfaction.
approach, a full-thickness flap is transferred to the nasal
defect, including skin, subcutaneous tissue, and underly-
ing frontalis muscle. Thinning occurs during the second
The paramedian forehead flap is a workhorse
or intermediate stage, when the flap has been effectively
flap for distal nasal third reconstruction and may be
physiologically delayed and can tolerate significantly more
approached in either 2 or 3 stages. Existing compara-
aggressive thinning. Proponents of the 3-stage technique
tive analyses, although limited, suggest that the 3-stage
argue that this allows for more precise 3-dimensional con-
approach may be beneficial in large, complex nasal
touring and fine adjustments of cartilage grafts, leading to
defects and in patients at high risk for vascular com-
an overall enhanced aesthetic outcome.
promise. Aesthetic results are largely equivocal between
Several small comparative studies have attempted
the 2 approaches, and flap selection should be based
to objectively compare the aesthetic outcomes of 2- and
on surgeon comfort, rather than on dogmatic principle.
3-stage paramedian forehead flaps.7,18,19 In 2012, Ribuffo et
The paramedian forehead flap—in both its 2-stage and
al utilized a visual analog scale (scored 1–10) to assess aes-
3-stage versions—is a safe, reliable, and useful flap for
thetic and functional outcomes of 2- versus 3-stage flaps.
the reconstruction of large nasal defects and will con-
Assessing flap thickness, the authors found that 3-stage
tinue to be a staple in the field of reconstructive plastic
flaps were significantly thinner at the nasal tip (1.62 ver-
surgery for years to come.
sus 3.26 mm), dorsum (1.84 versus 3.63 mm), and sidewall
(1.86 versus 3.6 mm). Both patients and independent plas- Jeffrey R. Marcus, MD
tic surgeons reported greater satisfaction with overall aes- Duke University Hospital and Children’s Health Center
thetic appearance in the 3-stage group at 1 and 6 months DUMC 3974, Room 110 Baker House
200 Trent Drive at Erwin Road
postoperatively, with each of these comparisons found to
Durham, NC 27710
be statistically significant.19
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