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Republic of the Philippines

Romblon State University

Romblon, Philippines



Art Appreciation
Bachelor of Science in Criminology
1st Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022

Romblon State University as a premier institution of higher education in the MIMAROPA region for a globally competitive Province of Romblon.

The university is committed to providing advanced education, higher technological and professional instruction and training in agriculture and fishery, forestry, science and technology, education, arts and sciences,
and other relevant fields of study. It shall undertake research and extension services and provide progressive leadership in its areas of specialization.

Create manpower pool in the province of Romblon to serve every law enforcement agency, security, industry and other financial institutions; to produce law enforcers who are scientifically knowledgeable and
spiritually healthy that could help stand the moral challenges of every law enforcement agency in the country.

To train and develop Criminology professionals who are physically, intellectually, socially and spiritually able and committed to the ideals and values of the new Filipino in building a disciplined and strong nation; to
educate the nation’s future manpower in required skills and to maintain integrity of the profession that will provide leadership for the nation

To provide the community with professional competent and morally upright graduates who can deliver efficient and effective services in crime prevention, crime detection and investigation, law enforcement, and
custody and rehabilitation of offenders.

 To produce graduates who are highly competent and skillful in the field of law enforcement, criminal justice and criminalistics;
 To produce knowledgeable and well-disciplined graduates who will shape the image of the law enforcement agencies;
 To develop strong culture of research used to the improvement of our criminal justice system; and
 To provide graduates with leadership, integrity, accountability and responsibility values while serving their fellowmen.


Title of Subject | 1
Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

Course Description:
Art Appreciation is a three-unit course that develops students’ ability to appreciate, analyze, and critique works of art. Through interdisciplinary and multimodal approaches, this course equips
students with a broad knowledge of the practical, historical, philosophical, and social relevance of the arts in order to hone students’ ability to articulate their understanding of the arts. The course
also develops students’ competency in researching and curating art as well as conceptualizing, mounting, and evaluating art productions. The course aims to develop students’ genuine appreciation
for Philippine arts by providing them opportunities to explore the diversity and richness and their rootedness in Filipino culture.

Course Code: GE4

Credit Units: 3

Prerequisites: N/A

Link to Program Outcomes: C, D & G

Forensic Indicator

A Conduct criminological research on crimes, crime causation, victims, and offenders to include deviant behavior.
B Internalize the concepts of human rights and victim welfare.
C Demonstrate competence and broad understanding in law enforcement administration, public safety and criminal justice. √ Demonstrate
D Utilize criminalistics or forensic science in the investigation and detection of crime.
E Apply the principles and jurisprudence of criminal law, evidence and criminal procedure Introduce
F Ensure offenders’ welfare and development for their re-integration to the community. √ Introduce


At the end of the course, the students should be able to:


1. Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of arts in general, including their function, value, and historical significance

Title of Subject | 2
Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

2. Define and demonstrate the elements and principles of design 3. Explain and evaluate different theories of art
4. Situate Philippine arts in a global context

1. Analyze and appraise works of art based on aesthetic value, historical context, tradition, and social relevance.
2. Mount an art exhibit (concept development, production and postproduction, marketing, documentation, critiquing)
3. Create their own works of art and curate their own production or exhibit
4. Utilize art for self-expression and for promoting advocacies

1. Deepen their sensitivity to self, community, and society
2. Discover and deepen their identity through art with respect to their nationality, culture, and religion
3. Develop an appreciation of the local arts

Course Requirements:
1. Module
2. Google classroom

Course Grading System

Artworks 60%
Midterm/Final 40%

TOTAL 100%

Course Outline


Learning Activities Assessment Tasks Learning Activities Assessment Tasks Learning Activities Assessment Tasks
1 - Humanities and 1. Understand the N/A N/A N/A N/A  Independent  Activities
Art Appreciation: importance of Reading  Quizzes (Pen-and
An Introduction Humanities and Art
 Online Forum paper, optional)
Appreciation in every
individual’s life;  Activity  Reflection paper

Title of Subject | 3
Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

2. gain a general Worksheets (with Guided

knowledge of the Questions)
creation and functions
 Experiencing Art at
of arts; and
3. recognize the certain Home (Creative
purpose of art as well Output)
as its classification and
discuss their

1. Explain the difference

between aesthetic arts
and crafts;
- Aesthetic Arts and 2. identify the types of arts
Crafts and crafts;
discuss the principles
in understanding artistic
composition; and
3. enumerate the motivated
functions of art.

2 - The Western Art 1. Describe the history of N/A N/A N/A N/A  Independent  Activities
History Art in Prehistoric Reading  Quizzes (Pen-and
 Online Forum paper, optional)
2. discuss the Medieval
arts in Europe;  Activity  Reflection paper
3. identify the famous Worksheets (with Guided
artists in Western Questions)
Europe; and  Experiencing Art at
4. analyze the most Home (Creative
common Paintings in
Classical Greek

1. Understand the Pre-

- The Filipino Art Colonial Art forms in

Title of Subject | 4
Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

and Crafts the Archipelago;

2. identify the famous
indigenous musical
instruments in the
3. demonstrate knowledge
about importance of
Philippine Artistic
4. determine the common
handicraft materials and
the traditional
handiwork in the
Philippines; and
5. recognize the
importance of the
Philippine GAMABA
Awards and its

3 -Paintings 1. Identify the elements N/A N/A N/A N/A  Independent  Activities
of Painting; Reading  Quizzes (Pen-and
2. show the importance of
 Online Forum paper, optional)
the color wheel;
3. convey an idea about  Activity  Reflection paper
the symbolism and Worksheets (with Guided
meaning of the colors; Questions)
and  Experiencing Art at
4. demonstrate Home (Creative
knowledge about the
mediums in Painting
and its characteristics

Title of Subject | 5
Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

1. Discuss the origin of

2. recognize the
- Sculpture importance of
3. demonstrate
knowledge about the
type, medium and
technique of sculpture;
4. display an ability to
make sculpture;

4 - Photograph 1. Recognize the history N/A N/A N/A N/A  Independent  Activities
and importance of Reading  Quizzes (Pen-and
photography;  Online Forum paper, optional)
2. appreciate the “role of  Activity  Reflection paper
third” in photography; Worksheets (with Guided
3. discuss the types of Questions)
photography;  Experiencing Art at
4. demonstrate Home (Creative
understanding of the Output)
essential components
and features of a
Camera; and
5. display an ability to do

1. Recognize the origin

and importance of
2. appreciate the role of
- Music
music in our lives;
3. discuss the essentials in
song writing;
4. demonstrate

Title of Subject | 6
Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

understanding of the
different music genres;
5. demonstrate
understanding of the
classification of
musical instruments;
6. display an ability to do
song composition.

1. Recognize the origin

and elements of a good
2. demonstrate
knowledge about the
types of drama;
3. appreciate the benefits
- Drama of drama and the role
of Artist;
4. identify the forms of
drama; and
5. display an ability to do
a drama on stage.


Title of Subject | 7
Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines


1. Active participations. This refers to recitation and daily performance activities

2. Take-home Activities. This includes learning contract or any assignment given.
3. Quizzes. This refers to the written formatives tests ( short, long, unit, chapter tests)
4. Major examinations. These are the midterm and final examinations.
5. Project/s. This includes portfolio, term papers & reports.


A. Use clear language that is understandable to everyone.

B. Always use proper usage of spelling and observe correct grammar.
C. Courtesy and respect in communicating is a must. Be cautious when using humor and sarcasm; your words might be taken seriously or offensive.
D. Avoid slang terms and texting abbreviations such as “U” instead of “You” and limit or possibly avoid the use of emoticons unless the instructor insisted it for academic purposes.
E. As much as possible be aware in the proper use of “Noun”; avoid using Caps Lock feature as it can be interpreted as yelling.
F. Be careful with personal information; don’t send any confidential information.
G. Always indicate your name by following this format: SURNAME_NAME and follow directions implied by the instructor.
H. Failure to comply all/ any of the course requirements within the prescribed period, grades will be computed as per performance recorded, and non-compliance will be given a zero (0) rating. Late
submission will be accepted but with point deduction.
I. Plagiarism is not tolerated in the preparation of written outputs/ activities, thus proper APA (American Psychological Association) citation and referencing are necessary.
J. An absenteeism issue, sanctions is reflected in the student manual.

ONLINE PLATFORM POLICIES - this information sets forth guidelines for online platform specifically Facebook Messenger, E-mail address, and Moodle Cloud communication with the course instructor.
Excessive unidentified platforms make unreasonable time demands on both sender and recipient. Students must ensure to have a legitimate need before communicating in the instructor.

A. Your instructor will answer your email/ message about: questions arising from difficulty in understanding course content, request for feedback about graded activities, and private issues appropriate discussion
within the teacher-student relationship.
B. You instructor will not answer email/messages which: poses questions answered in the course information sections of the course site; lacks a subject line clearly stating the purpose of communicating; and
raises an inappropriate subject.
C. Your instructor will only answer message received on the given day no later than close of work on the next workday.
D. Check before you CLICK SEND- check your recipient/s and if your response is intended for everyone, Click or Type “REPLY ALL”
E. Be reminded to always check the said online platforms to assure that you receive course information or address your queries disseminated in a timely way.
F. Avoid attachments unless you are sure that your recipient/s can open it.


Title of Subject | 8
Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

A. Forums will have an associated deadline by which time all students must have posted their responses to receive credit for participation.
B. As much as possible the instructor will not participate in the discussion prior to discussion deadline.
C. After the allotted time given, the instructor will review all student responses and post a response as course announcements if needed.
D. Students will be graded on discussion postings. Points are earned based on the quality of responses and compliance with the required number of postings as specified in the instructions given.
E. The points earned by each student on a given discussion will be recorded right after or no later than one week after discussion ends, depends on the availability of the teacher. Students are expected to focus on the
specific topic of the discussion as assigned.
F. Students are expected to focus on specific topic of discussion as assigned. The introduction of irrelevant subjects is not permitted. Violators will be asked to leave the discussion, and a grade of 0 point will be
G. All students have a right to express their own opinions, and every other student must respect this right. Any other students posting a comment disrespectful of this right will be asked to leave the discussion, and a
grade of 0 point will be recorded.
H. Controlling behavior includes, but is not limited to, attempts to dominate a discussion by posting threads excessively, intentionally changing the discussion topic or exhibiting an inappropriate or argumentative
attitude. Controlling behavior is not permitted. Violators will be asked to leave the discussion, and a grade of 0 point will be recorded.
I. Students required to leave a discussion will be notified on this consequence in a private message/e-mail.


A. Students must submit all the activities electronically or face to face depending on the circumstances that will arise (depends on the agreement of both parties).
B. If there are technical problems with the online platforms, activities can be sent to you instructor via e-mail ( . The title of the activity must be ACTIVITY#___SURNAME_NAME.
Content line of the e-mail must include your name, the course alphanumeric designator and course name, year and block and the date of activity.
C. Late activity will have a deduction of points or will not be accepted upon the agreement made by both parties.
D. The course software standards for submissions of activities are Microsoft Word and PDF. Activities completed in other formats will not be accepted.
E. When technical problems occur and you cannot submit electronically, message your instructor to explain the difficulty.
F. Your instructor will review all your activities within the hours of due date and will send you feedback if needed, either by e-mail or comment posted on the activity.
G. Grades on the activities will be recorded. If you need to discuss your grade or feedback you received from your instructor, make an appointment with your instructor. This may be done in visit during office hours
or via e-mail or by calling your instructor (depends on the agreement of both parties).
H. Students are responsible for keeping the copies of all graded activities. Absence of copy of graded work in question, no grade change or credit for a missing activity is possible.
I. Students must ensure that activities are free of virus before submitting it. Any subsequent failure to adhere to this requirement will cause an activity to be unacceptable.


1) Major Examinations 40%

2) Class Standing

a) Online Quizzes 10%

b) Discussion Forums 20%

c) In- class/Out-of- Class Work Activities 20%

Title of Subject | 9
Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

d) Final Output/ Project 10%

TOTAL 100%

FINAL AVERAGE GRADE = Midterm Grade + Final Term Grade / 2


Percent Rating 99-100 96-98 93-95 89-92 85-88 82-84 79-81 76-78 75 74 73
Numerical Rating 1.0 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.0 4.0 5.0


 Antolijao, Lou (2004). Culture of Improvisation. Quezon Ciuty. Institute of Philippine Culture, Ateneo de Manila University.
 Fernandez, Steven Patrick (2010). Making Theatre: The Craft of the Stage. Iligan City: MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology, Mindanao State University
 Fernandez, Steven Patrick (2009). The Human Image in the Arts. Iligan City: IPAG Arts Resource Management, Inc.
 Honour, Hugh and John Fleming (2009) A World History of Art. 7 th ed. London: Laurence King Publishing.
 Narciso, Norman (2016). Soulmaking. Davao City. Aletheia Publications.
 Spolin, Viola (1999). Improvisation for the Theater: A Handbook of Teaching and Directing Techniques. 3 rd ed. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press

Prepared by:

Melchor S. Rufon, LPT

Title of Subject | 10
Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines


Reviewed by:

Program Chairperson



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