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I will personally teach you step-by-step…

“How To Earn (Extra) P80,000 Per Month

With e-Books Without Writing A Single Sentence!”

Dear Aspiring Online Entrepreneur,

If you'd like to discover how to make money online from home and be your own boss...then this will be the most important message
you ever read!

Here's what this is all about.

I've been selling e-books for over 10 years now. All from home, nakapambahay, and working just few hours a day.

One of my e-book is just 59 pages but has made $438,664.42 in sales. That’s over 22 Million Pesos.

And in this letter, I'll show you how you too can make money selling e-books…

Even if you think you can't write.

Di ka magaling sa English and…

You have NO IDEA how this business works.

But rst, let me tell you why an e-book is the perfect product to sell on the web.

Well, just consider the advantages of e-books over every other type of product being sold online today:

Virtually 100% pro t margin - An e-book cost nothing to print because it's a computer le.

Simple and inexpensive to produce.

You can deliver e-book automatically. There's little to no manual labor involved.

No printing cost, zero storage costs and very low overhead costs.

Higher perceived value than regular books - e-books are typically less than HALF the length of regular books ... yet they sell for 2 or

3 times more!

Easy to sell because customers can get their e-book in just 5 minutes after their purchase.

Customers love it because they don't need to pay extra for shipping cost.

Most importantly, since more and more people are now using devices like iPhone, iPad, and tablets.

..…there is a continuous ood of new customers. There are now 2.9 BILLION people online. You’re crazy if you don’t take advantage of
this golden opportunity!

How I Discovered This Highly Pro table and Low-Risk Business

Somewhere in 2002, I read the book of Robert Kiyosaki "Rich Dad Poor Dad". In his book, he said that the rich get richer through
Business, Investments, and Real Estate.

Since I don't have money to invest in real estate, I started several small businesses.

While employed, I started a restaurant, pharmacy store, retail (sari-sari), and graphic design services. Nalugi lahat. I lost all my savings,
humiliated, and earned Millions in debt from my bank.
One day, while chatting with a college friend he introduced me to online businesses. He shared different ways to make money online.
lot of possibleWILL
Internet businesses.
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But what excites me the most was selling information products like e-books because I love reading.

One day, I noticed na maraming nag hahanap ng "Bible verses" and quotes online. An idea popped into my head…

"Bakit di ako mag compile ng Bible verses by topic?".

Since the King James Bible has no copyright, I simply compiled Bible verses, categorized them into 200 topics, and turned it into an e-

I just copied and pasted Bible verses in a word processor and converted it into a PDF le.

That was my very rst e-book.

I didn't write anything except for the title and subtitle of the book. Pero sa totoo lang, when I'm creating it, I'm not sure if someone is
going to buy it. Why? Well, the whole Bible is free for anyone over the web right?

Pero sabi ko sa sarili ko… "Well, what do I have to lose?"

So I launched a mini-site around 11:45 p.m. of August 4, 2008. Sell it for $17. I woke up 7:30 a.m. the following day, had a good
breakfast, re up my laptop….

And to my surprise...

...two customers bought my product that day. Here's the screenshot.

I can't believe my eyes. That month, I made $242 in pro ts. Hindi na masama for my rst try right?

BUT here's something interesting: All the information in my book is free and available on the Internet. I simply copied and pasted them
and turn it into an e-book (PDF Format.)

Listen, I'm not suggesting that you simply copy and paste someone else work and turn it into an e-book. That's plagiarism and that's
illegal. I was able to make an e-book because King James Bible has no copyright.

Three Trade Secrets of This Pro table Internet Business

Get this: What I realized was, people are willing to spend money on e-Book not only because of the information but also it saves them

Instead of them wasting their precious time searching in Google, they would rather pay someone else to do all the research for them.
That's why if you go to, you'll nd over 4,900 books about "Time Management."

People want to save time. That's one of the trade secrets in this business. You're not just giving people information but you're in a
business of helping people nd a solution fast. Simply give them your e-book (the solution) and they'll give you their money. It's a simple
as that.

Since the released of my rst e-book, I have published e-books in different topics and sold over 24 Million Pesos in the last 36 months.

But I have to admit that the success that I had didn't happen overnight. I had a lot of failures too.

May mga libro ako na hindi din bumenta. May isang buwan na $179 lang ang kinita ko. So I keep on learning, testing, and changing my
strategy. Slowly, nalalaman ko na ang gusto ng tao. I'm getting better at building a serious Internet business.

Fast forward to now, I have ONE WEEK sales like this:




Yes, that's not a typical week but I love waking up every morning and seeing sales like this in my home-based business.

Today, I'd like to share with you the "secret sauce." The kind of information that is the easiest to sell and people are willing to pay for.

Are you ready?

The easiest to sell are "How To" information.

Topics like…

“How To Pay Off Your Credit Card Debt”

“How To Improve Writing Skills”
“How To Potty Train Your Child”
“How To Approach Women”
“How To Study The Bible”

Why are these easiest to sell? Because this kind of information is a solution to a speci c problem.

Some of the best-selling books of all time are how-to and self-help titles.

Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and In uence People, in print since 1936, has sold 50 million copies. Since its publication in 1970,
Richard Bolles' "What Color Is Your Parachute?" has spent 288 weeks on the New York Times best-seller list and has sold more than 8
million copies.

Last week, I typed the words "how to" into Google. The search returned 1.87 billion results! That's right ... 1.87 billion ... not million.

People are hungry for information and you can sell e-books for $20 to $50 and create as short as 15 pages. No doubt, you too can
make a lot of money in this business so you can quit your job and be your own boss.

And if you'll ask me "Jon, ano bang magandang topic for my rst e-book?" Here's another trade secret for you. Start with these
categories that I call...

The 10 "Good As Gold" Topics

1. Saving and Making Money (Saving means maka-tipid at hindi maka-ipon.)

2. Saving Time
3. Sex and Relationships
4. Investing and Trading
5. Collecting – Collectors are one of the hungriest markets out there.
6. Hobbies
7. Marketing
8. Small Business Advice
9. Weight loss and Self-help
10. Pets

It's almost guaranteed that you'll sell a lot of e-books and digital products if they're in any of these "Good as Gold" topics.

Now, you may be thinking…

"But Jon, I can't write? I'm not good in English writing."

Listen, all the e-books that I sold and currently selling, I didn't write any of them.

Kahit isang sentence hindi ako nag sulat.

You see, websites like,, and have thousands of freelance writers that can help you research
and write the book for a very affordable fee. In fact, you can hire someone to write one-page article for as low as 200 Pesos.

That's why I love this Internet business. It's so easy to create a product that you can sell and make money while you sleep.
How much money you can make? Well, since you're selling over the Internet, you can sell to anyone from anywhere in the world. x
Sobrang laki ng market mo.
The best thing about this business is not only you'llDAYS
make a lot of money
but you're
also helping a lot of people to solve their problems,

save them time, and improve their lives. The principle I learned from a great business philosopher Mr. Zig Ziglar.

“You can have everything in life you want if you will just help
enough other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar

The fact is, there are now 2.94 Billion people online and they're searching for information on the Internet. Plus, people now spend more
time online because of their mobile devices.

Kaibigan, it's time to take advantage of this life-changing opportunity before everyone starts this kind of business.

Now, pay attention. If you're seriously looking for a solid and pro table business, a business that will triple your income, replace your
job, and without a big investment, I have good news for you.

If you'll qualify as one of my student in my mentoring program, I'll reveal to you step-by-step how I create and sell information product
for fun and pro t. I'll hand you my blueprint.

...half a million pesos online with very little effort.

"A lot of people claim they can help you make money online, but Jon is one of the few that I actually
believe because I've personally seen how he works and can attest that he knows what he's doing. In
fact, in less than a year, Jon has helped me earn more than half a million pesos online with very little

Fitz Villafuerte
Author, Personal Finance Blogger

You may be asking...

"Jon, why are you going to reveal your blueprint for this business?"

Since 2011, I made a commitment to help my Kababayan na empleyado na pagod na sa trabaho nila. They want to start their own
business pero wala silang malaking capital na pangsimula.

You see, I've been a slave corporate employee too for over 8 years. I worked in Makati, Ortigas, and for a short period in Eastwood Libis
in Pasig City.

So, I know what it feels like to drag your feet to work every morning because you need to. No choice. May mga bayarin and you feel

Every day, nagmamadali ka para pumasok sa trabaho kahit bumabagyo at bumabaha. Nakikipag sikuhan sa LRT or MRT or sa Bus. At
kung babae ka, mahihipuan ka pa ng mga manyakis sa Bus.

Pag dating mo sa o ce, amoy araw at amoy pawis ka na. You're working hard and giving your best for your company.

But in the end, you're making just enough to pay the bills. Yumayaman ang boss mo pero ikaw…

…dumadaan lang ang pera sa kamay mo. Lumaki man ng konti ang kita mo, lalaki naman ang income tax mo. Tax mo na hindi mo alam
kung saan dinadala ng gobyerno. You're like running in a treadmill, takbo ka ng takbo pero wala namang nararating.

I know because I've been there, I've done that, and I'm so happy to be out of the corporate rat race.

Now I would like you to imagine this:

Imagine a Monday morning. Nagising ka sa sinag ng araw at 9:37am — no alarm clock — and you roll over to check your phone.

Check Facebook. A few pics, a few status updates. You notice one post from your friend na na-late sa work dahil trapik sa EDSA.

You get up, brew a cup of 3-in-1 coffee, and check your email. What do you see?

You received 13 orders while you were sleeping.

While you're sipping your coffee, you read your favorite blogs. Your phone buzzes. You smile — it's not a boss calling you — it's another
order. All automatic.



(Photo above is an actual screenshot from my phone. Sales from my online business that came in while I was sleeping.)

Around 10am, you settle into your home o ce and work on your online business. By 11:30, you go for a 2-hour lunch.

You're earning more money, working less and enjoying the extra time that you have every day.

Well, you can. And it doesn't matter if you're 18 or 80…man or woman…brand-new to Internet business or a long-time pro. It doesn't
matter if you're not good in writing at konting ingles lang ang alam mo.

A Golden Opportunity You Don't Want To Miss

I'm looking for serious students that I will mentor personally to become a successful Internet entrepreneur selling information products
like an e-book.

I developed a “for serious people only” mentoring program called…"Internet Business Master Class" or IBMC for short.

It is an exclusive 8-week mentoring program for aspiring online entrepreneurs who would like to start their own pro table and
sustainable Internet business.

Listen up: If you're looking for a business that doesn't require a lot of capital and that you can run part-time from home, this is it. This is
the perfect business that you've been waiting for.

Even if you’re clueless how this business works, don’t worry.

I’ll teach you EXACTLY, step-by-step, how to start an Internet business from scratch. The business that made me quit my job, made a lot
of money, and become nancially secure.

It doesn't matter if you're not good in a computer or you're not good in English writing.

Internet Business Master Class was designed for people with “zero knowledge” about online business and with limited computer skills.
People that would like to start a business but they don't know where and how to start.

"The time na nag-enroll ako sa IBMC wala ako idea how this business works. Basta ang alam ko lang,
gusto ko magnegosyo.

Kahit 15 minutes lang ang free time, I make sure na meron ako magagawa… Ngayon, kumita na ako ng

Through IBMC, I found my purpose in life. I know what I want to do - what I always want to do."
Homerson Bonifacio
Makati City

What if the only thing preventing you from nally achieving your income, business, and life goals is NOT having a coach?

You've probably had this experience sometime before, you attended a seminar, read a book, or watched a YouTube video and felt red
up with so many great ideas in your head…ready to change your life!

But soon found yourself overwhelmed to the point of being frozen. Unable to put your new ideas to work, unsure of what direction to

Having a coach eliminates this frustration. If you have questions. They are answered. If you need motivation, you've got it. I will push
you to test your limits and achieve far more than you ever thought you were capable of achieving.
I'll be there with you, guiding you for the full eight weeks, coaching you to success in every area of your Internet business. x

So if you'reENROLLMENT
ready… WILL CLOSE IN: 03 09 59 33

Here's How You Can Get Personal Mentoring

For eight straight weeks, I will personally train you through a series of tell-all webinars.

If "webinar" is a new word for you, a webinar is simply a presentation, lecture, or seminar that is transmitted over the Web. Just like
watching YouTube videos but you can interact and ask me any questions.

To attend, all you need is a computer and Internet connection. No need for a fancy video camera. During the webinar, you can ASK ME
ANYTHING you want to know about selling digital products like e-books, audio program, video courses, and even coaching business.

And through these mind-opening webinars, I'll reveal to you EXACTLY how I started from ZERO and generate close to $2 Million in sales.

Here's our weekly webinars and schedules:

 Week #1: Market Radar Method: The Foundation

LIVE Webinar: March 2, Monday 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM (Manila Time)

(Can't attend live? No problem. All weekly training will be recorded and available for you to download so you can watch it anytime you
want to.)
In this session, I’ll walk you through the exact steps how to nd HOT market that you can sell to. You'll also discover…

“Market Radar Method” – a proven method on how you can precisely know what the market wants for an e-book so you can
create the way they like it for an easy sale. (Why guess?)
What market you should avoid at all cost or you'll go broke in this business. HINT: People that don't have money can't buy your e-
book no matter how good it is.
No clue about what topic e-book to write? After following our step-by-step process, you're going to nd unlimited of new ideas to
for your rst e-book.
How you can design an Internet business that’s easy, lucrative, and fun. (You go to business to make money and have fun. So
why stress yourself with traditional businesses?)
How you can use free “online spy tools” to read the mind of people so you know exactly what product to create and sell to them.
The absolute rst step you should take to get up and running – doing anything else will hurt you, and it’ll rob you of valuable time
and hurt your wallet big time. (It’s called “Success Mindset”)
4 formulas for determining whether the market will buy. (The amazing thing about it is how much you can nd out without

spending a single centavo.)

Do you think you need to be an expert to publish an e-book? I quickly prove to you that being an expert could actually hinder your
success in this business. 
I show you how I carefully select markets so I maximize sales and minimize stress – ask yourself these key questions to ensure
that your online business will make money.
How to force, the world’s #1 search engine, to spit out a hidden market that you can market and sell to.

 Week #2: Content Creation Planner: How To Outline A Product That People Will LOVE

LIVE Webinar: March 7, Saturday 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Manila Time)

Here’s a small fraction of what you’ll discover in this session:

How to use the patented technology of a $250 Billion Dollar Company that will tell you precisely what should be the content of
your e-book – absolutely FREE.
The #1 secret to writing a book really fast that no one is telling you about. (You’ll be done with your rst e-book in just 3 days or
even less.)
The four-step process for completing an excellent outline for your e-book. Simply give this outline to your freelance writer and
you're done.
The little-used secret in crafting a perfect title for your e-book in just 10 minutes. A great title will instantly get the attention of
your potential buyers. (Plus, you get easy to use templates. Just copy it and you're done!) x


to mine “Facebook to discover 0content
CLOSE IN: 3 0 9your rst5product.
for 9 33
Exactly how to make an e-book downloadable and readable to any computer or mobile device.
A real-world example of getting an expert to write a book... for peanuts. (In fact, you get to see the exact word-for-word
conversation between each other, and exactly how I got the job done in a hurry on the cheap! The entire process is "caught on
tape" for you to use.)
Look over my shoulder as I outline an e-book in as little as 15 minutes!

 Week #3: The Outsourcing Technique: How To Hire Freelancers To Do All The Work For You

LIVE Webinar: March 14, Saturday 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Manila Time)

You can't write? You don't know how to set-up a website? No problem!
In this session, you'll discover…

The ve-step process to nd a professional freelance writer that will do all the research and writing for you at a very affordable
Where to nd excellent Filipino writers within 24 hours or less.
Discover how to guarantee that the e-book that was written for you by a freelancer is ORIGINAL content and not just copied from
the Internet. (Protect yourself with this free software that will check the uniqueness of your e-book.)
How can I afford to work just 4 hours a day and still make millions of pesos every year.
How to build a pro table Internet business with an army of freelancers so you can work less while making more money.
The “magic words” that attracts great freelancers and repels the bad ones. Use these magic words and you’ll instantly see the
right freelancer to pick. (Plus, you get my tested project description template to attract quali ed freelancers.)
I'll take you by the hand and show you the great places where I nd lots of quali ed people who are jumping at the chance to
create your products for a bargain.
WARNING: Avoid these unprofessional freelancers! Ignoring this warning will cost you time and money.
How and where to hire web experts and do their magic for you for as low as 200 Pesos.

 Week #4: The "Love To Buy" Approach: How To Sell Your e-Book and Make A Lot Of Money Online

LIVE Webinar: March 21, Saturday 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Manila Time)

In this session, you’ll learn…

The single most important skill to make millions of pesos over the web and become a wealthy Internet Entrepreneur.
The revolutionary formula on how to write a description (aka Sales Letter) of your e-book that grabs your readers’ attention and
compels them to buy right away.
How I generated 707,545 Pesos in pro ts in just 7 days from one-page “ugly” website. (FACT: Ugly website makes more money
than a professionally made website.)
The simple formula to nd out the right price point for your e-book.
Here's a secret for you: Based on my experience, I believe you can almost always charge more than you think you can for your
product! In fact, sometimes charging more can actually increase your sales! But it's all in how you justify the price to your
prospect. Discover my secrets to charging more for your products… and making your customers love you for it.
A simple but time-tested formula to make people read your website, open your email, love you for what you do and most
importantly buy your product.
“The Architecture of Persuasion” – the exact technique that I use to lead a reader to the sale.
Why selling on is the WORST place to sell your e-books.

How to securely accept credit card payment on your website.

 Week #5: The Kiliti Method (K.L.T.): How To Automate Your Marketing

LIVE Webinar: March 28, Saturday 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Manila Time)

Email is the single most powerful tool you should use and I’ll show you in this module.
You see, having email subscribers is like having a "push button" income. Simply send an email and instantly…cha-ching!
In this session, I’ll reveal to you...

Kiliti Principle: How to use email to make people know you, like you, and trust you.
How I automate my marketing that runs 24/7 like a well-oiled machine and generate close to $2 Million online all from home.
Look over my shoulder as I craft sizzling email in just 15 minutes.
How to set-up a simple lead-generating website that attracts highly-targeted visitors to your website and turn them into a paying
Why 'sounding professional' in your email marketing could actually hurt your sales.
How long should you wait before you start talking about your product? (Get this part wrong and it could kill any chance for a
I’ll take you behind the scene and show this 7-day email campaign I’m using that generated over P50 Million online.
How you can sell stuff to the people who don't buy from you! (Huh?!? This overlooked, yet simple method is what separates the
heavy hitters from the sideline wannabes. Use it with caution.)
How you can command hot prospects to your website anytime you want to. (And no, it’s not from Facebook or Google. In fact, if
you rely purely on search engines, your business will go bankrupt.)
Plus, email templates that you can instantly use on your own business. Simply copy and paste this and see money rolling in to
your bank account.

 Week #6: Free Tra c Gameplan

LIVE Webinar: April 4, Saturday 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Manila Time)

In this session, I’ll reveal to you...

The guaranteed formula to get quality tra c to your website that nobody else is telling you. (This is the EXACT formula that I
used and earned more than 4 Million Pesos from my blog in just 12 months.)
You need lots of tra c to your website to make a sale, right? Wrong! I’ll prove it to you why you need just small number of
“targeted” visitors to make serious money online
Little known secrets to make experts in your market promote your website for free.
Multiple ways to drive tra c to your website without spending a single peso.
How to use Facebook to engage your prospects, make them like you, and trust you and turn them into a buyer.
There is one and ONLY place to start when you're marketing your product... not adhering to this principle is a business suicide.
How to transform short YouTube videos into tra c generators for years.
How to launch a website that sell - the lazy marketer’s way (learning how to create tiny little sales sites is a sure- re way to build
your business empire quickly). You don't need to know HTML, search engine optimization, a liate marketing or even killer
copywriting for that matter!

 Week #7: The FIT Formula (Fast Instant Tra c)

LIVE Webinar: April 11, Saturday 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Manila Time)

In this session, you'll discover…

A smarter way to advertise your product and get an immediate return on your investment.
How you can nd dozens of unusual, but highly-responsive places to advertise your products for dirt-cheap prices.
The truth about free tra c that many “Internet marketing gurus” don't want you to know.
How to advertise your product on Facebook in minutes and create ads that I believe could generate lots of tra c to your site
Step-by-step how I make $3 in pro ts for each $1 I spent on Facebook advertising. That’s 300% return of investment (ROI.)
How to stay focused on getting your e-book business site up and running. (Lack of focus is the single biggest killer of edgling x
online business -- we
CLOSE 0 3you don't
hard way, but 0 9have to!)5 9 33
Instant Tra c: How to get leads and customers to your business in just 24 hours or even less.
How to easily discover which sources of leads are REALLY making you money (and quickly trash the ones that are sucking your
time and pro ts.)
How my newbie student made over P1 Million using Facebook ads. He’ll reveal how to set up an ad campaign to get the
maximum results. You’ll see actual campaigns and how much money it made.

 Week #8: Business Growth System

LIVE Webinar: April 18, Saturday 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Manila Time)

In this session, you’ll discover how to turn your e-book business into an information publishing empire.

The mindset and strategy I used from making $2,000 - $3,000 a month to over $60,000 per month.
Here’s a sneak peek:

How to sell multimedia products for MUCH more than e-books -- this alone in niche markets is worth the entire price of
admission to the IBMC. Sure, you can create tiny little $19 e-books. But it doesn't have to be all about e-books! Multimedia has a
higher perceived value.
One simple question to ask yourself to discover limitless ways to grow your business and income.
How to charge $100, $300, or even more for your product. (Think about it, you just need 10 customers a month to make $1,000
for a $100 product.)
How to double your sales from the same tra c you're getting to your website.
Three proven ways to increase the sales of your business almost OVERNIGHT!
How to turn your knowledge, experience, skills and passion into a pro table and sustainable business. (Kick your boss out of
your life!)
Why you should convert your e-book into another format to get maximum pro ts for each purchase.
What the BIG BOYS aren’t telling you about business. You’ll see in full view how multimillion dollar businesses operate and how
to copy them.

But what if you can't attend our weekly live webinar? Don’t worry!
As a bonus, you'll also get the following:

Video Recording of our weekly mentoring session - You'll get a downloadable copy of each webinar. Three days after the webinar,
I'll email you a link so you can download the recording to your computer or mobile device.
Audio Recording - Get a copy of each mentoring session on audio so that you can listen anytime, anywhere, 24/7 - including while
you do other things, such as commuting to work, waiting to pick up your children from an activity, working out at the gym, doing
household chores, or jogging.
Eight Internet Business Presentation Manuals - Enroll now and you'll also get all my presentation manuals so you can review all
our lessons. You can print these manuals for your convenience.

Wait, there's more…

You'll also get access to this valuable resources and support group.

Ultimate Template Toolkit, Checklists, and Sample Documents - Through the years, I developed processes, check lists, and
systems to speed up the growth of my business.
And if you enroll now, I'll give you copies of my [FILL-IN-THE-BLANK] templates and documents that I used to start and build a
multi-million peso business. Simply copy and paste these documents and use it to your own business.
Exclusive Access To IBMC Membership Site - Our membership site contains a library of training videos, audios, and materials to
help you grow your online business really fast. I can easily charge P12,000 for this but you'll get it for FREE.
Free Membership To PRIVATE Mastermind Group - You can meet my brightest students and other aspiring Internet Entrepreneurs, x

just like you, through WILL CLOSEFacebook
my private IN: 03
group. 09 59 33

Being part of this group is like having a family where they help and encourage each other to succeed. You can ask questions and
get answers in an INSTANT!

BONUS *New* - Negosyo University O ce Hours - You'll also get an additional 6-months of training through our "Monthly O ce-Hour"
training where you'll discover the latest sales, marketing, and business growth strategies from me and our Negosyo University team. We
can easily charge P12,000 for this but you can get it as a bonus for joining today.

And wait, there's even more. You'll also get a personalized...

8-Week Email Coaching

In between our weekly LIVE training, you may send an email to my "private email" that's exclusive to IBMC students only.

You can ask me anything you need to know, as often as you want, and I'll give you my expert advice based on my years of experience as
an Internet entrepreneur and after selling Millions of Pesos online. This way, you can avoid costly mistakes and take a short cut to a
million-peso business.

Unsure if your idea will sell? You're unsure what's the next step to take? Overwhelmed with all the things that you need to do?

No problem! Just send me an email and I'll help you to get clarity and direction so you can take action con dently. I'll be with you every
step of the way.

But before I go on let me ask you this…

Are you seriously committed to succeeding? Seryosong usapan.

Do you really have a burning desire to experience nancial independence? A life where the money will never be a problem again? A life
where your kid's future and your retirement are all secured?

I'm sorry if I have to ask you this…pero kung hindi ka committed at puro ka lang kwento, you're not quali ed for my mentoring program.
Leave this website now.

But if you say... "Yes Jon, I'm committed to becoming a lifestyle entrepreneur" then I invite you read and…

Listen To What My Students Have To Say

$7,000 In One Month

"Just an update to you guys. I was able to hit my Dec goal which is $5,000. I was able to generate a revenue of
almost $7,000...My goal (now) is to become a millionaire (in Pesos) easily earning $22k-$25k/mo"

Rich S.
Bacolod City

P200,000 in less than a month…

"Jon's IBMC should be a no-brainer choice if you plan on taking internet business seriously. After the session, I
tried and applied his approach and made me around Php 200,000 in less than a month, and I made that amount
using only 4 hours every Saturday. Talk about the potential if I have more hours to spend each week! He will
challenge you in every way possible, and open all doors of opportunity that are just right in front of you. Trust
me, you'll be running your online business in no time."
Jay Jaramillo
Doha, Qatar

P40,000 in pure pro t in just 7 days..

"I'm an OFW and have registered to your IBMC program last May 2016.. After few months of struggle and
learning while I'm working.. It pays off, and in 7days i have able to gain nearly Php40k in pure pro t."

Elv E.
P24k in just 2 weeks x


"In 2IN:
03 09 59 33
weeks time i have sold 24k of coaching program and ebooks. Basta tiyaga ka lang, may mararating ka."

Jane Vitorilo

Grabe ganito pala yung feeling…

"Lahat siguro ng excuses nasakin na. But nag move forward lang din ako. I just made P83,965 last month."

Marife Rosas
Caloocan City

Over P46,000 In September

"I was just doing this eBook business on a part-time basis. After learning from your webinars and with a little
self-motivation, I made P46,779 for the month of September 2016 .I would not have earned this if it wasn't for
IBMC. Thanks Coach!"

Cavite City

I Sold Another e-Book Yesterday

"Sold 2-3 (and counting I hope) ebooks each week for 2 consecutive weeks and 2 consecutive days. Both from
my own website and Amazon."

Aimee W.

"This proves that the system Coach Jon has been teaching us is REAL. We just need to apply it."

"My rst launch will close in 2 hours, this is what I get so far - P385,020.82"

Lish Aquino

I got a $4,995 client

"Hello Coach and all IBMC grads. I've not been active here close to a year. Just an update on my online biz, I've
ne-tuned the marketing for my new niche, last month I got a $4995 (usd) client for my 90 Day one to one
coaching, got an invitation to speak in Vegas this July, 2 online summits and 1 online TV interview coming up.
It's exciting and unnerving at the same time!"

Nora Benyaya

They are just a few of my students who are now experiencing the fruits of having an Internet business.

"But Jon, Can I Really Do This?"

Don't worry. Internet Business Master Class (IBMC) is great for beginners like you. I'll take you by the hand and guide you so you can
start making money online in 90 days or less.

Most of my students are new to online business. They never made any money online prior to joining my mentoring program. But, in just
few weeks after the class, they're now making money.

You want PROOF? These are messages from my past students.




Just like you, these people are new to online business and they're not super smart in computers either. They simply followed my step-
by-step instructions and now they're making money. Soon, they'll make a lot of money.

How Much To Enroll In This Program?

By now, you must be excited to enroll in this premier program and start making serious money online. But before I jump into the
details…let's compare a traditional business like a franchise vs. an e-book business that I'm sharing with you.

Let's say a franchise business like "Potato Corner" that sells French Fries.

First, you'll need P150,000 franchise fee. Second, you'll need an initial stock of P2,000.

At kung gusto mo sa magandang location, yung matao like sa mall, expect additional P25,000 per month and a P75,000 for three
months security deposit.

In total, you'll need at least P227,000 to start a traditional franchise business. Initial expense pa lang yan ha, wala ka pang monthly
operational expense tulad ng bayad sa tubig at kuryente. No doubt, it requires you to invest a lot of money at mahirap pang humanap ng
empleyado na mapagkakatiwalaan mo. Yung hindi ka kukupitan, lolokohin, at lalayasan.

Fact is, not many Pinoys have P227,000 savings to invest in a franchise business.

On the other hand, I can teach you how to start an Internet business that you can run part-time from home and can give you P50,000,
P100,000, or even P1 Million per month of income.
But I will not ask you to invest P227,000 as an enrollment fee. Not even P150,000, or P50,000.
The investment for Internet Business Master ClassDAYS
just two MINUTES
of P15,000 (pay P15,000 now and the other half after
30 days.) That's a tiny investment compared to starting a high-risk business like a franchise.

Remember, I'll train you personally and you will have priority access to me for eight weeks.

Plus, you'll also get access to my Private Mastermind Group on Facebook where you'll receive a LIFETIME support from our growing
community of lifestyle entrepreneurs with over 2,436 members

Believe it or not, if you'll follow my advice during our 8-week mentoring, you may get your investment back within 90 days or even less.

One more thing, to make this deal even sweeter for you I'm also giving you a…


How would you know if a program is right for you? You try it and see for yourself, right? And this is what I'm offering you right now.

This is how it works.

Enroll in this master class and then attend our rst LIVE training on March 2. If you're not happy with it, for whatever reason (kahit di
mo lang trip boses ko), just email me before the second week of training and I will give you a FULL refund. No questions asked. No
hard feelings. Friends pa din tayo.

I'm sure you'll agree that not many training or programs can give you a money back guarantee. Why? Because many people can claim
they can teach you how to make money online but only few can back it up with actual income results.

Modesty aside, I sold close to P100 Million of my own e-books and programs online. And I have lots of students that can attest to how
my mentoring program changed their lives.

That's why I have the "guts" to offer you a 100% money back guarantee.

All I ask is give it a try. If you decided to back out before our 2nd session, send me your bank account information and I'll deposit the
full refund to your bank account. Or if you enrolled with your credit card I will credit it back to you in 5 - 7 business days.

You won't nd any better deal than this.

So to recap, let's take a look at what's included when you enroll in Internet Business Master Class (IBMC)...

Eight LIVE Webinar and Mentoring Session - Every week (see schedule) I'll teach you step-by-step how to build and Internet business
from scratch. From researching the right topic e-book, creating it, how to drive tra c to your website, and how to sell it successfully.

8-Week Email Coaching - I'll give you my personal email so you can have direct access to me. At the end of our weekly session, you
can email me anytime and ask me anything about your business and I'll respond to you within 24-72 hours.

Eight 60-minute Question and Answer (Q and A) Sessions - After each mentoring session, you'll have an opportunity to ask me any
question about building your own Internet business. I'll make sure that I completely answer all your questions.

Video recording of each mentoring session - You'll get a downloadable copy of each webinar. Three days after the webinar, I'll email
you a link so you can download the recording to your computer or mobile device.

Audio recording of each mentoring session - Get a copy of each mentoring session on audio so that you can listen anytime,
anywhere, 24/7.
Eight Internet Business Presentation Manuals - 0
3 get all
0 9my presentation
59 manuals
33 so you can review all our lessons. You can
print these manuals for your convenience. DAYS HOURS MINUTES SECONDS

Ultimate Template Toolkit - I'll give you copies of my [FILL-IN-THE-BLANK] templates, checklists, and documents that I used to start
and build a multi-million peso business. All you have to do is copy and paste these documents and use it to your business. It's a sure
time saver.

Lifetime Access To Members-Only Website - Our membership site contains a library of training videos, audios, and materials to help
you grow your online business really fast. I can easily charge P12,000 for this but you'll get it for FREE.

Membership To PRIVATE Mastermind Group on Facebook - Have your own like-minded support group and family that will guide and
encourage you. Ask questions and get answers almost in an instant! These are all positive people...bawal nega.

100% Money Back Guarantee - Enroll in this master class and then attend our Week 1 LIVE training on March 2. If you're not happy
with it, for whatever reason, just email me at before the Week 2 training and I will give you a FULL
refund. No questions asked. No hard feelings.

Frankly, you can't nd a better deal than what I'm offering you. BUT you have to act now because time is running out...

Last day of enrollment is February 25, Tuesday. Don't delay and enroll now.

To Enroll With Your Credit Card

Click Here!

To Enroll Through Bank Deposit

Step 1:
Choose from the two options below how would you like to enroll.

Two Payment Option: Deposit P15,000 and pay the other half after 30 days.

Money Saving Option: Deposit P27,000 as FULL enrollment and save P3,000 instantly.

Go to any BDO branch nationwide and deposit your enrollment fee to the account below.

BDO Savings Account: 002370345892

Account Name: Nolasco V. Orana
BDO Branch: Mall of Asia

Step 2:
Write your complete name and phone # on the deposit slip.

Scan or take a clear picture of your deposit slip and email it to

Step 3:
Send an SMS TXT to +63.935.609.2352 or +63.930.260.7690 to inform us of your deposit

After 48 hours, you'll receive an SMS and/or email from us stating that you're now enrolled in
my exclusive "Internet Business Master Class".



To your freedom,

Jon Orana
P.S. Remember, I'm giving you a 100% Money Back Guarantee. There's no risk for you at all. Just give it a try. Attend our rst training on
March 2. If you're unhappy for whatever reason, let me know before the second training and I'll give you a full refund. No questions
But you have to enroll now. The enrollment for IBMC is until February 25 Tuesday ONLY. After that date, we will decline any application.
Go ahead and enroll now. Take this important rst step and make money that you deserve.

"I don't know the exact gure now but I already sold more than $3,000 USD sir Jon."

Randolf G.
Vigan City

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

"I'm new to online business, is this program right for me?"

Absolutely! I created this unique program to help people like you who are new to online business. And even if you're not very good in computer,
this is the right program for you.
I will teach you step-by-step how to launch an Internet business that can give you extra 80,000 pesos a month or even more. A unique business
that will give you money, time, and freedom that you've been dreaming of.

"What if I can't attend the live webinar training?"

Walang problema. As a bonus, if you enroll now, you'll get a complete copy of the webinar in both video and audio format. You can listen to it
from your laptop, iPhone, or other mobile devices.

Few days after the webinar, we will email you the details on how you can download the entire training to your computer.

So you can listen to it while jogging, waiting in line, or on your way to your o ce. It's like me training you 24/7.

"Will you be there to answer any questions that I have?"

Yes. For eight straight weeks, you'll have a direct contact with me. Aside from our weekly webinars, you can send me emails and ask me
anything about selling digital products online. Lahat ng tanong sa isip mo about this business, you can ask me.

And I'll give you my expert advice so you can build your Internet business and grow your income fast.

Even after the eight weeks of training, you'll have access to our private Facebook group where you can get support and encouragement from
our over 2,000 helpful members.

"What equipment do I need to attend the live webinar?

You just need a computer/mobile device and Internet connection. No need for a video camera or extremely fast Internet. And you don't need to
travel somewhere else. Attend our training at the comfort of your home or o ce.

"But I'm not good in computer or building website. Will this program help me?"
As long as you know the basic use of computer and you can follow simple instructions, you should be OK. Plus, I'll show you places to hire a
great web and computer experts to help you for a cheap price.

"How come it's expensive?"

Look. First, IBMC is a premium mentoring program with proven track records. Some of my students are making money in just few weeks after
the class. Ilan na ang kumita na over P1 Million. You'll meet many of them in my Private Mastermind Group.

Second, I personally sold close to 100 Million Pesos of my own e-books, video training, and programs online. I guess I can safely say that I
know how real Internet business works.

In short, IBMC is backed by years of experience, proven track records, and multi-million-pesos of sales online. This is a serious business
building course.

"Will I really make money with this?"

Yes. You will make money with this. Period.

This works 100% of the time for anyone who follows my simple instructions properly. I know it may be hard for some people to believe. After all,
we've been 'educated' into believing that there really is no easy way to become rich.

That's why I'm offering you a 100% money-back guarantee. All I'm asking is give us a try. There's no risk on your part.

"Do you have installment payment options?"

Yes. See the payment instructions above and take the "Two Payment" option.

But I'll be frank with you. If you think the investment is too high...then this isn't the right program for you. This is for serious aspiring
entrepreneurs only who would like to experience long term wealth and freedom.

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers

Earnings and income representations made by Negosyo University,, are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. The success of our
business and owner Jon Orana, all testimonials and other examples used are exceptional results only which are not typical of the average person and are not intended to be
and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work
ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying what we teach, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other
Negosyo University is not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions and the evaluation and use of our products and services
should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that Negosyo University is not liable to you in any way for your results in using our products and services. See our
Terms & Conditions [insert link] for our full disclaimer of liability and other restrictions.

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