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What Is Acupuncture?

What are the benefits of

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

What should you not do after


Acupuncture involves the

insertion of very thin needles
through your skin at strategic
How do I know if my
points on your body. A key
component of traditional acupuncture treatment is
Chinese medicine, acupuncture working?
is most commonly used to treat
pain. Increasingly, it is being
used for overall wellness,
including stress management.
Traditional Chinese medicine
explains acupuncture as a
technique for balancing the
flow of energy or life force —
known as chi or qi (chee) —
believed to flow through
pathways (meridians) in your
body. By inserting needles into
specific points along these
meridians, acupuncture
practitioners believe that your
energy flow will re-balance.
Benefits of Acupuncture What should you not do after
Acupuncture points are believed to
There are many reasons to consider acupuncture,
stimulate the central nervous system. including pain relief, stress relief, health benefits and many
This, in turn, releases chemicals into the more. But far less people are talking about what you do
Acupuncture needles
muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These NOT want to do after an acupuncture treatment. are hair-thin and
biochemical changes may stimulate flexible, which means
Strenuous Exercise
the body's natural healing abilities and You don’t have to avoid exercise altogether, but it would you hardly feel them
promote physical and emotional well- probably be best to slow down a bit. If you’re used to a long,
when inserted.
intense cardio workout like running or spinning, consider
being. slowing down and taking a walk. If you’re used to lifting heavy
weights, try some lighter weights and a few less reps. You
Reduced Stress. may find that sweating can irritate the skin where the needles
Reduced Back Pain, Neck Tension and Relieve were inserted, so get your exercise in a way that’s a little less
Joint Pain in the Hands and Arms. sweat-inducing.
Relief from Headaches.
Reduced Eye Strain.
Improved Immune System and Reduced Sick Caffeine
Days. It may be difficult to forgo your usual cup of coffee in the
morning or afternoon, but it would be in your best interest to
How do I know if my
Enhanced Mental Clarity and Increased Energy.
Relief from Digestive Conditions. do so after acupuncture. Caffeine causes your body to acupuncture
become dehydrated, which can taper the positive effects of
the acupuncture. treatment is working?

Acupuncture is a new experience, and as with
Your natural response to pain may be to apply ice.
However, following acupuncture, heat is the most new experiences, it can be hard to know
Does Acupuncture Hurt? recommended therapy. Instead try a heating pad in the what to expect. The most important thing to
areas where you received acupuncture needles. Warmth
keeps the bodily fluids flowing, whereas ice can block up
know while receiving acupuncture treatments is
Acupuncture needles are very thin, and the works. The main goal of acupuncture is to open up that progress can be slow; but rest assured
most people feel no pain or very little pain any blocked energy pathways that are causing pain in
progress is happening.
order to relieve it. Therefore ice is counterproductive to
when they are inserted. They often say the whole process.
they feel energized or relaxed after the
treatment. However, the needles can Your pain will change
cause temporary soreness.Once a needle
reaches its intended depth, you're likely to Your sleep could improve
feel a mild, dull ache or a slight tingling (or change)
sensation. This may be a sign that the
treatment is working and the acupuncture Your mood will improve
point is being activated. You may also
feel a heavy or electric sensation. Feelings You’ll be more aware of your body
of warmth may arise at the acupuncture
points. You’ll have more energy

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