FC 7: Assessment For Learning Question Bank Unit 1 10 Mark Questions

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Somaiya Vidyavihar University

K J Somaiya College of Education


Question Bank

Unit 1

10 Mark questions

1. Explain any three basic concepts related to Assessment.

2. Illustrate the relationship between Measurement and Evaluation.

3. Explain the meaning, nature, principles and purposes of Assessment.

4. What are learning outcomes? Explain the criteria for writing statement of learning
outcomes with appropriate examples. .

5. Illustrate the relationship between Aims, Objectives & Learning Outcomes.

6. Illustrate the Meaning, Characteristics and Significance of Continuous and

Comprehensive Assessment.

7. Illustrate the meaning & features of Prognostic and Formative Assessment.

8. Illustrate the meaning & features of summative, diagnostic, Internal and External

5 Mark questions

1. Meaning and types of measurement

2. Functions of measurement
3. Concept and meaning of Evaluation

4. Functions of Evaluation

5. Relationship between Measurement and Evaluation

6. Concept and features of Examination

7. Meaning and nature of assessment

8. Principles of assessment (Any 3)

9. Purposes of assessment

10. Relationship between aims & objective

11. Criteria for writing statements of learning outcomes(Any 3)

Dr Hema R Bhadawkar FC 7 : Assessment For Learning: Question Bank K J Somaiya College of Education
Somaiya Vidyavihar University
12. Meaning and features of formative assessment
13. Meaning and features of Summative assessment

14. Meaning and features of Diagnostic assessment

15. Meaning and characteristics of Continuous and Comprehensive Assessment

16. Significance of Continuous and Comprehensive Assessment

Unit 2

10 Mark questions

1. Explain the Behaviorist, Cognitive and Constructivist perspectives of assessment.

2. Illustrate the revised bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive domain as suggested by Anderson and
3. Explain the taxonomy of affective domain.
4. Illustrate the levels of objectives of the psychomotor domain.
5. “Achievement, Aptitude and Attitude are the essential aspects of Assessment.” Justify.
6. Explain the meaning and purpose of Teacher assessment and Self-assessment.
7. Explain the meaning and purpose of Teacher assessment and Peer assessment.

5 Mark questions

1. Learning process in Behaviorism and its application

2. Learning process in Cognitivism and its application

3. Learning process in Constructivism and its application

4. Levels of objectives of cognitive domain(Anderson and Krathwohl)

5. Levels of objectives of affective domain

6. Levels of objectives of psychomotor domain

7. Concept and meaning of achievement

8. Concept and meaning of Aptitude

9. Concept and meaning of Attitude

10. Meaning and purpose of Teacher assessment

11. Meaning and purpose of Self-Assessment

12. Meaning and purpose of Peer Assessment

Dr Hema R Bhadawkar FC 7 : Assessment For Learning: Question Bank K J Somaiya College of Education
Somaiya Vidyavihar University

Unit 3

10 Mark questions

1. Illustrate the Performance based process oriented Assessment.

2. “Essay tests are considered superior to objective tests when a teacher wishes to evaluate
higher order objectives”. Discuss this statement with reference to merits and limitations of
these tests.
3. “The limitations of objective type tests can be overcome by use of essay type tests”.
4. “Essay type test has survived in spite of severe criticism.” Justify with reference to merits of
this test. How can a teacher improve quality of essay type test?
5. Compare essay type test and objective type test.
6. Explain the characteristics of essay and objective type tests with four examples each.
7. Describe the guidelines for improving construction of essay type questions with relevant
8. Describe the guidelines for improving the assessment of essay type questions.
9. “Oral examination is an essential form of evaluation in spite of its limitations. “Justify.
10. Explain the significance of oral examination in comprehensive evaluation. Give its merits
and limitations.
11. Elucidate the importance of practical examination in evaluation process. Give its merits and
12. Elaborate the merits and demerits of online examination.
13. Elaborate the merits and demerits of open book examination.
14. Differentiate between Criterion Referenced Tests and Norm Referenced tests.

5 Mark questions

1. Concept of Performance based process oriented Assessment

2. Concept and Characteristics of Essay type test

3. Types of Essay type test

4. Merits of essay type test

5. Demerits of essay type test

Dr Hema R Bhadawkar FC 7 : Assessment For Learning: Question Bank K J Somaiya College of Education
Somaiya Vidyavihar University
6. Any 3 guidelines for improving construction of essay type questions with relevant examples

7. Any 3 guidelines for improving the assessment of essay type questions

8. Concept and Characteristics of Objective test

9. Merits of Objective test

10. Demerits of Objective test

11. Any 3 types of objective type test

12. Any 3 differences between Essay Type Test and Objective Type Test
13. Any 3 differences between Criterion and Norms-Referenced Test
14. Concept and Characteristics of Oral test
15. Merits of Oral test

16. Demerits of Oral test

17. Suggestions for improving an oral Test

18. Concept and purpose of Practical test

19. Advantages of Practical test

20. Disadvantages of Practical test

21. Suggestions for improving Practical test

22. Merits of Open book examination

23. Demerits of Open book examination

24. Merits of online examination

25. Demerits of online examination

Unit 4

10 Mark questions

1. “Anecdotal records make a teacher more diligent in her observation of students.” Explain
with an example.
2. Explain with suitable examples how a rating scale and a checklist can be used for effective
observation of students.
3. Illustrate the guidelines to construct the evaluation rubrics.
4. Explain the characteristics and guidelines to develop portfolios.
5. Explain the meaning, purpose and guidelines to develop reflective journal.
Dr Hema R Bhadawkar FC 7 : Assessment For Learning: Question Bank K J Somaiya College of Education
Somaiya Vidyavihar University
6. “Cumulative Records provide comprehensive information about the student” Justify.
7. Explain the significance of creating Learner profile with reference to teacher and students.

5 Mark questions

1. Concept of check list

2. Advantages of Check Lists

3. Uses of Rating Scales

4. Advantages of Rating Scales

5. Limitation of rating scale

6. Meaning of Evaluation Rubrics

7. Need of Evaluation Rubrics

8. Guidelines for constructing rubrics

9. Characteristics of Anecdotal records

10. Advantages of Anecdotal Records

11. Limitations of Anecdotal Records

12. Meaning of Cumulative Record Card

13. Characteristics of Cumulative Record

14. Types of Information Maintained in the-CRC

15. Characteristics of Student Portfolio

16. Advantages of Student Portfolio

17. Guidelines for developing portfolios

18. Concept and purpose of Learner Profile

19. Meaning and purpose of Reflective Journal

20. Guidelines of development of Reflective Journal

Dr Hema R Bhadawkar FC 7 : Assessment For Learning: Question Bank K J Somaiya College of Education
Somaiya Vidyavihar University
Unit 5

10 Mark questions

1. “Feedback plays a significant role in enhancing the future performance of the students.”
Explain with reference to criteria for constructive feedback.
2. Explain the concept and Criteria for constructive feedback.
3. Discuss the meaning and types of reporting.
5 Mark questions

1. Meaning of Reporting
2. Types of Reporting
3. Concept Constructive feedback
4. Types of feedback
5. Guidelines for giving constructive feedback
6. Types of teacher feedback
7. Feedback to Students
8. Feedback to Parents
9. Concept of Peer feedback

Unit 6

10 Mark questions

1. Critically review the current assessment system prevalent in our country.

2. Explain the implications of No detention Policy (RTE Act, 2009) on assessment.
3. Discuss the emerging innovative techniques of formative assessment.
5 Mark questions

1. Drawbacks of Examination System in India

2. Problems that Plague the Current Examination System
3. Concept of No Detention Policy
4. Implications of No Detention Policy on Assessment
5. Any 3 emerging innovative techniques of formative assessment

Dr Hema R Bhadawkar FC 7 : Assessment For Learning: Question Bank K J Somaiya College of Education

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