Based From CNA Insider: Life With Special Needs Series, Discuss The Take Away Lessons and Its Applicability in The Philippine Setting During Pandemic

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SPED 213 Learning Disabilities

Mid Term Examinations

Class Session: Cluster B Credit: 3 Units

Name of Faculty: Bryan P. Acasio, PhD
Name of Student: John Raymond L. Rosqueta

Based from CNA Insider: Life with Special Needs series, discuss the take away lessons
and its applicability in the Philippine setting during pandemic.

1. Am I Different?
The video has enlightened me that people with special disabilities can also do jobs that normal
people do. For me, the lesson that the video wants to emphasize is that people with disabilities
are still humans like other people in this world. Based from the title itself (Am I Different?), the
video wants to tell us that despite of the situation that people with disabilities are going through,
they are still not different from us. With proper guidance and intervention, they can also perform
well in whatever thing they seek to do. This is a good documentary that people in the Philippines
should watch. I have observed that most of the people with disabilities in the Philippines are just
staying at their respective homes and being cared of by their parents or caretakers. They are
not given a chance to live and explore outside their homes. Maybe by watching this video,
people in the Philippines (especially parents) will change their mindset and realize that people
with disabilities are not meant to stay at home only; they also deserve to explore and do what
other people do.
2. Learning to be Independent
Learning to be independent episode shows the importance of preparing people with special
needs to be independent. In the video we can see that MIJ (My Inspiring Journey) hub are
training their students to become more independent by training them to do basic skills. Students
in the MIJ hub are also trained to communicate with other people. They also allow their students
with special needs to experience things such as buying and selling. These types of approach or
strategies are good ways of teaching people with special needs to do things on their own; which
can also be applied in their daily life. There will be a time that their parents/guardians may die or
leave them so it is very important for them to be taught how to live and do things independently.
This is very important in Philippines and other countries in the lower class that cannot afford to
build foundations/charity homes that could take care of people with special needs who don’t
have any parent/guardian that could take care of them and provide their needs.
3. Can I Get a Job
Just like the previous episodes, they train their learners to live independently. In this video, they
teach their learners how to apply for a job and what are the things they need to consider if they
are hired. This is very essential especially in these times of pandemic wherein economy is
getting down and everyone needs to find a job that could give a living. With these types of
preparation, they would be able to develop their self-confidence and be able to find a job despite
of their disabilities.

4. Realizing My Dreams
“Experience is the best teacher.” This is the quotation that the video wants to emphasize. They
let their learners experience the job that they are dreaming just like housekeeping and being a
sound engineer. It is a good way to encourage them to pursue harder and let them realize that
their disability is not a hindrance for them to achieve whatever they dream of.

5. Will You Hire Me?

In the video, they let their learners experience the feeling of having a job. They let them have
actual experience on some jobs such as preparing foods and organizing hotel rooms. This is a
good strategy that the Philippines should adapt especially in these times of pandemic. During
this pandemic, suicidal cases have emerged. Some of the victims of these cases are people
with disabilities. By hiring them and letting the experience the feeling of having a job, they will
feel that they are not different from us and boost their self-confidence. This could also help in
lowering suicidal cases.

6. Do I Have a Future?
The lesson that the video wants to express is that it is possible for people with disabilities to
overcome their situation. With appropriate therapy, appropriate school setting, appropriate
support and appropriate intervention; it is not impossible for the to overcome their disability. In
the video they are teaching them how to interact socially with other people. They are also trying
to overcome their fear of having eye-contact with other people. This is a good start for them
because in order to achieve their goals in life and have a great future, they also need to
communicate and learn how to deal with the people around them.

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