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Grade Level:____________________________________ Teacher:_______________________________

Module Code: Pasay-EN8-Q1-W1-D1


First Quarter/ Week 1/ Day 1

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Scan for logical connectors to determine the text type
( EN8RC-Ia-7.2: )


Have you considered how connectors can help you process a reading text better? Or perhaps, you
have long been ignoring them, taking them for granted, not knowing that they can be great tools for you
to be a better reader.

• Logical Connectors
They are words and phrases which establish the logical relationship between
ideas within a sentence or between sentences in a paragraph.

➢ General classes of logical connectors

Additive and, also, besides, or, nor, further,

(signals addition, alternative, furthermore, moreover, In addition, likewise,
similarity) similarly, or, nor

Causal because, consequently, due to, so, so that, in

(signals cause/effect, reason, order that, a, since, thus, therefore
purpose, result
Adversative (signals but, although, though, however, while, instead
conflict, contradiction, instead of, nevertheless, even though, on the
opposite ideas, other hand, on the contrary, yet, still

Sequential (signals First, second, third, before, after, after that,

chronological or logical afterwards, next, then, when, lastly,
order eventually, finally

o Now, let us look at how these connectors can be used in different text types. Let us study these
texts types especially about their distinct features or characteristics.
• Text Type

Text type is a way of classifying different texts, both written and spoken
according to purpose and structure. There are four major types of texts.

References for Further Enhancement:

1. Online References:
2. Book: English for 21st Century Learning (pp. 4-23)

3. Module: English Time, First Quarter (pp. 8-9, 15-16

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Name: ______________________________________ Section: __________________________________
Grade Level: ________________________________ Teacher: __________________________________

• Different text types

1. Expository Text

The novel coronavirus disease was officially defined as a pandemic by the World
Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020 due to its rapid spread around the
According to WHO, a pandemic is defined as the “worldwide spread of a new
When a new disease first emerges, most of us lack the natural protection or
immunity to fight it off. This can cause a sudden, fast transmission of the disease
between people, across communities, and around the world.

Key features:
✓ Its main purpose is to explain or give information.
✓ The authors focus on telling you about a given topic or subject without voicing their
personal opinions.
✓ The text is fact-based through a reliable source.
✓ Usually makes use of cause-effect, comparison and contrast, and sequence connectors.

2. Descriptive Text

Who are my modern –day heroes? My modern-day heroes don’t have

superpowers. They are just ordinary people who get tired and weak sometimes but
they choose to be strong and brave for the people around them. They don’t wear
capes but rather they wear lab suits and personal protective equipment (PPE). They
are selfless and are compassionate. They choose to heal the sick and save lives
despite the dangers of getting sick themselves or losing their own lives. Yes, they
are my superheroes, they are our frontliners!

Key Features:
✓ Its main purpose is to describe.
✓ It describes places, people, events situations in a detailed manner.
✓ It usually uses additive or adversative connectors, comparison-contrast connectors

3. Persuasive Text

To unite as a country by distancing from each other seems contradictory, but

that’s exactly what we must do amidst the coronavirus pandemic. Obviously,
COVID-19 is spread through human interaction. The simple concept of social
distancing has been introduced to help avoid personal contact, and therefore stop the
spread of the disease.

Key features:
✓ Its main purpose is to convince.
✓ Unlike expository writing, persuasive writing contains the opinions and biases of the
✓ It includes justifications and reasons
✓ It usually uses causal and adversative connectors,

4. Narrative Text

Rey Perez and Beth Romulo are both nurses in the same public hospital.
Early Monday morning, before going to their respective duties, Rey proposed
to Beth by writing “Will you marry me?” on his N95 mask. At first Beth thought
it was a joke. Then she looked down at his hand and when she saw the ring,
started crying. Rey got down on his knee, put ring on her finger, and officially
asked her, “Will you marry me?” Without hesitation, Beth exclaimed, “yes!”

the ring on her finger, 2 ofofficially

Pageand 20 asked her, “Will you marry
Name: ______________________________________ Section: __________________________________
Grade Level: _________________________________ Teacher: __________________________________

4. Narrative Text
Key Features:
✓ Its main purpose is to tell a story.
✓ Has characters and dialogue
✓ Often contains actions, events and conflicts with their eventual solutions.
✓ It uses mainly sequential connectors and the other classes of connectors

Take note, a particular text type does not use only one class of connectors. Rather,
the four types of texts may use a combination of the different logical connectors. Being
able to identify these connectors and the logical relationships they express between ideas
will help you determine a text type and therefore more easily understand the content of
the text.


Do you always wash your hands? Do you do it properly?

Read the paragraph below. And see whether you have been doing the same.

Washing your hands is easy, and it’s one of the most effective ways to prevent the
spread of germs. Follow these five steps every time.
First, wet your hands with clean, running water, turn off the tap, and apply soap. Next,
lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the back of your hands,
between your fingers, and under your nails. Third rinse your hands for at least 20 seconds.
Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday “song from beginning to end twice. Then, rinse
your hands well under clean running water. Finally, dry your hands using a clean towel.

o Can you spot the logical connectors? Underline them.

o Now, can you identify the relationship of ideas being expressed by those connectors?
✓ The logical connectors express sequence because they signal logical order or
chronological order of ideas.
o What logical order of ideas is being explained in the paragraph?
✓ It explains the proper steps or chronological order of washing hands.
o Therefore, what text type is the paragraph?
✓ It is an expository paragraph


Is today’s lesson clear to you? If not, go back to our discussion. Remember that understanding the
relationship expressed in logical connectors will help you determine the type of a particular text.
If our lesson is clear to you, then you are now ready for more practices…
enjoy working and learning!

DIRECTIONS: Read the paragraph carefully and encircle all the logical connectors.
Then be able to determine the text type used. Write the letter of the correct answer
in the blank after each item.

A. Expository C. Persuasive
B. Descriptive D. Narrative

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Name: ______________________________________ Section: __________________________________
Grade Level: _________________________________ Teacher: __________________________________

I love my best friend. She is kindhearted. She is very thoughtful and friendly
to everyone. She never puts people down and cares about others before
herself. She is funny and helps me laugh at myself. Because she is smart, she knows
how to use humor to get her point without hurting anyone’s feelings. She also uses
humor to motivate and inspire people. Even during the community quarantine, she
would always check out one me and just give me encouraging words.
Text Type ________________

A. DIRECTIONS: Complete the paragraph by filling in the blanks with the appropriate
logical connectors.

finally after also and before but

As soon as I finished answering my English module 1.) ___________ felt my

stomach grumbling, I took out the peanut butter, coffee jelly and bread. 2.)__________
taking the lid off the jars, I spread the peanut butter on one side of the bread and the
coffee jelly on also
the other in
order ____________,
that I put the two pieces of bread together.
4.) __________ 5.)___________ I took a bite, I turned on the TV set. ___________
I settled on the sofa and enjoyed eating while watching my favorite TV show.
I swear, that was the best peanut butter and coffee jelly sandwich I ever ate.

Text Type ________________

B. DIRECTIONS: After filling in the blanks with the correct logical connectors, analyze
the paragraph and then determine its text type.

Text Type: _______________


A. DIRECTIONS: Choose any of the topics below and share your thoughts with your parents,
siblings or your friends. Then write a short persuasive paragraph about it.
Be able to use proper logical connectors. Be inspiring rather than critical.

A. Please Stay Home (Bawal Lumabas)
B. Let’s Learn Still Despite the Covid
C. Be Positive, Don’t Stress

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Name: ______________________________________ Section: __________________________________
Grade Level: ________________________________ Teacher: __________________________________

B. DIRECTIONS: You may post you paragraph on your Facebook timeline in order to persuade
as many of your Facebook friends to agree on your viewpoint.


Logical connectors are used to join or connect two ideas that have a particular relationship. They help to
clarify the relationships of these ideas. These relationships can be additive, adversative, causal or sequential.
They create cohesion or a unified thought. They help the reader to follow the writer’s reasoning and thus
determine whether a text is expository, descriptive, persuasive or narrative.


DIRECTIONS: Read each paragraph carefully. Then underline logical connectors to determine
the text type whether it is Expository, Descriptive, Narrative or Persuasive.

1. Kim Chui is a famous Filipino-Chinese actress. She has lovely “chinita” eyes, and
for this she is called Philippine showbiz's "Chinita Princess". Besides her pretty face
and a beautiful body, she is likewise endowed with a great acting talent and graceful
dance moves. She is also a smart and compassionate person who deeply cares about the
people around her.
Text type: ______________

2. Kim Chui went viral on social media because she could not clearly explain her point while defending
the shutdown of ABS-CBN. In defense of her home network, Kim compared NTC’s order to classroom
rules which her bashers found to be not making any sense. Consequently, netizens made fun of her and
threw harsh criticisms on her. The bashing shattered her. However, she was able to gain back her
confidence after her song “Bawal Lumabas” recorded more than 10 million views across all social
media platform in one day.
Text type: ______________

3. Several days after Kim was able to move forward from a hurtful experience, she appeared on a
television news program, and shared how happy she was at the sudden turn of events. “I could not
believe that things are going well on my favor.” she said, while tears started welling up her eyes. She
went silent for a moment, trying to control her emotions. Then she took a deep breath and flashed her
sweetest smile. Finally, she said, “I’m beyond grateful. God has been so good to me”.
Text Type: ____________

3. It takes a whole lot of guts to face millions of people and fight for what you truly believe in. Thus,
Kim does not deserve to be singled out and get all the hate she is getting from people in the internet. We
are not perfect. No one is. We have our own share of mistakes that shake us down to the ground but we
learn and we rise up again. Let us stop the hate and bashing because it doesn’t help us in our situation
now. Let us, on the other hand, take a more positive approach in life.
Text type: _____________




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Name:_____________________________________ Grade and Section:_________________

Teacher’s Name________________________ Module Code: PASAY –EN8-Q1-W1-D2



First Quarter/ Week 1/ Day 2

OBJECTIVE: Listen / Read for important points signalled by volume, projection, pitch, stress,
intonation, juncture, and rate of speech. (EN8LC-Ia-5.1)
• The following are intonation phonemes of English: stress, juncture, and pitch. These
are the melodies of language.
• Stress is the relative emphasis that may be given to certain syllables in a word, or to
certain words in a phrase or sentence. In English, stressed syllables are louder than non-
stressed syllables. Also, they are longer and have a higher pitch.
In the following word, the stressed syllable is underlined:
Subject: noun as in "The subject of my talk is…"

Subject: verb as in "He will subject us to another story."

• Juncture refers to breaks or pauses in speech that indicate words or other grammatical
units. Juncture is phonemic. That is, it changes the meaning.
There are several phrases in English that are distinguishable in this way:

"that stuff" "that’s tough"; "an aim" "a name".

In the first case, for example, the {s} of "stuff" is stronger,
and the {t} of tough is aspirated
• Juncture, in linguistics, is the manner of moving (transition) between two successive
syllables in speech. An important type of juncture is the suprasegmental phonemic cue
by means of which a listener can distinguish between two otherwise identical sequences of
sounds that have different meanings.
• Juncture is a pause or a slight delay in continuous flow of speech. Sound transitions
characterize the movement from sound to sound within a word or a phrase.
Three Symbols of Meaning Examples:
1. Single bar juncture indicates the need for a We visited our students/
slight pause between two who are sick.
thought groups in a sentence.
2. Double bar juncture indicates the need for a After eating// the dogs
longer pause between all appeared satisfied.
two, thought groups in a sentence.
3. Double cross juncture characterizes a drop in pitch. To err is human; #to
The pausing time responds to a forgive is divine.
need for semicolon, colon or
Note: If the sentence consists only of one group, juncture is no longer needed.
A change of places of juncture in the sentence logically change the meaning of the
References for Further Enhancement:
1.Online Reference :
2.)Book: English for 21st Century Learning pp 13-15 Page 6 of 20
Name:__________________________Grade and Section:_______________________

Teacher’s Name__________________________________________________________

• Volume is the loudness of the speaker. It is the psychological characteristic of

physical strength (amplitude). Loudness is then a subjective measure of the listener,
which is often confused with objective measures of sound strength such as sound pressure
level (in decibels), sound intensity, or sound power.
• Voice projection is an important speaking skill and the topic comes up frequently in
my work. Your ability to be heard in meetings, in large rooms, or in noisy environments
affects your credibility, as well as clarity. Your professional image is enhanced or
diminished to the extent that you can fill a room and communicate your message clearly
and successfully.
• A good rate of speech ranges between 140 -160 words per minute (wpm). A rate
higher than 160 words per minute can be difficult for the listener to absorb the material.
There may be some areas of the country that speak at faster rates but a slower rate is
• Pitch is the rise and fall of voice when we speak, sometimes called “highness” or
“lowness” We use pitch to give subtle meaning to sentences.
• The use of pitch is called intonation, but the words “pitch” and “intonation” are often
Falling Intonation Rising Intonation

Wh- Question Intonation and Pitch

"Unmarked" wh- questions tend to end in a falling pitch.

Wh- question sentences—those are the questions that begin with the words ‘who, what, where,
when, why’ and ‘how’—typically end in a falling pitch.
This is opposite of the pattern for yes/no questions, whose pitch boundaries normally rise.
Purpose of a rising pitch in wh- questions
While wh- questions typically end in a falling pitch, there are reasons a rising pitch can be
used. Ending a wh- question with a rising pitch could be asking for repetition or clarification of
previously known information.
Ending "Where should we go for dinner?" in a rising pitch may signal that the topic was already
discussed. Perhaps the answer was forgotten or even never decided, so the speaker is asking for

Similarly asking, "What time's the meeting?" with a falling pitch is requesting basic
information. Using a rising pitch, however, could indicate that the speaker wants to verify the

Yes /No Question Intonation and Pitch
"Yes/No Rising Pitch" in Unmarked Questions
Yes/no questions--those are the ones whose answers can be a "yes" or a "no"-- tend to end in
a rising pitch pattern. This is opposite of the pattern for wh- questions, whose pitch boundaries
normally fall.

Yes/No Falling Pitch and Its Purpose
Using a falling pitch in a yes/no question can show that the person asking the question
already knows the answer. Why would a person ask a question if the answer is already
known? Maybe the asker wants confirmation, or is using the question itself as a reminder.

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Name:__________________________Grade and Section:_______________________

Teacher’s Name__________________________________________________________

• Rate of Speech
1. Speaking rate is often expressed in words per minute (wpm). To calculate this value,
you’ll need to record yourself talking for a few minutes and then add up the number of
words in your speech. Divide the total number of words by the number of minutes your
speech took.
2. Speaking rate (wpm) = total words / number of minutes
3.You can record yourself with your smartphone or even with a video camera.
4. Once you have the audio of your speech, there are two ways to get the number of words:
5. Manually count the words as you listen back to the audio.
Read the following Wh- questions with proper intonation.
Write them in the correct column of intonation.

Rising Intonation Falling Intonation

Read the sentences together with your siblings.

Let’s practice your way of speaking. Read from left to right
Intonation Word and Sentence Stress Activity

How did you read the it? Did you easily understand the sentences on the left side?
Did apply the corrct stress and intonation in reading sententences or phrases on the
right side?
Let’s have more practice .
In the English language, there is one phenomenon concerning stress that you can
observe: There are many verbs that consist of two syllables. Mostly, the stress is on the second
syllable. Due to historical developments, the same word has become a noun. The noun,
however, is stressed differently: the stress is on the first syllable. Look at the examples:

Examples: verbs nouns

to record a record

to permit a permit
to address an address

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Name:__________________________Grade and Section:_______________________

Teacher’s Name__________________________________________________________

Put a stress to the words by underlining it. Follow the example above.
Verbs Nouns
to export an export
to transport a transport
to transfer a transfer
to update an update
to increase an increase

Rising and Falling Intonation
Read the dialogue together with your siblings. Apply the correct intonation. Write
them in the correct column of intonation.

Rose: Oh, hi Vilma! Where are you going? (falling intonation)

Vilma: Hello Rose! I'm going to the canteen because my tummy is craving and dying
for food to eat now. Do you want to go with me? (rising intonation)
Rose: Ah, no! I've been there a while ago. So, I'm gonna go now, bye! See ya' later!
Vilma: Oh, okay. Bye!

Rising Intonation Falling Intonation

A. Read the sentence. Put the symbol single bar juncture (/ ) in the sentence.
Example : Sarah / wash the floor everyday.

Jay Ar swim carefully to win the game.

Zack Roland walk along the street to buy food.
One of the students who are absent are sick.
One who gets irritated easily is unhappy.
B. Read the sentence. Put the symbol double bar juncture ( // ) in the sentence.
Example: Dr. Jose Rizal // our national hero // was born on June 19, 1861.
1. Mr. Ronald Pascual , the singing professor teaches English well.
2. Mrs. Rosario B. Cruz, who holds a doctoral degree is my daughter.
3. Mr. Bruce Dales who is still a freshman is taking up a medicine in UST.

The stressed syllables are presented by bold writing . the stress. Ask your
parents to say Read the words with correct stress on it.

confidential parents holiday degree

weaker alone admiration

The following are intonation phonemes of English: stress, juncture, and pitch. These are
the melodies of language. English is a stress-timed language. That means that stressed
syllables appear at a roughly steady tempo, whereas non-stressed syllables are shortened.
Voice projection is the strength of speaking or singing whereby the voice is used loudly
and clearly. It is a technique employed to command respect and attention.

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Name:__________________________Grade and Section:_______________________

Teacher’s Name__________________________________________________________

Let’s Play a Telephone

➢ Let’s have a game, it’s time to go back to elementary school and play telephone.
➢ Together with your sibling sit in a circle on the floor. You will start by whispering
a word or phrase with a certain stress ( beautiful lady) to your sister, and so on
until the last is your brother will say it aloud, and all can hear how the phrases
changed (or didn’t) on its journey around the circle. Depending on how it goes,
you can do it again with a longer phrase or even a whole sentence or question.
➢ Encouraging your siblings to put some emotion behind the delivery (rather than
just saying one word louder than the rest).
Did you enjoy the game?____________________________________________
What have you observe with your voice?________________________________
What have you noticed with the stress of the word “ lady”?_________________
Why do you think there’s a need to put emotion in delivering the
DIRECTIONS: Listen / Read for important points signaled by volume, projection,
pitch, stress, intonation, juncture, and rate of speech.
A. Read the passages and analyze. Identify the symbol juncture to be used. Rewrite the sentences
to spaces provided. ( / ) (// ) (# )

Example: A vision without action is a daydream; # an action without vision is a nightmare.

1. It is not what a man tells but what he does that makes him great.
2. Study your lesson otherwise you’ ll fail.
3. For instance, if he wants to see the effect of sunlight on growing plants, he takes many
plants as like as possible.
4. The gap between what is known and all that can be known about the universe seems to
increase with each new discovery.

B. Read the telephone conversation. Pick out the sentences with rising and falling intonation.
Write your answer on the table.
Rising Intonation Falling Intonation


Prepared by: MAE D. TUPASI

Pasay City East High School

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Grade Level:____________________________________ Teacher:_______________________________

Module Code: Pasay-EN8-Q1-W1-D3



MODULE IN ENGLISH 8 /Week 1/ Day 3

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Express appreciation for sensory images used




Have you ever read an excerpt from a book or poem and felt like you were right there in the middle of
the story? It’s as if you taste a sweet cake, as if you see a dazzling display of colors, as if you feel a rough
In this lesson, we will study a particular literary device that makes a piece of writing come alive and
realistic and thus makes you enjoy your reading.
• Sensory images, known as “imagery” in literature, are the author’s use of
descriptive language to engage one of the reader’s five senses. (sight, smell,
taste, touch, and hearing).
➢ Sensory images stimulate the reader’s imagination and create mental
pictures from what is being described.

Five Senses
Sight- Sound- Smell- Taste- Feeling-
visual auditory olfactory gustatory tactile
Describes Describes Describes what Describes Describes
what we see what we hear we smell what we taste what we feel
colors, music, nice sour, sweet, texture,
shapes, silence, fragrances, acidic, temperature
patterns, noise, voice bad odors bitter, salty

Why do writers use sensory images?

o Sensory images can bring writing to life and draw the reader towards the characters, the scene,
setting and mood of a written work through imagining the details being described.
o Sensory images give readers the pleasure of making their own inferences and conclusions about
a written work and thus better understand and appreciate it.
o Without sensory images, the reader becomes bored and cannot emotionally connect to the story.
o We experience life through our senses, a strong and enjoyable piece of writing should appeal to
us through the use of sensory images.

References for Further Enhancement:

Online References:

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Name: ______________________________________ Section: __________________________________
Grade Level: ________________________________ Teacher: __________________________________

Examples of sensory images in sentences:

1. It was dark and dim in the forest.

The words “dark” and “dim” appeal to our sense of sight, or visual images.

2. The children were screaming and shouting in the fields.

“Screaming” and “shouting” appeal to our sense of hearing, or auditory sense.

3. He whiffed the aroma of brewed coffee.

“Whiff” and “aroma” evoke our sense of smell, or olfactory sense.

4. The girl ran her hands on a soft satin fabric.

The idea of “soft” in this example appeals to our sense of touch, or tactile sense.

5. The fresh and juicy orange is very cold and sweet.

“Juicy” and “sweet” – when associated with oranges – have an effect on our sense of taste, or
gustatory sense.


Read each of the following paragraphs. What do you notice?

Paragraph A
I like to go to the beach. There is a lot of sand and some trees
there. People play games on the beach, and some people like to swim. I
used to go to the beach during summertime in my country.

Paragraph B from "The Beautiful Beach" by Mora Siregar

I remember one time prior to the pandemic when I went to the beach
with my friends. First, my friends and I looked for a good place when we
arrived at the beach, because it would be very crowded on weekends or
holidays. We selected a cool place under the trees and extended a mat on
the white sand. The wind that blew through the trees softly made the
weather cool and pleasant. Peace came into my heart when I looked at the
very beautiful long, white sand. People played games on the beach; for
instance, they played volleyball. Some of them swam in the shallow sea.
There were some kids trying to build something in the sand.

Which paragraph is more interesting? Why? Which paragraph helps you to "see" the
beach in your mind? How does the writer do this?

Can you identify the words that appeal to the senses? Underline them.


Is today’s lesson clear to you? If not, go back to our discussion. Remember, sensory images are
powerful and memorable because they make us see, hear, smell, taste, and feel every detail in what we are
reading. As we read, we feel as though we, too, are experiencing the object or scene described.

If our lesson is clear to you, then you are now ready for more practices… enjoy working and learning.

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Name: ______________________________________ Section: __________________________________
Grade Level: _________________________________ Teacher: __________________________________


Read each sentence carefully. Then. fill the chart with the sensory images you have experienced
during the reading. A statement may create more than one sensory images.

I see I hear I taste I smell I feel

1. The stone fell with a splash in the lake.

2. The wild gusts of cold wind pierced her body.
3. The fragrance of spring flowers made her joyful.
4. The burger, aromatic with spices, made his mouth water in anticipation of the first bite.
5. The starry night sky looked so beautiful that it begged him to linger, but he reluctantly left for

Read the poem below and answer the questions next to it.
1. Who is speaking in the poem?
Fresh-Baked Bread _____________________________________
I watched hungrily as my mother opens the
oven 2. Where is the setting of the story?
To check the progress of the bread _____________________________________
My eyes devour the lightly browned crust.
The mouthwatering aroma drifts across the 3. How does the persona feel about the bread in
kitchen. the oven?
The delicious fragrance sneaks silently _____________________________________
Past my nose into my brain 4. What sensory images make you want to eat
My tongue searches for a taste the bread the well?
My empty stomach shouts, _____________________________________
Eat! Eat! Eat!
Mother says a few more minutes. 5. Why couldn’t the persona not eat the bread
A. After being locked down for quite a long time, surely, you have been longing to step out of your
everyday life and into new adventures. So, imagine yourself going on a road trip with your family for an
out of town vacation. Suppose you’re on your journey, try to create the following sensory images in your

Sight: The view outside the windows

Sound: A stereo system, and all the other sounds you hear inside the car.
Smell: Fresh air, fragrant flowers
Taste: Snacks on the way
Touch: A smooth and comfortable ride

Did the sensory images you’ve created in your mind evoke some emotional reactions? How
did you feel?

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Name: ______________________________________ Section: __________________________________
Grade Level: _________________________________ Teacher: __________________________________

B. This time, write a poem describing that road trip with your family. To create a lifelike and
realistic scene about that road trip, add more specific sensory images. Talk with your sibling and/ or your
family members to gather more interesting and concrete sensory images.


C. To entertain and bring joy to your family and friends, you may share your poem on your
Facebook timeline.


Sensory images refer to descriptive words that that appeal to the sense of sight, taste,
hearing, smell and feeling. When readers make sensory images as they read, it helps them
understand and enjoy the story more.


The poem below which is a reflection of many Filipinos in this present time, is rich with sensory
images. Read the poem carefully, then answer the questions that follow. Enjoy reading as you come to
an appreciation of how sensory images can contribute to your over-all understanding of the poem.


by Emmanuel Torres

, It is a wonder how on a fine day like this

With the sun spilled on the hard stained planks of walls,
The wind lolloping, the birds singing and singing,
We pick up broken pieces and are poor.

Though nothing has changed our lean and hardwood house,

We still can bear our faces on the cracked glass
And be glad that our pain is personal, be glad
The bed is in one corner, the table nailed in place.

No special feast lies on the breakfast table;

It is rice and fish and coffee steaming and steaming
There is no wine but a China jug of water
Will do to make us relish appetite.

Everything is spare and useful to keep alive

Talk -- such as the rough-grained texture of table,
The stove burning, the floorboards creaking and creaking.
Familiarity still fails to blunt our senses.

This lot may not be worth a curse.

All is within reach of want as long as love is able.
That sunhammered tree outside our crooked window
Manages some leaves in a dry season.

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Name: ______________________________________ Section: __________________________________
Grade Level: _________________________________ Teacher: __________________________________

1. Which line from the poem creates sensory images of sight, taste, smell and feeling?
A. It is rice and fish and coffee steaming and steaming
B. Talk -- such as the rough-grained texture of table
D. As your full breast tames that babe's loud hunger
C. No special feast lies on the breakfast table

2. Put a check mark before the lines that creates dominant sensory images of feeling.
____A. It is a wonder how on a fine day like this
____B. And be glad that our pain is personal, be glad
____C. All is within reach of want as long as love is able.
____D. That sunhammered tree outside our crooked window

3. Picture these sensory images, “broken pieces"; "our lean and hardwood
house"; "cracked glass"; "no special feast"; "rice and fish and coffee"; "there is no wine"; "everything is
spare and useful"; "floorboards creaking and creaking"; "the sunhammered tree outside our crooked \
window"; "dry season.". What do these sensory images describe about the persona in the poem?
A. His bitterness C. His poverty
B. His loneliness D. His sickness

4. This line in the 3rd stanza, “the floorboards creaking and creaking” appeals to what sense?
A. feeling B. hearing C. sight D. taste

5. What sensory image is created from this same line in the 3rd stanza, “the floorboards creaking and
A. The house is old and deteriorating. C. It feels dangerous to walk on the floors.
B. The floors need cleaning and repair. D. There are chickens under the floorboards.

6. Picture these sensory images: "it is a wonder", "a fine day", "sun spilled", "the wind lolloping", "the
birds singing and singing", "we pick up broken pieces”, be glad our pain is personal, be glad the bed is
in one comer, the table nailed in place, a "China jug of water, will do to make us relish appetite";
"everything is spare and useful to keep alive." What can you infer about the persona’s
attitude towards his life?
A. caring and thoughtful C. complaining and angry
B. cheerful and contented D. courageous and strong

7. Why could the persona in the poem have a positive attitude despite his poverty?
A. Because he can still experience a fine and wonderful day.
B. Because of his family, and the love inside his home.
C. Because he can listen to birds singing and singing.
D. Because he can have good food inside his house.

8. The title of the poem, “Song for a Dry Season” sums up the theme of the poem? What is it?
A. Being grateful despite lack or poverty C. Dry season soon leads to a rich harvest
B. Songs can drive away loneliness D. There is a time for everything on earth

9. What is the mood of the poem?

A. appreciative C. curious
B. confused D. excited



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Name: __________________________________________Section: ________________________________

Grade Level: ____________________________________ Teacher: _______________________________

Module Code: Pasay-EN8-Q1-W1-D4



Quarter 1/ Week 1/ Day 4

OBJECTIVE: Determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the
local culture by noting context clues


Would you always scratch your head and frown every time you come across an unfamiliar word
while reading?
Even the most proficient in the English language has to look up a meaning of a word from time
to time. But, today we will learn how to unlock the meaning of unfamiliar word without using a

• Context Clues – are hints or clues that an author gives to define a difficult or unfamiliar word.

Different Types of Context Clues:

Synonym A word with the same meaning is used in the sentence.
Clue words/signal: or, that is. Or in other words are used. (semi-colon, dashes, and parenthesis
are used.
Example: My opponent's argument is fallacious, misleading – plain wrong.
Antonym A word or group of words that has the opposite meaning reveals the meaning of an unknown
Clue words/signal: but, however, although. Otherwise, unless, instead of, on the contrary, on
the other hand, while, unlike.
Example: Although some men are loquacious, others hardly talk at all.
Definition The unknown word is explained within the sentence or in a sentence immediately preceding.
Clue words/signal: is/are called, is/are known as, is defined, means, refers to
Example: The patient is so somnolent that she requires medication to help her stay awake
for more than a short time.
Example Specific examples are used to define the term.
Clue words/signal:
Example: Celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, and stars, are governed by predictable
General The meaning of an unfamiliar word can be inferred or guessed from the description of a
sense situation. The author provides non-specific clues, often over the sentence or number of
Example: The monkey’s vociferous chatter made me wish I had earplugs.

References for Further Enhancement:

1. Online References:

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Name: ______________________________________ Section: __________________________________
Grade Level: ________________________________ Teacher: __________________________________


What is it about the Philippines that makes it different from the rest of the world? Well, for one
thing, it is all about their culture.
Read the following sentences. Can you guess the meaning of the unfamiliar words?
Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Then underline the context clues used.

1. In times of calamities and catastrophes, Filipinos always manage to

rise above the challenge.
A. disaster B. problems C. suffering

2. Instead of wallowing, they manage to pick themselves up and smile.

A. bathing B. self-pitying C. smiling

3. From the moment they are born into this world, they are already taught
how to be respectful by using these simple catchphrases-po and opo,
words that end sentences when addressing elders.
A. expressions B. language C. motto

4. More popularly known as bayanihan, Filipinos help one another-

without expecting anything in return-so that undertaking their tasks
and responsibilities become much easier.
A. coming B. doing C. helping

5. And of course, every gathering and occasion is dedicated to keeping

with each other over many delectable foods.
A. appealing B. delicious C. extravagant


Is today’s lesson clear to you? If not, go back to our discussion. Remember, sometimes we do not
need to look up the words we don't know. The first thing to do should be to look at the context and
actually try to guess the meaning of the word. Context clues help us figure out the meaning of the words
without having to look up in the dictionary.

If our lesson is clear to you, then you are now ready for more practices… enjoy working and


Give the meaning of the underlined words through context clues.

1. Miguel was very loquacious. He really loved to talk.

Meaning _____________________________________
Type of context clue ___________________________

2. The rambunctious kids ran out to the bus and climbed on board. They jumped and yelled and just couldn’t
settle down.
Meaning ____________________________________
Type of context clue __________________________

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Name: ______________________________________ Section: __________________________________
Grade Level: ________________________________ Teacher: __________________________________

5. We were all very suspicious. We didn’t know who we could trust.

Meaning ____________________________________
Type of context clue __________________________

6. Police officers often must interrogate witnesses, that is, the officers must ask their witnesses important
questions and try to get truthful answers.
Meaning ____________________________________
Type of context clue __________________________

7. Every time that Joey went to the library, he tried to expand his understanding of the world, which means he
tried to learn something new.
Meaning ____________________________________
Type of context clue __________________________

8. The ancient Chinese used the abacus, a device with movable beads that can be used as a calculator.
Meaning _______________________________
Type of context clue _____________________

9. The relationship between the native people and the new government was complicated. Sometimes they got
along and everyone was happy with the outcome. Other times, there were disagreements, arguments and fights.
Meaning _______________________________
Type of context clue ______________________
10. Two new girls started school this week. Beth has a gregarious personality. Jenna is rather quiet.
Meaning ______________________________
Type of context clue


Take a look quick at the paragraph. Do you feel overwhelmed to see several unfamiliar words in
one entire reading passage? You should not.

Read it carefully and you’ll surely encounter the clues that will help you arrive at the meaning of
the difficult words.

Mariel was a precocious child to say the least. She produced brilliant watercolor
paintings by the age of three.
At first, her parents were flabbergasted-utterly blown away- by their daughter’s
ability, but soon they got used to their little painter. Her preschool teacher said that
Mariel’s dexterity, or ease with which she used her hands, was something she had never
seen in such a young child. Little Mariel never gloated or took pride in her paintings; she
just smiled contentedly when she finished one and requested her parents to give it to
someone as a gift. Whenever people met Mariel for the first time they often watched her
paint with their mouths agape, but her parents always kept their mouths closed and simply
smiled over their little Mayet.

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Name: ______________________________________ Section: __________________________________
Grade Level: ________________________________ Teacher: __________________________________

After reading the passage, provide the appropriate answers on the following.

1. precocious
Meaning- __________________________________________________________________
Clues: _____________________________________________________________________

2. flabbergasted
Meaning- __________________________________________________________________
Clues: _____________________________________________________________________

3. dexterity
Meaning- ___________________________________________________________________
Clues: ______________________________________________________________________

4. gloated
Clues: _____________________________________________________________________

5. agape

A. Read each sentence and guess the meaning of the italicized word.

1. My neighbor was waiting for the result of his Covid test. And he was very apprehensive
whether he was positive or not.
Meaning: _____________________

2. My neighbor was already old and sickly so when he got healed from the virus, the hospital staff were
Meaning: _____________________

3. His family felt victorious. They had proven that they could win the war over the unseen enemy.
Meaning: _____________________

4. At first, they felt hopeless. But God answered their prayers, bolstering their faith.
Meaning: _____________________

5. To celebrate and welcome him back home, his family prepared a banquet. They cooked pancit, adobo,
leche flan, and puto. And I’m glad to have partaken of all the delicious food and their happiness.
Meaning: _____________________

B. This time, be able to write a short paragraph about a typical day in your family, especially on how
you would pass the day on a positive note. You may use the words that you learned in the previous
activities and create your version on how you can use them on your own.

C. You may ask your family about their own thoughts to help you describe your family culture.

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Name: ______________________________________ Section: __________________________________
Grade Level: ________________________________ Teacher: __________________________________

My Family Culture


Context clues are hints found within a sentence, paragraph, or passage that a reader can use
to understand the meanings of new or unfamiliar words.
By becoming more aware of particular words and phrases surrounding a difficult word
such as a synonym, antonym, definition, example and, general sense, readers can make logical
guesses about its meaning.


The following are some lines/excerpts from the Japanese folktale, “The Story of the Aged
Mother”, Read each line carefully and based on the given context clues, be able to determine the
meaning of the underlined words. Write your answers on an intermediate pad paper.

1. Long, long ago there lived at the foot of the mountain a poor farmer and his aged, elderly widowed
2. Shinano was a village governed by a despotic leader who exercised harsh authority over his people.
3. He sent out a cruel proclamation to put to death all the elderly people in the village.
4. Those were barbarous days, and the custom of letting old people die was not uncommon.
5. The poor farmer loved his aged mother with tender reverence, and the cruel order filled his heart with
6. On he went, climbing blindly upward towards the high bare summit of what is known as Obatsuyama.
7. The son’s surprised eyes looked back over the path, then at the poor old, shriveled hands all scratched
and soiled by their work of love.
8. With tearful eyes and an aching heart said farewell. The trembling mother’s voice was full of unselfish
love as she gave her last injunction. “Let not thine eyes be blinded, my son.”
9. Because he was able to accomplish the governor’s order, that very hour the cruel law was abolished
10. The governor was pleased at the wit of the youth and praised greatly, but he demanded to know where
he had obtained his wisdom.

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References used:

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