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It used to register the agreement between tenants and company.

2.1 Add Contract/Agreement

Contract/Agreement (Form Name)

Landlord and Tenant/First Wizard/

• Landlord Name* (by default Show from Company info)
• Legal Representative* (search from Company Page) Possible to add another representative
• display full info Right Side *

• Tenant Name* (Search from tenant and display full info)
• Legal Representative* (search from chosen tenant Page and display full info) Possible to add
another representative
• display full info Lafet Side *

N.B: If the tenant is not registered the add button will redirect to tenant registration form

Details for rent/Second Wizard/

• Property *(search by ID and Name and Display Property info like Property Type, ID, Name,
Property Age) Property Type is Commercial Building don’t show residence in purpose, || Mixed
Building show all purpose, || apartment Residential Gust and House/Pension Show only residence,
|| Garden and Hall show only meeting, weeding and party
• Floor *(search by Name and Display Name, Squire Mater, Price Per Squire Mater and show only
unrented space in floor) and Don’t show for Residential and Garden property type
• Rental Places *(search by ID and Name and Display rental place info like Place service, squire
meter and possible to add multiple Rental places) Display only unrented Rental place only
• Purpose *(Built-in Dropdown multi selection) Display to do must be chosen places of service and
possible multiple selection same place of services
 Shop (Selected place of service For Business display only)
 Office (Selected place of service For Business display only)
 Café and restaurant (Selected place of service For Business display only)
 Store (Selected place of service For Business display only)
 Bank (Selected place of service For Banking display only)
 ATM (Selected place of service For Banking display only)
 Parking (Selected place of service For Parking display only) when finish contract
automatically prints Car Front Glass Labe Sticker
 Plate number (text field and add button)
 Residence (Selected place of service For Housing display only and is furnished listed items
from room registry)

 For a Meeting (when choose this show one text filed for typing additional thing) (Selected
place of service For Various Services display only and add items from registry multiple
items add possible)
 Add Button (display items from item and display code, item name, Measurement
and charge Label text field Number and latter
 for a Weeding (when choose this show one text filed for typing additional thing) (Selected
place of service For Various Services display only and add items from registry multiple
items add possible)
 Add Button (display items from item and display code, item name, Measurement
and charge Label text field Number and latter
 for a party (when choose show one text filed for typing additional thing) (Selected place of
service For Various Services display only and add items from registry multiple items add
 Add Button (display items from item and display code, item name, Measurement
and charge Label text field Number and latter

Period and Payment/Third Wizard/

• Show Rental Place info ID, Name, property, floor, Squire Meter, Not Editable
price per square meter before Vat (Display Subtotal, Vat and Grand Total) Editable with
Permission show
Square meter X price per square meter Display total calculation Not Editable

• Started Date *(calendar)

• Ending Date *(calendar)
• Lease Term*(automatically calculate from starting and ending calendar)
• Payment Term*
 Month (Text Field Type Only Number) when Type Month automatically calculate
and Display Subtotal, Vat and Grand Total for Various Services don’t show
 show total amount and (show paid and unpaid text field type only number) For
Various Service
• How Many Hours*(Text Field only Type Number) Display for Various Services
• Rental Places *(search by ID and Name and Display rental place info like Place service, squire
meter) Display only selected and unrented Floor only
• Documents (upload file one and more than one)
• Remark (text field)
• Generate Contract Number

N.B: Payment term will be flexible only for members so if the tenant is member the payment term
could be editable

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