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Chapter 1: Microorganism

Section A

Instructions: Every question is followed by four options A, B, C and D. Choose

the correct answer.


Diagram 1

The reddish patches in Diagram 1 is a skin disease. This disease could be

due to
A. microorganism inflection.
B. dog’s bite
C. cat’s bite
D. snake’s bite

2. All of the following are microorganisms except

A. bacteria B. fungi C. protozoa D. balsam


Diagram 2

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From Diagram 2 above, we can conclude that
A. the microorganism is bigger than the human cheek cell.
B. the microorganism is smaller than the human cheek cell
C. both cells are equal.
D. the human cheek cell is half the size of the microorganism.


Diagram 3
What happens to the paper after a few hours?
A. The dough absorbs the paper.
B. The paper absorbs the dough.
C. The dough has expanded in such a way that the paper is hidden
underneath it.
D. The dough has swallowed the paper.

5. Microorganisms undergo the following processes except

A. breathe
A. grow
B. think
C. move

6. Which of the following cannot be seen through the naked eye?

A. fish scale
B. sweat pore of a human
C. bacteria
D. fine hair on a human body

7. What are needed to make bread?

I Flour III Water
II Sugar IV Yeast
A I and II only
B II and IV only
C I, II and III only
D I, II, III, and IV

8. Which of the following is not involved in the making of food?

A. Making bread

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B. Making tapai
C. Making tempe
D. Making fertilizer

Questions 9 & 10 are based on Diagram 4.


Diagram 4
9. If Raju consumes the milk in Diagram 4 on the 14th of October 2006, the
milk will
A taste sour
B taste sweeter
C taste salty
D taste bitter

10. The change of taste of milk in question (9) is due to the harmful effect of
A. bacteria
B. fungus
C. sugar
D. milk

11. Which of the following is matched wrongly?

Disease caused by Microorganism

microorganisms involved

I. AI Virus
DS Virus
B. Mumps Bacteria
C. Tooth decay Bacteria
D. Scabies

12. Why must a patient with conjunctivitis be quarantined?

A. The microorganism can spread from one person to another.

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B. A patient with conjunctivitis can become mad.
C. The patient does not want to be disturbed.
D. Conjunctivitis is a viral disease.

13. All of the following are methods of prevention of diseases from spreading
A. by washing our hands before handling food.
B. by covering our wounds.
C. by washing our hands after using the toilet.
D. by drinking water from the tap directly.

14. Which of the following patients should be quarantined?

1 Patients with mumps
II Patients with conjunctivitis
III Patients with chicken pox
IV Patients with stomach upset
A. I and II only
B. II and III only
C. I, II and III only
D. I, II, III and IV


Diagram 5
The microorganism shown in Diagram 5 is undergoing the process of
A. reproduction
B. excretion of waste product X
C. respiration
D. taking in food X

Questions 16 & 17 are based on Diagram 6.

Diagram 6
16. What is the use of the microorganism shown in Diagram 6?

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A. It is useful in the making of bread.
B. It is useful in the decaying of dead organic matter.
C. It is useful in the making of fertilizer.
D. It is useful in the rotting of bread.

17. The microorganism in Diagram 6 is

A. mucor
B. bacteria
C. yeast
D. amoeba

Diagram 7
What is similar of the microorganisms shown is Diagram 7?
A. Both microorganisms are bacteria
B. Both microorganisms are fungi
C. Both microorganisms are protozoa
D. Both microorganisms are viruses


Diagram 8
Which of the above living things in Diagram 8 is not a microorganism?
1. P
B. Q
C. R
D. S

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20. All the microorganisms below are found in the pond water except
A. Amoeba
B. Paramecium
C. Euglena
D. Mucor

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Section B

Instructions : Write your answers in the space provided.


Diagram 1

Diagram 1 shows 3 glasses of the same size containing 100 ml of fresh milk P, Q, R kept
in 3 types of condition overnight.

(a) What is the aim of this experiment?


(1 mark )

(b) What is your observation?


(1 mark )

(c) In this experiment, state the thing that is

(i) changed:_________________________________________________

(ii) observed: _________________________________________________

(iii) kept the same: _________________________________________

(1 ½

(d) What can you conclude from the experiment?



( 1 ½ mark)

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Diagram 2

Diagram 2 shows two slices of bread, P and Q of the same type and size. P is kept dry
while Q is kept moist with sprinkles of water. Both are wrapped in plastic bags for 5

(a) What is the aim of the experiment?


(1 mark)

(b) State the thing that is

(i) changed:_________________________________________________

(ii) kept the same:____________________________________________________

(1 mark)

(c) What can you observe after 5 days?

(1 mark)

(d) (i) What is your conclusion?

(1 mark)
(ii) What is the microorganism involved in the rotting of the bread?

(1 mark)

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