Experiment No. - 6 Title - Assignment On Routing & Scheduling Model

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Experiment No.

- 6
Title - Assignment on Routing & Scheduling Model

Aim: Assignment on simulation of Routing & Scheduling Model

Software:Flexsim 2018
Problem statement: An electronic manufacturing unit has two product type
40% of the type 1 product process by Group A Machines
60% of the type 2 product process by Group B Machines
The product arrives at the interval of 2.5 minutes (exponentials). The processing time for each
machine of both types is 10 minutes.
Do the simulation for Routing & Scheduling of given plant layout in FlexSim 2018. Build a model
that uses lists for routing items in a simple job shop model.
Run model for 48 hours. (24*60 =1440minutes)

1) Total Parts Arrived
2) Total Parts Dispatched.
3) Work in Progress
4) Average Work in Progress


1. Install and Open the Flexsim Software 2018.

2. Click on New Model

3. Selectt Model Uniits as Given in Problem

After just selecting Time Unit as

a Minutes, rest
r of the paarameters keept as defaullt as shown in Figure
below annd then presss OK.
4. Use Fix
F Resourcees from the Menu
M to Crreate Layoutt
Click onn the icon “S
Source” and drag it to thee screen and
d place it. Sim
milar to “Souurce” click, drag and
place “Q
Queue”, “Proocessor” and “Sink” to create a shop floor
f layout.

5. Conn
nect them ussing Connectt Object Tool

There is shortcut waay to connectt object is by Pressing “A

A” button andd connecting the objects.
6. Doub
ble Click on Source Icon
n and Assign
n Parameterrs

Change the name off Source as Enntry and Asssign Inter Arrival Time as 2.5 Minutees as shown below.

Then cliick on Triggeers Sub Mennu, Click on the

t “+” icon and in “Dataa” Set Type bby Percentag
After Assigning the values 60%
% and 40%, now
n click on
n “+” Icon to set Visuall by Color by Case,
after theese click Appply and OK.

(Set Item
m Type by Peercentage, Seet Color By Case)
k on Processoor and Chan
7. Click nge Name and Assign Type
T of Mateerial and Tiime to Proceess

Renamee the name off the Processor, Assign Time

T for Setu
up and Process.

Now cliick on the Flow

F Tab annd Assign Puull Strategy as mention in the probblem that Firrst Three
machinees will pull only Type 1 Specific
S Item
m. Press Applly and OK.
Use the same methood for Seconnd and Thirrd Processor, Rename thhem as Machhine 2 Grou
up A and
Machinee 3 Group A and Assign the Pull strattegy as above.

After Grroup A Machhines, simmilarly renam me the Processsor with Maachine 4 Grooup B and Machine
M 5
Group B and Assignn the Pull straategy as abovve but here select Type 2 Item.

8. Assiggn Run Timee

Assign Run
R time as given
g in Probblem as 14400 Minutes an
nd Click Resset

9. Click
k on the Run
n Icon

Now aftter clicking the run, the product flow

w is visible.. You can chhange the ruun speed as per your
10. Anaalyze the resu

To analyyze the resultt click on each object, Cllicking on th

he Source willl give you thhe number off product
receivedd by layout and
a clickingg on the Sinkk will give you y final thrroughput by the layout. Clicking
over proocessor will give
g percentaage amount of o Idle Time and Processsing Time.

11. Resu

Total Prroduct at Entrry Point = 557

Total Prroduct at Sinkk Point = 5499
Work inn Progress (WWIP) = 8

Averagee Work in Progress


Click onn the Dashbooard, Add Daashboard andd then selectt Average Work
W In Progrress, Add the objects
as shownn in figure, Click
C on Appply and OK. After that Reset
R and Runn, you will gget the Averaage Work
in Progrress at Dashbboard.
Plant maanufactures 2 kinds of prroduct, havinng 5 processors. It is diffficult to scheedule the seq
quence of
mulation softtware plays important roole in this tto schedule the flow
flow of material maanually. Sim
without creating anyy bottleneck.. Here, typess of product are only tw
wo, if numberr of types off product
get incrreased then complexity will increaase. in such
h situation simulation
s software willl play a
importannt role.
periment No. - 7
Title - Assignmeent on Ca
apacity Pllanning

Aim: Asssignment onn analysis Seervice Operattion for Capaacity Planninng.

Softwarre :Flexsim 2018
Problem yout for capacity planninng in FlexSiim 2018.
m statementt: Do the annalysis of givven plant lay
Use the following reesources, taskk executors and
a parameteers.

Sr. Task Exxecuters / Reesources Pa

1 Part Arrrival time tim
me uniform ((5,7) minutes .
2 Processoor 1 QT
TY:1 at time and processs time :10 minute
3 Processoor 2, 3 Qtty :1 for eacch capacity 11000, processs time
niform (7,12) minutes eacch

Run model for 24 hoours. (24*60 =1440minuttes)

1) Total Part arrivedd and dispatchhed.
2) Averaage time requuired for parrt to dispatchh.
3) Averaage work in progress.
4) Machhine utilizatioon.
5) Find out
o the capaccity of to prooduce good inn 1440 minu

1. Installl and Open
n the Flexsim
m Software 2018.
2. Click
k on New Moodel
3. Selectt Model Uniits as Given in Problem
After just selecting Time Unit as
a Minutes, rest
r of the paarameters keept as defaullt as shown in
i Figure
below annd then presss OK.

4. Use Fix
F Resourcees from the Menu
M to Crreate Layoutt
Click onn the icon “S
Source” and drag it to thee screen and
d place it. Sim
milar to “Souurce” click, drag and
place “Q
Queue”, “Proocessor” and “Sink” to create a shop floor
f layout.

5. Conn
nect them ussing Connectt Object Tool

There is shortcut waay to connectt object is by Pressing “A

A” button andd connecting the objects.
6. Assiggn the Param
meters at Source
Click onn Inter Arriival Drop Down
D Arrow
w, Select Staatistical Distrribution as Uniform ( Given
G in

After thaat Assign value as 5,7 as per the giveen data

Press Appply and OK


7. Assiggn the Param

meters at Processor 1
Double click on the processor annd assign proocessing timee as 10 minuutes as given in problem and
a click
Apply annd then OK.
8. Assiggn the Param
meters at Processor 2 & 3

Double click on thhe processorr 2, Click on

o Process Time
T Drop Down Arroow, Select Statistical
Distribuution as Unifoorm (Given in
i Problem), assign proceessing time and click Appply and then
n OK.

Repeat the
t same process for Proccessor 3.

9. Assiggn Run Timee

Assign Run
R time as given
g in Probblem as 14400 Minutes an
nd Click Resset
10. Click on the Ru
un Icon

Now aftter clicking the run, the product flow

w is visible.. You can chhange the ruun speed as per your

11. Anaalyze the resu


To Analyze the result click on each objectt. Clicking on

o the Sourrce will givee you the nu
umber of
product received byy layout and clicking onn the Sink will
w give youu final throuughput by the layout.
Clickingg over processsor will givee percentagee amount of Idle
I Time andd Processingg Time.

12. Resu

Total Prroduct at Entrry Point = 144

Total Prroduct at Sinkk Point = 1422
Work inn Progress (W
WIP) = 2

Averagee Work in Progress

Click onn the Dashbooard, Add Daashboard andd then selectt Average Work
W In Progrress, Add the objects
as shownn in figure, Click
C on Appply and OK. After that Reset
R and Runn, you will gget the Averaage Work
in Progrress at Dashbboard.
ne Utilization
Once Aggain Click on
o the Dashbboard, Add Dashboard
D and
a then seleect from Staate Templates, State
Bar, Addd the objectts (All Proceessors )as shhown in figu
ure, Click on Apply and OK. After th
hat Reset
and Runn, you will geet Percentagee Processing and Lead Tiime at Dashbboard.


With help of simulattion softwaree it is very easy to analysse plant layoout. Percentaage utilization
n of each
processoor effects on the capacity
c of plant. Peercentage utilization
u oof given plant
p is
(99.61+666.28+27.11)/3 = 64%.Itt means that if plant is fu
ully utilized up
u to its capaacity then prroduction
can be inncreased neaarly twice as of now.
Experiment No. - 8
Title - Assignment on Analysis of Material Handling System

Aim: Assignment on analysis of material handling system - modelling simulation for the selected
plant layout.
Software :Flexsim 2018.
Problem statement: Do the analysis of given plant layout for material handling. Plant manufactures a
type of product, Plant uses an automatic guided vehicles (AGV) for handling the product. Use
following resources, task executors and parameters. Do the simulation of given plant layout in
FlexSim 2018.

Sr. Task
No Executors/Resources

Input is unlimited.
1 Product
Inter-arrival time: 3 minutes

Dispatcher control All Automatic guided vehicle. AGV are guide

2 Queue
through the Dispatcher

Load Time 0 minute.
Automatic Guided
3 Unload Time 0 minutes.
Max Speed 60 meter/minute.
Capacity 03 at a time.

4 Sink Output

Run model for three days. Company works in double shift. Shift duration is of 8 hours.
1) Total Part arrived and dispatched.
2) Average time required for part to dispatch.
3) Average work in progress.

1. Install and Open the Flexsim Software 2018.
2. Click on New Model
3. Select Model Units as Given in Problem

After just selecting Time Unit as Minutes, rest of the parameters kept as default as shown in Figure
below and then press OK.
w and Connect AGV Paaths
4. Draw

U AGV Tools and Draw

From thhe library, Use w first Straight Paths, but
b keep in m
mind the direction of
travel off Automated Guided Vehhicle. The Strraight Path consists of Arrrow.
Select Straight Path, draw the Strraight Lines as shown beelow

Now Usse Join Paths and connectt these line, Maintain

M the direction off motion of A

5. Use Fix
F Resourcees from the Library
L Meenu to Creatte Layout
Click onn the icon “S
Source” and drag it to thee screen and milar to “Souurce” click, drag and
d place it. Sim
place “Q
Queue”, “Proocessor” and “Sink” to create a shop floor
f layout.

nect them ussing Connectt Object Tool

6. Conn
There is shortcut waay to connectt object is by Pressing “A
A” button andd connecting the objects.

7. Placee Control Pooint at the Paath

Use AGGV Library and

a Drag thhe Control Point
P Exactly
y at the Patth (Check thhe Path Shou
uld Turn
Yellow when
w Placing it)
nect these coontrol pointss to Queue and
8. Conn a Sink

Connectt Object Presss Keyboard Alphabet “A

A” and conn
necting Contrrol Point 1 too Queue and
d Control
Point 2 to
t Sink.

9. Placee Task Execu

utor (Autom
mated Guideed Vehicle ) to the Layout

Use taskk executor taab and click and

a drag taskk executor in n the layout. Connect thiss task executtor to the
control point
p using Connect
C Objeect tool or prressing A Keey boad key.

his Press Resset Button

After th
Now Coonnect Centeer Ports of Queue
Q and Task
T Executtor

This cann be done eitther by usingg tool from menu

m or pressing “S” keyy of Keyboarrd. Connect Queue
Q to
the Taskk Executor.

10. Assiign Transpoort to Queuee

Double click on Queeue, Click ovver the Queuue Tab, Click

k Perform Baatching and set Target baatch Size
to 3 andd Check Flushh contents beetween batchhes.

Click ovver the flow tab

t and clickk on Check Box
B to Use Transport. Preess Apply annd OK.
11. Assiign Arrival Time
T to Sou

Double click on Souurce and Assiign Arrival Time

T as 3 Miinutes as giveen in problem

Press Appply and OK


12. Assiign Task Executor Capaacity and Maximum

M Sp

Double click on Taask Executorr and Assignn Capacity as

a 3 and Maaximum Speeed to 60 meters per
Click Appply and OK

13. Attaach loads as Trailer to Network

N Patth
Double Click on the network Patth, click on Network
N Prop

Click onn checkbox of

o the Attach Loads as Trrailer to Netw
work Path

Click Appply and thenn OK.

14. Set Run
R Time

As givenn in the probblem to run the

t model foor three dayss. Company works in double shift. Each
E shift
durationn is 8 hours.
So it willl be
= 8 hourrs X 2 Shifts X 3 Days
= 48 Hoours
= 2880 Minutes

Click onn the Drop Down

D Arrow on Run Timee Tab and Seet the values as above

15. Reseet and Run

Now Cliick Reset andd Run the Model.

M You caan increase or
o decrease sppeed as per yyour conveniience

16. Anaalyze the resu


To Analyze the result click on each objectt. Clicking on

o the Sourrce will givee you the nu
umber of
product received at layout
l and cllicking on the Sink will give
g you finaal throughputt by the layou
17. Resu
Total Prroduct at Entrry Point = 959
Total Prroduct at Sinkk Point = 9577
Work inn Progress (W
WIP) = 2
Averagee time requireed for part too dispatch =22880/ 957
= 3 Minutees

Averagee Work in Progress


Click onn the Dashbooard, Add Daashboard andd then selectt Average Work
W In Progrress, Add the objects
as shownn in figure, Click
C on Appply and OK. After that Reset
R and Runn, you will gget the Averaage Work
in Progrress at Dashbboard.


With heelp of simulaation softwarre we analyzzed the giveen plant layoout for materrial handling
g system.
After dooing analysiss we found thhat 1 automaated guided vehicle
v can easily
e handlee the total prroduction
without creating anyy piling up off Product maanufactured.

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