Analysis of Foods For Radioactivity

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Appendix I

Analysis of Foods for Radioactivity*

by Naomi H. Harley

The analysis of foods for radioactivity should siderable effort in analysis. Since most of the ra-
not be considered as a primary defense against dionuclides are already present, measurements
human intake. The first indication should always made for background information should produce
come from information on releases or from meas- a numerical answer, not merely an indication that
urements of radioactivity in the airborne or wa- the amount is less than some pre-set value. The
terborne releases. Once the existence of contami- accumulation of background data provides a valu-
nation has been established then the foods can be able baseline for evaluating excursions following
analyzed to evaluate potential hazard to man. a contamination event, The natural activity data
In contrast to most other pollutants the effects are equally valuable since the amount of informa-
of radiation are considered to have a linear re- tion on food concentrations is presently insuffi-
sponse regardless of the level, thus, there is no cient for valid comparisons with manmade radio-
threshold and no absolutely safe limit. Instead it activity.
is necessary to set some lower level below which This report will describe the requirements and
the radioactivity in foods is no longer of interest considerations for establishing a system to pro-
as compared with other sources of radiation or duce acceptably accurate measurements of radio-
other hazards of life. The analytical significance nuclides in foodstuffs. The basic concepts will be
of this is that the lower limits of detection for ra- described, but to maintain the necessary brevity,
dioactive substances have been brought down to the detailed procedures that might be used will be
very low levels and the simple yes or no testing for given only by reference.
acceptability that satisfies regulations for many During the preparation of this report, FDA has
other pollutants in foods cannot be used. proposed certain recommendations for State and
The radionuclides of interest in the case of con- local agencies on Accidental Radioactive Contam-
taminating events are almost all present now in ination of Human Food and Animal Feeds. This
foods in measurable quantities. Short-lived nu- material appeared in the Federal Register for De-
clides are the exception and the transuranic ele- cember 15, 1978, page 58790, and is interesting
ments are only present at levels that require con- background material for this topic.

The most useful classifications of a radionu- The emitted radiations are generally grouped
clide are those based on the characteristics of the as alpha (cY), beta (ß), and gamma (~). Alpha radia-
radiation emitted and by the identity of the chemi- tion is characteristic of the natural and artificial
cal element. The former is both a guide to the na- radionuclides of high atomic weight and consists
ture of the hazard involved and to the measure- of energetic particles with very low penetrating
ment required. The chemical species (e.g., ele- power. Its hazard is significant only within the
ment, oxidation state) regulates the metabolic body, where alpha-emitting nuclides can irradiate
pathways in the biosphere as well as the nature of specific sensitive tissues. Beta radiation appears
any chemical separations required in the meas- in both heavy and light natural and manmade ra-
urement procedure. dionuclides, and consists of electrons possessing
kinetic energy and having modest penetrating
* f{k( [:rpi from [III () I A 11 ~~rhllw I)(lp[’r l:rl II tlfxj “‘Arl;ili \is [II
1 II{)(Is for R:i[iro;i(ll\it} .’” A (l)mpl{’tc rIIpV of the p(iper (:ln 1)() power. Gamma radiation is pure electromagnetic
{ )t) t ii I rl~x 1 [rt )m t ht; Nii t I I JIII i 1 1 I;( h rl] ~ i~ I I n [( )rm; i t I( )rl S(I rv I( t’. ( SC(? radiation and is extremely penetrating. Thus, it
i i[)~). J . ) can be a hazard externally as well as when it is

216 ● Environmental Contaminants in Food

present in the body. For the present purpose, we tion. Many radionuclides are not potent health
are only concerned that the penetrating nature of hazards, particularly those that are not metabo-
gamma radiation allows its direct measurement lized by the body. The general groups of nuclides
in foodstuffs, while alpha and beta emitters gen- to be expected include the natural activities, spe-
erally must be separated from the bulk constitu- cifically radioactive potassium and members of
ents of the sample before measurement is possi- the uranium and thorium series, and the artificial
ble. fission products, transuranic elements, and other
There are other processes in radioactive disin- activation products that result from nuclear
tegration that produce emissions. Alpha emission weapon explosions and nuclear reactor opera-
is usually accompanied by low-energy gamma tions.
rays that may be used for measurement. X-rays Fission products are a very complex mixture at
can be produced by electron capture and some the time of formation but the short-lived radionu-
gamma emitters decay by internal conversion, a clides die out rapidly and the mixture becomes
process where a fraction of the gamma rays are simpler within a few days, The transuranics (plu-
converted to monoenergetic electrons. These tonium, americium, etc., formed by activation of
processes do not really modify our measurement the basic fissionable material) are of some inter-
concepts but the decay modes of the significant est because of their high toxicity when incorpo-
radionuclides must be known for their accurate rated into the body but present evidence indicates
measurement. that their uptake through the gut is relatively
The physical half-life of the radionuclide tends small and that dietary intake is not a significant
to control its persistence in the environment. For problem. This should be true particularly if the
example iodine-l 31, with a half-life of about 8 relative hazard of other radioactive contaminants
days, is important for only a few weeks, while probably present in the same sample is taken into
cesium-137, with a half-life of about 30 years, may account, The other activation products are fre-
be a problem for centuries. quently elements that make up steel or other
A third classification that has some value is the metal containers or structural elements. Radioac-
source that produced the radionuclides. Knowl- tive manganese, chromium, cobalt, zinc, and iron
edge of the source of radioactive contamination are particularly common and result from inter-
gives a good indication of the nuclides that are to actions of the materials with neutrons released in
be expected in the sample. This is of considerable the nuclear reaction. It is worth pointing out that
assistance in planning the analysis since request- contamination of foodstuffs with single nuclides is
ing a complete analysis for all radionuclides or extremely unlikely, and that more than one mem-
even for all types of radioactivity in a single sam- ber of any group will probably be present in any
ple would lead to a lengthy and expensive opera- sample.

The source of the radionuclides involved will Nuclear reactors in normal operation release
generally control their distribution in the environ- chiefly the radioactive noble gases that are not of
ment and their consequent transfer to the food interest in considering foods. Reactors do contain
chain. The sources considered here will include large inventories of fission products, transura-
natural radioactivity, releases from operation of nics, and other activation products, however, and
nuclear reactors and processing plants, and fall- accidental releases can contaminate vegetation
out from nuclear weapons tests. by deposition or through the water pathway. Gas-
Natural activity may be of concern when it is eous releases would most likely involve the vola-
enhanced by man’s intervention, say by mining to tile elements such as iodine and tritium or those
bring material to the surface and processing the with volatile precursors, such as strontium-90
ore to yield either products or wastes that may and cesium-137, Aqueous releases would follow
concentrate the radionuclides. Good examples failure of the onsite ion exchange cleanup system
are radium in uranium tailings, in phosphate rock and any water-soluble elements could be in-
waste, or in slags from phosphorus production, volved.
Radium may enter the food chain by dissolving in Processing plants could also have either gas-
ground water and transferring through plant eous or aqueous releases, but only fuel reproc-
roots. essing is likely to be a significant contributor. In
Appendix I— Analysis of Foods for Radioactivity ● 2 1 7

this case, the fission products are aged before being more or less, depending on the size of the
processing and iodine and the gaseous precursor weapon and the conditions of firing (high altitude,
radionuclides are not released. Tritium and car- surface, underground).
bon-14 are the major airborne products, while the In summary, the deposition of airborne materi-
waterborne radionuclides are the same as for al on vegetation or on soil is the route by which
reactors. foodstuffs become contaminated and the subse-
Atmospheric nuclear weapons tests distribute quent behavior of the radionuclide is controlled
their fission products, transuranics, and other ac- by its chemical nature, including solubility and
tivation products globally, with local deposition plant or animal metabolism.

Contamination of foods can occur either 2. It is marketed rapidly, so that short-lived ra-
through atmospheric deposition or by transfer dionuclides. such as iodine-l31, can be eval-
with water. In the first case it is possible for the uated.
radioactive material to be in the form of insoluble 3. It is a major diet component in the United
particulates rather than in a more available form States, both directly and as an ingredient of
where it will follow the chemistry of the elements prepared foods.
involved. A knowledge of the pathway is not abso- 4. There is a lot of background information
lutely necessary but it does assist in deciding on available on previous contaminating events.
the proper preliminary treatment of the sample of It is worth noting that some of these “advan-
evaluating exposure. For example, surface con- tages’ are the factors that contribute t o the role
tamination may have a different significance than of milk as a source of human exposure.
the same material present in a plant through root Milk is a poor indicator of many contaminants.
uptake. The natural activities, the transuranics. and the
Since pathway information is not always avail- activation products have relatively low concen-
able i t is generally considered proper to measure trations in milk. The first two are low because of
radioactivity in samples that have been prepared poor biological transfer and the last because their
as if for eating, so as to approximate the true ex- pathways are almost entirely through the aquatic
pected intake. This will usually result in stripping or marine food chain. Thus, the best approach is
off or washing off of a considerable fraction of to know what is in the environment through other
surface contamination. Cooking is generally not monitoring systems, and to design the food anal-
part of the preparation, as the mode of cooking ysis program to fit the circumstances.
and the use o f j u ices, cooking water, and the like Other monitoring data are also necessary in
cannot be predicted, fixing the geographical extent of a contaminating
Milk is often recommended as an indicator food event. As a general rule, nuclear tests are global
for studying radioactive contamination. It has in radionuclide distribution, with enhanced levels
many advantages: near the test site. Releases from other nuclear op-
1. It is available locally at most desired sam- erations tend to be more local in their effects and
pling locations. the food-monitoring plan can be modified to suit.

The mechanics of obtaining representative food as to its place of origin. For evaluating intake i t is
samples will not be considered here since the pro- possible to collect total diet samples for a partic-
cedures are common to all types of food analysis. ular population group and to measure the radio-
There are certain points that must be considered activity in this composite diet. This approach has
however. The first is whether the m e a s u r e m e n t s been described by FDA(2) and by EPA(3) and is
are being made to determine human intake or the normally applied in institutions where mass feed-
source of the contamination. In the latter case the ing is carried out. A more elaborate procedure is
early approach used by FDA(1) for radioactivity is to simulate a total diet by measuring a number of
approp r i a t e. There, each sample was identified component food classes selected on the basis of
218 ● Environmental Contaminants in Food

statistical information regarding consumption. and radioiodine. Most other foods give limited
This approach was originally used by the Atomic geographical or seasonal coverage and are less
Energy Commission(4) and was applied originally satisfactory.
to three major cities. This approach does allow The preservation of samples in the field during
identification of specific food types that are con- transport and in the laboratory awaiting analysis
taminated but requires much greater effort and is only an esthetic matter in the case of radionu-
cost in analysis. elides. Decomposition processes do not change
The use of indicator foods as an intermediate the radioactivity, and sample contamination by
type of monitoring is widespread. As mentioned radioactivity is unlikely. Thus, freezing, formalde-
previously, most of the systems depend on the hyde addition, or any other method that will main-
sampling of milk which is available in most parts tain the sample is adequate. Any additive should
of the country either with specific information as be checked to assure it does not contain signifi-
to place of origin or the general area of the milk- cant amounts of the radionuclide sought.
shed. Part of the reason for using milk is the ease For the purpose of this report we will assume
in sampling but it also has significance as a pri- that an adequate quantity of a representative
mary food for the youngest and most susceptible sample is available for analysis and that another
population group and it also does tend to pick up portion is available for storage, either permanent-
several of the fission product nuclides of dietary ly or until the analytical results are accepted as
significance such as radiostrontium, radiocesium, satisfactory.

The measurement of radioactivity is a physical esses should not lead to losses of elements of in-
process and it is most efficient when the radioac- terest with the exception of iodine and tritium,
tivity from a relatively large sample can be placed mentioned above, and of carbon.
close to the detector. This means that direct meas- Another approach that is essentially one of re-
urements of bulk samples are only useful at rela- ducing bulk is to extract either the original sam-
tively high levels of contamination and that most ple or the dried or ashed material with acids or
measurements are preceded by preparation and other solvents and thus remove the desired ele-
possibly chemical separation to reduce the bulk of ments from the bulk of the sample. This requires
the material and to improve the efficiency of the considerable testing beforehand to be certain
measurement. that the process operates in the desired manner.
As mentioned previously, sample preparation All of these procedures reduce the bulk of the
may include removal of inedible portions of the sample and in the case of extraction may also
foods or those portions not generally eaten. For separate the desired constituents from some of
example, citrus rinds, apple cores, outer leaves of the remaining inert material. They do not, how-
leafy vegetables, and aboveground portions of ever, separate the radionuclides of interest com-
root vegetables would normally be discarded. The pletely from the other radionuclides present in
general goal is to prepare the foods as if for cook- the sample. Such separations will be covered in
ing or consumption. the next section, but they may not be necessary if
Foods generally have a high water content and the measurement technique can provide both
a primary method of bulk reduction is drying at qualitative and quantitative information. In most
room temperature, at elevated temperatures, or cases this limits the possibilities to gamma spec-
freeze drying, Most of the radionuclides of inter- trometry on the prepared sample.
est are not volatile under these conditions and If the samples are going to be subjected to
losses must be considered only for elements such chemical analysis, the sample preparation must
as tritium and iodine. The dried material can be include the dissolution of the dried or ashed mate-
reduced further by ashing at elevated tempera- rial. This has already been done, of course, in
tures, by cold ashing with activated oxygen, or by preparing the wet ashed or extracted solutions.
wet ashing with oxidizing acids. The sample dry- The radionuclides of interest in ashed foods
ashing process is most likely to lead to loss of should be soluble in strong acids if ashing tem-
volatile elements but with care even cesium, polo- peratures have not been excessive, and this treat-
nium, and lead can be retained, The other proc- ment is usually accepted. If there is concern that
Appendix l—Analysis of Foods for Radioactivity “ 219

insoluble particulate may be present, it is neces- Since unforeseen questions often arise, it is rec-
sary to use more drastic methods such as fusion to ommended that as many of these quantities be
bring the sample into solution. This should not be measured as is possible.
necessary, however, if human hazard is the prob-
lem under consideration. The requirements for measurement of radionu-
At the time of preparation, if not before, the clides in foods are such that sample preparation
basis of measurement must be established. De- is best handled by the group responsible for the
pending on the use of the data, wet weight, dry rest of the analysis. The chief difference from
weight, ash weight, volume, or even numerical other types of analytical work is the initial sam-
count (e. g., eggs) has to be determined. Frequent- ple. The usual range is from 1 to 20 kg, and the
ly, this may have to be done in the field, but for- reduction of this amount of material is a special-
tunately, relatively crude measures are adequate, ized problem.

Radiochemical separations are required to iso- ble to measure these losses in analysis and to
late the desired radionuclide both from the re- make a correction at the end. One approach is to
maining bulk constituents and from other radionu- measure the carrier at the end of the analysis
clides which would interfere in the measurement. either by gravimetric or instrumental analysis. If
In addition, it is necessary to convert the final there was none of the carrier substance present
product to a form suitable for presentation to the in the initial sample, the fraction recovered will
counter. This may involve elect redeposition, pre- be equal to the fraction of desired radionuclide
cipitation, or other processes. There are a num- recovered. Where carriers are not available or
ber of manuals giving the details of specific radio- where they are present in variable amounts in the
chemical procedures and these details will not be original sample it is frequently possible to use
repeated here. There are a few generalities how- radioactive tracers, that is radioactive isotopes of
ever that may be of interest. the same element or a similar element. The frac-
The actual mass of radionuclide that is meas- tion of the amount added that is left at the end of
ured is almost always vanishingly small. This the analysis can be used to determine the recov-
means that many of the normal chemical reac- ery of the radionuclide sought.
tions used in analytical chemistry will not take In the chemical separations there is consider-
place; for instance precipitates will not form. For able use of classical analytical chemistry based
this reason it is common to add a few milligrams on precipitation and in most cases it will at least
of carrier material which is preferably the inert appear as a final collection step to put the desired
form of the same element. Where this does not ex- radionuclide in a condition suitable for counting.
ist it is frequently possible to use similar elements In addition the general techniques of ion ex-
as carrier, such as the substitution of barium for change, liquid extraction, distillation, and elec-
radium. The inert form then follows normal chem- trolysis are used.
istry, carrying the radionuclide with it. It is also Since many of the separations in radiochemical
worth noting that even when the separation tech- analysis are carried out in small volumes the cen-
nique does not depend on the mass of element trifuge is widely applied, It has become common
present, a carrier may still be useful in prevent- practice to redissolve and reprecipitate rather
ing unwanted coprecipitation or absorption on than to wash precipitates carefully. This may be
glassware. repeated several times very rapidly and will gen-
Because of the high degree of purification re- erally give good decontamination (separation
quired in radiochemistry, it has been customary from other radionuclides). As noted above, where
to make a number of repeated separations either the element sought and the contaminant have
identical or different to insure purity. To carry similar properties it is preferable to use two dif-
these out in a reasonable time it is better to lose a ferent precipitations, a precipitation followed by
small amount of the nuclide sought while remov- an extraction, or any two widely different steps to
ing a large fraction of the undesired material achieve good decontamination.
rather than retaining all of the nuclide and much One process that is frequently of value is called
of the undesired material. Fortunately, it is possi- scavenging. This term is usually applied to a pre-
220 ● Environmental Contaminants in Food

cipitation carried out to remove contaminating ra- sample preparation are discussed: for example,
dionuclides after the bulk matrix of the sample the sample area and mass should be reproducible
has been removed. The process involves the addi- and the sample should be mounted on a sample
tion of a group carrier, precipitation, and discard- holder identical with that used for the counter
ing of the precipitate. A typical example would be standard. Since it is frequently necessary to de-
an addition of iron carrier followed by hydroxide termine the weight of precipitate for recovery de-
precipitation to remove rare earths and other termination, this factor must also be considered.
heavy metals in a determination of an alkali or The selection of a mounting technique is usual-
alkaline earth. Frequently the scavenging proce- ly a compromise between convenience and the
dure is repeated to improve decontamination, but counting requirements. Besides consideration of
it is only rarely that the scavenge precipitate is the type and energy of emission, practical matters
redissolved and reprecipitated to recover any of such as the counter size and sample mounts avail-
the desired constituent that may have been ab- able must be weighed,
sorbed. In certain cases, the total amount of sample
After suitable radiochemical separations have available may be limited and analysis for several
been made, it is necessary to collect and mount radionuclides may b e r e q u i r e d . P r o c e d u r e s
the sample for counting. This is most often done should be on hand for the sequential analysis of
by precipitation or by elect redeposition. In the single samples, even though separate samples are
section on measurement, the requirements for used for routine work.

The method of measurement to be selected de- on the separated material for radionuclide identi-
pends on the type of radiation, the form of the fication. The latter step may be omitted if other
sample, and to some extent on the amount of ra- considerations limit the possibility to a single ra-
dioactivity. It is necessary that the complete ana- dionuclide.
lytical procedure be designed so that the sample The equipment available for quantitative meas-
is brought to a suitable form for the equipment urement of radioactivity is sufficiently sensitive
and conditions that exist. for all foreseeable cases. Instruments for detec-
It is possible to measure the total gamma, total tion of the three major emissions are described
beta, or even the total alpha activity on a sample here, and their applications are shown in table 2 0
of food, Unfortunately, such data are valueless in (chapter VIII) in terms of the detection limits for
estimating human exposure. The accuracy of the various radionuclides.
determination is very poor, natural potassium It is worth pointing out that a number of the in-
usually interferes, and the chemical and radia- struments described are not commercially avail-
tion characteristics needed to evaluate possible able. They have been in the past, but the low de-
hazard are not known. It is possible, however, to mand has removed them from the market, The
set a particular total activity level as a screening necessary electronic components are available
level for a specific food. If the measured value is but the mechanical assemblies for the detectors
below the screening level, no analyses for individ- are not, and the larger laboratories tend to build
ual radionuclides are performed. In such a case, their own systems.
the measurements should be considered as inter- Alpha Emitters. The measurement of alpha ac-
nal data only and the numerical results should not tivity is best carried out on a very thin sample to
be published. Any report should merely list the avoid self-absorption of the alpha particles. This
samples as having activities below the stated is even more true for spectrometry since degrada-
screening level. tion of the original alpha energy will give a spec-
Qualitative identification of radionuclides on trum with poor resolution. The measurement of
original samples of foods is limited to gamma emit- the total alpha activity can be carried out either
ters at relatively high levels. The sensitivity can in thin-window counters or by scintillation count-
be increased if some bulk reduction, as described ing with zinc sulfide phosphor. Both techniques
under “Sample Preparation, ” is carried out. The have high efficiency but the scintillation method
identification of alpha and beta emitters depends can give a considerably lower background with a
on radiochemical separation for element identifi- consequently lower limit of detection. Unfortu-
cation and the measurement of energy or half-life nately, neither system is readily available as a
Appendix I— Analysis of Foods for Radioactivity . 221
222 “ Environmental Contaminants in Food

Figure I-1 .—Comparison of Gamma Spectra Taken With a Sodium Iodide Detector (Upper Curve) and
a Germanium Diode Detector (Lower Curve). Note that the main single peak in the sodium iodide spectrum is
resolved into 9 peaks for 6 radionuclides with the germanium diode spectrum “

purities are greatly reduced compared to spectra foods have not been high enough for this tech-
from sodium iodide detectors. The efficiency of nique.
the diode is low and, for many analyses, a spec- General Requirements. The choice of a count-
trometer can only be used for one measurement a ing procedure depends on the precision required.
day. Another disadvantage is that the detector In turn, the relative precision of a quantitative
must be kept at liquid nitrogen temperature to counting measurement is inversely proportional
maintain its detection capability. Newer diodes to the square root of the number of counts ob-
have been developed that do not require storage tained. Thus, any improvement in precision must
at liquid nitrogen temperatures; however, they be obtained by increasing the number of counts.
must be cooled during measurement. Since the This can be done by using larger samples, by
system is in use most of the time, this may not be a counting for longer times, or by using counters
significant advantage. with higher efficiency. A secondary improvement
Diode spectrometers may also be used to meas- is possible for low-activity samples by decreasing
ure the low-energy gamma-rays that accompany the background. Each of these improvements has
alpha emission. This allows direct measurement some drawback, and selection of the optimum bal-
in some environmental samples, but the levels in ance requires a degree of experience to weigh
Appendix l—Analysis of Foods for Radioactivity “ 223

cost, manpower, and quality. For example, han- In addition, maintenance of control charts(5) will
dling larger samples increases the effort in sam- signal when instrument problems arise.
ple preparation and radiochemistry while longer Experience with modern nuclear instrumenta-
counting times require more counters, and in- tion has been good, and downtime of the order of 5
creased counter efficiency or lower background percent is common. This requires that service be
is expensive. available immediately or the next day following a
Counting-room operation requires the mainte- breakdown. The increasing complexity of measur-
nance of detailed records on standardization, ing systems tends to preclude in-house servicing
background, and sample measurement. This in- in most cases, but some diagnostic capability and
formation can frequently allow the recovery of competence in minor repairs is very valuable.
bad data or the correction of calculational errors.

An analytical laboratory carrying out measure- This requires that standard samples be available
ments of radioactivity in foodstuffs will require a for testing the full procedure. Additional controls
program to document the validity of the measure- would include running of blind duplicate samples
ments, This is necessary in legal cases and is also to test reproducibility of analyses, and blank
highly desirable when data are being presented samples to check on the possibility of laboratory
for use in decisionmaking. A suitable program of or reagent contamination. These three types of
quality control should be carried on in addition to samples should make up at least 10 percent of the
the necessary calibrations and standardizations. laboratory output if the quality of measurement is
Calibration is the determination of the relation- to be followed closely. It is also necessary that the
ship between a desired quantity and the response data be published with the ordinary laboratory
of a particular instrument. In the case of radioac- results and that any deviations from the expected
tive materials this may mean that the instrument results should be used to make suitable correc-
must be calibrated with each radionuclide to be tions in laboratory operations.
measured unless there is evidence that the instru- There is always some danger that a laboratory
ment response is independent of the energy or may drift out of control in spite of an adequate in-
other characteristics of the radiation. Alterna- ternal quality control program, This is possible
tively a complete response v. energy calibration since an internal program may emphasize consist-
may be substituted. These calibrations, to have a ency while the absolute values drift. Therefore,
legal standing, should probably be traceable to some part of the quality control effort must be
the U.S. National Bureau of Standards or compar- devoted to intercomparisons with established
able authority. This turns out to be a requirement groups, such as IAEA or EPA. This should be done
that is far from trivial in the effort required. on an annual basis, at least.
Fortunately, a complete calibration is not re- It must be noted that standard samples are fre-
quired at frequent intervals and, depending on quently not available, and recourse must be had
experience, may not be needed oftener than every to “spiking,” which is the addition of a known
few months. In the meantime of course it is neces- amount of a radionuclide to a sample that is rela-
sary to have assurance of the proper operation of tively free of that nuclide. Recovery of the spike is
measuring equipment but this can be done with not necessarily a good test of a chemical proce-
simple standards or even with samples that are dure, since a natural sample may be more diffi-
reproducible over a period of time. For example, a cult to analyze.
simple counter standard may be run every morn- A final component of a good quality control sys-
ing before starting operations just to be sure that tem is a careful, responsible review of all the data
the counter is working properly. Similar stand- produced. This means checking the arithmetic,
ards should also be available for checking spec- knowing the characteristics of the equipment and,
trometer energy response. hopefully, having a sixth sense that recognizes
An ideal quality control program should in- that certain results do not look right. This is
clude the checking of the complete procedure especially true when relying on automatic count-
from sample preparation through measurement. ers or on computer processing of the data.
224 . Environmental Contaminants in Food


A minimum facility could be designed around a pability already exists in the overall organization,
staff of six, including a B.S. or M.S. senior chemist it may be fruitful to copy advanced noncommer-
with experience, a B.S. junior chemist and three cial instruments, but staffing specifically for this
technicians for chemistry, sample preparation, function is probably not economical. Thus, most
and counting-maintenance, A- secretary-adminis- small laboratories must operate with the less-
trative assistant could handle reports, local pur- than-optimum commercial equipment,
chasing, and similar duties. With this small staff, If significant uses are to be made of gamma
considerable versatility and flexibility would be spectrometry there will be a need for at least
required. modest computing facilities. These can be part of
The measurement of radioactivity in foods re- the purchased spectrometer system but this is an
quires fairly extensive facilities to handle the expensive method if suitable computer time is
varied analyses that might be called for, In addi- available otherwise. The former approach is used
tion to a modest office space, separate rooms here, and it might be noted that the spectrometer
would be necessary for sample preparation, wet computer has capacity for other work.
chemistry, measuring equipment, and for mainte- Additional space is required not only for stock-
nance support and storage. The first two lab- ing necessary reagents and materials but also for
oratory rooms would require hoods, chemical storage of incoming samples and for storage of
benches, and laboratory safety devices such as residual material from samples that have been
showers and eye fountains. Since the samples to run. As a general rule it is desirable to take a
be measured are normal foods there are no spe- larger sample than would be required and to set
cial requirements for radiation safety, If the sam- aside a portion of this for possible contingencies
ples were radioactive enough to be a personnel or if the data are later brought into question.
hazard in the laboratory they certainly would not The output of a group this size should run be-
require this type of precise measurement. tween 1,000 and 4,000 samples ] a year, depending
If the laboratory is to be in continuous opera- on the difficulty and the activity level, One limit-
tion it is most likely that the principal chemical ing factor is that, at background levels, each
and measurement systems will have to be avail- counter can only turn out one or two samples per
able at least in duplicate. This and similar consid- day. Following a contaminating event, it should be
erations lead to the conclusion that a certain possible to process smaller samples and to count
minimum size and sample throughput are not nec- for shorter times, both of which would allow high-
essary if the radioactivity laboratory is part of a er output. It might be possible to add 3 more lab-
larger operation which can furnish support. One oratory staff plus 50 percent more space and
continuing problem is the need for electronic equipment dollars and essentially double the out-
maintenance of radiation measuring equipment. put. Further increases would probabl y run into
This is rather specialized and must be considered other bottlenecks due to the need for added sup-
either when staffing the laboratory or in locating port.
it where such services are readily available. Table I-1 details the costs for space modifica-
It is not always possible to purchase the ideal tion and furnishings ($140,000), for equipment
counting equipment for a particular purpose. The ($200,000), and for supplies ($20,000). These costs
total demand for many systems is small and com- are based on a building in place, lights and parti-
mercial instrument makers are not interested. tions in place, and utility stubs in each room, It is
Large laboratories can make some of their own also assumed that building services are provided.
equipment but this is not possible for the group
described here. The construction of alpha and
beta radiation detectors requires services of a
first-class machinist plus sufficient electronic IA sample is defined as a ~x]mp]ete gamm{i spectral an[]lysis
know-how to transfer the detector signal to the or a single raciionuclicie an[]lysis that requires preparation plus
available commercial equipment. Where such ca- r:idi(x:hemist rv.
Appendix I— Analysis of Foods for Radioactivity ● 225

Table I-1. —Costs for Space, Furnishings, Equipment, and Supplies

Cost cost
Space modification and furnishings
Chemical laboratory—20 x 30 ft.
Base cabinets $ 8,500
Wall cabinets 2,500
Storage cabinets 1,800
S i n k s ( 2 ) 1,200
Hoods (3) 7,000
Services and Installation . 40,000
Preparation area— 10x 30 ft.
Base Cabinets 3.800
Wall cabinets 1,800
Storage cabinets 1.500
Sink 600
Hood 2,500
Benches 600
Services and Installation 25,000
Counting area— 10x 20 ft. (air-conditioned)
Benches 1,200
Rack 1,000
Base cabinets 1,700
Wall cabinets 600
Desk, etc. 500
Services and installation 12,000
Storage area— 10x 20 ft.
Acid storage 800
Solvent storage ,. 600
Cabinets 3,000
Services and Installation 1,500
Office area —library 10x 20 ft.
Desks, etc (4) 2,000
C a b i n e t s , b o o k c a s e s 3,000
Services and Installation 1,000

Chemistry area
Hot plates (2) 600
Stirring plates (6) 900
pH meter 350
Demineralizer 500
Centrifuges (3) 1,800
Platinum ware(12 items) 12,000

1. E. P . I.aug, et al. ‘radioactivity in F’oods, ”’ journal Data un(~ Heports 15, 647-56 ( 1974). (rI’his is a later
A(~A(; 44, 52.3-30 ( 1961), :+Iso 4’Strontium-90 An~~l- report thti t summa rizes much of the EPA program. )
yses of I [uman an(i A n i m a l F o o d s , H(l(liologic(]] 4. J. H. Harley and Joseph Rivera, Summ[lr} of Av(lil-
HefJ](h fljt{] 1, 36-40 (hfay 1960). a b l e h] ta on the Stron fium-{~[~ Con tent of F(mds (]n(l
2. ‘1’een-Ager Diet Survey, Food and Drug Administra- Total Diets in the United St{ltcs, LJ, S. A E C R e p o r t
tion, ll{~(lif)]f)gicfl) Fff?fI)th ll{!(fl 4, 18-22 ( 1963) HASL-90 (August 1960).
3. R. E. Simpson, E. J. Barat ta, and (;. h’. Jelinek, “Radio- 5. J. 11. Ilarley IEciitor). EML Procmiures M(lnu(ll, U . S .
nucli[ies in F’(Nxis: Nloni (orin~ Program. ” Rcl(fio (i{)n I)OE Report F{ ASL-300 ( 1972, revised annually).
226 ● Environmental Contaminants in Food

Radiochemical Methods International Atomic Energy Agency, Metrology and
Radionuclides (Symposium), IAEA, Vienna ( 1960).
National Academy of Sciences, Nuclear Science Series Crouthamel (Editor), Revised by Adams and Dams, Ap-
(NAS-NS 3001 ff), Office of ‘1’echnical Services, plied Gamma-Ray Spectrometry, Pergamon, New
Washington (1960 and later), A Series of Mono- York (1970).
graphs on Individual Elements and Techniques.
WHO-FAO-IAEA, Methods of Radiochemical Analysis,
World Health Organization, Geneva ( 1966). Data Compilations
Johns (Editor), National Environmental Research Cen-
ter, Las Vegas, Handbook of Radiochemical Analyti- Lederer and Shirley, Table of Isotopes—7th Edition,
cal Methods, EPA-680/4-75-001, February 1975. John Wiley, New York (1978).
Harley (Editor), Environmental Measurements Labora- Health, Scintillation Spectrometry, Gamma-Ray Spec-
tory, DOE, EML Procedures Manual, HASL-300, t r u m Catolog ( 3 r d E d i t i o n ) , USAEC R e p o r t
1972 (Updated Annually). ANCR-lOOO ( 1974).
International Atomic Energy Agency, Reference Meth- Chanda and Deal, Catolog of Semiconductor Alpha-Par-
ods for Marine Radioactivity Studies (Sr, Cs, Ce, Co, ticle Spectra, USAEC Report IN-1261, March 1970,
Zn), Technical Reports Series No. 118 (1970). Niday and Gunnink, Computerized Quantitative Anal-
Ibid. (Transuranics, Ru, Zr, Ag, I) ysis of Gamma-Ray Spectrometry, USAEC Report
Technical Reports Series No. 169 (1975) UCRL-51061, 4 Volumes (Includes Decay Scheme
Data Library).
Measurement of Radioactivity
National Council on Radiation Protection and Meas- Quality Assurance
urements, A Manual of Radioactivity Measure-
ments Procedures, Report 58 ( 1977). Kanipe, Handbook for Analytical Quality Control in Ra-
National Council on Radiation Protection and Meas- dioanalytical Laboratories, EPA Report 6 0 0 / 7 -
urements, Environmental Radiation Measurements, 77-088 (April 1977),
Report 50 (1976). Ziegler and Hunt, Quality Control for Environmental
International Commission on Radiation Units and Meas- Measurements using Gamma-Ray Spectrometry,
urements, Measurement of Low-Level Radioactiv- EPA Report 600/7-77-144 (I)ecember 1977).
ity, Report 22 ( 1972). See also:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Measurement of Metrology Needs in the Measurement of Environmental
Short-Range Radiations, Technical Reports Series Radioactivity Environment International 1, 7 f f
No. 150 ( 1973). (1978),

Activation Products—The radionuclides formed in Fission Products—The radionuclides formed when fis-
either fissionable material or in surrounding mate- sionable material splits into two or more atoms.
rial during a nuclear reaction, usually by capture of Geiger Counter— A detector based on gas ionization
neutrons, which converts any ionization within the detector
Carrier—A stable element added in radiochemical into a large electrical pulse.
analysis to provide sufficient mass that a radionu- Germanium Diode Detector—A gamma-ray detector
clide can follow various separation steps. composed of very pure germanium, usually acti-
D e t e c t o r — A n y device that transforms the radiation vated with lithium.
emitted by a radionuclide into a signal that can be Indicator Food—A food that is measured to give an
handled electronically. The most usual signal is an estimate of the total dietary intake of man.
electrical pulse which can be recorded. Ionization Chamber—A radiation detector based on
Disintegration-The spontaneous process by which a gas ionization which converts any ionization within
radionuclide gives off energy in the form of nuclear the chamber into an equivalent electrical pulse.
radiation. Pathway—The route by which a radionuclide is trans-
Fissionable Material—Any of the heavy radionuclides ferred from the source through the environment to
which can undergo fission, or splitting into two or man.
more lighter atoms. The fission process is accompa- Picocurie—See units of radioactivity. Equal to 2.2 dis-
nied by a large release of energy. integrations per minute.
Appendix I—Analysis of Foods for Radioactivity . 227

Proportional Counter—A detector based on gas ioniza- Tracer—A radionuclide added in radiochemical anal-
tion which converts any ionization within the detec- ysis to follow the distribution of the desired constit-
tor into an amplified electrical pulse proportional to uent in various separation steps.
the amount of ionization.
Radionuclide—Any atomic species which is unstable
and gives off nuclear radiation to attain stability.
Transuranic Element—An artificial element having a
Scintillation Detector—A detector which converts nu- higher atomic number than uranium, formed by ac-
clear radiation to a pulse of light. This, in turn, can
tivation, usually with neutrons.
be converted to an electrical pulse with a photo-
tube. Units of Radioactivity—There are various ways of ex-
Sodium Iodide Detector—A scintillation gamma-ray de- pressing the disintegration rate of a radionuclide.
tector made up of a single crystal of sodium iodide In this report the disintegrations per minute (dpm)
activated with silver. unit is used. In other reports, the curie and its sub-
Spectrometry—The measurement of the energy of radi- multiple (millicurie, microcurie, picocurie) are
ation emitted during decay of a radionuclide or mix- used and the new International Standard nomen-
ture of radionuclides. Quantitative as well as qual- clature is the bequerel, equal to one disintegration
itative information may usually be derived. per second.

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