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(English) Activity Sheet

Quarter 2 – MELC 2
Point of View


English 5
Activity Sheet No. 4
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Development Team of English Activity Sheet

Writer: Ryan M. Reyes
Editors: Daryl D. Ariola
Celia I. Lariza
Allen Jake S. Talimodao
Layout Artist: Ryan M. Reyes
Schools Division Quality Assurance Team
Grace B. Zamora
Jessica P. Gela
Ellen G. De la Cruz

Division of Bacolod City Management Team

Gladys Amylaine D. Sales
Michell L. Acoyong
Janalyn B. Navarro
Jessica P. Gela
Ellen G. De la Cruz

Regional Management Team:

Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma
Josilyn S. Solana
Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
Nestor M. Pingil
Introductory Message
Welcome to English Grade 5!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative

efforts of the Schools Division of Bacolod City and DepEd Regional
Office VI - Western Visayas through the Curriculum and Learning
Management Division (CLMD). This is developed to guide the
learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible adults) in
helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic
Education Curriculum.

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional

materials aimed to guide the learners in accomplishing activities at
their own pace and time using the contextualized resources in the
community. This will also assist the learners in acquiring the lifelong
learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The English Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the

teaching-learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning
Competency (MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter
between you and learner. This will be made available to the learners
with the references/links to ease the independent learning.

For the learner:

The English Activity Sheet is developed to help you

continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning
material provides you with meaningful and engaging activities for
independent learning. Being an active learner, carefully read and
understand the instructions then perform the activities and answer
the assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the
agreed schedule.
Quarter 2 Week 4

Name: _________________________________ Grade and Section: ______________

Date: __________________


Point of View

I. Learning Competency with Code

1. Identify point of view (EN5LC-IIIg-3.17)

II. Background Information for Learners

In literature, point of view (POV) is the technique of the author to let the readers
know the feelings, attitudes, and thoughts of the characters in the story. There are three
kinds of POV—first person point of view, second person point of view, and third person
point of view. Study the table below.

Point of Description Example

• The narrator is one of the I was looking at the pile of modules on
characters in the story. the study table. I did not bother working on
He or she is usually the them. A picture of me as a successful doctor
First protagonist or the main someday flashed in my mind. I then went to the
Person character. pile of modules. I got excited answering all the
Point of • The pronouns I, me, my, modules in no time. At a distance, I saw mother
View and mine are used. looking at me happily.

By Ryan Reyes

• Author uses the pronoun You were looking at the pile of modules
you and your, as though on the study table. You did not bother working
the reader is the on them. A picture of you as a successful
Second character in the story. doctor someday flashed in your mind. You then
Person • This is not often used, headed to the pile of modules. You got excited
Point of except in experimental answering all the modules in no time. At a
View fiction. distance, you saw your mother looking at you
By Ryan Reyes

• It is the most commonly Third Person Objective PoV

used point of view. She was looking at the pile of modules
• The narrator is not the on the study table. She did not bother working
character in the story. He on them. Then, she headed to the pile of
or she tells the readers modules. She got excited answering all the
Third about the feelings or modules in no time. At a distance, she saw her
Person thoughts of the mother looking at her happily.
Point of characters. By Ryan Reyes
View • It may be objective,
omniscient, or limited. Third Person Omniscient PoV
She was looking at the pile of modules
• In objective point of view, on the study table. She did not bother working
the narrator knows only on them. A picture of her as a successful doctor
the character’s actions someday flashed in her mind. She then headed

and speech. to the pile of modules. She got excited
answering all the modules in no time. She saw
• In omniscient point of her mother looking at her happily. At a
view, the narrator seems distance, she saw her mom proudly looking at
to know all—what is her.
going on, what the By Ryan Reyes

characters do, why the Third Person Limited PoV

characters behave that She was looking at the pile of modules
way, and how they feel. on the study table. She did not bother working
on them. A picture of her as a successful doctor
• In limited point of view, someday flashed in her mind. She then went to
the narrator knows the the pile of modules. She got excited answering
thoughts and feelings of all the modules in no time. At a distance, she
only one character. saw her mom. She knew her mom is so proud
of her.
• Pronouns used are he, By Ryan Reyes
she, it, they, him, her, its,
their, and them.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbooks and Educational Sites

Castillo, K. E., & Angeles, E. B. (2016). Joy in Learning English 5. Quezon City,

IV. Activity Proper

1. Directions/Instructions
Review the notes on points of view in the background information for
learners. Then, answer the exercises/activities.

2. Exercises / Activities

Activity 1: Classify the words inside the box as to first person, second person, or
third person. Choose your answer from the box and write it in your
answer sheet.

I your me they she

him we it her my
them mine their you he

First Person Second Person Third Person

Activity 2: Identify the point of view described in each sentence. Write your
answers in your answer sheet.

________ 1. The narrator is the protagonist or the main character in the story.
________ 2. The narrator tells the readers about the feelings or thoughts of the

________ 3. The author uses the you and your as though the reader is the
character in the story.
________ 4. The author uses I, me, my, and mine to narrate the story.
________ 5. The narration may be objective, omniscient, or limited.

Activity 3: Choose the letter that contains the point of view expressed in each
sentence. Write your answers in your answer sheet.

first person second person third person

1. I hurriedly went to the kitchen when I heard a loud “Bang!”

2. You have typed the assigned topic in the search box, only to find out you have
no internet connection.

3. They opened their books and studied for the test.

4. Though it seems quite impossible, you keep your faith and brave on.

5. As we entered our hometown, I felt the longing to see our family and friends.

Activity 4: Tell whether the point of view used in the paragraph is first person,
second person, or third person. Write your answers in your answer

As I drew closer to the dancers, I thought of taking pictures of them.
When I was about to get her cellphone, I found out that it was no longer in my
sling bag.

-The Lost Cellphone

By Angie Salazar and Daisybel De la Peña

Answer: ___________________________________________________________

The morning breeze and the birds chirping on the branches of the tree
nearby seem to inspire you to open your modules today and scan the learning
exercises for the week. You smile because they are just a piece of cake. Just
when your sister calls you to eat lunch, you are done answering them.

A Piece of Cake
-By Ryan Reyes

Answer: ___________________________________________________________

As she drew closer to the dancers, she thought of taking pictures of
them. When she was about to get her cellphone, she found out that it was no
longer in her sling bag.

-The Lost Cellphone

By Angie Salazar and Daisybel De la Peña

Answer: ___________________________________________________________

One night, while making props, we suddenly felt hungry and ate our
4. dinner using our dirty hands. After eating, we stared at our hands and saw
silver dusts on them. We felt an ache in our stomach. “We should have
washed our hands,” we chorused.
-Mind the Hand
by Allen Jake Talimodao

Answer: ___________________________________________________________

5. One night, while making props, he suddenly felt hungry and ate his
dinner using his dirty hands. After eating, he stared at his hands and saw
silver dusts on it. He felt an ache in his stomach. “I should have washed my
hand,” he said.
-Mind the Hand
by Allen Jake Talimodao

Answer: ___________________________________________________________

Activity 5: Identify the point of view showed in the following paragraphs. Write A
for first person, B for second person, and C for third person. Then,
give your reason.
1. I remember one All Soul’s Day that I persuaded my mother to buy me
a bouquet of flowers for our dead folks. I did not know what came into me that
day that I threw a tantrum when she said, “No.”
-What Captures My Heart
by Ryan Reyes

Answer: ___________________________________________________________

Reason: ___________________________________________________________

2. He was so excited when his family decided to visit the carnival. He

asked his mother to buy him a ticket for a Ferris wheel ride. While waiting for
his turn, he heard a loud scream. It came from one of the riders.

-The Ferris Wheel Ride

by Analie Estilo, Carren Joy Erasmo, and Denesia Manaay

Answer: ___________________________________________________________

Reason: ___________________________________________________________

3. The sun peeped through the mountains in front of them but they had
not reached their destination yet. They were just thankful that they survived
the night in the forest. Ken, one of the trekkers, opened the crumpled map
and checked the directions again. He panicked.

The Trekkers
-By Ryan Reyes

Answer: ___________________________________________________________

Reason: ___________________________________________________________

You were so excited when your family decided to visit the carnival.
You asked your mother to buy you a ticket for a Ferris wheel ride. While
waiting for your turn, you heard a loud scream. It came from one of the riders.

-The Ferris Wheel Ride

by Analie Estilo, Carren Joy Erasmo, and Denesia Manaay

Answer: ___________________________________________________________

Reason: ___________________________________________________________

I am so excited when my family decided to visit the carnival. I asked
my mother to buy me a ticket for a Ferris wheel ride. While waiting for my
turn, I heard a loud scream. It came from one of the riders.

-The Ferris Wheel Ride

by Analie Estilo, Carren Joy Erasmo, and Denesia Manaay

Answer: ___________________________________________________________

Reason: ___________________________________________________________

Activity 6: Make a sentence for each point of view. Write it on your answer sheet.

First Person Point of View

1. ___________________________________________________________

Second Person Point of View

2. ___________________________________________________________

Third Person Point of View

3. ___________________________________________________________

3. Guide Questions

1. What is “point of view”?

2. What are the three kinds of point of view?
3. What is first person point of view? Second person point of view? Third
person point of view?

4. What pronouns are used in first person point of view? Second person point
of view? Third person point of view?

4. Rubrics for Scoring Activity 6

Criteria 3 points 2 points 1 point

Capitalization Three sentences Only two Only one
observe correct sentences sentence
capitalization. observe correct observes correct
capitalization. capitalization.
Punctuation Three sentences Only two Only one
are correctly sentences are sentence is
punctuated. correctly correctly
punctuated. punctuated.

Grammar Three sentences Only two Only one

correctly observe sentences sentence
subject verb correctly observe correctly
agreement. subject verb observes
agreement. subject verb
Usage Three sentences Only two Only one
observed the sentences sentence
correct point of observed the observed the
view. correct point of correct point of
view. view.

V. Reflection
Directions: Complete the given phrase below: Also, put a period at the end of the
last line.

In this lesson, I have learned _____________________________________


Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4
1. First person 1. A 1. First person
2. Third person 2. B 2. Second person
3. Second person 3. C 3. Third person
4. First person 4. B 4. First person
5. Third person 5. A 5. Third person
Activity 5
1. A – the narrator is the
Guide Questions
character in the story as
noted by the pronouns 1. Technique of the author to let the readers
“I” and “our” know the feelings, attitudes, and thoughts of
2. C – the pronouns “he”, the characters in the story.
“his”, and “him” show 2. First person point of view, second person
that the narrator is not point of view, and third person point of view.
part of the story 3. In first person point of view, the narrator is
3. C - the pronouns “they”, one of the characters in the story.
“their”, and “he” show In second person point of view the author
that the narrator is not uses you or your as though the reader is the
part of the story character in the story.
4. B – uses the pronoun In third person point of view, the narrator is
“you” and “your” not the character in the story. He or she tells
5. A – the narrator is the the readers about the feelings or thoughts of
character in the story as the characters.
noted by pronouns “I”, 4. First person point of view – I, me, my, mine
“my”, and “me” Second person point of view – you, your
Third person point of view – he, she, it, they,
him, her, its, their, them
Activity 6
Answers may vary
Answer Key VI.

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