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REG. NUMBER: E35/0005/2017




1. Explain the meaning of environmental degradation

2. Identify and outline the different types of environmental degradation
3. Outline the Islamic perspective on the environment and its degradation
4. How does Qur’an inspire environmental stewardship?

Due date: 2nd December, 2021.



United Nations international strategy for disaster management explains that

environmental degradation is characterized by the lessening of the limit of the earth to

meet the social and environmental destination and needs. Environmental degradation can

also be interpreted as the disintegration of the earth. It can also mean the deterioration of

the environment through the consumption of its assets. It can mean the destruction of

environment and eradication of wildlife. It also occurs when the earth’s natural resources

are consumed and used to depletion and the environment being compromised in the form

of extinction of species, rapid growth in population, pollution of the soil, water and even

air. Generally, environmental degradation occur when all the common environmental

assets and natural resources within the environment are exhausted or harmed to a great

extent such that they are or almost becoming extinct due to depletion

Types of environmental degradation.

i). atmospheric degradation

ii). Water degradation

iii). Land or soil degradation

iv). Noise pollution

v). light pollution


Islamic perspective on environment and its degradation.

Human beings are considered the most rational and intelligent beings on earth and they

have the responsibility of safeguarding the environment and everything within it. They

were sent as vicegerents on earth. The Quran explains that Allah is the creator of the

world and humans were entrusted to look after the world for Allah and for the future.

Muslims believe that all people are khalifahs on earth and they are responsible for caring

and guarding the world against any distortions.quran instructs Muslims to look after

environment and not damaging it as it is one of human’s duty in Allah’s creation

“Indeed your Lord is Allah who created the humans and earth in six days and then

established himself above the throne. He covers the night with the day (another night)

chasing it rapidly; and (He created) the sun, the moon and the stars, subjected by his

command. Unquestionably, He is the creation and the command, blessed is Allah, the

Lord of worlds” (Q7:54). Islam also emphasizes on tawhid, unity of Allah which is also

reflected to the unity of humankind and nature (the earth. His flora and fauna), wildlife

and natural environment. It is believed that the unity cannot be attained by disintegrating

all those components rather by tolerating one another for harmonious living.

Environmental stewardship in Quran.

Islam has put more emphasis on the care for and being responsible for the environment.

Each man is a custodian of nature and should live peacefully with other creatures in the

environment, and he should take all necessary measures to make sure the entrusted

property to him is passed on to thenext generation. Allah dislikes all kinds of


environmental distortion and disintegration including pollution, damage of environment

and mismanagement of natural resources.

“And do not walk upon the earth exultantly. Indeed you will never tear the earth (apart).

And you will never reach the mountains in height” (suratul al-Isra).

“And Allah loveth not those who do mischief” (suratul Al-Maeda).

Several hadith of the prophet also emphasize on the care for the environment and

encourages people to value earth and nature in general.

“The earth is green and beautiful and Allah has appointed you his stewards over it. The

whole earth has been created a place of worship, pure, and clean. Whoever plants a tree

and diligently looks after it, it matures and bears fruits is rewarded. If a Muslim plants a

tree or sows a field and human and beasts and birds eat from it, all of it is love on his


The prophet (s.a.w) emphasized much on not overexploiting or abusing natural resources.

The prophet himself left untouched resources and created inviolable zone called ‘ Hima

and Haram’. He forbade hunting within a 4-mile radius and destruction of trees or plants

within a 12-mile radius. This showed the importance of sustaining natural resources and

protection of wildlife and agricultural land by the prophet.



Abedi-Sarvestani, A., & Shahvali, M. (2008). Environmental ethics: Toward an Islamic

perspective. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 3(4), 609-


Attfield, R. (2006). Environmental sensitivity and critiques of stewardship. Environmental stewardship, 76-





Gada, M. Y. (2014). Environmental ethics in Islam: Principles and perspectives. World Journal of Islamic

History and Civilization, 4(4), 130-138.

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