Syllabus of Ist Sem. of MBA

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13th AC Meeting 03.12.

Item No. 8 Annexure_H structure and syllabus of I Sem. of MBA (specializations in
Marketing, Finance, HR, Healthcare Management)

Program Structure of Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program

Eligibility Criteria- Bachelor's degree holder / Graduate in any discipline from a recognised
University. International / SAARC Graduate from a recognised / accredited University /

Course Sem I Credit Course Code SEM II

Code s Credits
MBA101 Management 4 MBA201 Financial
Fundamentals Management
MBA102 Organizational Behavior 4 MBA202 Human Resource
MBA103 Business Economics 4 MBA203 Operations & Supply
Chain Management
MBA104 Basics of Marketing 4 MBA204 Information Systems
for Managers
MBA105 Managerial Accounting 5 MBA205 Business Research
MBA105 Legal Aspects of Business 4 MBA206 Startup and New
  25   26

Course Course
Code Sem III Credits Code Sem IV Credits
MBA301 MBA401 International
Strategic Management 5 Business 4
MBA302 MBA402 Management
Business Ethics 4 Control 4
MBA303 Elective I 4 MBA403 Elective I 4
MBA304 Elective II 4 MBA404 Elective II 4
MBA305 Elective III 4 MBA405 Elective III 4
MBA306 Elective IV 4 MBA406 Project 6
  25   26

  Spec Marketing Finance HR Health Care

Sem III Elective I Consumer Buying Direct Labour & Health Care and Hospital
Behaviour Taxation Social Security Environment

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13th AC Meeting 03.12.2021
Item No. 8 Annexure_H structure and syllabus of I Sem. of MBA (specializations in
Marketing, Finance, HR, Healthcare Management)

Sem III Elective II Services International Compensation Health Care Economics

Marketing Finance Management
Sem III Elective III Integrated Financial Employment Information Technology
Marketing Laws Relations for Hospitals
Sem III Elective IV Product & Brand Risk Strategic Hospital Operations
Management Management Human Management
Sem IV Elective I Digital Marketing Behavioural Human Hospital Management
Finance Resource Control Systems
Sem IV Elective II Marketing of Banking Recruitment Healthcare Insurance and
Financial Services Operations and Selection Risk Management
Sem IV Elective III Business to Corporate Emerging Legal and Ethical Issues
Business Finance Trends in HR for Hospitals

Evaluation Methodology for Program-

The Evaluation Methodology would comprise of 70% marks for Term End Examination (Summative
Evaluation) and 30% marks for Continuous Comprehensive Assessments (Formative Evaluation)

Name of the Program: MBA

Name of the Course: Basics of Marketing

Course Code:MBA-104

Year: I Semester: I

Course Credits:4

Learning Objectives:
1. To introduce marketing as a business function and a philosophy
2. To emphasize importance of understanding external environment in marketing
decision making
3. To expose students to a systematic frame work of marketing &implementations and to
highlight need for different marketing approaches for services, goods, and for
household consumers and organizational buyers.
Course Outcome:

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Item No. 8 Annexure_H structure and syllabus of I Sem. of MBA (specializations in
Marketing, Finance, HR, Healthcare Management)

1. Explain the interrelationships between segmentation, targeting and positioning,

marketing environment, consumer buying behavior, marketing mix and Product Life
Cycle with real world examples.
2. Examine and list marketing issues pertaining to segmentation, targeting and
positioning, marketing environmental forces, consumer buying behavior, marketing
mix and Product Life Cycle in the context of real world marketing offering
Unit 1: Introduction to Marketing
Definition & Functions of Marketing, Scope of Marketing, Evolution of Marketing, Core
concepts of marketing - Need, Want, Demand, Customer Value, Exchange, Customer
Satisfaction, Customer Delight, Customer loyalty, Concepts of Markets, Marketing V/S
Market Competition, Key customer markets, market places, market spaces, Functions of
Marketing Manager. Linkage of Marketing functions with all functions in the organization.
Company orientation towards market place: Product – Production - Sales – Marketing –
Societal – Relational, Holistic Marketing Orientation. Selling versus marketing. Concept
of Marketing Myopia. Marketing Process, Understanding Marketing as Creating,
Communicating, and Delivering Value
Unit 2: Marketing Environment
Concept of Environment, Macro Environment and Micro Environment – Components and
characteristics, Needs & Trends, Major forces impacting the Macro Environment and
Micro Environment, Analyzing the Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technical and
Legal Environment. Demographics
Unit 3: STP- Segmentation, Target Marketing and Positioning
Segmentation - Concept, Need and Benefits. Geographic, Demographic, Psychographic,
Behavioural bases of segmentation for consumer goods and services. Bases for
segmentation for business markets. Levels of segmentation, Criteria for effective
segmentation. Market Potential & Market Share. Target Market - Concept of Target
Markets and criteria for selection. Segment Marketing, Niche & Local Marketing, Mass
marketing, Long Tail Marketing. Positioning - Concept of differentiation & positioning,
Value Proposition & Unique Selling Proposition
Unit 4: Consumer Behavior
Meaning & importance of consumer behavior, Comparison between Organizational Buying
behavior and consumer buying behavior, Buying roles, Five steps consumer buyer decision
process – Problem Recognition, Information Search, Evaluation of Alternatives, Purchase
Decision, Post Purchase behavior
Unit 5: Marketing Mix
Origin & Concept of Marketing Mix, 7P’s - Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People,
Process, Physical evidence. Product Life Cycle: Concept & characteristics of Product
Life Cycle (PLC), Relevance of PLC, Types of PLC and Strategies across stages of the
Unit 6: Virtual Marketing
Concept and Types of Virtual Marketing, Examples and Case Studies

Reference Books
1) Marketing Management, Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Abraham Koshy,
Mithileshwar Jha, Pearson

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Item No. 8 Annexure_H structure and syllabus of I Sem. of MBA (specializations in
Marketing, Finance, HR, Healthcare Management)

2) Marketing Management, Rajan Saxena, TMGH

3) Marketing, Lamb Hair Sharma, Mc Daniel, Cengage Learning

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13th AC Meeting 03.12.2021
Item No. 8 Annexure_H structure and syllabus of I Sem. of MBA (specializations in
Marketing, Finance, HR, Healthcare Management)

Name of the Program: MBA

Name of the Course: Business Economics

Course Code:MBA-103

Year: I Semester: I

Course Credits:4

Learning Objectives:
1. To develop economic way of thinking in dealing with practical business problems
and challenges.
2. To equip the students of management with time tested tools and techniques of
managerial economics to enable them to appreciate its relevance in decision making.

Course Outcome:
1. Identify the various issues in an economics context and demonstrate their
significance from the perspective of business decision making.
2. Develop critical thinking based on principles of micro-economics for informed
business decision making.

Unit 1: Introduction
Definition, Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics, Managerial Economics and
Microeconomics and macroeconomics. Managerial Economics and decision-making. Uses
and Significance of Managerial Economics
Unit 2: Demand Analysis
Meaning and Determinants of Demand. Demand Function, Law of Demand Market
Demand, Elasticity of Demand, Individual & Market Demand, Types and Measurement of
Elasticity, Demand Forecasting. Meaning, Significance and Methods of Demand
Unit 3: Supply Analysis
Meaning of Supply, Determinants of Supply, The Law of Supply, Assumptions underlying
the Law, Exceptions to the Law of Supply (Backward – Sloping Supply Curve), Expansion
& Contraction in Supply, Increase & Decrease in Supply, Causes of Change in Supply,
Elasticity of Supply, Factors Determining Elasticity of Supply
Unit 4:Production & Cost Estimation
Production Function. Law of Variable Proportions, Costs of Production, Short run and long

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Item No. 8 Annexure_H structure and syllabus of I Sem. of MBA (specializations in
Marketing, Finance, HR, Healthcare Management)

run costs. Economies of Scale, Cost estimation and cost forecasting. Breakeven analysis
Unit 5: Pricing & Pricing Decisions
Market Structure & Price behaviour, Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic
Competition, Oligopoly & Market Concentration, Oligopoly models, Non Price
Competitions, Entry Barriers, Price Discrimination & Dumping, Transfer Pricing, Pricing
Strategies and Methods
Unit 6: Consumption and Investment Function
Introduction, Consumption Function, Marginal efficiency of capital and business
expectations. Business Cycle: Introduction, Meaning and Features, Theories of Business
Cycles, Measures to Control Business Cycles
Investment Function: Introduction, Meaning, Types, Determinants and Distinction, Types
of Investment: Induced Investment, Autonomous Investment

1) Managerial Economics by Peterson, Lewis, Sudhir Jain, Pearson, Prentice Hall
2) Managerial Economics by D. Salvatore, McGraw Hill, New Delhi
3) Managerial Economics Mithani Himalaya Publications

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13th AC Meeting 03.12.2021
Item No. 8 Annexure_H structure and syllabus of I Sem. of MBA (specializations in
Marketing, Finance, HR, Healthcare Management)

Name of the Program: MBA

Name of the Course: Legal Aspects of Business
Course Code:MBA-106

Year: I Semester: I

Course Credits:4

Learning Objectives:
1. To acquaint students with general business law issues to help become more
informed, sensitive and effective business leaders.
2. To provide the students with an understanding of fundamental legal issues
pertaining to the business world to enhance their ability to manage businesses

Course Outcome:
1. Develop critical thinking by making judgments related to use of various provisions
of the Acts in business situations
2. Outline the various facets of basic case laws of each Act from a legal and
managerial perspective.
3. Illustrate the use of the Acts in common business situations.

Unit 1: The Contract Act, 1872
Essential Elements of Valid Contract, Essential elements of Valid Contracts, Contracts of
Indemnity & Guarantee, Contingent Contract, Quasi Contract, Discharge of contract,
Breach of contract-Meaning & remedies, Agency - Creation of Agency – Agent and
Principal (Relationship/rights), Types of Agency
Unit 2: Sale of Goods Act, 1930
Contract of sale of goods, Conditions & warranties, Transfer of property or ownership,
Performance of the Contract of Sale, Rights of unpaid seller, Sale by Auction
Unit 3: The Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881
Negotiable Instruments – Meaning, Characteristics, Types. Parties, Holder and holder in
due course, Negotiation and Types of Endorsements, Dishonor of Negotiable Instrument –
Noting and Protest.
Unit 4: Information Technology Act, 2000
Digital Signature, Electronic Governance, Electronic Records E – Contracts, E – Business
models, E – Commerce & Security, Cyber Crimes. Intellectual Property Laws –
Understanding of concepts of patents, copyrights, trademarks and designs
Unit 5: The Consumer Protection Act, 2019
Unfair & Restrictive Trade Practices, Dispute Redressal Forums – District, State &
National Forum, Composition, Jurisdiction, Powers, Appellate Authority
Unit 6: Partnership Act,1932
Definition of Partnership, Kinds of Partners, Partnership Deed, Registration of a

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Item No. 8 Annexure_H structure and syllabus of I Sem. of MBA (specializations in
Marketing, Finance, HR, Healthcare Management)

Partnership Firm, Rights and Duties of Partners, Liabilities of Partners, Dissolution of a

Partnership Firm, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

Reference Books:
1) Elements of Mercantile Law by N.D. Kapoor, Sultan Chand
2) Legal Aspects of Business, Akhileshwar Pathak, Tata McGraw Hill
3) Business Law for Management, K.R.Bulchandani, Himalaya Publications

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13th AC Meeting 03.12.2021
Item No. 8 Annexure_H structure and syllabus of I Sem. of MBA (specializations in
Marketing, Finance, HR, Healthcare Management)

Name of the Program: MBA

Name of the Course: Management Fundamentals
Course Code:MBA-101

Year: I Semester: I

Course Credits:4
Learning Objectives:
1. To explain the various concepts of management
2. To make the students understand the contemporary management practices
3. To highlight professional challenges that managers face in various organization

Course Outcome:
1. Formulate and discuss a basic controlling model in a real life business, start-ups and not-
for-profit organizational context.
2. Build a list of the decision-making criteria used by practicing managers, leaders and
entrepreneurs in routine and non-routine decision-making situations and evaluate and
explain the same.
3. Compare and contrast various organizational structures of variety of business and not-
for-profit entities in a real-world context.

Unit 1: Introduction and Basics of Management
Definition, Need and Scope – Different schools of management thought – Behavioural,
Scientific, Systems, and Contingency. Contribution of Management Thinkers: Taylor,
Fayol, Elton Mayo Concepts of Manager, Managing, Workplace, Organization,
Management Functions, Managerial Competencies: Communication, team work, planning
and administrative, strategic and global competencies; Managerial Skills:
How Is the Manager’s Job Changing?, Importance of Customers to the Manager’s Job,
Importance of Innovation to the Manager’s Job, Importance of Sustainability to the
Manager’s Job
Unit 2: Planning
Concept, need, nature, Management By Objectives (MBO) - Process of MBO - Benefits of
MBO, Planning and Performance,
Goals and Plans: Types of Goals, Types of Plans, Setting Goals and Developing Plans,
Approaches to Setting Goals, Developing Plans, Approaches to Planning, Planning
Effectively in Dynamic Environments
Unit 3: Organizing and Decision Making
Organization, Organizing, Organizational Structures, Principles of Work Specialization ,
Departmentalization, Chain of Command, Span of Control, Centralization and
Decentralization, Formalization. Mechanistic and Organic Structures, Factors Affecting
Structural Choice - Strategy, Size, Technology, Environmental Uncertainty. Traditional
Organizational Designs - Simple Structure, Functional Structure, Divisional Structure,
Matrix Structure, Team Structures, Project Structure, Adaptive Organizations: Boundary
less Organization, Virtual Organizations, Learning Organization, Flexi Work, Tele-
working, Global Organizations
The Decision-Making Process, Making Decisions: Rationality, Bounded Rationality, The

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Item No. 8 Annexure_H structure and syllabus of I Sem. of MBA (specializations in
Marketing, Finance, HR, Healthcare Management)

Role of Intuition, and Role of Evidence-Based Management. Types of Decisions &

Decision-Making Conditions. Decision-Making approaches - Quantitative approach,
Environmental Approach, System Approach, Ethical Approach, Intuitive Approach, Case
Study Approach Decision-Making Styles - Linear–Nonlinear Thinking Style Profile,
Decision-Making Biases and Errors.
Unit 4: Staffing
Introduction, Staffing-Nature, Purpose, Recruitment, Selection, Induction, Orientation,
Performance Appraisals, Career Planning, Succession Planning, Attrition
Unit 5: Leading, Motivation and Directing
Nature, Leadership, Leadership Qualities, Difference between Managers and Leaders,
Leadership Styles, Motivation, Morale and Discipline and other related concepts
Unit 6: Controlling
Controlling, Definition, need and Importance, The Control Process, Managerial Decisions
in Controlling, Feed-forward / Concurrent / Feedback Controls. Financial Controls,
Information Controls, Benchmarking of Best Practices

Reference Books:

1) Fundamentals of Management by Robbins, S.P. and Decenzo, D.A., Pearson

Education Asia, New Delhi
2) Essentials of Management, Koontz and Wechrich, TMGH
3) Management, Stoner, et. al., Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

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13th AC Meeting 03.12.2021
Item No. 8 Annexure_H structure and syllabus of I Sem. of MBA (specializations in
Marketing, Finance, HR, Healthcare Management)

Name of the Program: MBA

Name of the Course: Managerial Accounting
Course Code:MBA-105
Year: I Semester: I
Course Credits:5
Learning Objectives:
1. To develop analytical abilities to face the business situations.
2. To know various tools from accounting and cost accounting this would facilitate the
decision making.
Course Outcome:
1. To evaluate the financial impact of the decision
2. Analyse the situation and decide the key financial as well as non-financial elements
involved in the situation
3. Perform all the necessary calculations through the relevant numerical problems.
Unit 1: Basic Concepts
Forms of Business Organization. Meaning and Importance of Accounting in Business
Organization, Basic concepts and terms used in accounting, Capital & Revenue Expenditure,
Capital & Revenue Receipts, Accounting Concepts and Conventions, Fundamental Accounting
Equation, Journal, Ledger and Trial Balance Secondary Books of Accounting, Preparation of
Trial Balance, Final Accounts of Sole Traders.
Unit 2: Financial Statements
Meaning of Financial Statements, Importance and Objectives of Financial Statements.
Preparation of Final Accounts of sole proprietary firm
Unit 3: Cost Accounting
Basic Concepts of Cost Accounting, Objectives, Importance and Advantages of Cost Accounting,
Cost Centre, Cost Unit, Elements of Cost, Classification and Analysis of Costs, Relevant and
Irrelevant Costs, Differential Costs, Sunk Cost, Opportunity Cost, Preparation of Cost Sheet
Unit 4: Elements of Costs
Materials Costs: - Materials purchasing, receiving, storing and issuing including pricing of issues.
Labour Costs and Labour Turnover.
Overheads- Identifying the overheads with cost centre. Allocation, Apportionment and
Absorption – Accounting treatment of Under and Over Absorption.
Preparation of Cost Sheet, items to be excluded while preparing cost sheet
Unit 5: Managerial Decision Making Techniques
Marginal costing – Cost volume profit analysis, BEP, Budgetary control, Operating and Financial
Budgets, Flexible Budgets. Standard Costing – Materials Cost and Labour cost variances only
Unit 6: Responsibility Accounting
Concept and Approaches to Responsibility Accounting, Different Responsibility Centres
Significance, Divisional Performance Measurement – Financial Measures
1) Principles of Management Accounting - Manmohan & Goyal
2) Management Accounting – Mr. Khan and Mr. Jain, Tata McGraw Hill
3) Fundamentals of Management Accounting – H. V Jhamb

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13th AC Meeting 03.12.2021
Item No. 8 Annexure_H structure and syllabus of I Sem. of MBA (specializations in
Marketing, Finance, HR, Healthcare Management)

Name of the Program: MBA

Name of the Course: Organizational Behavior
Course Code:MBA-102
Year: I Semester: I

Course Credits:4
Learning Objectives:
1. To obtain frameworks and tools to effectively analyze and approach various
Organizational situations
2. To gain a solid understanding of human behavior in the workplace from an
individual, group, and organizational perspective.

Course Outcome:
1. Elaborate upon the challenges in shaping organizational behavior, organizational
culture and organizational change.
2. Formulate approaches to reorient individual, team, managerial and leadership
behaviour in order to achieve organizational goals.

Unit 1: Introduction
Definition, Importance, Scope, Fundamental Concepts of Organizational Behaviour,
Different models of Organizational Behaviour.
Unit 2: Personality & Attitudes
Meaning of personality, attitude. Development of personality. Attributes of personality.
Transactional Analysis, Ego states. Nature and dimensions of attitude, Developing the right
Unit 3: Motivation
Definition, Importance, Motives, Characteristics, Classification of motives. Primary &
Secondary motives. Theories of Motivation, Maslow’s Theory of need hierarchy,
Herzberg’s theory. Morale - Definition and relationship with productivity, Morale
Group Dynamics and Team building:
Concept of Group & Team. Theories of Group Formation - Formal and Informal Groups.
Importance of Team building.
Unit 4: Conflict Management
Definition. Traditional vis-à-vis Modern view of conflict, Types of conflict, Intrapersonal,
Interpersonal, Organizational. Constructive and Destructive conflict.
Stress management: Definition, Causes, Managing stress, Stress as a motivator. Work life
Unit 5 Organizational Culture
Meaning & Definition of Organizational Culture, Creating & Sustaining Organizational
Culture, Types of Culture (Strong vs. Weak Culture, Soft vs. Hard Culture & formal vs.
Informal Culture), Creating Positive Organizational Culture, Concept of Workplace

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Item No. 8 Annexure_H structure and syllabus of I Sem. of MBA (specializations in
Marketing, Finance, HR, Healthcare Management)

Unit 6 Change management

Concept of change, change as a natural process, Importance & Causes of change, social,
economic, technological, organizational. Learning – unlearning, Concept of learning

Reference Books
1. Organizational Behaviour, Robins
2. Organizational Behaviour, Nelson & Quick
3. Organizational Behaviour , K Ashwathappa

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