Unambiguous Support of All The Neighbouring Countries For

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Draft Resolution 1.

Committee: General Assembly (DISEC)

Agenda: Situation in Afghanistan

Sponsors: Sri Lanka, French Republic

Signatories: Fiji, United Kingdom, India

Recognizing the need for strengthened efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan
and the important coordination role of the United Nations and Member countries in this regard,

Stressing on the importance of a continued presence of UNAMA and other United Nations Agencies,
Funds and Programmes and requests all parties to coordinate with UNAMA in implementing its
mandate of ensuring the safety, security and the freedom of movement of United Nations and
associated personnel throughout the country,

Welcoming the report of the Secretary-General of 2nd September, 2021,

1. Emphasizing all parties to allow full, safe and unhindered access to the United Nations and
its specialized agencies to provide the desired humanitarian assistance;
2. Reaffirms that the Afghan territory must not be used to threaten or attack any country and
should not become a safe haven for terror operations that could destabilise the region;
3. Reiterates the role of the member states in combating terrorism in Afghanistan, including
individuals and entities designated pursuant to resolution 1267(1999);
4. Reaffirms the importance of upholding and protecting the human rights of vulnerable groups
like women, children and minorities;
5. Recommends the full, equal and meaningful participation of women and minorities to seek
an inclusive, negotiated political settlement as a priority, involving CEDAW for monitoring
and assistance;
6. Suggests establishment of a Modus Vivendi that allows the Afghanistan government to
coexist in peace and aim to achieve the reforms to which it is committed, including the fight
against corruption and drug trafficking;
7. Appeals unambiguous support of all the neighbouring countries for acceptance of
Afghan asylum seekers and commence with programmes for psychosocial wellbeing of the
8. Urges donor countries to provide adequate fund for emergency education of refugee
children and the respective governments to allocate sufficient funds to support local
community-based groups hosting them;
9. Recommends all parties to cooperate with Special United Nations Envoy and Head of the
United Nation Mission in Afghanistan Deborah Lyon, UN special envoy for Afghan
humanitarian and refugee issues to coordinate the international response at the regional
10. Recommends the UN Security Council to substantially modify the UN Assistance Mission for
Afghanistan (UNAMA) mandate and prioritize the tasks -

10.1 Suggests establishing provision of political and technical oversight to prevent the
diversion of all resources meant for international assistance and ensure that the delivery of
such necessary assistance is consistent with humanitarian standards;
10.2 Urges that extension should come with guarantees with respect to safety and
security of all international and regional staff connected to UNAMA, UN programs, and other
international NGOs involved in provision of humanitarian aid.

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