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Very The English d and the Italian sonnet 1 READ the sonnet + find no peace’ by Thomas Wyatt and Petrarch’s sonnet ‘Pace 10 Then, in pairs, discuss why the poets ‘find no peace’ Why do you think the posts “07 > another, and thus | hate myself’ (line 11) and ‘ed d in odio me stesso ed amo altru! I find no peace El Thomas Wyatt First published in 1557 )) | I find no peace, and all my war is done; 28) I fear and hope, | burn, and freeze like ice; [fly above the wind, yet can I not arise, And naught‘ I have and all the world I seize on’; 5 That looseth nor locketh’ holdeth met in prison, : ‘And holdeth me not yet I scape nowise’ Nor letteth® me live nor die at my devise’, And yet of death it giveth* none occasion. Without eye I see, and without tongue I plain®; 5 I desire to perish, and yet I ask health; Hove another, and thus T hate myself; 1 feed me in sorrow, and laugh in all my pain.» Likewise displeaseth me both death and life, - ‘And my delight is causer" of this strife" 2 WRITE down the rhyme schemes of the sonnets, Are they the same? which incongruous or contradictory terms, Pet 11 Canzoniere (1342-74) Sonnet CXXXIV | 4 COMPARE Wyatt's sonnet with 2 Petrarch's original age define it: an imitation or a translation ‘pace non trovo"- ‘Hove Pace non trovo rarch Pace non trovo e non 6 da far guerra, ¢ temo e spero; ed ardo e son un ghiaccio; volo sopra 'I cielo e giaccio in terra; e nulla stringo, e tutto ‘| mondo abbraccio. Tal ma in pregion, che non mapre né serra, né per suo mi riten né scioglie il laccio; non miancide Amore e non mi sferra, né mi yuol vivo né mi trae d'impaccio. Veggio senza occhi e non 6 lingua e grido; e bramo di perir e cheggio aita, edd in odio me stesso ed amo altrui. Pascomi di dolor, piangendo rido; egualmente mi spiace morte e vita: in questo stato son, Donna, per voi. naught Nal {seize on. loafer. Tooseth noe locket Le Ie Nera ate How would you 4+ ldeth me Hse mi Some, In ssn abs 6 lett, fet ssa | are combined. Wyatt and Petrarch use ‘oxymora to express their personal feelings. 1. Underline all the pairs of contrasts in ‘Wyatt's poem and continue the table below. fine: ass 2 Ave the images presented in the same order in Petrarch’s sonnet? 3. What feeling does the use of oxymora convey? a | Your TURN 5 DISCUSS. All human beings ‘experience the dilemma of wantit I not wanting something. Does the | Sonnet you have just read manage to I express this psychological states 1 Nata Po rtman as Ane 25 Kg Hen a Gal dive nen gen Boleyn and Ene Bana im The Other fey To ms lment. Likewise. Ugualmene My delight causes 24 1 tie Lota

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