Financial Skill and Sustainability of Select Food Businesses in Taal, Lemery and Batangas

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A Research Paper

Presented to

The Faculty of Senior High Department

Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

Taal, Batangas

In Partial Fulfillment

In the requirements for Practical Research 1


Baleros, Joko B.

Pagkaliwagan, John Michael .

Villanueva, Mark Aiven H.


Table of Contents

Approval Sheet………………………………………………………………………….i




Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………

Chapter I: The Research Problem……………………………………………………


Conceptual Framework………………………………………………………...

Research Paradigm……………………………………………………………

Paradigm of the Study………………………………………………………….

Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………...


Scope, Delimitation, and Limitation of the Study…………………………

Significance of the Study………………………………………………………

Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………...

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature and Studies…………………………….

Related Literature………………………………………………………………

Synthesis of Related Literature………………………………………………

Related Studies………………………………………………………………….

Synthesis of Related Studies…………………………………………………

Chapter III: Research Methodology………………………………………………….

Research Design………………………………………………………………

Respondents of the Study……………………………………………………..

Data Gathering Instrument…………………………………………………….

Data Gathering Procedure……………………………………………………..

Statistical Treatment of Data………………………………………………….

Chapter IV: Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data………………

Chapter V: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations…………………...








Letter of Request……………………………………………………......

Statistical Treatment……………………………………………………......

Curriculum Vitae………………………………………………………………...




Prepared and submitted by Joko B. Baleros, Mark Aiven H. Villanueva and

John Michael C. Pagkaliwagan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for their

Research I has examines and recommended for approval of acceptance for Oral


Ms. Margarita M. Perez

Research Adviser


Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of ______.

Mr. Jhay-Are Galit

Ms. Joan C. Perez Ms. Ann Krisabelle Quilaton
Member Member

Approved and accepted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Research I.

Ms. Yolanda Adalin

Vice Principal


The researchers send their sincerest gratitude to the people who helped and

provided them the possibility to complete this study.

A special thanks to their Research Teacher Ms. Margerita M. Perez, For her

never-ending support from the very start of this school year and, from her

productive criticisms and suggestions and for the encouragement to help the

researchers make this study to become possible.

To the researchers’ friends and classmates who showed support and

eagerness to and who sacrificed their time and help despite hectic schedule in


To our dearest parents, who supports us financially and gave us the

permission to use all the required equipment and the necessary materials to

complete and finish the task

Lastly, we thank God for giving us the knowledge and the spirit to not give up

thus project, no matter what struggle or problem we face, we have God who

strengthens and helps us to get up again whenever we fall. No matter what

happen, God is with us and will always be with us, reminding us that “Nothings is


-The Researchers


I'd like to express my heartfelt appreciation to everyone who helped make

this study possible.

First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to my family for providing

me with daily motivation, guidance, encouragement, and financial support.

To my colleagues with whom I will share the publication of this research

paper's success.

Ms. Margerita M. Perez, my research paper mentor, assisted the writing of

this report in various respects through her wise guidance, constructive criticisms,
and patient support.

To all of the teachers who helped us along the way with this study paper and
gave us their full support and sincere congratulations.

Joko Baleros


I'd like to express my heartfelt appreciation to everyone who helped make

this study possible.

First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to my family for

providing me with daily motivation, guidance, encouragement, and financial


To my colleagues with whom I will share the publication of this research

paper's success.

Ms. Margerita M. Perez, my research paper mentor, assisted the writing of

this report in various respects through her wise guidance, constructive criticisms,

and patient support.

To all of the teachers who helped us along the way with this study paper

and gave us their full support and sincere congratulations.

Mark Aiven Villanueva


I'd like to express my heartfelt appreciation to everyone who helped make

this study possible.

First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to my family for

providing me with daily motivation, guidance, encouragement, and financial


To my colleagues with whom I will share the publication of this research

paper's success.

Ms. Margerita M. Perez, my research paper mentor, assisted the writing of

this report in various respects through her wise guidance, constructive criticisms,

and patient support.

To all of the teachers who helped us along the way with this study paper

and gave us their full support and sincere congratulations.

John Michael Pagkaliwagan






Researchers: Baleros, Joko B.

Pagkaliwagan, John Michael C.

Villanueva, Mark Aiven H.

Total Number of Pages: : pages

Type of Document: : Research

Name and Address of Institution: : Our Lady of Caysasay

Academy, Taal, Batangas

Number of Respondents: : 100 Food business owners from

Taal, Lemery and Lemery


This chapter presents the summary of the study, the findings, the
conclusion, and recommendation based on the findings of the researchers

This study aims to determine the relationship betweenFinancial

Skill and Sustainability of Select Food Business om Taal, Lemery and

Batangas. The study was aimed to answer the following questions:

1. How do the business owners asses their financials skills?

2. How do the business owners assess the sustainability of their business??

3. There is no significant relationship between the owner’s financial skills and the

sustainability of their business.

4. How can the proposed sustainability development plan to the business

devised to improve the owners’ financial skills and the sustainability of their


Findings of the Study

Based on the data collected, the following findings were obtained:

1. In the assessment of financial skill the highest frequency is "good" with 83

frequency and 83 percent while "poor" had no frequency nor percent.

2. In the assessment of sustainability the highest frequency is "good" with 71

frequency and 71 percent while "poor" had no frequency nor percent.

3. The assessment of the financial skill and sustainability of businesses

obtained a computed r-value of 0.724, verbally interpreted as having high

correlation. It has a p-value of 1.72E-17 which is less than 0.05 level of

significance that led to the rejection of the null hypothesis. Thus, the food

business owners' financial skill was significantly related to the

sustainability of their businesses.

4. The proposed sustainability development plan are anchored on the results

of the research wherein it focuses on enhancing the food business

owners’ financial skills and the sustainability of their business.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were produced:

1. The average level of the literacy skill of food business owners is 2.85

meaning that it is on the good level.

2. The average level of the businesses' sustainability is 2.97 meaning that it

is on the good level.

3. There is a significant relationship between the food business owners'

financial skill and the sustainability of their businesses.

4. The proposed sustainability development plan may help in improving the

owners’ financial skills and the sustainability of their business.


After the conclusions have been drawn, the following recommendations

may be considered:

1. The business owners may use the results of the study to formulate more

ways in developing their financial skills and the sustainability of their


2. The aspiring business owners may utilize the findings of the study to

educate themselves regarding the proper way to apply financial skills

Moreover; they may use this as a guide to run a business.

3. The devised sustainability development plan made by the researchers

may be used to give further ways to improve the financial skills, and

enhance the sustainability of businesses.

4. The future researchers may conduct similar study that will deeply explain

the findings of this research. Also, they may consider different factors that

affect one’s cognitive skills.

Chapter I



 In the business world, many business owners in Taal, Lemery and Batangas

need adequate financial skill. For the development of sustainable welfare and a

more transparent, fairer society, this makes financial skill essential. But the lack

of financial knowledge, overconfidence in financial knowledge and the lack of

government initiatives, regulations and frameworks, the lack of planning

and interesting and intriguing ways of teaching financial knowledge makes many

people understand little about finances. Individuals therefore have to make a

wide range of financial decisions and, unfortunately, they sometimes overlook the

risk associated with the decisions they make or simply do not understand it.

REPUBLIC ACT No. 10922, commonly known as the "Economic and

Financial Literacy Act." was passed by the Congress of the Philippines. It is to

develop national awareness of economic and financial literacy by declaring

"Economic and Financial Literacy Week" every year in the second week of

November. Through financially skilled people who make sound financial

decisions, mobilize savings, and contribute ideas to improve economic and

financial policies and programs, the State recognizes the growth potential of the

country. This adheres to the belief that to become a successful entrepreneur, one

must be financially skilled. (lawphil, 2016).

Financial literacy is one of the important skills needed for an entrepreneur to

be successful in their business. Business owners uses this skill to fully control

their business and gain an understanding of what balance sheets and profit and

loss statements mean to provide them a clear view of the financial state of their

enterprise and subsequently facilitates smarter business decisions. With this

Financial Literacy has been regarded as one of the skills required in running a

business. Therefore, entrepreneurs must be financially literate to apply their

understanding in order to make effective decisions to improve the financial well-

being of individuals and society. However the lack of financial literacy can lead to

large amounts of debts and poor financial decisions. Research studies on

financial literacy have shown that most financial consumer lack the ability. To

understand and effectively manage basic financial concepts or products. There

are predatory lenders who prey on the financially illiterate with high-interest rates,

subprime mortgages, and even fraud. Lack of financial knowledge can lead

someone to high debt, bad credit, and even bankruptcy.

The challenge of promoting financial skill in the country has also been

taken up by financial institutions such as banks. BDO Foundation, BDO

Unibank's corporate responsibility arm, produces videos of financial literacy and

educational materials for school-age children and Filipino workers overseas. The

BPI Foundation of the Bank of the Philippine Island has a "Manny & Me" program

that integrates concepts of financial management into elementary subjects. It is

not too late to become proficient, money-wise, for working people and even

moms who are struggling with their finances. (Remo, 2019).

In the Philippines, however, financial literacy remains low, with only two

percent of Filipino adults able to answer questions on the subject correctly,

according to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP, 2014). The BSP cited findings

from a study conducted by the World Bank that asked seven questions relating to

financial literacy, it included how to compute investments for compounding

interest, inflation and diversification. The World Bank study previously stated that

financial management habits developed during childhood tended to remain with

us into adulthood. This means that if a child is raised with the correct attitude and

mindset about money and savings, as they grow, they tend to be more intelligent

about finances. In their choices as consumers, and how they plan for retirement,

this is evident. Another study by the World Bank in 2014 also found that 20 million

Filipinos save money, but not all have bank accounts. An Asian Development

Bank (ADB) study reported the following year that the country had no national

strategy for financial education. (Laurus Enterprises, 2018).

According to Johanning (2019), people who are financially illiterate are at a

greater risk of financial instability in their businesses. It can result in poor saving,

poor spending, excessive credit card use, and bad investment decisions. The

stress of financial insecurity in families can lead to divorce, suicide, domestic

violence and other crimes.

It is important for entrepreneurs to be aware that financial literacy is an

important skill that they must practice for the sustainability of their businesses

and avoid financial problems along the way. The researchers want to know the

relationship between entrepreneur’s financial skill and the business sustainability

of entrepreneurs in Taal, Lemery and Batangas. The objective of this papers us

to determine if the entrepreneur’s level of their financial skill can affect the

sustainability of their business as basis for the proposed sustainability

development plan to the sustainability of the business. This paper aims give

information the entrepreneurs about financial skill; what it is, advantages of being

skilled and disadvantages by being unskilled.

Conceptual Framework

According to Eresia-Eke, C., & Raath, C. (2013),. During the study, the

researchers sought to explore the connection between the financial literacy of

SMME owners and their business growth in South Africa (2013). At the beginning

of the study, the researchers had to determine if the SMME owners were

financial literate and thus the growth of their companies was collected from small

businesses from the local chamber of commerce in the South African province of

Gauteng in a cross-sectional manner. The researchers used questionnaires to

collect data from their respondents, who were the 105 owners of the SMME, in

conducting the study,  it resulted in (57%) of respondents reporting that they had

received some form of financial training or education, while (43%) of respondents

reported that they had not received some kind of financial training. The research

is an ex-post-facto and cross-sectional form of empirical study. In the study, in

the process of finding the data, the researchers used non-probability methods,

mixed judgement and snowball sampling. The conclusions were that the study

failed to show the correlation between the business owner's financial literacy and

their business growth, which seems to contradict the logic that any financially

illiterate person would not be able to manage or grow a company, although the

researchers claimed that this is not necessarily the case because the study did

not distinguish between SMMEs owners'_Financial


 Proposed
 Business owner’s
 Researcher- development
Financial Skills
made plan to the
 The sustainability
Questionnaire sustainability
of the businesses
of the

Figure 1.0
Research Paradigm

Paradigm of the Study

Figure 1.0 shows the conceptual paradigm of the study. The box at the left

contains the independent variable which is “Entrepreneurs’ Financial skills” and

the dependent variable which is “The sustainability of the business”. The box at

the middle shows the research instrument used in the study, the researcher-

made questionnaire. Lastly the third box represents the researcher’s proposed


Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to assess the relationship between financial skills and

sustainability of a business.

Specifically, the study wants to answer the following questions.

1. How do the business owners asses their financials skills?

2. How do the business owners assess the sustainability of their business??

3. There is no significant relationship between the owner’s financial skills and the

sustainability of their business.

4. How can the proposed sustainability development plan to the business

devised to improve the owners’ financial skills and the sustainability of their


There is no significant relationship between the owners’ financial skills and

the sustainability of the business

Scope, Delimitation and Limitation

The researchers would like to find out how financial skill of business owners

in Taal, Lemery and Batangas may affect the sustainability of their business as

basis for Proposed sustainability development plan to the sustainability of the


The researchers considered 100 food business owners from Taal,

Lemery and Batangas. The data for financial skills and sustainability of the

business are based in the results of the researchers made questionnaire

validated by experts in the field, a statistician and a grammarian. The

researchers gathered the needed information through different digital libraries

and internet websites.

The study did not discuss other branches of business skills such as

business management skills and analytical and problem solving skills that may

also affect the business’s sustainability. The perceived lapse of the study is that

the outcome may only be true to some business owners. Other factors that may

affect the business sustainability are not discussed in this study.

Significance of the study

The study focuses on entrepreneurial skills, particularly financial skills, and will

have an effect on how various companies and future businesses manage their

businesses and maintain sustainability. The findings of the research would

benefit the following.

Food Businesses. The study will help evaluate the skills required to manage

businesses properly and ensure sustainability.

Aspiring Business Owners. The results may be able to provide aspiring

business owners references and useful knowledge in handing their business. It

will serve as a guide as they build their business and as they maintain their

business’ sustainability

Accountancy, Business and Management students. Through this study

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) students may have a general

idea and knowledge in handing business thus will be of help to those students

who aspires to have their own business and avoid any mistakes that can ruin

their business

The future researchers. The outcome of the study may serves as a

reference or guide for future researchers on how to conduct their studies and can

be serve as an important source of information

Definition of Terms
For clearer understanding of the study, important terms are hereby defined

conceptually and operationally.

Business. It is defined as an organization or enterprising entity engaged

in commercial, industrial, or professional activities (Hayes, 2020). Operationally,

it refers to the entrepreneur’s firm and activities to make and sell goods or

services for profit.

Entrepreneur. An entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business,

bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards (Hayes, 2020).

Operationally, it refers to a person who organizes and operates a food business

or businesses in Taal, Lemery and Batangas.

Finance. It is a broad term that describes activities associated with banking,

leverage or debt, credit, capital markets, money, and investments (Kurt, 2020). In

the study it refers to the money or other liquid resources of a business.

Sustainability. It refers to the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or

level (Lexico, 2020). Operationally, it refers to the management and coordination

of environmental, social and financial demands and concerns to ensure

responsible, ethical and ongoing success.

Financial Skill. Is the capability to use relevant knowledge and

understanding to manage an expected or an unpredictable situation in order to

solve a financial problem and convert it to a benefit and opportunity to one’s

advantage (Zeynep Tezel, 2015). In the study it refers to the financial skill of the

food entrepreneurs in Taal, Lemery and Batangas.

Chapter II


This chapter presents the literature and studies which are relevant to the

study. The study presents some sources and some researchers who wrote their

own insights about financial skills and sustainability of a business.

Related Literature

Since the study is concerned with the assessment of the financial skill and

sustainability of a business, the researchers had come up with readings that are

related to the study. Such readings include financial skill, sustainability, and

proposed sustainability development plan.

Financial Skill. The level of financial literacy of a person is an important

factor for them to make a good financial decision. Financial literacy is not only

about the knowledge and understanding of financial concepts but it also involves

skills, motivation, and confidence in order to make effective decisions in a variety

of financial contexts, and to enhance the financial well-being of the society. Thus

both awareness and financial behaviour are related to financial literacy. (Lusardi,


Furthermore, financial literacy requires the combination of financial, credit

and debt management and the skills needed to make important

financial decisions in our everyday lives. Financial literacy includes an

understanding of how a checking account functions, what the use of a credit card

really entails, and how debt can be prevented. (Zucchi, 2019)

The instrument that will be used in financial management is a budget plan. It

tracks earnings and make sure that it just goes to the expenditures that business

owners want to fund at the same time. At least, if learning how to correctly use

the budget plan. Many individuals make a brilliant idea, then struggle to execute

it. People need to learn how to build a budget that is practical to make sure they

can execute it. There is a problem somewhere if people do not follow it. Maybe

they need updates or revisions to your budget plan. When the lifestyle changes

too, it has to change. That's part of the fundamental financial skills people need

to learn. (Diana 2018)

Managers make decisions that affect the financial performance of their

company, whether it is planning activities, recruiting and firing employees,

preparing a budget, authorizing a capital expenditure, or submitting an invoice for

payment. These executives also lack the basic financial skills to allow them to

consider the financial effects of their choices. As a consequence, resources are

lost, bad decisions are made, and the organization's financial output suffers.

(Oliver, 2016)

Financial literacy skills are the confidence, knowledge and skills necessary to

make financial decisions that foster financial self-sufficiency, security and well-

being. These skills include the ability to identify, analyze, and use knowledge,

tools, and services effectively and to make informed decisions about financial

commitments, budgeting, credit, debt, and future planning. (Susan, 2011)

Sustanability. In the transition to a sustainable economy, companies have a

crucial position, but this requires them to incorporate social and environmental

factors in their decision-making processes. This raises the challenge, however, of

resolving conflicting long-term and short-term economic, social and

environmental commitments. (Tilley and Catherine, 2019)

The goal of sustainable development is to use human and natural

resources for the longest possible time to enhance service quality. This approach

offers personal satisfaction, which promotes action to accomplish particular

objectives so that the result is acceptable and fulfills the necessary requirements.

(Anna Llorca Mestre, Ana Tur-Porcar and Norat Roig-Tierno, 2018)

In addition, sustainability is intended to encourage the survival of

businesses by implementation of strategies. The businesses recognized that the

need to act on sustainability increases as corporate responsibility requirements

and accountability increases. Therefore, professional communication and good

intentions are no longer enough. (Knut haanaes 2016)

The ability of businesses to meet their short-term financial needs without

losing the ability to address their future needs can be defined as business

sustainability. The definition of sustainable development therefore focuses on

time. (Pratima Bansal and Mark R. DesJardine, 2014)

The management and alignment of environmental, social and financial

criteria and issues to ensure responsible, ethical and ongoing success is

business sustainability, also known as corporate sustainability. Social,

environmental and economic demands are called the three foundations of

sustainability in a wider sense. They're often referred to as the triple bottom line

within the business sector. The idea is a divergence from the standard

understanding of the bottom line, which assesses all efforts in terms of their

short-term effects on earnings. (Ivy Wigmore, 2013)

Business Guidelines. The guidelines for the company are made to

achieve their goals. If business rules are properly implemented, they give

efficiency, precision, predictability and numerous other benefits. They will

ensure that the work continues and avoid a dysfunctional job with inconsistent

results, poor moral between employees and dissatisfied customers. (Mike

Raia , 2019)

Business regulations identify basic guidelines or restrictions on how to

execute such day-to-day acts. Business rules can include: an invoice

processing decision-making approval structure where only some executives

can sign off on invoice totalling a specific sum and regulations where a

company needs its workers to work with a preferred list of suppliers. They

offer a powerful and versatile way to help companies move more efficiently in

achieving their goals and better adapt to evolving business needs when

business rules are built separately from process implementations. (Laserfiche,


Many business rules will be optional for small businesses. Federal and

state regulations, however, can require the company to have and post policies

on such issues in the workplace, such as smoking, drugs and alcohol, and

sexual harassment. You have no choice but to comply with employment

regulations in the areas that are governed by law. (Mark Williams, 2012)

The business rules are an essential way of dealing with problems in a

business. A corporate regulation offers good and realistic guidelines. A

workable rule or advise must be sufficiently comprehensive and reliable so

that anyone can understand what it is or how it is interpreted which enables

employees to apply it efficiently and coherently in specific circumstances.

(Ronald Ross, 2012)

Business rules also inform why something should or may not be done.

They can also be the feedback criteria used to make more difficult business

decisions that will ensure business-wide compliance. Business rules may refer

to individuals, general corporate conduct, or business processes and help

guide business practices, business process growth, and business systems

development. (Chris Adams, 2011)


Financial literacy not only focuses upon learning and understanding

financial concepts, but also requires skills, inspiration and trust to make good

decisions and increase the financial well-being in the society in a number of

financial contexts. Financial literacy includes an understanding how a Learning

how to create a budget is important in financial management and forms part of

the core financial skills that people need to master. Managers with no basic

financial skills needed to take financial decisions affect their choices. This leads

to lack of funds, poor choices and financial results of the company. Financial

skills include the ability to efficiently recognize, interpret and use information,

resources and services and to make informed decisions on financial obligations,

budgeting, loan, debt and future planning.

Companies have a critical role in the transition to a sustainable economy,

forcing them to integrate social and environmental aspects into their decision

making processes. The goal of sustainable development is to use human and

natural resources for the longest possible time to enhance service quality. This

approach offers personal satisfaction, which promotes action to accomplish

particular objectives so that the result is acceptable and fulfills the necessary

requirements. In addition, sustainability is intended to encourage the survival of

businesses through the implementation of strategies. The ability of businesses to

meet their short-term financial needs without losing the ability to address their

future needs can be described as business sustainability. Business sustainability,

also known as corporate sustainability, is a responsible, ethical and ongoing

performance management and alignment with environmental, social and financial

standards and issues.

The guidelines for the company are structured to achieve their goals such

as fixing a dysfunctional job with inconsistent results, poor moral expectations

between employees and dissatisfied customers. When business rules are

properly done, they give productivity, efficiency, predictability and various

benefits. Business rules create specific rules or limits the manner in which certain

regular acts are carried out. For small companies, many company rules would be

optional. However, federal and state laws require the organization to enforce and

put policies on issues such as smoking, narcotics, alcoholic drugs and sexual

harassment in the workplace. Good and practical advice is given by a company

regulation. A workable rule or advice must be thorough and trustworthy to help all

to understand what it is or how it is understood to allow workers to apply it in any

situations effectively and coherently. Corporate laws often inform why something

needs to be done or not. They can also be the feedback criteria used to make

more complex business decisions that will ensure business-wide compliance.


This segment presents similar studies to the current study that the

researchers have gathered.

Muhammad Irfai Sohilauw, Mursalim Nohong, and Andi Sylvana (2020)

examined the relationship between Financial Literacy, Rational Financing

Decisions, Financial Capital, and SME Financial Performance. The researchers

used surveys to collect information from the respondents. The researchers used

a cluster method technique and stratified random sampling to pick the

respondents, people who are included are from traditional markets, small

business debtors, medium business debtors, and troubled debtors. The

researchers used Structural Equation Modeling with the AMOS Software to

analyze the data, and the results showed that Financial Literacy, Rational

Financing Decision, and Financial Capital have a major impact on SME Financial


Furthermore, the researchers' goal in the study by Joseph Kwadwo Tuffour,

Awurabena Asantewa Amoako, and others (2020) is to examine the impact of

financial literacy (awareness, attitude, and knowledge) on the efficiency (financial

and non-financial) of small-scale enterprises in the Ghanaian municipality of La

Nkwantanang Madina. During the course of the study, the researchers used a

questionnaire to gather data from 200 small-scale managers. The findings of the

analysis were based on the structural equation model. Financial literacy has a

major influence on success, indicating that these three factors (awareness,

attitude, and knowledge) have a positive effect on both financial and non-

financial performance, while the other three factors (person's age, educational

level, and experience) have no effect on financial literacy or performance.

Similarly, in the study of Agung Dharmawan Buchdad, Amelia Sholeha, and

etc.(2020), the researchers intend to examine the aspects of the SME

performance of the manager's financial literacy, using the financial item and

financial risk attitude as mediation variables. The researchers used the complete

sampling or census technique in their methodology. In order to collect data for

the analysis, Because of their status as the best performing SMEs in Indonesia in

this area, the researchers distributed online questionnaires to 70 people who

manage SMEs in the Brebes district of Central Java in order to collect research

data. A standardized sample of questions is used to create the questionnaire. In

the analysis of the results, the researchers used a structural equation model and

descriptive analysis to analyze the respondent's data. The findings revealed that

financial literacy, access to finance, and financial risk attitudes all have a positive

impact on MSMEs' performance, and that the effect of mediation of access to

finance and financial risk attitudes on MSMEs' performance is related to the

relationship between financial literacy and financial risk attitudes.

According to Marsha Willard, Carole Wiedmeyer and etc (2020), In response

to a growing need to move the world toward sustainable development and

sustainable practices within government and industry, a whole new profession is

emerging. This research study was conducted to bring clarity, cohesion, and

credibility to this new area. The study, conducted over a nine-month period,

sought to answer the question, “What should a sustainability professional know

how to do?” The study involved nearly 400 professionals working in the field of

sustainability, well over half of them having more than three years’ experience,

and nearly a quarter reporting over a decade of experience in the field. The study

used both open-ended questions and ranking-and-rating questions for

respondents to identify the most critical issues and skills of relevance to their

work. This summary highlights the key findings of the study. Each study had a

slightly different focus yet resulted in an overlap of skills identified.

Communication skills were identified in more than one study, as was the ability to

understand systems and to build the business case for sustainability.

In addition, in a study by Daniel Agyapong and Albert Bampo Attram (2019),

researchers investigated the financial literacy of the owners of the Cape Coast

Metropolis owner – managers of small and medium-sized enterprises – and how

it affects business performance. The researchers selected owners-managers of

registered SMEs from the Cape Coast Metropolis National Board of Small and

Medium Enterprises as study respondents and used a simple random sampling

technique to select 132 respondents from the study. In terms of methodology, the

researchers collected data by using questionnaires. To ensure that all 132

respondents received a questionnaire, the researchers distributed 160

questionnaires to them and were able to collect their responses after several

attempts. The findings were analyzed using structural equation modeling, which

showed that owner-managers' financial literacy has a significant impact on

business performance, meaning that the higher the owner-managers' financial

literacy, the better their business performs.

According to Wan Fauziah Wan Yusoff and Khadijah Muhammad Usama

(2019) they conducted a study in Nigeria's Bauchi metropolis to investigate the

impact of financial literacy on the financial market performance of entrepreneurs.

When collecting data, the researchers prepared survey questionnaires for the

respondents, who were Bauchi State Nigerian entrepreneurs. The questionnaires

were created in order to assess the respondents' financial literacy as well as the

sustainability of their businesses. Unfortunately, the researchers were only able

to recover 385 out of 500 questionnaires (77.2%) for review due to the low cost

and inadequate time for respondents' responses, and some of the respondents'

responses were inconsistent. Finally, the researchers were able to determine that

financial literacy has a statistically significant effect on the business production of

entrepreneurs in Bauchi using a regression analysis to compute the response of

the composite index of the dimensions of financial literacy and entrepreneurial

business performance.

According to Juhani Ukko, Mina Nasiri and etc (2019) the role of a

sustainability strategy in the relationship between a digital business strategy and

financial performance is empirically explored in this paper. This study suggests

that a sustainability strategy acts as a promoter in the relationship between

managerial capacity and financial performance, but inhibits the relationship

between current capability and financial performance by classifying two

capabilities (managerial capacity and operational capacity) that are required to

realize a digital business strategy. Data was collected from 280 small and

medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in both the service and

manufacturing industries in Finland, using a formal survey questionnaire. Using

regression analysis, four developed hypotheses were tested to find the

relationship between digital business strategy, sustainability strategy, and

financial results. The results indicate that in the relationship between managerial

capacity and financial performance, a sustainability approach acts as a promoter,

but inhibits the relationship between organizational capability and financial


In the study of Anthony Abiodun Eniola and Harry Entebang (2017), The

researchers want to examine the financial literacy of small and medium business

(SMEs) owners and managers in three states in southwest Nigeria, and how it

relates to the firm's success or development. To collect data, the researchers

distributed 600 questionnaires to the respondents. The researchers used random

sample and structural equation modeling to evaluate the data gathered and the

respondents' financial literacy level (SEM). The findings reveal a connection

between financial literacy, financial understanding, financial awareness, financial

attitudes, and firm performance and development.

Furthermore, in the Aryal Nirmal and Panta Sabin Bikram (2015) study, The

researchers want to examine the financial literacy of small and medium business

(SMEs) owners and managers in three states in southwest Nigeria, and how it

relates to the firm's success or development. To collect data, the researchers

distributed 600 questionnaires to the respondents. The researchers used random

sample and structural equation modeling to evaluate the data gathered and the

respondents' financial literacy level (SEM). The findings reveal a connection

between financial literacy, financial understanding, financial awareness, financial

attitudes, and firm performance and development. They limited the contact of

respondents with one another in order for the researchers to evaluate the

respondents' individual abilities. Since it was a quantitative analysis, it was

evaluated using a descriptive approach based on the given conceptual

framework. The findings revealed that, despite their lack of financial literacy or

education, the majority of the respondents have at least basic financial

knowledge. The researchers also discovered that the majority of the respondents

are unaware of current financial market events.

Moreover, in the study of Grant Samkin and Elizabeth Pitu and Mary Low (2014),

the aim of their study is to determine whether the financial literacy/skills of business

owners are necessary in order to be successful in business and whether their growth

and past financial education have an impact on their skills. In selecting the respondents,

the researchers used snowball sampling techniques to invite small business owners to

participate in the study. The study included 18 owners of 17 small businesses on the

North Island of New Zealand as respondents. Interviews were conducted to assess the

respondents which resulted that English and Math were secondary school subjects that

helped business owners to have knowledge of the financial side of their business.


Every study that is mentioned is related to the current study of the

researchers. Each studies shows the relationship between financial literacy and

sustainability of a business, also presenting how it was conducted, who the

respondents and what the findings of each studies are.

All of the mentioned studies have the same IDV and similar DV with the

current study which are financial literacy and the sustainability, growth or the

performance of the business. The studies conducted by Joseph Kwadwo Tuffour,

Awurabena Asantewa Amoako and etc (2020), Agung Dharmawan Buchdad,

Amelia Sholeha, and etc (2020), Daniel Agyapong and Albert Bampo Attram

(2019), Anthony Abiodun Eniola and Harry Entebang (2017), Grant Samkin and

Elizabeth Pitu and Mary Low (2014), Marsha Willard, Carole Wiedmeyer and etc

(2010), Juhani Ukko, Mina Nasiri and etc (2019) and, Mabutho Sibanda and

Blessing Maumbe (2019) shared similarities with the current study in terms of

respondents which are business owners/managers of SMEs or within the same

industry. In methodology, excluding one study, all of the mentioned studies have

the same methodology where the researchers conducted questionnaires and

surveys in gathering data from the selected respondents. The study of Grant

Samkin and Elizabeth Pitu and Mary Low (2014) applied the same snowball

sampling method of choosing the respondents just like the current study.

These studies each have their differences to the current study. In terms of

respondents these studies have different respondents to the current study. In the

study of Wan Fauziah Wan Yusoff and Khadijah Muhammad Usama (2019), the

researchers included the entrepreneurs of Nigeria's Bauchi metropolis as their

respondents , in the study of Aryal Nirmal and Panta Sabin Bikram (2015), the

researchers chose executives of the agro , in the study of Mella Fitria, Yurniwati ,

Annisaa Rahman (2018), the researchers chose the individuals who are in the

handicraft section in Padang city while in the study of Muhammad Irfai Sohilauw,

Mursalim Nohong, Andi Sylvana (2020), the researchers chose various

respondents such as the individuals in traditional markets, Small Business

debtors, Medium Business debtors and Troubled Debtors. As mentioned almost

all mentioned studies have the same methodology or the instrument in collecting

and gathering data from the respondents except for the Grant Samkin and

Elizabeth Pitu and Mary Low (2014) which conducted semi interviews for data for

their research. In terms of sampling or in choosing the respondents

Chapter III


This chapter covers the method and procedures utilized by the researchers.

This includes the research design, subject of the study, instruments and data

gathering procedure and statistical treatment.

Research Design

The researchers made use of descriptive research design to determine the

relationship between financial skill and the sustainability of the food businesses

in Taal, Lemery and Batangas.

Descriptive research is one of three basic types of research design. It is a

quantitative research method that is considered conclusive and is used to test

specific hypotheses and describe characteristics or functions. Descriptive

research should have a clear and accurate research question/problem. (Bar

Fluet, 2020)

In addition, descriptive research aims to accurately and systematically

describe a population, situation or phenomenon. It can answer what, where,

when and how questions, but not why questions. A descriptive research design

can use a wide variety of research methods to investigate one or more variables.

(McCombes, 2019).

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the business owner of food businesses in

Taal, Lemery and Batangas. The researchers randomly selected 100

respondents for the study.

Data Gathering Instrument

The respondents were given research-made questionnaire to gather

information which is suitable for the researchers’ conclusion. The questionnaire

includes questions about the financial skill. Also, it comprises questions about the

sustainability of a business.

Scale for Assessment of Financial Skill
Level Scale
Excellent 4
Good 3
Fair 2
Poor 1
Scale for Assessment of Sustainability
Level Scale
Excellent 4
Good 3
Fair 2
Poor 1

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers sent a request letter to the owners/managers of food

businesses in Taal, Lemery and Batangas before conducting the research study.

The researchers handed out the survey questionnaires to the respondents

through the use of the internet and collected the questionnaires after two weeks.

Consequently, the results of the answered survey questionnaires were tallied,

analyzed, and interpreted.

Statistical Treatment of Data

After the researchers retrieved the data, tallying, tabulating, and analyzing

was done. The following statistical treatments were used:

Frequency. This was used to determine the number of respondents for each

assessment of the financial skill and sustainability of business of select food

business owners in Taal, Lemery and Batangas.

Mean. This was used to determine the average respondent for each level of

assessment of financial skill and the sustainability of food businesses in Taal,

Lemery and Batangas.

Percentage. This was used to determine the proportion of respondents for the

assessment of the financial skill and sustainability of business of select food

business owners in Taal, Lemery and Batangas.

Pearson-r Moment of Correlation. This was used to determine the relationship

between the financial skill and the sustainability of business of select food

business owners in Taal, Lemery and Batanga

Chapter IV


This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data based on the

statistical procedure. The data used in the interpretation were gathered from food

business owners from the vicinity of Taal, Lemery and Batangas

1. Financial Skills

The food business owner’s financial skills s evaluated and presented

on the table 3 below

Table 3
Food business owners’ assessment of Financial Skill

Level f %
Excellent 7 7%
Good 83 83%
Fair 10 10%
Poor 0 0%
(1.0-1.49) As

Total 100 100%

indicated on the table, out of 100 food business owners, 83 or 83 percent are

within the good level, followed by the fair level with a frequency of 7 or 7 percent,

significantly higher than the previous one. Also, 10 or 10 percent belong to the

fair level. Lastly, none of 100 food business owners are part of the poor level.

In the table, is it indicated that the Good level is shows the highest frequency

out of all the levels, with a frequency of 83 or 83 percent. It suggests the majority

of food business owners possess a good level of financial skills. Moreover, is

also implies that their business are also in an acceptable sustainability level.

As mentioned by Zucchi (2019), financial literacy is described as the ability to

manage money, credit, and debt, as well as the skills required to make important

financial decisions in our daily lives. Understanding how a checking account

operates, what using a credit card means, and how debt can be avoided are all

examples of financial literacy.

In similar with Susan (2011), financial literacy skills are the trust, awareness,

and skills needed to make financial decisions that lead to financial security,

stability, and well-being. These abilities include the ability to efficiently recognize,

interpret, and apply information, resources, and services, as well as the ability to

make informed financial choices, budgeting, credit, debt, and future planning


In addition Lusardi (2019) stated that a person's level of financial literacy is a

critical factor in making good financial decisions. Financial literacy requires not

only the knowledge and understanding of financial principles, but also the

expertise, inspiration, and trust needed to make effective decisions in a variety of

situations and to improve society's financial well-being. As a result, financial

literacy is linked to both financial knowledge and financial behavior.

2. Sustainability of a business

The sustainability of the businesses of the food business owners are

evaluated and presented below in table 4

Table 4
Sustainability of a business

Level f %
Excellent 13 13%
Good 71 71%
Fair 16 16%
Poor 0 0%

Total 100 100%


nted on the

table, the good level has the highest frequency out of all the other levels, with the

frequency of 71 or 71 percent. It is higher than both the excellent level and fair

level with the frequency of 13 or 13 percent and 16 or 16 percent. While the poor

level have 0 frequency.

Based from the result, it can be said that the majority of the food business

owners have a sustainable business.

In the article of Anna Llorca Mestre, Ana Tur-Porcar and Norat Roig-Tierno,

(2018) states that the goal of sustainable development is to increase service

quality by using human and natural resources for as long as possible. This

method provides financial gain, which encourages people to take action to

achieve specific goals so that the end result is satisfactory and meets the


Moreover, Knut haanaes (2016) mentions that the aim of sustainability is to

help companies survive by implementing strategies. Businesses have recognized

that as corporate responsibility and accountability requirements expand, so does

the need to act on sustainability. As a result, competent contact and good

intentions aren't enough any longer.

Furthermore in the article of Pratima Bansal and Mark R. DesJardine, (2014)

states that Business sustainability is described as a company's ability to meet

short-term financial needs without risking its ability to meet future needs. As a

result, the emphasis of the concept of sustainable development is on time.

3. Relationship between Financial Skills and Sustainability of a

businesses of the food business owners

The Relationship between Financial Skills and Sustainability of a

business is shown in table 5 below.

Table 5

Mean Mean r-value Descriptio p- Decision( H 0 Verbal

Level of Level of n valu ) Interpretation
Financial Sustainabi e
Skills lity

2.85 2.97 0.724 High 1.72 Reject Significant


Relationship between Financial Skills and Sustainability of a business

As shown in Table 5, the mean level of the Financial Skills 2.85, while the

mean level of the Sustainability of a business 2.97.

The Relationship between Financial Skills and Sustainability of a business

was evaluated and computed where the r value is 0.724, verbally interpreted as

having high correlation. Since the computed p-value is less than 0.05 level of

significance, it rejects the null hypothesis. Thus, there is a significant relationship

between financial skills and sustainability of a business.

The results agree with the study of by Joseph Kwadwo Tuffour, Awurabena

Asantewa Amoako and etc. (2020) which stated that financial literacy has

significance impact on the performance of the business, indicating that the three

factors (awareness, attitude and knowledge) have a positive effect on both

financial and non-financial performances.

Moreover, in the study of Anthony Abiodun Eniola and Harry Entebang

(2017) shows that the respondents’ financial literacy, financial knowledge,

financial awareness, and financial attitudes is correlational with the performance

of the business and its growth. Implying that the greather the financial literacy of

an individual within the company the likely for him/her to perform well in the

business thus improving the company.

Also, in the study Daniel Agyapong and Albert Bampo Attram (2019)

investigating on how financial literacy affects the business performance. In the

analyzation of the results, it was concluded that the greater financial literacy of

the owner-managers the better their business performs.

Furthermore Irfai Sohilauw, Mursalim Nohong, Andi Sylvana (2020) assess

the relationship of Financial Literacy, Rational Financing Decision, Financial

Capital, and the SME Financial Performance. In evaluating the results, it was

concluded that Financial Literacy, Rational Financing Decision, Financial Capital,

significantly affects the SME Financial Performance.

Therefore, in order for the business to obtain stability or sustainability one

must possess sufficient financial skills and characteristics for the business to be

successful or profitable. In the study of Grant Samkin and Elizabeth Pitu and

Mary Low (2014) corresponds with the current study, where they sought to

determine if past financial skill and education has an effect on micro businesses

and its growth. They were able to find out that past financial education such as

English and Mathematics helped the business owners to possess financial

knowledge for their businesses

4. Proposed sustainability development plan

The proposed sustainability development plan are intended to help food

business owners to strengthen their financial skill and their businesses'

sustainability. The sustainability development plan will be based on the results

and from the researchers' observations.  Furthermore, the researchers discussed

and planned their content based on information they had collected about the

financial skills of food business owners' and the sustainability of their companies.

Many other guides can be based on the sustainability development plan

proposed. Ultimately, this will become a solution to improve the financial skill and

sustainability of businesses.


Since the findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between

one’s financial skill and sustainability, the researchers developed a sustainability

development plan that will benefit ABM students and most especially the

business owners. A guide is made to achieve a well-guided people for the

industry. The sustainability development plan is based on the assessment of

financial skills and the sustainability of their businesses, it is a tool to further

enhance their skills. Furthermore, the application of these sustainability

development plan to their business would promote good decision making and


l. Title

Proposed sustainability development plan to the sustainability of the


ll. Description

The researchers, being concerned individuals with regards to the peoples'

financial skills and the sustainability of businesses, took the role of helping the

business owners in improving their financial skill and the sustainability of their

business which will help them to achieve greater competitive advantages.

Through a sustainability development plan, the business owners will be

enlightened of how to improve ones' financial skills and sustainability of their

business. Moreover, it serves as an instrument for an effective implementation of

sustainability development plan to a business.

lll. Nature and Purpose

To polish the financial skill and sustainability of businesses regarding the

entirety of the industry, specifically the business owners, and how to enhance it

effectively are the primary purposes of the proposed sustainability development

plan. Through this, many businesses could grow and give more importance to

their stability. Moreover, the overall sustainability development plan could be of

great help, in the present and then, to those people who are finding ways to

improve their financial skill and the sustainability of their business.

Proposed sustainability development plan to the sustainability of the Business

Sustainability Development Plan

 The business is able to implement plans that will help it
stay in operation for a long time.

 The business is able to generate a steady stream of
revenue that allows it to continue operating in the long run.

 The business is able to sustain or boost its

operational operations, resulting in increased
long-term profitability.


1st Resources. It is critical to use your resources wisely in order to maintain a steady
supply of materials and manpower in a business..

2nd Review the establishment performance it’s essential to keep up with the current
state of the market, whether it's the organization's current situation or its social impact in
the industry.

3rd Policies. Ensure that the implemented polices within your company assist you in
your plan of sustainability.

4th Communication. This is critical for the business to grow; and department and
employee must have access to a communication line in order for the organization to
function properly; otherwise, confusion and miscommunication would reign.

5th Feedback. The owner must be aware of the state of both the company and the
employees; therefore, feedback is critical for the owner to understand the
establishment's shortcomings and strengthen the current situation.

6th Innovation. In order for a business to improve, it must be adaptable to societal

changes. Patterns change, and people's perspectives on a particular topic will shift. As a
result, businesses must be willing to try new ideas in order to remain viable.

Financial Skill

1st Your Strength and Weakness. When it comes to running a company, one
must evaluate oneself to determine one's strengths and weaknesses. You

must capitalize on your strengths and apply them to the business. You should

try to compensate for your shortcomings in the areas where you are weak.

2nd Training. It is always a good idea to continue your education in this field;
having the opportunity to apply your financial knowledge in your everyday life can

greatly benefit your business projects.

3rd Financial Behavior. It is essential for an owner to have a behavior or habits

that enables him/her to financially benefit the business such as wise spending or able

to judge what actions are beneficial to the company.

4th Awareness. As a business owner, you must be able to recognize financial

risks and devise a way to manage them.

5th Implementation of a budget within the company. Creating a

comprehensive budget for your company will greatly assist you in monitoring

your growth, revenue, expenses, and any business projects.

Chapter V


This chapter presents the summary of the study, the findings, the conclusions

based on the findings of the researchers

The study aimed to assess the relationship between financial skills and

sustainability of a business.

Specifically, the study wants to answer the following questions.

1. How do the business owners asses their financials skills?

2. How do the business owners assess the sustainability of their business??

3. There is no significant relationship between the owner’s financial skills and the

sustainability of their business.

4. How can the proposed sustainability development plan to the business

devised to improve the owners’ financial skills and the sustainability of their



The researchers posted the hypothesis:

H 0 : There is no significant relationship between the owners’ financial skills

and the sustainability of the business

Descriptive type of research was used to describe the relationship

between the food business owners’ financial skills and the sustainability of their

business. The researchers administered questionnaires to 100 food business

owners within the vicinity of Taal, Lemery and Batangas. The statistical tools

utilized in this study were frequency, mean, percentage and Pearson-r Moment

of Correlation.

Findings of the Study

Based on the data collected, the following findings were obtained:

1. In the assessment of financial skill the highest frequency is "good" with 83

frequency and 83 percent while "poor" had no frequency nor percent.

2. In the assessment of sustainability the highest frequency is "good" with 71

frequency and 71 percent while "poor" had no frequency nor percent.

3. The assessment of the financial skill and sustainability of businesses

obtained a computed r-value of 0.724, verbally interpreted as having high

correlation. It has a p-value of 1.72E-17 which is less than 0.05 level of

significance that led to the rejection of the null hypothesis. Thus, the food

business owners' financial skill was significantly related to the

sustainability of their businesses.

4. The proposed sustainability development plan are anchored on the results

of the research wherein it focuses on enhancing the food business

owners’ financial skills and the sustainability of their business.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were produced.

1. The average level of the literacy skill of food business owners is 2.85

meaning that it is on the good level.

2. The average level of the businesses' sustainability is 2.97 meaning that it

is on the good level.

3. There is a significant relationship between the food business owners'

financial skill and the sustainability of their businesses.

4. The proposed sustainability development plan may help in improving the

owners’ financial skills and the sustainability of their business.

After the conclusions have been drawn, the following recommendations

may be considered:

1. The business owners may use the results of the study to formulate more

ways in developing their financial skills and the sustainability of their


2. The aspiring business owners may utilize the findings of the study to

educate themselves regarding the proper way to apply financial skills

Moreover; they may use this as a guide to run a business.

3. The devised sustainability development plan made by the researchers

may be used to give further ways to improve the financial skills, and

enhance the sustainability of businesses.

4. The future researchers may conduct similar study that will deeply explain

the findings of this research. Also, they may consider different factors that

affect one’s cognitive skills.



Electronic References

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Kristina Zucchi (2019) Why Financial Literacy Is So Important

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Appendix A

Survey Questionnaire

We, the Grade 12 students of Our Lady of Caysasay Academy under ABM
strand, are currently conducting a study entitled "FINANCIAL SKILL AND
as a requirement in Practical Research 2 subject. We kindly request your
cooperation in answering this questionnaire below. (Your input will help us create
guidelines for those existing Businesses to help them improved). The survey will
only take a little amount of your time; and we assure you that we will provide you
sufficient time and your answer will be in anonymity

Thank you for helping us out. Your response truly essential for the completion of
our research.


Name (Optional):_____________________________ Sex:


Grade and Section: __________________________

Direction. Put a check on the box corresponding to your answer.

1 – Poor 2 – Fair 3 – Good

4 - Excellent

For Financial Skill:

The business owner has the ability to… 1-Poor 2- 3- 4-Excellent

Fair Good
1.) Track earnings and make sure that
it goes to the expenditure of the

2.) Decide according to financial


3.) Make decisions in regards with

credit management

4.) Put resources to an investments

5.) Make effective decisions in a variety

of financial context

6.) Make financial decisions with

7.) Make informed decision regarding
debt management

8.) keep a good financial behavior

9.) Solve financial problems such as


10.) Budget financial resources.

11.) Manage financial resources

12.) Enhance the financial well-being.

13.) Improve budget plan.

14.) Manage emergency funds

15.) Limit bad spending behavior

16.) Put up an interest rates

17.) Make a passive or active income

18.) Grow financial awareness

19.) Avoid debts

20.) Calculate net worth

For Sustainability

The business owner has the ability to… 1-Poor 2- 3- 4-Excellent

Fair Good
1.) Make use of human and natural
resources to improve business.

2.) Respond over the long term

damage caused by a focus on short-
term profits

3.) Take into account of a variety of

variables that affects the business.

4.) Decide in terms of social impacts

that has a positive change and
addresses a pressing social challenge

5.). Encourage actions needed to

achieve specific goals.

6.) Meet the criteria required for

operational requirements.

7.) Make investments that would lead to

a higher profitability

8.) Develop strategies that promote

longevity of the business.

9.) Act on sustainability as standards of

corporate responsibility

10.) Frame decisions in terms of long-

term environmental

11.) Respond to short term financial


12.) Manage environmental demands
and concerns

13.) Decide in terms of human impact

that creates value adding initiative.

14.) Manage social demands and


15.) Promote longevity of the business.

16.) Respond to public discontent

17.) Create long-term financial goals

18.) Maintain professional contact.

19.) Ensure ongoing success.

20.) Improve the quality of services

Integrated School
Taal, Batangas, Philippines 4208

February 8, 2021

Food Business Owners

Taal, Lemery and Batangas

Dear Sir/Miss:

The GRADE 12 students of Our Lady of Caysasay Academy under ABM strand,
are currently conducting a study entitled, “FINANCIAL SKILL AND
BATANGAS” as a requirement in their Research in Daily Life 2 subject. In
connection with this, we are requesting your good office to permit the following
students to distribute their questionnaire among the Food businesses owners in
the Taal, Lemery and Batangas area.

I hope this request will merit your kind and favorable consideration. Rest assured
that the gathered data will be treated confidentially.

Thank you very much.

Respectfully yours,

Joko Baleros
Mark Aiven Villanueva
John Michael Pagkaliwagan


Research 2 Teacher/
Senior High School Coordinator


Statistical Treatment



NAME: Joko B. Baleros


AGE: 18

ADDRESS: Seira, Taal Batangas

SEX: Last year



RELIGION: Roman Catholic

BIRTHDATE: November 28, 2002


FATHER’S NAME: Rodolfo T. Baleros

MOTHER’S NAME: Ma.Khamela B. Baleros


ELEMENTARY : Our Lady of Mount Carmel S.Y 2014-2015

SECONDARY : Our Lady of Caysasay Academy S.Y. 2019-2020

SENIOR HIGH : Our Lady of Caysasay Academy S.Y. 2020-2021


NAME: John Michael C. Pagkaliwagan

NICKNAME: Jm, Mike & X

AGE: 17

ADDRESS: Ipil, Taal Batangas

SEX: Male



RELIGION: Roman Catholic

BIRTHDATE: March 29, 2003

BIRTHPLACE: Mulanay, Quezon

FATHER’S NAME: Michael B. Pagkaliwagan

MOTHER’S NAME: Lea C. Pagkaliwagan


ELEMENTARY : Our Lady of Caysasay Academy S.Y. 2014-2015

SECONDARY : Our Lady of Caysasay Academy S.Y.2019-2020

SENIOR HIGH : Our Lady of Caysasay Academy S.Y. 2020-2021


NAME: Mark Aiven H. Villanueva

NICKNAME: Pedophile

AGE: 18

ADDRESS: Taal Batangas

SEX: Male



RELIGION: Roman Catholic

BIRTHDATE: August4, 2002

BIRTHPLACE: Lemery, Batangas

FATHER’S NAME: Marvin L. Villanueva

MOTHER’S NAME: Aimee H. Villanueva


ELEMENTARY : Our Lady of Caysasay Academy S.Y. 2014-2015

SECONDARY : Our Lady of Caysasay Academy S.Y. 2019-2020

SENIOR HIGH : Our Lady of Caysasay Academy S.Y. 2020-2021


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