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S.Y: 2021-2022

NAME: _______________________________________ GRADE/SECTION: ___________SCORE:

TEACHER: MR. JAY RYAN C. FLORES DATE: ________________

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Read and analyze each question carefully. Pray before you answer.

TEST I. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and if it is wrong, underline the
word/s that make/s the statement wrong and write the correct answer on the
space provided before the number. (5 points)

______________________ 1. The Latin saying “agere sequitur esse” means that our actions must be followed by love.
______________________ 2. Having a healthy heart is a way of letting the Kingdom of God reign in us.
______________________ 3. Eternal bread is a kind of bread that has limitations, imperfect and cannot satisfy our souls
______________________ 4. Retaliation is an effective means in order to have a fair and just living.
______________________ 5. The seventh petition is a plea for revelation.

TEST II. IDENTIFICATION. Identify which of the seven petitions in the Our Father are being referred in the
situations presented below. Write the description of each petitions on the space
provided before the number (5 points).

_____________________________ 1. Alice has an attitude to uttering, “Oh my God” when she is afraid of something
and when somebody scares her.
_____________________________ 2. The Jewish priest gives emphasis in their eighteen benedictions about the
importance of asking grace from God so that Basileia will come on earth.
_____________________________ 3. Jane is having fun in making nicknames of her classmates. As a result, many of
her classmates are insulted because some of their nicknames do not describe their
_____________________________ 4. A businesswoman persisted not to pay her tax because she knows that the
process of collecting the tax is unfair and unlawful.
_____________________________ 5. While Josh is happy eating, and celebrating Christmas with his family, he saw
street children outside from their home who are waiting for their leftover to be
thrown into the garbage bin.
TEST III. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the best answer and write the letter on the space provided before the number.
(15 points)
____________ 1. How are we going to actualize the value of the we petition in the Our Father?
A. By being sensitive to other’s needs
B. By loving others unconditionally
C. By entrusting our desires and plans to God and do our responsibility as his followers
D. By believing in God who is merciful and just
____________ 2. Forgiveness is relational. This statement means that _______________________________.
A. When we forgive it must be accompanied by a good relationship
B. When we forgive we also forgive ourselves
C. We build a strong bond to ourselves and to the one whom we offended if we forgive
D. We develop the sense of brotherhood when we forgive
____________ 3. How did God show his being in the thou petitions?
A. He showed himself as a God who is the ultimate cause of all existing beings
B. He showed himself as a God who forgives
C. He showed himself as a God who never leaves
- D. He showed himself as a God who is true to his promises
____________ 4. Alice allows her neighbor to copy the answers from her modules because her neighbor left at home
alone in the previous days, and there are many household chores that should be done. Is Alice
A. Yes, because Alice is just wanting to help her neighbor
B. No, because Alice’ s mercy is not just
C. Yes, because Alice is doing her mission as a baptized Christian believer
D. No, because Alice’s way of helping her neighbor is not reasonable
____________ 5. Is it still possible to forgive even if the one whom you will be forgiven is the person who hurt you
A. Yes, because forgiveness is beyond human understanding
B. No, because forgiveness does not leave any wounds in our emotions
C. Yes, because forgiveness is a process it will not happen in an instance but in progress
D. No, because forgiveness is always accompanied by freedom and love
____________ 6. Why do we need to anchor our will to the will of God?
A. Because God’s will is perfect and can never be wrong C. Because we are created by God
B. Because God’s will is strong and constant D. Because we are imperfect
____________ 7. How are we going to make heaven present here on earth?
A. By constant prayer C. By doing the will of God
B. By asking the graces from God everyday D. By confessing our sins everyday
____________ 8. If Christ did not show us the Kingdom, what would happen to us?
A. We cannot have the chance to enter heaven C. We will go astray
B. We cannot live the kind of life that God wants us to be D. We will lose our hope to live
__________ 9. What is the significant value of knowing the petitions in the Our Father?
A. Knowledge about God’s love C. Salvation for humankind
B. Repentance and forgiveness D. Awareness of one’s faith
____________ 10. In searching for the Kingdom, what did Jesus Christ taught us in order to make this Kingdom be
present in us always?
A. Have a listening heart C. Be strong to face difficulties
B. Have a constant communication with God through prayer D. Be humble
____________ 11. How do we recognize the will of God in our lives?
A. Through constant prayer and action C. Through our friends and companions
B. Through our life’s choices D. Through the signs of the time
____________ 12. Why the sacrament of penance is offered even to those who committed heinous crimes?
A. Because the mercy of God is endless C. Because it is the church’s mission
B. Because God chooses no one in his love D. Because the church is for everyone
____________ 13. Why forgiveness is necessary?
A. Because to forgive means to forget C. Because forgiveness is relative
B. Because to forgive means healing D. Because forgiveness is a divine act
____________ 14. What is the implication if we always forgive?
A. We will attain heaven C. We will be forgiven in return
B. We will become hypocrite D. We can attain peace
____________ 15. What is the ultimate meaning of the petition, “and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who
trespass against us”?
A. Love B. Humility C. Faith D. Hope

TEST III. ESSAY. Answer the questions asked below and write it on the space provided if the space provided is not
enough, you may provide a clean long bond paper with your name and staple it together with
the Test Paper (15 points).

1. How are you going to express and carry out your learnings on the thou petition in facing our current situation where
Covid – 19 is rampant? Cite your own concrete example/s. Criteria: Content – 7 pts. Organization – 3 pts. Total –
10 pts.

2. What are the values you have learned from the we petition that help you in your life’s journey and in facing the
challenges in the present and those that will come? Cite a personal example.
Criteria: Content – 3 pts. Organization – 2 pts. Total – 5 pts.

“Ang sugat ay bahagi ng pagmamahal”

- Bishop Raul Dael, DD

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