Upon Inspecting, It Is: Inspect For The Color

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First, I am going to Next is to Inspect scars to

inspect the coloration of the check if the scars are pale
skin ( the size, shape, and smooth and to check if
symmetry, movements, there are any non-healing
vascularity,protrusion and wounds, redness and
surface characteristics) To inflammation (USE
check if the abdominal skin CENTIMETER RULER)
is paler than the general STATE THE SIZE
skin tone and if there are
lesions or masses such as  Upon inspecting, it is
Grey- Turner sign, jaundice,
pale, smooth with
ascites, redness, bruises as
well as to note for any minimally raised old
striae/stretchmark. scars

 Upon inspecting, the

client’s abdominal skin FOR LESIONS AND
is paler than the
general skin tone and
the skin is intact with
no lesions or masses.
VASCULARITY OF THE  the client’s
ABDOMNAL SKIN. To check if
abdominal area is
the scattered veins are
free of lesions and
visible and to detect if there
are any caput medusa and
spider angioma present.
Next, I am going to inspect the Next, I am going to assess
umbilicus and note for its color the abdominal symmetry by
to see if there is Cullen sign or looking at the abdomen as
grey-turner. I will also be
observing the umbilical location
the client lies in a relaxed
and assess the contour of supine position. To check if
umbilicus. there is asymmetry, hernia
or diastasis recti
-Upon inspecting, the client’s
umbilical skin tone is similar to
-upon assessing the
surrounding abdominal skin
tones. The client’s umbilical is abdominal symmetry, the
midline at lateral line. As for client’s abdomen is symmetric
the contour of the umbilicus, it and does not bulge when the
is round and inverted no more client raise head.
than 0.5 cm.
And I will observe
abdominal movement when
Next, I am going to inspect the client breaths to see if
the abdominal contour by there is increased
sitting at the client’s side peristaltic waves or
and look across the abnormal respiratory
abdomen to check if the movements.
abdomen is flat or
distended and I will be -an abdominal respiratory
inspecting the area between movement was seen.
the lower ribs and pubic
bone as well as measure We’re through with the
the abdominal girth. inspection, now I am going
to conduct an auscultation
on the abdominal area.
-The client’s abdomen is flat.
First, I am going to auscultate vibration to check if there
the bowel sounds by using the are any tympany, dullness
diaphragm of the stethoscope and abnormalities
to check if there are any soft
clicks and gurgles (yung 4 -Upon percussing for tone, a
quadrants listen 1 min each) tympany sound predominated the
abdomen and dullness is heard
-Upon auscultating the bowel over the liver and the spleen.
sounds, there is a series of
Next, I will be percussing
intermittent soft clicks and
the liver by percussing the
gurgles heard at the rate of 5 to
lower boarder in the
30 per minute midclavicular line and
And then next, using the proceed to its upper
bell of the stethoscope, I am boarder at the upper right
going to listen for vascular chest line to check if there
sounds to check if there are is hepatomegaly and
any bruits heard over the atrophy present. And then, I
abdominal aorta or renal will repeat percussing the
and iliac femoral arteries liver at the midsternal line.
(mag mark ka ng 1 *saan
(ikot muna ang bell then
mo narinig ung dull
ipa warm mo sa kamay
mo auscultate the 5
areas) Mark 2*ask patient hold
- Upon auscultating the
vascular sounds, I didn’t hear Mark 3 galing la sa taas
any bruit sound on the client’s pababa until may marinig
abdominal aorta, iliac and kang sound sa linya ng
femoral arteries. nipple banda)
Next, I will be percussing - Upon percussing the lower
for tone by gently tapping level of the liver, the dullness
on the skin to create sound is located at the costal
margin to 1-2 cm below. For cm on all quadrants to
the upper level of the liver, the detect tenderness and
dullness sound is located masses in all four
between the left 5th and 7th quadrants and to detect
intercostal spaces. In the swelling, bulges and
midsternal line, the client’s masses in the umbilicus,
liver span is 4-8 cm.
- Upon performing light
palpation, the client’s
Next, I will be performing a abdomen is nontender and
blunt percussion on the soft and there is no guarding.
liver To check if there are However, there is a mild
any tenderness present and tenderness over the xiphoid,
by placing my left hand flat aorta, cecum, sigmoid colon
against the lower right and ovaries when the deep
anterior rib cage and palpation is performed.
percuss the kidneys at the There’s no palpable masses
costovertebral angles over present and the umbilicus and
the 12th rib. surrounding area are free of
-There’s no pain elicited upon swellings, bulges and
performing blunt percussion masses.
on the liver and the kidneys.
Now, I will be performing
I will be performing a light the test for appendicitis. I’ll
palpation by using my begin with assessing for
fingertips and compress to rebound tenderness. To
a depth of 1 cm in a dipping execute this procedure, I’ll
motion and perform deep perform deep palpation in
palpation by using the the abdomen where the
palmar surface of my client has pain then
fingers and compress to a suddenly release pressure.
maximum depth of 5 to 6
- There is no rebound knee and ankle and flex the
tenderness present. client’s hip and knee and
rotate the leg internally and
Next, I will perform a test for externally.
referred rebound
tenderness by deeply
palpating in the LLQ and -Upon assessing for
quickly release pressure. obturator sign, there is no
- There is no rebound pain abdominal pain present.

I will be assessing for

psoas sign by raising the
client’s right leg from the
hip and then, I will be
placing my hand on the
lower thigh. I’ll ask the
client to try to keep the leg
elevated as I apply pressure
downward against the lower
- there is abdominal pain

Lastly, for the test for

appendicitis, I will be
assessing for obturator
sign to check if there are no
abdominal pain by
supporting the client’s right

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