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Dear Editor,

I am writing in regard to the article published on Saturday in the local newspaper ‘Jurnal Aradean’
about the local arts day. I was one of the people that organised the ‘Local arts day’ which according
to one of the reporters was a disappointment. I do not have the same opinion as that reporter.

Firstly, the event was dedicated to local musicians and artists. All of them had their own
performances, workshops took place and also exhibitions. I want to underline the fact that most of
the artists are not professionals. The event took place in our city, which is not a big one. Here
appears the problem of not attracting many people, thing that happened because there were not so
many parking places. Another important thing to take into consideration is our profession, we are
not event organisers, and we are normal people with usual jobs. The things that happened not in a
proper way this year will not repeat at the next edition of the event.

Secondly, we were not expecting to gather so many visitors to this local event. We wanted to
increase the children’s artistic side so they could discover new hobbys that could have an impact on
their future, thing that happened at the end of the day. Parents were happy to find such a wide
variety of workshops where their children could play.

Taking all this into consideration, people, especially kids, had a great day and the reporter, to be
honest is not the best person for this job.

Yours faithfully,


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