Tugas Meeting 11 Jelang Ramadhan 20190830006

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Meeting 11 Assignment – Public Speaking

Find a video on TED Youtube channel. Describe the visual aid(s) used in the presentation and share
your opinions about the visual aid(s).

Name : Jelang Ramadhan

Student Number : 2019830006
Class :A
Study Program : Japanese language education
Video Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-yWJoJltoo

The opinion about this video is that the speaker explained what melatonin is and how melatonin
works in the human body to make the consumer sleep. In addition, he explains how much
Americans spend on melatonin supplements. Experts say if we consume melatonin the effect will
be felt immediately and we will fall asleep in less than 4 minutes. I think this is a good thing for
people who have trouble sleeping and only if consumed within certain limits.

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