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Nowadays, more and more children tend to be overweight.

This thing happens due to the fact that

they tend to stay at home doing nothing more than playing on all kinds of gadgets rather than going
outside and exercise. This is a major problem of today’s society that needs to be solved as soon as

One of the main factors that influence a child’s behaviour is parents. What a parent does is also what
a child is likely to do. Children are mirroring parents’ behaviour, hence meaning that parents living a
sedentary lifestyle, their children will surely be living the exact same lifestyle. Moreover, parents can
create from doing regular exercise a good chance to create a family activity.

On the other hand, the school also has a major impact on a child’s life. School activities are essential
because they can provide a great amount of physical activities, in which children can take part and
build a healthy lifestyle. School activities can also have a great impact on their social life, children
benefiting from making new friends. Even though school activities are designed for everyone, only
the best can take part. This is why these activities can be seen as sources of bullying.

Taking all this into account, parents remain one of the main sources of motivation children can have,
because of the fact that they are in constant contact.

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