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Nowadays, everything happens at a faster pace.

How people tend to travel, how technology

develops, and mainly how life happens. All these things happen firstly in places that are well
developed, for example cities. All the cities tend to be populated by young people, but why?

One of the most important factors that influence young people to live in cities is work. There is a
wide variety of jobs available in cities, most of them being available to everyone. Even though
certain individuals failed in school, they can still achieve a decent amount of money by doing other
kind of jobs. On the other hand, for those who got good grades in school, there are companies that
need you every day at the office.

Moreover, there are other several factors that influence the young to choose the cities. For example,
education, while the best of the universities are in cities. Another advantage for the young when
studying in a city is the fact that some companies have started recruiting employees since university.
This thing can only motivate the students to be the best, so they can start earning money and start
being financially independent.

To sum up, living in an urban area is a major decision for a young person. In my opinion, the factor
that motivates a person to live in a city is work, because of the fact that only by working hard one
can build a future, can achieve its dream, its desire.

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