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Nowadays, it is impossible for one to get lost with all these gadgets and applications that exist, but I

want to underline one single app that helped me a lot in my last journey to Bucharest. The app is
called ‘Bucharest24’ and can be downloaded from any app store.

The app has a lot of typical features, starting with how to get to a specific point, how much time it
will take, it also offers alternative routes to the destination, like any other maps application.
Moreover, the app also is equipped with timetables of public transport, thing that is very helpful for
everyone using it, especially for someone who does not know the city.

Even though the app is very simple to use, it also has its weaknesses. Sometimes the app crashes out
of nowhere and it will not let you open it again until the phone is restarted, thing that is abnormal
for such a great app. The developers have already been informed by users and are working for a
solution that will come out with the next update.

To sum up, the app is very useful for strangers, but there is one feature that the developers could
implement and would make the app more attractive.When people walk by any city landmark, the
phone would start ringing and would also give you basic information about that sight of interest.

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