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Choosing Science As A Career

Science is not the easiest subject for students. It is not only stated by students, but also by teachers.
Science should be learnt in more accessible and also more enjoyable manners. This way of studying
should be promoted so young people should be encouraged to study science. Moreover, advertising
and school programmes tend to have a significant role.

Media is a very useful mean of getting people interested in the field of science, just by promoting it.
Nowadays, TV shows focus exceedingly on topics such as sports and gossip. This is the main reason
why science is not so sought by. A show about science in which experts around the world present
their discoveries could bring this discipline again in the light. People would see that science is again
valued by people and society.

Furthermore, besides the media, there also exists one specific option that could attract people to
science, government grants. Grants could trigger people’s interest. For example, the government
should offer students packages that consist of money and also access to different laboratories,
where students could practice with top tier professors. All the students appreciating grants may
consider science as a field in which they can build a career over the years.

To sum up, I strongly believe that advertising is the most effective way to encourage someone to
start studying science, this being an important domain of the future.

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